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Created April 14, 2017 20:19
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Base 2 and Base 10 Converter Script Using Local Functions
def converter(number, base):
def convert_to_base_10(val):
target_base = 10 # Target number base
output_sum = 0 # Initial value for output sum
expo = 0 # Initial exponent
digits = [int(x) for x in str(val)] # Convert the base 2 number to an array of integer
digits.reverse() # Reverse the array.
for d in digits: # For each bit...
if d != 0: # If it's not 0, we will get the value relative to the position
output_sum += pow(2, expo) # Add it to the output
expo += 1 # Move to the next bit
return output_sum, target_base
def convert_to_base_2(val):
target_base = 2 # Target number base
binary = []
while True:
reminder = val % target_base
val = int(val / target_base) # Force int truncation
binary.append(reminder) # Put the digit in the list
if val > 0:
continue # We still need to divide
break # Nothing else to do
binary = list(map(lambda x: str(x), binary)) # Transform the int to an array of str
return int(''.join(binary)), target_base
if base == 2:
return convert_to_base_10(number)
elif base == 10:
return convert_to_base_2(number)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("Converting from binary to decimal")
print(converter(101110011, 2))
print("Converting from decimal to binary")
print(converter(708, 10))
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