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Created April 10, 2013 00:52
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Pi calculus
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, StandaloneDeriving, RankNTypes #-}
type Var = String
data RecT a
data SendT a
data RepT a
data ParT a b
data NilT
data NuT a
data Pi a where
Send :: Var -> Var -> Pi a -> Pi (SendT a)
Rec :: Var -> Var -> Pi a -> Pi (RecT a)
Par :: Pi a -> Pi b -> Pi (ParT a b)
Nu :: Var -> Pi a -> Pi (NuT a)
Rep :: Pi a -> Pi (RepT a)
PNil :: Pi NilT
deriving instance Show (Pi a)
given :: Bool -> a -> Maybe a
given b x = if b then Just x else Nothing
changeWhen :: Bool -> a -> a -> a
changeWhen f x y = if f then y else x
sendReduceL :: Pi (ParT (SendT a) (RecT b)) -> Maybe (Pi (ParT a b))
sendReduceL (Par (Send c x p) (Rec c' y q)) = given (c == c') $ Par p (replace y x q)
assocCongL :: Pi (ParT (ParT a b) c) -> Pi (ParT a (ParT b c))
assocCongL (Par (Par p q) r) = Par p (Par q r)
assocCongR :: Pi (ParT a (ParT b c)) -> Pi (ParT (ParT a b) c)
assocCongR (Par p (Par q r)) = Par (Par p q) r
flipCong :: Pi (ParT a b) -> Pi (ParT b a)
flipCong (Par p q) = Par q p
nilParCong :: Pi (ParT a NilT) -> Pi a
nilParCong (Par p PNil) = p
nilNuCong :: Pi (NuT NilT) -> Pi NilT
nilNuCong (Nu x PNil) = PNil
repCong :: Pi (RepT a) -> Pi (ParT a (RepT a))
repCong proc@(Rep p) = Par p proc
replace :: Var -> Var -> Pi a -> Pi a
replace y x PNil = PNil
replace y x (Par p q) = Par (replace y x p) (replace y x q)
replace y x (Send a b p) = Send (changeWhen (a == y) a x)
(changeWhen (b == y) b x)
(replace y x p)
replace y x (Rec a b p) = Rec (changeWhen (a == y) a x)
(changeWhen (b == y) b x)
(replace y x p)
replace y x (Rep p) = Rep (replace y x p)
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