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Created June 14, 2019 03:15
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Uploading files to SFTP server using Powershell, WinSCP .NET Assembly, AWS SSM Parameter Store, SSH keys, and monitoring via AWS SNS notifications
# Download and install .NET assembly at:
# This process will send SNS notifications upload upload failure.
# Define connection parameters and globals
$server = '<>'
$sftpUser = '<sftp_user>'
$ssmParam = '<sftp_password>'
$awsRegion = '<us-east-1>'
$snsTopic = '<sns_topic>'
$snsSubject = 'An error has occurred in production SFTP[IAM]'
$sftp_pass = (Get-SSMParameter -Region $awsRegion -Name $ssmParam -WithDecryption $true).Value
# This is the host key fingerprint of the server you're connecting to, NOT your private key.
$sshHostKeyFingerprint = '<ssh-rsa 2048 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx>'
# This is the location of your private key. Tidy up those key permissions (;
$sshPrivateKeyPath = "C:\location\to\key\file.ppk"
# Define the notification function
# The function takes the type of problem and the error contents as parameters in order to customize text and response procedure.
function notify($problem,$currErr){
if($problem -eq "delete"){
$message = @"
An error has occurred in the upload of the IAM reports to SFTP. Please see:
Please investigate and escalate as neccessary.
elseif($problem -eq "upload"){
Write-Host $currErr
$message = @"
The follow error has occurred when attempting to upload data to the SFTP server in the IAM process.
Please investigate and escalate as neccessary.
# Send SNS Notification with custom message contents.
Publish-SNSMessage -TopicArn $snsTopic -Message $message -Subject $snsSubject -Region $awsRegion
# Wrap SFTP in try block to catch exceptions in upload process
# Load WinSCP .NET assembly
Add-Type -Path "C:\sftp\WinSCPnet.dll"
# Setup session options
$sessionOptions = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions
$sessionOptions.Protocol = [WinSCP.Protocol]::Sftp
$sessionOptions.HostName = $server
$sessionOptions.UserName = $sftp_user
$sessionOptions.SshPrivateKeyPath = $sshPrivateKeyPath
$sessionOptions.SshHostKeyFingerprint = $sshHostKeyFingerprint
$session = New-Object WinSCP.Session
# Connect and clear credentials from memory
$sessionOptions = $null
# Define transfer options for upload process
$transferOptions = New-Object WinSCP.TransferOptions
$transferOptions.TransferMode = [WinSCP.TransferMode]::Binary
# Upload file 1
$transferResult = $session.PutFiles("C:\Export.csv", "/Export.csv", $False, $transferOptions)
# Report on success
foreach ($transfer in $transferResult.Transfers){Write-Host "Upload of $($transfer.FileName) succeeded"}
# Throw on any error
# Upload file 2
$transferResult = $session.PutFiles("C:\Export.json", "/Export.json", $False, $transferOptions)
# Throw on any error
# Report on success
foreach ($transfer in $transferResult.Transfers){Write-Host "Upload of $($transfer.FileName) succeeded"}
# Due diligence in cleanup saves many turtles
exit 0
# Call notify function to send notifications via SNS
notify -problem "upload" -currErr $_.Exception.Message
exit 1
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