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Created November 11, 2014 18:23
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vCard Generator
* This class is for generating a string in microformat (vCard or hCard) with supplied data.
* It currently only supports vCard format version 3.0.
* Available parameters (description in parentheses) and suggested format (default value in parentheses):
* - 'strict' (true = enforce strict vCard format, false = try your best) => false
* - 'acceptedPhoneNumberTypes' => 'work', 'home', 'mobile'
* - 'acceptedAddressTypes' => 'work', 'home'
* @author Daniel Imhoff
class vCardGenerator {
private $params = array(
'strict' => false,
'acceptedPhoneNumberTypes' => array('work', 'home', 'mobile'),
'acceptedAddressTypes' => array('work', 'home'),
private $fullName; // setFullName() is provided for convenience, but if any of the below are set,
private $firstName; // they will all be used to construct a full name. It is best to use
private $middleName; // setFullName() by itself, or use the setFirstName(), setMiddleName(), and
private $lastName; // setLastName() functions by themselves.
private $organization;
private $title;
private $phoneNumbers = array();
private $addresses = array();
private $emailAddress;
private $lastRevision;
* The constructor can accept parameters for the class.
* @param array $params An associated array of parameters for use in the generator.
public function __construct(array $params = null) {
if(isset($params)) {
* When attempted to convert this object to a string, this function will generate and return the vCard.
public function __toString() {
try {
return $this->generateVCard();
catch(Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();
* This function will add/overwrite the parameters of the class.
* @param array $params An associated array of parameters for use in the generator.
public function setParams(array $params) {
$this->params += $params;
* This function will add/overwrite a parameter of the class.
* @param string $key The key of the parameter.
* @param mixed $value The value of the parameter.
public function setParam($key, $value) {
$this->params[$key] = $value;
* This function will set the first name of the person this vCard represents.
* @param string $name The first name.
public function setFirstName($name) {
$this->firstName = $name;
* This function will set the middle name of the person this vCard represents.
* @param string $name The middle name.
public function setMiddleName($name) {
$this->middleName = $name;
* This function will set the last name of the person this vCard represents.
* @param string $name The last name.
public function setLastName($name) {
$this->lastName = $name;
* This function will set the full name of the person this vCard represents.
* @param string $name The full name. ex: Daniel Imhoff, Daniel W Imhoff
public function setFullName($name) {
$this->fullName = $name;
* This function will set the organization of the person this vCard represents.
* @param string $organization The organization's name. ex: UW-Platteville
public function setOrganization($organization) {
$this->organization = $organization;
* This function will set the title of the person this vCard represents.
* @param string $title The title.
public function setTitle($title) {
$this->title = $title;
* This function will add a phone number to the vCard.
* @param string $type The type of phone number. ex: work, home, mobile (default: home if null is passed)
* @param mixed $phoneNumber The phone number itself.
public function addPhoneNumber($type, $phoneNumber = null) {
if(!isset($type)) {
$type = 'home';
if($this->params['strict'] && !in_array($type, $this->params['acceptedPhoneNumberTypes'])) {
throw new Exception('Phone number type not allowed.');
$this->phoneNumbers[] = array(
'type' => strtoupper($type),
'number' => $this->formatPhoneNumber($phoneNumber),
* This function will add a street address to the vCard.
* @param string $type The type of address. ex: work, home (default: home if null is passed)
* @param string $address The street address itself. Lines terminated by \n.
public function addAddress($type, $address) {
if(!isset($type)) {
$type = 'home';
if($this->params['strict'] && !in_array($type, $this->params['acceptedAddressTypes'])) {
throw new Exception('Address type not allowed.');
$this->addresses[] = array(
'type' => strtoupper($type),
'address' => $address, // No formatting done for street address.. x.x
* This function will set the email address of the vCard.
* @param string $emailAddress The email address.
public function setEmailAddress($emailAddress) {
if($this->params['strict'] && !$this->isValidEmailAddress($emailAddress)) {
throw new Exception('Email address is not valid.');
$this->emailAddress= $emailAddress;
* Set the last revision to this vCard. If not set, the generator will default the last revision to
* the current second.
public function setLastRevision($time) {
$this->lastRevision = $time;
* This builds the vCard and returns it in string format.
* @return string The formatted vCard.
public function generateVCard() {
$output = 'BEGIN:VCARD' . "\r\n"
. 'VERSION:3.0' . "\r\n"
. 'N:' . $this->formatName() . "\r\n"
. 'FN:' . $this->fullName . "\r\n"
. 'ORG:' . $this->organization . "\r\n"
. 'TITLE:' . $this->title . "\r\n";
foreach($this->phoneNumbers as $phoneNumber) {
$output .= 'TEL;TYPE=' . $phoneNumber['type'] . ',VOICE:' . $phoneNumber['number'] . "\r\n";
foreach($this->addresses as $address) {
$output .= 'ADR;TYPE=' . $address['type'] . ':;;' . $this->formatAddress($address['address']) . "\r\n"
. 'LABEL;TYPE=' . $address['type'] . ':' . rtrim(str_replace("\n", '\n', $address['address']), '\n') . "\r\n";
$output .= 'EMAIL;TYPE=PREF,INTERNET:' . $this->emailAddress . "\r\n"
. 'REV:' . $this->formatTime(isset($this->lastRevision) ? $this->lastRevision : time()) . "\r\n"
. 'END:VCARD' . "\r\n";
return $output;
* This function is necessary when first, middle and last names are not specifically set. It attempts to determine
* them from the given full name.
private function parseFullName() {
$ary = explode(' ', $this->fullName);
$this->firstName = array_shift($ary);
switch(sizeof($ary)) {
case 1:
$this->lastName = array_shift($ary);
case 2:
$this->middleName = array_shift($ary);
$this->lastName = array_shift($ary);
$this->middleName = array_shift($ary);
foreach($ary as $name) {
$this->lastName .= $name . ' ';
* This function formats a name for the N: field in vCard.
* @return The formatted name.
private function formatName() {
if(!isset($this->firstName) && !isset($this->middleName) && !isset($this->lastName)) {
else {
$this->fullName = $this->firstName . ' ' . $this->middleName . ' ' . $this->lastName;
return $this->lastName . ';' . $this->firstName . (isset($this->middleName) ? ';' . $this->middleName : '');
* This function formats a phone number into valid vCard format. Phone numbers can be given in any format, and the
* function will try it's best to return a phone number in valid vCard format depending on the strict parameter.
* @param mixed $phoneNumber The phone number to format.
* @return string The formatted phone number.
private function formatPhoneNumber($phoneNumber) {
$phoneNumber = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', (string) $phoneNumber);
switch(strlen($phoneNumber)) {
case 7:
return preg_replace('/([0-9]{3})([0-9]{4})/', '$1-$2', $phoneNumber);
case 10:
return preg_replace('/([0-9]{3})([0-9]{3})([0-9]{4})/', '($1) $2-$3', $phoneNumber);
case 11:
return preg_replace('/([0-9]{1})([0-9]{3})([0-9]{3})([0-9]{4})/', '$1 ($2) $3-$4', $phoneNumber);
if($this->params['strict']) {
throw new Exception('Phone number is of an invalid length. Phone numbers must be 7, 10, or 11 characters long.');
return $phoneNumber;
* This function formats an address into valid vCard format for ADR:
* @return string The address.
private function formatAddress($address) {
$lines = preg_split('/\\\n|\\n/', trim($address));
$secondLine = explode(' ', str_replace(',', ' ', $lines[1]));
$zip = array_pop($secondLine);
$state = array_pop($secondLine);
$city = '';
foreach($secondLine as $cityPart) {
$city .= $cityPart . ' ';
$lines[1] = rtrim($city) . ';' . $state . ';' . $zip;
return implode(';', $lines);
* This function will format a time and date into the correct vCard format for revision time.
* @param string $time The date and time, in any format strtotime() can recognize.
* @return string The formatted time and date.
private function formatTime($time) {
if((string) (int) $time != $time && false === $time = strtotime($time)) {
throw new Exception('strtotime() could not convert your time to a valid timestamp.');
return date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', $time);
* This function will validate an email address.
* @param string $emailAddress The email address to validate.
* @return true if the email address is valid, false otherwise.
private function isValidEmailAddress($emailAddress) {
return false !== filter_var(trim($emailAddress), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
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