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Created November 23, 2024 15:51
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➜ ~ git clone
Cloning into 'pds'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 739, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (211/211), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (97/97), done.
remote: Total 739 (delta 144), reused 143 (delta 114), pack-reused 528 (from 1)
Receiving objects: 100% (739/739), 505.07 KiB | 2.16 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (422/422), done.
➜ ~ cd pds/service
➜ service git:(main) git --no-pager log --decorate=short --pretty=oneline -n1
b595125a28368fa52d12d3b6ca265c1bea06977f (HEAD -> main, origin/main, origin/HEAD) Merge pull request #86 from rafaeleyng/add-smtp-doc
➜ service git:(main) pnpm audit
│ high │ ws affected by a DoS when handling a request with many │
│ │ HTTP headers │
│ Package │ ws │
│ Vulnerable versions │ >=8.0.0 <8.17.1 │
│ Patched versions │ >=8.17.1 │
│ Paths │ │
│ More info │ │
│ high │ Server-Side Request Forgery in axios │
│ Package │ axios │
│ Vulnerable versions │ >=1.3.2 <=1.7.3 │
│ Patched versions │ >=1.7.4 │
│ Paths │ │
│ More info │ │
│ high │ body-parser vulnerable to denial of service when url │
│ │ encoding is enabled │
│ Package │ body-parser │
│ Vulnerable versions │ <1.20.3 │
│ Patched versions │ >=1.20.3 │
│ Paths │ │
│ More info │ │
│ high │ path-to-regexp outputs backtracking regular │
│ │ expressions │
│ Package │ path-to-regexp │
│ Vulnerable versions │ <0.1.10 │
│ Patched versions │ >=0.1.10 │
│ Paths │ │
│ More info │ │
│ moderate │ Express.js Open Redirect in malformed URLs │
│ Package │ express │
│ Vulnerable versions │ <4.19.2 │
│ Patched versions │ >=4.19.2 │
│ Paths │ │
│ More info │ │
│ moderate │ follow-redirects' Proxy-Authorization header kept │
│ │ across hosts │
│ Package │ follow-redirects │
│ Vulnerable versions │ <=1.15.5 │
│ Patched versions │ >=1.15.6 │
│ Paths │ │
│ More info │ │
│ moderate │ Axios Cross-Site Request Forgery Vulnerability │
│ Package │ axios │
│ Vulnerable versions │ >=0.8.1 <0.28.0 │
│ Patched versions │ >=0.28.0 │
│ Paths │ │
│ More info │ │
│ moderate │ send vulnerable to template injection that can lead to │
│ │ XSS │
│ Package │ send │
│ Vulnerable versions │ <0.19.0 │
│ Patched versions │ >=0.19.0 │
│ Paths │ │
│ More info │ │
│ moderate │ serve-static vulnerable to template injection that can │
│ │ lead to XSS │
│ Package │ serve-static │
│ Vulnerable versions │ <1.16.0 │
│ Patched versions │ >=1.16.0 │
│ Paths │ │
│ More info │ │
│ moderate │ express vulnerable to XSS via response.redirect() │
│ Package │ express │
│ Vulnerable versions │ <4.20.0 │
│ Patched versions │ >=4.20.0 │
│ Paths │ │
│ More info │ │
│ low │ Elliptic's EDDSA missing signature length check │
│ Package │ elliptic │
│ Vulnerable versions │ >=4.0.0 <=6.5.6 │
│ Patched versions │ >=6.5.7 │
│ Paths │ │
│ More info │ │
│ low │ Elliptic's ECDSA missing check for whether leading bit │
│ │ of r and s is zero │
│ Package │ elliptic │
│ Vulnerable versions │ >=2.0.0 <=6.5.6 │
│ Patched versions │ >=6.5.7 │
│ Paths │ │
│ More info │ │
│ low │ Elliptic allows BER-encoded signatures │
│ Package │ elliptic │
│ Vulnerable versions │ >=5.2.1 <=6.5.6 │
│ Patched versions │ >=6.5.7 │
│ Paths │ │
│ More info │ │
│ low │ cookie accepts cookie name, path, and domain with out │
│ │ of bounds characters │
│ Package │ cookie │
│ Vulnerable versions │ <0.7.0 │
│ Patched versions │ >=0.7.0 │
│ Paths │ │
│ More info │ │
│ low │ Elliptic's verify function omits uniqueness validation │
│ Package │ elliptic │
│ Vulnerable versions │ <6.5.6 │
│ Patched versions │ >=6.5.6 │
│ Paths │ │
│ More info │ │
│ low │ Valid ECDSA signatures erroneously rejected in │
│ │ Elliptic │
│ Package │ elliptic │
│ Vulnerable versions │ <6.6.0 │
│ Patched versions │ >=6.6.0 │
│ Paths │ │
│ More info │ │
17 vulnerabilities found
Severity: 7 low | 6 moderate | 4 high
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