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Created April 7, 2015 21:34
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import pygame as pg
def color_swap(source_image, swap_map):
Creates a new Surface from the source_image with some or all colors
swapped for new colors. Colors are swapped according to the
color pairs in the swap_map dict. The keys and values in swap_map
can be RGB tuples or pygame color-names. For each key in swap_map,
all pixels of that color will be replaced by the color that key maps to.
For example, passing this dict:
{(0,255,0): (255, 0, 255),
"black": (255, 0, 0),
"yellow": "green"}
would result in green pixels recolored purple, black pixels recolored
red and yellow pixels recolored green.
NOTE: This will not work if Pygame's video mode has not been set
(i.e., you need to call pygame.display.set_mode beforehand).
img = source_image
size = img.get_size()
surf = pg.Surface(size).convert()
color_surf = pg.Surface(size).convert()
final = img.copy()
for original_color, new_color in swap_map.items():
if isinstance(original_color, str):
original = pg.Color(original_color)
original = original_color
if isinstance(new_color, str):
recolor = pg.Color(new_color)
recolor = new_color
pg.transform.threshold(surf, img, original, (0,0,0,0),
recolor, 1, color_surf, True)
final.blit(surf, (0,0))
return final
def make_test_image():
Returns a Surface with some different colored rectangles
drawn on it for testing the color_swap function.
surf = pg.Surface((800, 800)).convert()
pg.draw.rect(surf, pg.Color("blue"), (50, 50, 50, 50))
pg.draw.rect(surf, pg.Color("red"), (300, 300, 50, 50))
pg.draw.rect(surf, pg.Color("green"), (50, 500, 50, 50))
pg.draw.rect(surf, pg.Color("purple"), (500, 400, 50, 50))
return surf
def swap_test():
"""Creates an image, recolors it and saves a copy of each."""
SCREEN = pg.display.set_mode((800, 800))
black = pg.Color(0,0,0)
img = make_test_image()
swaps = {(0,0,0): "lightgray",
"blue": (100,255,100),
"red": "salmon",
"purple": "orchid",
"white": "chartreuse"}
recolored = color_swap(img, swaps), "original_image.png"), "recolored_image.png")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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