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pathfinding example
Functions for pygame pathfinding.
import pygame as pg
class Cell(object):
def __init__(self, index, cell_size, occupant=None):
self.index = index
self.occupant = occupant
topleft = index[0] * cell_size, index[1] * cell_size
self.rect = pg.Rect(topleft, (cell_size, cell_size))
def get_neighbors(self, grid):
neighbors = set()
offsets = ((-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1))
for offset in offsets:
x, y = offset[0] + self.index[0], offset[1] + self.index[1]
if grid[(x, y)].occupant is None:
except KeyError:
return neighbors
def make_grid(num_columns, num_rows, cell_size):
"""Make a dict of index: Cell pairs."""
grid = {}
for col in range(num_columns):
for row in range(num_rows):
grid[(col, row)] = Cell((col, row), cell_size)
return grid
def find_path(origin, destination, grid, depth):
paths = get_paths(origin, destination, grid, depth)
return back_trace(paths, origin, destination)
def back_trace(candidates, origin, destination):
"""Work back from the destination to the origin."""
backwards = candidates[::-1]
path = []
target = destination
for candidate in backwards:
for c, came_from in candidate:
if c == origin:
return path[::-1]
if c == target:
target = came_from
return path[::-1]
def get_paths(origin, destination, grid, depth):
#localize variables to cut down on lookups
origin = origin
dest = destination
grid = grid
#cells visited so far
visited = {origin}
#A list of sets, each set will consist of 2-tuples of grid-index tuples.
#The first element of the tuple is the grid index travelled to, the second
#is the index travelled from. Each set added represents the next
#"depth level" in the search. The last set in the list will end up
#containing the destination.
candidates = [{(origin, origin)}]
for d in range(depth):
new_candidates = set()
for c, came_from in candidates[d]:
new_neighbors = grid[c].get_neighbors(grid)
for new_neighbor in new_neighbors:
if new_neighbor not in visited:
new_candidates.add((new_neighbor, c))
if new_neighbor == dest:
return candidates
return candidates
Sinple pygame program to test out the
pathfinder module.
import sys
from random import randint
import pygame as pg
import pathfinder as pf
class Rock(object):
def __init__(self, index, rect):
self.index = index
self.rect = rect
def draw(self, surface):
pg.draw.rect(surface, pg.Color("gray40"), self.rect)
class Ship(object):
def __init__(self, index, rect):
self.index = index
self.rect = rect
def draw(self, surface):
pg.draw.rect(surface, pg.Color("saddlebrown"), self.rect)
class Pathfinding(object):
def __init__(self):
self.done = False
self.clock = pg.time.Clock()
self.fps = 60
num_columns = 60
num_rows = 60
cell_size = 10
width = num_columns * cell_size
height = num_rows * cell_size
self.screen = pg.display.set_mode((width, height))
self.grid = pf.make_grid(num_columns, num_rows, cell_size)
self.ship = Ship((2, 2), self.grid[(2, 2)].rect) = []
for _ in range(40):
spot = randint(0, num_columns - 1), randint(0, num_rows - 1)
if spot != self.ship.index:
self.path = []
def place_rock(self, index):
rock = Rock(index, self.grid[index].rect)
self.grid[index].occupant = rock
def draw(self):
for cell in self.grid:
pg.draw.rect(self.screen, pg.Color("black"), self.grid[cell].rect, 2)
for rock in
for i in self.path:
pg.draw.rect(self.screen, pg.Color("lightblue"), self.grid[i].rect)
def event_loop(self):
for event in pg.event.get():
if event.type == pg.QUIT:
self.done = True
elif event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
for idx in self.grid:
if self.grid[idx].rect.collidepoint(event.pos):
if event.button == 1:
self.path = pf.find_path(self.ship.index, idx, self.grid, 100)
elif event.button == 3:
self.ship.index = idx
self.ship.rect = self.grid[idx].rect
self.path = []
def update(self, dt):
def game_loop(self):
while not self.done:
dt = self.clock.tick(self.fps)
if __name__ == "__main__":
path_test = Pathfinding()
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