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Last active December 16, 2015 14:28
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#!/usr/bin/env python
def is_palindrome(num):
return str(num) == str(num)[::-1]
def closest_higher(target, collection) :
"""Return the closest number to `target` in `collection`
that is higher than `target`"""
return max((target - i, i) for i in collection if (target - i) < 0)[1]
def closest_lower(target, collection) :
"""Return the closest number to `target` in `collection`
that is lower than `target`"""
return min((target - i, i) for i in collection if (target - i) > 0)[1]
class Range(object):
def __init__(self, lo, hi):
self.lo = lo
self.hi = hi
self.palindromes = []
def main():
ranges = [Range(*[int(i) for i in line.split()]) for line in open('seed.txt')]
for r in ranges:
lo, hi = r.lo, r.hi
for p in [ran for ran in ranges if ran != r and ran.palindromes]:
# r fits within the range of p, take all p's palindromes
if p.lo <= r.lo <= p.hi and p.lo <= r.hi <= p.hi:
x = p.palindromes.index(closest_higher(r.lo, p.palindromes))
y = p.palindromes.index(closest_higher(r.hi, p.palindromes))
r.palindromes = p.palindromes[x:y]
lo, hi = 1, 0
# r's higher bound is within p's range, take p's palindromes
# from p.lo to r.hi and calculate the rest of r's palindromes
elif r.lo <= p.lo and p.lo <= r.hi <= p.hi:
y = p.palindromes.index(closest_higher(r.hi, p.palindromes))
hi = p.lo
r.palindromes = p.palindromes[:y]
# r's lower bound is within p's range, take p's palindromes
# from r.lo to p.hi and calculate the rest of r's palindromes
elif p.lo <= r.lo <= p.hi and r.hi >= p.hi:
x = p.palindromes.index(closest_higher(r.lo, p.palindromes))
lo = p.hi
r.palindromes = p.palindromes[x:]
while hi >= lo:
if is_palindrome(lo):
lo += 1
r.palindromes = sorted(r.palindromes)
total = 0
for r in ranges:
c = len(r.palindromes)
total += c
print '%6d => %7d : %d' % (r.lo, r.hi, c)
print 'TOTAL: %d' % total
if __name__ =='__main__':
$ time ./
169551 => 1574811 : 1406
18157 => 1327982 : 2047
414345 => 1310240 : 897
21311 => 1876355 : 2563
171154 => 1471460 : 1300
463749 => 1629693 : 1166
352929 => 1245494 : 893
154243 => 1041618 : 888
493787 => 702045 : 208
392334 => 651772 : 259
379106 => 1626262 : 1248
234047 => 1633102 : 1399
21148 => 964848 : 1653
180044 => 576867 : 397
28575 => 1489444 : 2104
378518 => 666415 : 288
191805 => 725730 : 534
209869 => 1811287 : 1603
240825 => 1853782 : 1613
190855 => 797567 : 606
TOTAL: 23072
./ 2.19s user 0.00s system 99% cpu 2.198 total
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