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Created November 6, 2019 07:39
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import { RequestOptions, RESTDataSource } from "apollo-datasource-rest";
import { ApolloError, AuthenticationError } from "apollo-server";
// Local Types
export type IResourceTypes = "album" | "artist" | "track" | "user";
export type IMethodTypes =
| "getInfo"
| "getTags"
| "search"
| "getSimilar"
| "getTopTags"
| "getTopAlbums"
| "getTopArtists"
| "getTopTracks"
| "getLovedTracks"
| "getRecentTracks"
| "getFriends";
export interface ILastFMOptions {
resource: IResourceTypes;
method: IMethodTypes;
[key: string]: any;
* LastFM
class LastFM extends RESTDataSource {
constructor() {
this.baseURL = "";
public willSendRequest(request: RequestOptions) {
if (!process.env.LASTFM_API_KEY) {
throw new AuthenticationError(
"Must configure a valid API_KEY in your environment variables."
request.params.set("api_key", process.env.LASTFM_API_KEY);
request.params.set("format", "json");
public async call({ resource, method, ...options }: ILastFMOptions) {
const query = Object.keys(options)
(querystring: string[], key: string): string[] => {
return querystring;
try {
return this.get("", query);
} catch (err) {
throw new ApolloError(err);
export { LastFM };
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