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Last active October 29, 2021 15:30
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untyped lambda calculus in various languages
--| Basic definitions of natural numbers, booleans and deBruijn indices
open data Nat : Type | zero | suc Nat
open data Bool : Type | true | false
open data DBI : Type | Dbi Nat
def infix ==' (a b : Nat) : Bool
| zero, zero => true
| zero, suc b => false
| suc a, zero => false
| suc a, suc b => a ==' b
def infix == (a b : DBI) : Bool
| Dbi a, Dbi b => a ==' b
def if {A : Type} (cond : Bool) (t f : A) : A
| {A}, true, t, f => t
| {A}, false, t, f => f
--| Well-typed terms, substitution and evaluation
open data Term : Type
| Ref DBI
| Lam DBI Term
| App Term Term
def subst (term : Term) (dbi : DBI) (replace : Term) : Term
| Ref i, dbi, replace => if (i == dbi) replace (Ref i)
| Lam param body, dbi, replace => Lam param (subst body dbi replace)
| App fn arg, dbi, replace => App (subst fn dbi replace) (subst arg dbi replace)
def applyLam (lam : Term) (arg : Term) : Term
| Lam param body, arg => subst body param arg
| Ref i, arg => Ref i
| App fn arg', arg => App fn arg
def normalize (term : Term) : Term
| Ref i => Ref i
| Lam param body => Lam param body
| App lam arg => applyLam (normalize lam) (normalize arg)
--| Definitions of some usual functions like id, const
def a : DBI => Dbi zero
def b : DBI => Dbi (suc zero)
def infixr |> (dbi : DBI) (body : Term) => Lam dbi body
def infixl $ (term : Term) (arg : Term) => App term arg
--| Haskell: id a = a
def id : Term => a |> Ref a
--| Haskell: const a b = a
def const : Term => a |> b |> Ref a
--| Applying id to const
def constId : Term => const $ id
--| Path type
prim I
prim left
prim right
struct Path (A : I -> Type) (a : A left) (b : A right) : Type
| at (i : I) : A i {
| left => a
| right => b
def path {A : I -> Type} (p : Pi (i : I) -> A i)
=> new Path A (p left) (p right) { | at i => p i }
def infix = {A : Type} (a b : A) : Type => Path (\ i => A) a b
def idp {A : Type} {a : A} : a = a => path (\ i => a)
--| Proofs that:
--| id a normalizes to a
--| const a b normalizes to a
--| constId a b normalizes to b
--| flipConst is equal to constId
def valA : Term => Ref a
def valB : Term => Ref b
def id-a-is-a : normalize (id $ valA) = valA => idp
def id-b-is-b : normalize (id $ valB) = valB => idp
def const-a-b-is-a : normalize (const $ valA $ valB) = valA => idp
def constId-a-b-is-b : normalize (constId $ valA $ valB) = valB => idp
def flipConst : Term => a |> b |> Ref b
def flipConst=constId (a b : Term)
: normalize (flipConst $ a $ b) = normalize (constId $ a $ b)
=> idp
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone)]
struct LocalVar(String);
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Clone)]
enum Term {
App(Box<Term>, Box<Term>),
Lam(LocalVar, Box<Term>),
impl Term {
fn subst(self, name: &LocalVar, replace: &Term) -> Term {
match self {
Term::Ref(resolved) if &resolved == name => replace.clone(),
Term::App(box f, box arg) => Term::App(box f.subst(name, replace), box arg.subst(name, replace)),
Term::Lam(param, box body) if &param != name => Term::Lam(param, box body.subst(name, replace)),
term => term
fn normalize(self) -> Term {
match self {
Term::App(box f, box arg) => match f.normalize() {
Term::Lam(param, box body) => body.subst(&param, &arg.normalize()),
_ => panic!("type error: expected lambda in app")
term => term,
fn main() {
use Term::*;
let id = Lam(LocalVar("a".into()), box Ref(LocalVar("a".into())));
let const_ = Lam(LocalVar("a".into()), box Lam(LocalVar("b".into()), box Ref(LocalVar("a".into()))));
let flip_const = App(box const_.clone(), box id.clone());
println!("id = {:?}", id);
println!("const = {:?}", const_);
println!("flip const = {:?}", flip_const);
let hello = App(box const_, box Ref(LocalVar("hello".into()))).normalize();
println!("const hello = {:?}", hello);
println!("const hello world = {:?}", App(box hello, box Ref(LocalVar("world".into()))).normalize());
case class LocalVar(name: String) {
def ->(body: Term) = Lam(this, body)
sealed abstract class Term {
def $(arg: Term) = App(this, arg)
case class Ref(resolved: LocalVar) extends Term
case class App(fn: Term, arg: Term) extends Term
case class Lam(param: LocalVar, body: Term) extends Term
def subst(term: Term, name: LocalVar, replace: Term): Term = term match {
case Ref(resolved) if resolved == name => replace
case App(fn, arg) => App(subst(fn, name, replace), subst(arg, name, replace))
case lam@Lam(param, body) if param != name => Lam(param, subst(body, name, replace))
case _ => term
def normalize(term: Term): Term = term match {
case App(fn, arg) => normalize(fn) match {
case Lam(param, body) => subst(body, param, normalize(arg))
case _ => throw RuntimeException("type error: expected lambda in app")
case _ => term
implicit class LocalVarHelper(sc: StringContext) {
def v(args: Any*): LocalVar = LocalVar(
@main def main: Unit = {
val id = v"a" -> Ref(v"a") // a -> a
val const = v"a" -> (v"b" -> Ref(v"a")) // a -> b -> a
val flipConst = const $ id // a -> b -> b
println(s"id = $id")
println(s"const = $const")
println(s"flipConst = $flipConst")
val idHello = id $ Ref(v"hello") // should be hello
val constHW = const $ Ref(v"hello") $ Ref(v"world") // should be hello
val flipConstHW = flipConst $ Ref(v"hello") $ Ref(v"world") // should be world
println(s"id hello = ${normalize(idHello)}")
println(s"const hello world = ${normalize(constHW)}")
println(s"flipConst hello world = ${normalize(flipConstHW)}")
// clang++ -std=c++17 zzz-utlc.cpp
// Prefixing this filename with `zzz` is aimed at putting this file at the very last.
// Less cpp, less permanent head damage. Please move to human-friendly langauges ASAP.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <variant>
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
#include <optional>
template <typename ... Ts>
struct Visitor : Ts ... { using Ts::operator()...; };
template <typename ... Ts> Visitor(Ts...) -> Visitor<Ts...>;
template <typename T>
using Box = std::unique_ptr<T>;
template <typename T>
using Option = std::optional<T>;
struct Ref;
struct App;
struct Lam;
using Term = std::variant<
struct LocalVar { std::string name; };
struct Ref { LocalVar resolvedVar; };
struct App { Box<Term> fn; Box<Term> arg; };
struct Lam { LocalVar arg; Box<Term> body; };
template <typename U, typename ...Ts>
auto cast(std::variant<Ts...> variant) -> Option<U> {
return std::holds_alternative<U>(variant)
? std::optional<U>{std::move(std::get<U>(variant))}
: std::nullopt;
template <typename T, typename... Args>
auto boxTerm(Args &&...args) -> Box<Term> {
return std::move(std::make_unique<Term>(T{std::forward<Args>(args)...}));
template <typename T, typename U>
auto boxMap(Box<T> t, std::function<U(T)> mapper) -> Box<U> {
return std::make_unique<U>(std::move(mapper(std::move(*t))));
auto subst(Term expr, const LocalVar &name, Term &replace) -> Term {
return std::visit(Visitor{
[&](Ref &&ref) { return == ? std::move(replace) : Term{std::forward<Ref>(ref)}; },
[&](App &&app) {
return Term{App{
boxMap<Term, Term>(std::move(app.fn), [&](Term expr) { return subst(std::move(expr), name, replace); }),
boxMap<Term, Term>(std::move(app.arg), [&](Term expr) { return subst(std::move(expr), name, replace); })
[&](Lam &&lam) {
return == ? Term{std::forward<Lam>(lam)} : Term{Lam{
boxMap<Term, Term>(std::move(lam.body), [&](Term expr) { return subst(std::move(expr), name, replace); })
}, std::move(expr));
auto normalize(Term expr) -> Term {
return std::visit(Visitor{
[&](Ref &&ref) { return Term{std::forward<Ref>(ref)}; },
[&](App &&app) {
auto fn = normalize(std::move(*app.fn));
auto arg = normalize(std::move(*app.arg));
auto lamOpt = cast<Lam>(std::move(fn));
if (!lamOpt) throw std::runtime_error("type error: expected lambda in app");
auto lam = std::move(*lamOpt);
return subst(Term{std::move(*lam.body)}, lam.arg, arg);
[&](Lam &&lam) { return Term{std::forward<Lam>(lam)}; },
}, std::move(expr));
template <typename T>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Box<T> &box) {
os << *box.get();
return os;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const LocalVar &var) {
os << "LocalVar(name = \"" << << "\")";
return os;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Ref &ref) {
os << "Ref(resolved = " << ref.resolvedVar << ")";
return os;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const App &app) {
os << "App(fn = " << app.fn << ", arg = " << app.arg << ")";
return os;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Lam &lam) {
os << "Lam(arg = " << lam.arg << ", " << "body = " << lam.body << ")";
return os;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Term &expr) {
[&](const Ref &ref) { os << ref; },
[&](const App &app) { os << app; },
[&](const Lam &lam) { os << lam; },
}, expr);
return os;
int main() {
// Haskell:
// id :: a -> a
// id a = a
auto id = boxTerm<Lam>(LocalVar{"a"}, boxTerm<Ref>(LocalVar{"a"}));
std::cout << "id: " << id << std::endl;
// Haskell:
// idApp = id hello
auto idApp = Term{App{
std::cout << "idApp: " << idApp << std::endl;
auto idAppNorm = normalize(std::move(idApp));
std::cout << "idApp normalized: " << idAppNorm << std::endl;
// Haskell:
// add :: a -> a -> a
// add a b = a + b
auto add = boxTerm<Lam>(
boxTerm<App>(boxTerm<Ref>(LocalVar{"+"}), boxTerm<Ref>(LocalVar{"a"})),
std::cout << "add: " << add << std::endl;
// Haskell:
// add one two
auto addOneTwo = Term{App{
boxTerm<App>(std::move(add), boxTerm<Ref>(LocalVar{"one"})),
std::cout << "addOneTwo: " << addOneTwo << std::endl;
auto addOneTwoNorm = normalize(std::move(addOneTwo));
std::cout << "addOneTwo normalized: " << addOneTwoNorm << std::endl;
return 0;
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