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Created September 5, 2020 23:03
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TerraformでAWS上のSecurity Groupを作るときにポート範囲付きでリスト化してサクッと作る
module "security_group_rules_with_port_range" {
source = "./modules/security_group_rules"
security_group_id = "sg-XXXXXXXX"
description = "Windows Active Directory ports"
type = "ingress"
self = true
rules = [
{ protocol = "udp", port = "53" },
{ protocol = "tcp", port = "53" },
# Kerberos authentication
{ protocol = "udp", port = "88" },
{ protocol = "tcp", port = "88" },
{ protocol = "udp", port = "123" },
{ protocol = "tcp", port = "135" },
# Netlogon
{ protocol = "udp", port = "137..138" },
# Netlogon
{ protocol = "tcp", port = "139" },
{ protocol = "udp", port = "389" },
{ protocol = "tcp", port = "389" },
{ protocol = "udp", port = "445" },
{ protocol = "tcp", port = "445" },
# Kerberos authentication
{ protocol = "udp", port = "464" },
{ protocol = "tcp", port = "464" },
{ protocol = "tcp", port = "636" },
# Global Catalog
{ protocol = "tcp", port = "3268..3269" },
# Ephemeral ports for RPC
{ protocol = "udp", port = "1024..65535" }
{ protocol = "tcp", port = "1024..65535" }
## /modules/security_group_rules/
variable "rules" {
description = "List of allowed protocols and port numbers (like '49152..65535')"
type = list(object({
protocol = string
port = string
## /modules/security_group_rules/
locals {
# Expanded security group rules to from_port and to_port
rules = [
for r in var.rules : {
self = var.self
source_security_group_id = var.source_security_group_id
cidr_blocks = var.cidr_blocks
protocol = r.protocol
from_port = element(split("..", r.port), 0)
to_port = element(split("..", r.port), 1)
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "rules" {
security_group_id = var.security_group_id
type = var.type
description = var.description
count = length(local.rules)
# Source range
self = local.rules[count.index].self
source_security_group_id = local.rules[count.index].source_security_group_id
cidr_blocks = local.rules[count.index].cidr_blocks
# Destination port and protocol
protocol = local.rules[count.index].protocol
from_port = local.rules[count.index].from_port
to_port = local.rules[count.index].to_port
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