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Created April 2, 2018 08:01
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class SVGDUpdater(NetworkUpdater):
def __init__(self, generator_net, logprob_net, m_particles=16, alpha_exploration=1.0):
SVGD, updates generator_net to match PDF of logprob_net.
Using unit gaussian kernel.
:param generator_net: generator_net(state, noise) => action
:type generator_net: Network
:param logprob_net: logprob_net(state, action) => log pdf of action
:type logprob_net: Network
super(SVGDUpdater, self).__init__()
self._m_particles = m_particles
self._alpha_exploration = alpha_exploration
m = m_particles
h_epsilon = 1e-3
self._generator_net, self._logprob_net = generator_net, logprob_net
state_shape = generator_net.inputs[0].shape.as_list()
noise_shape = generator_net.inputs[1].shape.as_list()
action_shape = logprob_net.inputs[1].shape.as_list()
dim_state = state_shape[1]
self._dim_noise = noise_shape[1]
dim_action = action_shape[1]
with tf.name_scope("inputs"):
self._input_state = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, state_shape, "input_state")
self._input_noise = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, noise_shape, "input_noise")
self._input_alpha = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [], "input_alpha")
with tf.name_scope("generate"):
state_batch = tf.shape(self._input_state)[0]
state = tf.reshape(tf.tile(
tf.reshape(self._input_state, shape=[-1, 1, dim_state])
, (1, m, 1))
, shape=[-1, dim_state])
noise = tf.tile(self._input_noise, (state_batch, 1))
# generate action with tuple:
# (s0, n0), (s0, n1), ..., (s1, n0), (s1, n1), ...
generator_net = generator_net([state, noise], name_scope="batch_generator")
for name in generator_net.outputs:
actions = generator_net[name].op
# actions: [bs * m, dim_a]
action_square = tf.tile(tf.reshape(actions, [-1, 1, m, dim_action]), (1, m, 1, 1))
# sub: [b_s, m, m, dim_a]
action_sub = tf.transpose(action_square, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3]) - action_square
# dis square: [b_s, m, m]
dis_square = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(action_sub), axis=3)
# h: [b_s]
# h from median
# median_square, _ = tf.nn.top_k(tf.reshape(dis_square, [-1, m * m]), m * m // 2 + 1, True)
# median_square = median_square[:, -1]
# h = tf.sqrt(median_square)
# h from mean
h = tf.reduce_mean(tf.sqrt(dis_square), axis=(1, 2))
# h = h / (2 * np.log(m + 1))
# h = h**2 / (2 * np.log(m + 1))
h = h**2 / (np.log(m + 1)) # more stable
h = h + h_epsilon
self._h = h
# k: [bs, m, m]
k = tf.exp(-1.0 / tf.reshape(h, (-1, 1, 1)) * dis_square)
# dk: [bs, m, m, dim_a]
dk = tf.reshape(k, (-1, m, m, 1)) * (2 / tf.reshape(h, (-1, 1, 1, 1))) * action_sub
# dlogprob: [bs, m, 1]
logprob_net = logprob_net([state, actions], name_scope="batch_logprob")
for name in logprob_net.outputs:
action_logprob = logprob_net[name].op
dlogp = tf.gradients(action_logprob, actions)
# dlogp/da: [bs, m, m, dim_a]
dlogp_matrix = tf.tile(tf.reshape(dlogp, (state_batch, 1, m, dim_action)), (1, m, 1, 1))
# svgd gradient: [bs, m, m, dim_a]
grad_svgd = tf.reshape(k, (-1, m, m, 1)) * dlogp_matrix + dk * self._input_alpha
# [bs, m, dim_a]
grad_svgd = tf.reduce_mean(grad_svgd, axis=2)
# [bs * m, dim_a]
grad_svgd = tf.reshape(grad_svgd, (-1, dim_action))
generator_loss = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.stop_gradient(grad_svgd) * actions)
self._loss = generator_loss
self._grad_svgd = grad_svgd
self._op = MinimizeLoss(self._loss, var_list=generator_net.variables)
def declare_update(self):
return self._op
def update(self, sess, batch, *args, **kwargs):
state = batch["state"]
noise = np.random.normal(0, 1, (self._m_particles, self._dim_noise))
return UpdateRun(feed_dict={self._input_state: state,
self._input_noise: noise,
self._input_alpha: self._alpha_exploration},
"loss": self._loss,
"svgd_grad": self._grad_svgd,
"h": self._h
class SoftVFunction(Function):
def __init__(self, q_func, actor_func=None, m_particles=16, alpha_exploration=1.0):
self._q_func, self._actor_func = q_func, actor_func
self._m_particles = m_particles
self._alpha_exploration = alpha_exploration
if actor_func is not None:
noise_shape = actor_func.inputs[1].shape.as_list()
self._dim_noise = noise_shape[1]
self._dim_noise = None
self._dim_action = q_func.inputs[1].shape.as_list()[1]
super(SoftVFunction, self).__init__()
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
next_state = args[0]
b_s, m, = next_state.shape[0], self._m_particles
next_states = np.repeat(next_state, m, axis=0)
if self._actor_func is not None:
# sample action according to {actor_func} distribution
noises = np.random.normal(0, 1, (b_s * m, self._dim_noise))
next_actions = self._actor_func(next_states, noises)
# sample action uniformly
next_actions = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, [b_s * m, dim_action])
# Equation 10
next_qs = self._q_func(next_states, next_actions).reshape((b_s, m))
next_value = self._alpha_exploration * \
np.log(np.average(np.exp(1.0 / self._alpha_exploration * next_qs), axis=1))
return next_value
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