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Created October 16, 2013 19:55
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A script to generate an offline refresh token for Google API access
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# this is pretty rough, but I hope it helps!
# if you run into any problems, this is a big help:
require 'net/http'
require 'json'
puts "
* Go to
* Click 'Create Project'
* Enter a name, and click that you agree
(uncheck email notifications too if you want)
* Click 'Create'
* Click 'APIs & auth' on the left
* Make sure only the APIs you want to grant access to are tured on,
like 'Analytics API' for example
* Click 'Registered Apps' on he left
* Click 'Register App' on the top
* Give it a name, select 'Native' and click 'Register'
-- Once you've done all that, enter your 'CLIENT ID':
(Should look like '')"
client_id = STDIN.gets.chomp
puts "\n\nenter your 'CLIENT SECRET':
don't worry we won't tell :)"
client_secret = STDIN.gets.chomp
puts "\n\nenter all the scopes you want access to separated by spaces:
for example ''
see for a list"
scope = STDIN.gets.chomp
http ='', 443)
http.use_ssl = true
# http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE # uncomment if you need to not verify the SSL cert
request ="/o/oauth2/device/code")
request.form_data = {:client_id => client_id, :scope => scope}
response = JSON.parse(http.request(request).body)
puts "\n\n* Go to #{response['verification_url']} and log in or select your account
* type in '#{response['user_code']}' (without the quotes) in the box provided
* Click 'Continue' and then 'Allow Access'
* Press enter after the success page loads"
request ="/o/oauth2/token")
request.form_data = {:client_id => client_id, :client_secret => client_secret, :code => response['device_code'], :grant_type => ''}
puts "\n\nrefresh token:"
puts refresh_token = JSON.parse(http.request(request).body)['refresh_token']
puts "\n\nTo use the refresh token, copy and paste the code below into your app:\n
http ='', 443)
http.use_ssl = true
# http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE # uncomment if you need to NOT verify the SSL cert
request ='/o/oauth2/token')
request.form_data = {client_id:'#{client_id}', client_secret:'#{client_secret}', refresh_token:'#{refresh_token}', grant_type:'refresh_token'}
access_token = JSON.parse(http.request(request).body)['access_token']\n"
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