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Created October 9, 2017 05:07
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JAISDK TimeStamp取得(ChunkDataとImageInfo)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Jai_FactoryDotNET;
using System.Threading;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace ImageDelegateSample
public partial class Form1 : Form
// Main factory object
CFactory myFactory = new CFactory();
// Opened camera object
CCamera myCamera;
// GenICam nodes
CNode myWidthNode;
CNode myHeightNode;
CNode myGainNode;
CNode myChunkModeActiveNode;
CNode myChunkSelectorNode;
CNode myChunkEnableNode;
CNode myChunkTimestampNode;
// ClipBoard Copy
String sClipBd = "";
public Form1()
Jai_FactoryWrapper.EFactoryError error = Jai_FactoryWrapper.EFactoryError.Success;
// Open the factory with the default Registry database
error = myFactory.Open("");
// Search for cameras and update all controls
SearchButton_Click(null, null);
private void WidthNumericUpDown_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (myWidthNode != null)
myWidthNode.Value = int.Parse(WidthNumericUpDown.Value.ToString());
SetFramegrabberValue("Width", (Int64)myWidthNode.Value);
private void HeightNumericUpDown_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (myHeightNode != null)
myHeightNode.Value = int.Parse(HeightNumericUpDown.Value.ToString());
SetFramegrabberValue("Height", (Int64)myHeightNode.Value);
private void GainTrackBar_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (myGainNode != null)
myGainNode.Value = int.Parse(GainTrackBar.Value.ToString());
GainLabel.Text = myGainNode.Value.ToString();
private void StartButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (myCamera != null)
// Get the ChunkModeActive GenICam Node;
myChunkModeActiveNode = myCamera.GetNode("ChunkModeActive");
// Set ChunkMode Active True
if (myChunkModeActiveNode != null) myChunkModeActiveNode.Value = 1;
// Get the ChuckSelector GenICam Node;
myChunkSelectorNode = myCamera.GetNode("ChunkSelector");
// Select ChunkTimeStamp
if (myChunkSelectorNode != null) myChunkSelectorNode.Value = 8;
// Get the ChuckEnable GenICam Node;
myChunkEnableNode = myCamera.GetNode("ChunkEnable");
// Set ChunkEnable True
if (myChunkEnableNode != null) myChunkEnableNode.Value = 1;
// Get the ChunkTimestamp GenICam Node
myChunkTimestampNode = myCamera.GetNode("ChunkTimestamp");
myCamera.NewImageDelegate += new Jai_FactoryWrapper.ImageCallBack(HandleImage);
myCamera.StartImageAcquisition(true, 5);
// Clear String
sClipBd = "";
private void StopButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (myCamera != null)
myCamera.NewImageDelegate -= new Jai_FactoryWrapper.ImageCallBack(HandleImage);
// Copy String to ClipBoard
if (sClipBd != "")
private void SearchButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (null != myCamera)
if (myCamera.IsOpen)
myCamera = null;
// Discover GigE and/or generic GenTL devices using myFactory.UpdateCameraList(in this case specifying Filter Driver for GigE cameras).
// Open the camera - first check for GigE devices
for (int i = 0; i < myFactory.CameraList.Count; i++)
myCamera = myFactory.CameraList[i];
if (Jai_FactoryWrapper.EFactoryError.Success == myCamera.Open())
if (null != myCamera && myCamera.IsOpen)
CameraIDTextBox.Text = myCamera.CameraID;
if (myCamera.NumOfDataStreams > 0)
StartButton.Enabled = true;
StopButton.Enabled = true;
StartButton.Enabled = false;
StopButton.Enabled = false;
int currentValue = 0;
// Get the Width GenICam Node
myWidthNode = myCamera.GetNode("Width");
if (myWidthNode != null)
currentValue = int.Parse(myWidthNode.Value.ToString());
// Update range for the Numeric Up/Down control
// Convert from integer to Decimal type
WidthNumericUpDown.Maximum = decimal.Parse(myWidthNode.Max.ToString());
WidthNumericUpDown.Minimum = decimal.Parse(myWidthNode.Min.ToString());
WidthNumericUpDown.Value = decimal.Parse(currentValue.ToString());
WidthNumericUpDown.Enabled = true;
WidthNumericUpDown.Enabled = false;
SetFramegrabberValue("Width", (Int64)myWidthNode.Value);
// Get the Height GenICam Node
myHeightNode = myCamera.GetNode("Height");
if (myHeightNode != null)
currentValue = int.Parse(myHeightNode.Value.ToString());
// Update range for the Numeric Up/Down control
// Convert from integer to Decimal type
HeightNumericUpDown.Maximum = decimal.Parse(myHeightNode.Max.ToString());
HeightNumericUpDown.Minimum = decimal.Parse(myHeightNode.Min.ToString());
HeightNumericUpDown.Value = decimal.Parse(currentValue.ToString());
HeightNumericUpDown.Enabled = true;
HeightNumericUpDown.Enabled = false;
SetFramegrabberValue("Height", (Int64)myHeightNode.Value);
// Get the GainRaw GenICam Node
myGainNode = myCamera.GetNode("GainRaw");
if (myGainNode != null)
currentValue = int.Parse(myGainNode.Value.ToString());
// Update range for the TrackBar Controls
GainTrackBar.Maximum = int.Parse(myGainNode.Max.ToString());
GainTrackBar.Minimum = int.Parse(myGainNode.Min.ToString());
GainTrackBar.Value = currentValue;
GainLabel.Text = myGainNode.Value.ToString();
GainLabel.Enabled = true;
GainTrackBar.Enabled = true;
GainLabel.Enabled = false;
GainTrackBar.Enabled = false;
StartButton.Enabled = true;
StopButton.Enabled = true;
WidthNumericUpDown.Enabled = false;
HeightNumericUpDown.Enabled = true;
GainLabel.Enabled = false;
GainTrackBar.Enabled = false;
MessageBox.Show("No Cameras Found!");
// Local callback function used for handle new images
void HandleImage(ref Jai_FactoryWrapper.ImageInfo ImageInfo)
// Jai_FactoryWrapper.EFactoryError error = Jai_FactoryWrapper.EFactoryError.Success;
// This is in fact a callback, so we would need to handle the data as fast as possible and the frame buffer
// we get as a parameter will be recycled when we terminate.
// This leaves us with two choises:
// 1) Get the work we need to do done ASAP and return
// 2) Make a copy of the image data and process this afterwards
// We have the access to the buffer directly via the ImageInfo.ImageBuffer variable
// We can access the raw frame buffer bytes if we use "unsafe" code and pointer
// To do this we need to set the "Allow unsafe code" in the project properties and then access the data like:
// unsafe
// {
// // Cast IntPtr to pointer to byte
// byte* pArray = (byte*)ImageInfo.ImageBuffer;
// // Do something with the data
// // Read values
// byte value = pArray[10];
// // Write values
// for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
// pArray[i] = (byte)(i % 255);
// }
// // If we want to copy the data instead we can do like this without Unsafe code:
// byte[] array = null;
// if (ImageInfo.ImageBuffer != IntPtr.Zero)
// {
// // Allocate byte array that can contain the copy of data
// array = new byte[ImageInfo.ImageSize];
// // Do the copying
// Marshal.Copy(ImageInfo.ImageBuffer, array, 0, (int)ImageInfo.ImageSize);
// // Do something with the raw data
// byte val = array[10];
// Get ChunkTimeStamp
if (myChunkTimestampNode != null)
sClipBd += myChunkTimestampNode.Value.ToString();
sClipBd += "NULL";
sClipBd += "\t";
// Get ImageInfo TimeStamp
sClipBd += ImageInfo.TimeStamp.ToString();
sClipBd += "\r\n";
private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
if (myCamera != null)
StopButton_Click(null, null);
private void SetFramegrabberValue(String nodeName, Int64 int64Val)
if (null == myCamera)
IntPtr hDevice = IntPtr.Zero;
Jai_FactoryWrapper.EFactoryError error = Jai_FactoryWrapper.J_Camera_GetLocalDeviceHandle(myCamera.CameraHandle, ref hDevice);
if (Jai_FactoryWrapper.EFactoryError.Success != error)
if (IntPtr.Zero == hDevice)
IntPtr hNode;
error = Jai_FactoryWrapper.J_Camera_GetNodeByName(hDevice, nodeName, out hNode);
if (Jai_FactoryWrapper.EFactoryError.Success != error)
if (IntPtr.Zero == hNode)
error = Jai_FactoryWrapper.J_Node_SetValueInt64(hNode, false, int64Val);
if (Jai_FactoryWrapper.EFactoryError.Success != error)
//Special handling for Active Silicon CXP boards, which also has nodes prefixed
//with "Incoming":
if ("Width" == nodeName || "Height" == nodeName)
string strIncoming = "Incoming" + nodeName;
IntPtr hNodeIncoming;
error = Jai_FactoryWrapper.J_Camera_GetNodeByName(hDevice, strIncoming, out hNodeIncoming);
if (Jai_FactoryWrapper.EFactoryError.Success != error)
if (IntPtr.Zero == hNodeIncoming)
error = Jai_FactoryWrapper.J_Node_SetValueInt64(hNodeIncoming, false, int64Val);
private void SetFramegrabberPixelFormat()
String nodeName = "PixelFormat";
if (null == myCamera)
IntPtr hDevice = IntPtr.Zero;
Jai_FactoryWrapper.EFactoryError error = Jai_FactoryWrapper.J_Camera_GetLocalDeviceHandle(myCamera.CameraHandle, ref hDevice);
if (Jai_FactoryWrapper.EFactoryError.Success != error)
if (IntPtr.Zero == hDevice)
long pf = 0;
error = Jai_FactoryWrapper.J_Camera_GetValueInt64(myCamera.CameraHandle, nodeName, ref pf);
if (Jai_FactoryWrapper.EFactoryError.Success != error)
UInt64 pixelFormat = (UInt64)pf;
UInt64 jaiPixelFormat = 0;
error = Jai_FactoryWrapper.J_Image_Get_PixelFormat(myCamera.CameraHandle, pixelFormat, ref jaiPixelFormat);
if (Jai_FactoryWrapper.EFactoryError.Success != error)
StringBuilder sbJaiPixelFormatName = new StringBuilder(512);
uint iSize = (uint)sbJaiPixelFormatName.Capacity;
error = Jai_FactoryWrapper.J_Image_Get_PixelFormatName(myCamera.CameraHandle, jaiPixelFormat, sbJaiPixelFormatName, iSize);
if (Jai_FactoryWrapper.EFactoryError.Success != error)
IntPtr hNode;
error = Jai_FactoryWrapper.J_Camera_GetNodeByName(hDevice, nodeName, out hNode);
if (Jai_FactoryWrapper.EFactoryError.Success != error)
if (IntPtr.Zero == hNode)
error = Jai_FactoryWrapper.J_Node_SetValueString(hNode, false, sbJaiPixelFormatName.ToString());
if (Jai_FactoryWrapper.EFactoryError.Success != error)
//Special handling for Active Silicon CXP boards, which also has nodes prefixed
//with "Incoming":
string strIncoming = "Incoming" + nodeName;
IntPtr hNodeIncoming;
error = Jai_FactoryWrapper.J_Camera_GetNodeByName(hDevice, strIncoming, out hNodeIncoming);
if (Jai_FactoryWrapper.EFactoryError.Success != error)
if (IntPtr.Zero == hNodeIncoming)
error = Jai_FactoryWrapper.J_Node_SetValueString(hNodeIncoming, false, sbJaiPixelFormatName.ToString());
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Hi did you try JAISDK on windows 10 iot core?

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