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Created June 8, 2020 00:56
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DOME (Wren Code) For Input Key Was Pressed or Released
import "graphics" for Canvas, Color
import "math" for Vector
import "input" for Keyboard
// InputManager Class
// Provides a way to get if a key was pressed down or released on the current
// update loop. Will only fire once if key is held down. Also implements a simple
// event based way to handle input changes.
class InputManager {
construct new() {
// key state
_changelist = {}
// event callbacks (currently only one callback per key event)
_onDownEvents = {}
_onPressedEvents = {}
_onReleasedEvents = {}
// ---------------------
// check if key has changes, returns true if it has
hasKeyChanged(key) {
// TODO: instead of adding keys as they are requested to be checked
// one could instead preload _changelist with all key codes
// would prevent bug where possible first time check of key returns
// incorrect value
if(!_changelist.containsKey(key)) {
_changelist[key] = false
if(_changelist[key] != Keyboard.isKeyDown(key)) {
return true
return false
// key pressed down, was previously up
// will only be true on the game loop where the key changed
isKeyPressed(key) {
if(hasKeyChanged(key) && Keyboard.isKeyDown(key)) {
return true
return false
// key released, was previously pressed down
// will only be true on the game loop where the key changed
isKeyReleased(key) {
if(hasKeyChanged(key) && !Keyboard.isKeyDown(key)) {
return true
return false
// REQUIRED: call at the very end of Game.update()
// saves new state of keys to compare in the next update
finalCheck() {
for(code in _changelist.keys) {
_changelist[code] = Keyboard.isKeyDown(code)
// -----------
// use these to register callback functions
onDown(key, fn) {
_onDownEvents[key] = fn
onPressed(key, fn) {
_onPressedEvents[key] = fn
onReleased(key, fn) {
_onReleasedEvents[key] = fn
// REQUIRED (if using events)
// call in update to fire any event callback functions
// suggested at begining of update
eventCheck() {
for(key in _onDownEvents.keys) {
if(Keyboard.isKeyDown(key)) {
for(key in _onPressedEvents.keys) {
if(isKeyPressed(key)) {
for(key in _onReleasedEvents.keys) {
if(isKeyReleased(key)) {
class Game {
static init() {
// init logger values
__logpos =, 10)
__logcolor = Color.white
// counters to display different key presses
__counterA = 0
__counterB = 0
__counterC = 0
__counterD = 0
__counterE = 0
__counterF = 0
// create log manager
__input =
// can bind event callbacks any time
// suggested at soon as possible
__input.onDown("s") {
__counterD = __counterD + 1
__input.onPressed("s") {
__counterE = __counterE + 1
__input.onReleased("s") {
__counterF = __counterF + 1
static update() {
// check events and fire callbacks if registered
// direct check of key status
if(Keyboard.isKeyDown("Space")) {
__counterA = __counterA + 1
if(__input.isKeyPressed("Space")) {
__counterB = __counterB + 1
if(__input.isKeyReleased("Space")) {
__counterC = __counterC + 1
// record new key states for next update, should be last
static draw(dt) {
// display counters
log("DIRECT (Press Space)")
log("Down: %(__counterA)")
log("Pressed: %(__counterB)")
log("Released: %(__counterC)")
log("EVENT (Press 'S')")
log("Event Down: %(__counterD)")
log("Event Pressed: %(__counterE)")
log("Event Released: %(__counterF)")
__logpos =, 10)
static log(msg) {
Canvas.print(msg, __logpos.x, __logpos.y, __logcolor)
__logpos.y = __logpos.y + 10
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