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Last active August 9, 2018 15:00
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> nyc mocha -t 0 test/*.js && cucumber-js
✓ Alice can add assets that she owns
✓ Alice cannot add assets that Bob owns
✓ Bob can add assets that he owns
✓ Bob cannot add assets that Alice owns
✓ Alice can submit a transaction from her assets
✓ Bob cannot submit a transaction due to Insufficient funds.
from his account to Alice account
6 passing (2s)
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s |
All files | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Feature: Sample
Scenario: Alice can add assets that she owns
✔ Given I have deployed the business network definition ..
✔ And I have added the following participants of type org.example.mynetwork.Holder
| holderId | firstName | lastName |
| aliceId | Alice | A |
| bobId | Bob | B |
✔ And I have added the following assets of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
| accountId | holder | balance |
| alice_account1 | aliceId | 500 |
| bob_account1 | bobId | 200 |
✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#aliceId with the identity alice1
✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#bobId with the identity bob1
✔ When I use the identity alice1
✔ And I add the following asset of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
| accountId | holder | balance |
| alice_account2 | aliceId | 300 |
✔ Then I should have the following assets of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
| accountId | holder | balance |
| alice_account2 | aliceId | 300 |
Scenario: Alice cannot add assets that Bob owns
✔ Given I have deployed the business network definition ..
✔ And I have added the following participants of type org.example.mynetwork.Holder
| holderId | firstName | lastName |
| aliceId | Alice | A |
| bobId | Bob | B |
✔ And I have added the following assets of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
| accountId | holder | balance |
| alice_account1 | aliceId | 500 |
| bob_account1 | bobId | 200 |
✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#aliceId with the identity alice1
✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#bobId with the identity bob1
✔ When I use the identity alice1
✔ And I add the following asset of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
| accountId | holder | balance |
| bob_account2 | bobId | 50 |
✔ Then I should get an error matching /does not have .* access to resource/
Scenario: Bob can add assets that he owns
✔ Given I have deployed the business network definition ..
✔ And I have added the following participants of type org.example.mynetwork.Holder
| holderId | firstName | lastName |
| aliceId | Alice | A |
| bobId | Bob | B |
✔ And I have added the following assets of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
| accountId | holder | balance |
| alice_account1 | aliceId | 500 |
| bob_account1 | bobId | 200 |
✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#aliceId with the identity alice1
✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#bobId with the identity bob1
✔ When I use the identity bob1
✔ And I add the following asset of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
| accountId | holder | balance |
| bob_account3 | bobId | 400 |
✔ Then I should have the following assets of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
| accountId | holder | balance |
| bob_account3 | bobId | 400 |
Scenario: Bob cannot add assets that Alice owns
✔ Given I have deployed the business network definition ..
✔ And I have added the following participants of type org.example.mynetwork.Holder
| holderId | firstName | lastName |
| aliceId | Alice | A |
| bobId | Bob | B |
✔ And I have added the following assets of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
| accountId | holder | balance |
| alice_account1 | aliceId | 500 |
| bob_account1 | bobId | 200 |
✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#aliceId with the identity alice1
✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#bobId with the identity bob1
✔ When I use the identity bob1
✔ And I add the following asset of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
| accountId | holder | balance |
| alice_account3 | aliceId | 400 |
✔ Then I should get an error matching /does not have .* access to resource/
Scenario: Alice can submit a transaction from her account to Bob account
✔ Given I have deployed the business network definition ..
✔ And I have added the following participants of type org.example.mynetwork.Holder
| holderId | firstName | lastName |
| aliceId | Alice | A |
| bobId | Bob | B |
✔ And I have added the following assets of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
| accountId | holder | balance |
| alice_account1 | aliceId | 500 |
| bob_account1 | bobId | 200 |
✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#aliceId with the identity alice1
✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#bobId with the identity bob1
✔ When I use the identity alice1
✔ And I submit the following transaction of type org.example.mynetwork.FundsTransfer
| sender | recipient | amount |
| alice_account1 | bob_account1 | 100 |
✔ Then I should have the following asset of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
| accountId | holder | balance |
| alice_account1 | aliceId | 400 |
| bob_account1 | bobId | 300 |
Scenario: Bob cannot submit a transaction due to Insufficient funds. from his account to Alice account
✔ Given I have deployed the business network definition ..
✔ And I have added the following participants of type org.example.mynetwork.Holder
| holderId | firstName | lastName |
| aliceId | Alice | A |
| bobId | Bob | B |
✔ And I have added the following assets of type org.example.mynetwork.Account
| accountId | holder | balance |
| alice_account1 | aliceId | 500 |
| bob_account1 | bobId | 200 |
✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#aliceId with the identity alice1
✔ And I have issued the participant org.example.mynetwork.Holder#bobId with the identity bob1
✔ When I use the identity bob1
✔ And I submit the following transaction of type org.example.mynetwork.FundsTransfer
| sender | recipient | amount |
| bob_account1 | alice_account1 | 1000 |
✔ Then I should get an error matching /Insufficient funds./
6 scenarios (6 passed)
48 steps (48 passed)
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