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Addresses common issues with C++11 random number generation; makes good seeding easier, and makes using RNGs easy while retaining all the power.
* Random-Number Utilities (randutil)
* Addresses common issues with C++11 random number generation.
* Makes good seeding easier, and makes using RNGs easy while retaining
* all the power.
* The MIT License (MIT)
* Copyright (c) 2015-2022 Melissa E. O'Neill
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* This header includes three class templates that can help make C++11
* random number generation easier to use.
* randutils::seed_seq_fe
* Fixed-Entropy Seed sequence
* Provides a replacement for std::seed_seq that avoids problems with bias,
* performs better in empirical statistical tests, and executes faster in
* normal-sized use cases.
* In normal use, it's accessed via one of the following type aliases
* randutils::seed_seq_fe128
* randutils::seed_seq_fe256
* It's discussed in detail at
* and the motivation for its creation (what's wrong with std::seed_seq) here
* randutils::auto_seeded
* Extends a seed sequence class with a nondeterministic default constructor.
* Uses a variety of local sources of entropy to portably initialize any
* seed sequence to a good default state.
* In normal use, it's accessed via one of the following type aliases, which
* use seed_seq_fe128 and seed_seq_fe256 above.
* randutils::auto_seed_128
* randutils::auto_seed_256
* It's discussed in detail at
* and its motivation (why you can't just use std::random_device) here
* randutils::random_generator
* An Easy-to-Use Random API
* Provides all the power of C++11's random number facility in an easy-to
* use wrapper.
* In normal use, it's accessed via one of the following type aliases, which
* also use auto_seed_256 by default
* randutils::default_rng
* randutils::mt19937_rng
* It's discussed in detail at
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <random>
#include <array>
#include <functional> // for std::hash
#include <initializer_list>
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
#include <iterator>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <algorithm>
// Ugly platform-specific code for auto_seeded
#if !defined(RANDUTILS_CPU_ENTROPY) && defined(__has_builtin)
#if __has_builtin(__builtin_readcyclecounter) && !defined(__aarch64__)
#define RANDUTILS_CPU_ENTROPY __builtin_readcyclecounter()
#if __i386__
#if __GNUC__
#define RANDUTILS_CPU_ENTROPY __builtin_ia32_rdtsc()
#include <immintrin.h>
#define RANDUTILS_CPU_ENTROPY __rdtsc()
// Already defined externally
#elif defined(_WIN64) || defined(_WIN32)
#include <process.h>
#define RANDUTILS_GETPID _getpid()
#elif defined(__unix__) || defined(__unix) \
|| (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))
#include <unistd.h>
#define RANDUTILS_GETPID getpid()
#if __cpp_constexpr >= 201304L
namespace randutils {
// seed_seq_fe
* seed_seq_fe implements a fixed-entropy seed sequence; it conforms to all
* the requirements of a Seed Sequence concept.
* seed_seq_fe<N> implements a seed sequence which seeds based on a store of
* N * 32 bits of entropy. Typically, it would be initialized with N or more
* integers.
* seed_seq_fe128 and seed_seq_fe256 are provided as convenience typedefs for
* 128- and 256-bit entropy stores respectively. These variants outperform
* std::seed_seq, while being better mixing the bits it is provided as entropy.
* In almost all common use cases, they serve as better drop-in replacements
* for seed_seq.
* Technical details
* Assuming it constructed with M seed integers as input, it exhibits the
* following properties
* * Diffusion/Avalanche: A single-bit change in any of the M inputs has a
* 50% chance of flipping every bit in the bitstream produced by generate.
* Initializing the N-word entropy store with M words requires O(N * M)
* time precisely because of the avalanche requirements. Once constructed,
* calls to generate are linear in the number of words generated.
* * Bias freedom/Bijection: If M == N, the state of the entropy store is a
* bijection from the M inputs (i.e., no states occur twice, none are
* omitted). If M > N the number of times each state can occur is the same
* (each state occurs 2**(32*(M-N)) times, where ** is the power function).
* If M < N, some states cannot occur (bias) but no state occurs more
* than once (it's impossible to avoid bias if M < N; ideally N should not
* be chosen so that it is more than M).
* Likewise, the generate function has similar properties (with the entropy
* store as the input data). If more outputs are requested than there is
* entropy, some outputs cannot occur. For example, the Mersenne Twister
* will request 624 outputs, to initialize it's 19937-bit state, which is
* much larger than a 128-bit or 256-bit entropy pool. But in practice,
* limiting the Mersenne Twister to 2**128 possible initializations gives
* us enough initializations to give a unique initialization to trillions
* of computers for billions of years. If you really have 624 words of
* *real* high-quality entropy you want to use, you probably don't need
* an entropy mixer like this class at all. But if you *really* want to,
* nothing is stopping you from creating a randutils::seed_seq_fe<624>.
* * As a consequence of the above properties, if all parts of the provided
* seed data are kept constant except one, and the remaining part is varied
* through K different states, K different output sequences will be produced.
* * Also, because the amount of entropy stored is fixed, this class never
* performs dynamic allocation and is free of the possibility of generating
* an exception.
* Ideas used to implement this code include hashing, a simple PCG generator
* based on an MCG base with an XorShift output function and permutation
* functions on tuples.
* More detail at
template <size_t count = 4, typename IntRep = uint32_t,
size_t mix_rounds = 1 + (count <= 2)>
struct seed_seq_fe {
// types
typedef IntRep result_type;
static constexpr uint32_t INIT_A = 0x43b0d7e5;
static constexpr uint32_t MULT_A = 0x931e8875;
static constexpr uint32_t INIT_B = 0x8b51f9dd;
static constexpr uint32_t MULT_B = 0x58f38ded;
static constexpr uint32_t MIX_MULT_L = 0xca01f9dd;
static constexpr uint32_t MIX_MULT_R = 0x4973f715;
static constexpr uint32_t XSHIFT = sizeof(IntRep)*8/2;
static IntRep fast_exp(IntRep x, IntRep power)
IntRep result = IntRep(1);
IntRep multiplier = x;
while (power != IntRep(0)) {
IntRep thismult = power & IntRep(1) ? multiplier : IntRep(1);
result *= thismult;
power >>= 1;
multiplier *= multiplier;
return result;
std::array<IntRep, count> mixer_;
template <typename InputIter>
void mix_entropy(InputIter begin, InputIter end);
seed_seq_fe(const seed_seq_fe&) = delete;
void operator=(const seed_seq_fe&) = delete;
template <typename T>
seed_seq_fe(std::initializer_list<T> init)
seed(init.begin(), init.end());
template <typename InputIter>
seed_seq_fe(InputIter begin, InputIter end)
seed(begin, end);
// generating functions
template <typename RandomAccessIterator>
void generate(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last) const;
static constexpr size_t size()
return count;
template <typename OutputIterator>
void param(OutputIterator dest) const;
template <typename InputIter>
void seed(InputIter begin, InputIter end)
mix_entropy(begin, end);
// For very small sizes, we do some additional mixing. For normal
// sizes, this loop never performs any iterations.
for (size_t i = 1; i < mix_rounds; ++i)
seed_seq_fe& stir()
mix_entropy(mixer_.begin(), mixer_.end());
return *this;
template <size_t count, typename IntRep, size_t r>
template <typename InputIter>
void seed_seq_fe<count, IntRep, r>::mix_entropy(InputIter begin, InputIter end)
auto hash_const = INIT_A;
auto hash = [&](IntRep value) {
value ^= hash_const;
hash_const *= MULT_A;
value *= hash_const;
value ^= value >> XSHIFT;
return value;
auto mix = [](IntRep x, IntRep y) {
IntRep result = MIX_MULT_L*x - MIX_MULT_R*y;
result ^= result >> XSHIFT;
return result;
InputIter current = begin;
for (auto& elem : mixer_) {
if (current != end)
elem = hash(*current++);
elem = hash(0U);
for (auto& src : mixer_)
for (auto& dest : mixer_)
if (&src != &dest)
dest = mix(dest,hash(src));
for (; current != end; ++current)
for (auto& dest : mixer_)
dest = mix(dest,hash(*current));
template <size_t count, typename IntRep, size_t mix_rounds>
template <typename OutputIterator>
void seed_seq_fe<count,IntRep,mix_rounds>::param(OutputIterator dest) const
const IntRep INV_A = fast_exp(MULT_A, IntRep(-1));
const IntRep MIX_INV_L = fast_exp(MIX_MULT_L, IntRep(-1));
auto mixer_copy = mixer_;
for (size_t round = 0; round < mix_rounds; ++round) {
// Advance to the final value. We'll backtrack from that.
auto hash_const = INIT_A*fast_exp(MULT_A, IntRep(count * count));
for (auto src = mixer_copy.rbegin(); src != mixer_copy.rend(); ++src)
for (auto dest = mixer_copy.rbegin(); dest != mixer_copy.rend();
if (src != dest) {
IntRep revhashed = *src;
auto mult_const = hash_const;
hash_const *= INV_A;
revhashed ^= hash_const;
revhashed *= mult_const;
revhashed ^= revhashed >> XSHIFT;
IntRep unmixed = *dest;
unmixed ^= unmixed >> XSHIFT;
unmixed += MIX_MULT_R*revhashed;
unmixed *= MIX_INV_L;
*dest = unmixed;
for (auto i = mixer_copy.rbegin(); i != mixer_copy.rend(); ++i) {
IntRep unhashed = *i;
unhashed ^= unhashed >> XSHIFT;
unhashed *= fast_exp(hash_const, IntRep(-1));
hash_const *= INV_A;
unhashed ^= hash_const;
*i = unhashed;
std::copy(mixer_copy.begin(), mixer_copy.end(), dest);
template <size_t count, typename IntRep, size_t mix_rounds>
template <typename RandomAccessIterator>
void seed_seq_fe<count,IntRep,mix_rounds>::generate(
RandomAccessIterator dest_begin,
RandomAccessIterator dest_end) const
auto src_begin = mixer_.begin();
auto src_end = mixer_.end();
auto src = src_begin;
auto hash_const = INIT_B;
for (auto dest = dest_begin; dest != dest_end; ++dest) {
auto dataval = *src;
if (++src == src_end)
src = src_begin;
dataval ^= hash_const;
hash_const *= MULT_B;
dataval *= hash_const;
dataval ^= dataval >> XSHIFT;
*dest = dataval;
using seed_seq_fe128 = seed_seq_fe<4, uint32_t>;
using seed_seq_fe256 = seed_seq_fe<8, uint32_t>;
// auto_seeded
* randutils::auto_seeded
* Extends a seed sequence class with a nondeterministic default constructor.
* Uses a variety of local sources of entropy to portably initialize any
* seed sequence to a good default state.
* In normal use, it's accessed via one of the following type aliases, which
* use seed_seq_fe128 and seed_seq_fe256 above.
* randutils::auto_seed_128
* randutils::auto_seed_256
* It's discussed in detail at
* and its motivation (why you can't just use std::random_device) here
template <typename SeedSeq>
class auto_seeded : public SeedSeq {
using default_seeds = std::array<uint32_t, 13>;
template <typename T>
static uint32_t crushto32(T value)
if (sizeof(T) <= 4)
return uint32_t(value);
else {
uint64_t result = uint64_t(value);
result *= 0xbc2ad017d719504d;
return uint32_t(result ^ (result >> 32));
template <typename T>
static uint32_t hash(T&& value)
return crushto32(std::hash<typename std::remove_reference<
typename std::remove_cv<T>::type>::type>{}(
static constexpr uint32_t fnv(uint32_t hash, const char* pos)
return *pos == '\0' ? hash : fnv((hash * 16777619U) ^ *pos, pos+1);
default_seeds local_entropy()
// This is a constant that changes every time we compile the code
constexpr uint32_t compile_stamp =
fnv(2166136261U, __DATE__ __TIME__ __FILE__);
// Some people think you shouldn't use the random device much because
// on some platforms it could be expensive to call or "use up" vital
// system-wide entropy, so we just call it once.
static uint32_t random_int = std::random_device{}();
// The heap can vary from run to run as well.
void* malloc_addr = malloc(sizeof(int));
auto heap = hash(malloc_addr);
auto stack = hash(&malloc_addr);
// Every call, we increment our random int. We don't care about race
// conditons. The more, the merrier.
random_int += 0xedf19156;
// Classic seed, the time. It ought to change, especially since
// this is (hopefully) nanosecond resolution time.
auto hitime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()
// Address of the thing being initialized. That can mean that
// different seed sequences in different places in memory will be
// different. Even for the same object, it may vary from run to
// run in systems with ASLR, such as OS X, but on Linux it might not
// unless we compile with -fPIC -pic.
auto self_data = hash(this);
// The address of the time function. It should hopefully be in
// a system library that hopefully isn't always in the same place
// (might not change until system is rebooted though)
auto time_func = hash(&std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now);
// The address of the exit function. It should hopefully be in
// a system library that hopefully isn't always in the same place
// (might not change until system is rebooted though). Hopefully
// it's in a different library from time_func.
auto exit_func = hash(&_Exit);
// The address of a local function. That may be in a totally
// different part of memory. On OS X it'll vary from run to run thanks
// to ASLR, on Linux it might not unless we compile with -fPIC -pic.
// Need the cast because it's an overloaded
// function and we need to pick the right one.
auto self_func = hash(
static_cast<uint32_t (*)(uint64_t)>(
// Hash our thread id. It seems to vary from run to run on OS X, not
// so much on Linux.
auto thread_id = hash(std::this_thread::get_id());
// Hash of the ID of a type. May or may not vary, depending on
// implementation.
#if __cpp_rtti || __GXX_RTTI
auto type_id = crushto32(typeid(*this).hash_code());
uint32_t type_id = 0;
// Platform-specific entropy
auto pid = crushto32(RANDUTILS_GETPID);
auto cpu = crushto32(RANDUTILS_CPU_ENTROPY);
return {{random_int, crushto32(hitime), stack, heap, self_data,
self_func, exit_func, time_func, thread_id, type_id, pid,
cpu, compile_stamp}};
using SeedSeq::SeedSeq;
using base_seed_seq = SeedSeq;
const base_seed_seq& base() const
return *this;
base_seed_seq& base()
return *this;
auto_seeded(default_seeds seeds)
: SeedSeq(seeds.begin(), seeds.end())
// Nothing else to do
: auto_seeded(local_entropy())
// Nothing else to do
using auto_seed_128 = auto_seeded<seed_seq_fe128>;
using auto_seed_256 = auto_seeded<seed_seq_fe256>;
// uniform_distribution
* This template typedef provides either
* - uniform_int_distribution, or
* - uniform_real_distribution
* depending on the provided type
template <typename Numeric>
using uniform_distribution = typename std::conditional<
std::uniform_real_distribution<Numeric> >::type;
// random_generator
* randutils::random_generator
* An Easy-to-Use Random API
* Provides all the power of C++11's random number facility in an easy-to
* use wrapper.
* In normal use, it's accessed via one of the following type aliases, which
* also use auto_seed_256 by default
* randutils::default_rng
* randutils::mt19937_rng
* It's discussed in detail at
template <typename RandomEngine = std::default_random_engine,
typename DefaultSeedSeq = auto_seed_256>
class random_generator {
using engine_type = RandomEngine;
using default_seed_type = DefaultSeedSeq;
engine_type engine_;
// This SFNAE evilness provides a mechanism to cast classes that aren't
// themselves (technically) Seed Sequences but derive from a seed
// sequence to be passed to functions that require actual Seed Squences.
// To do so, the class should provide a the type base_seed_seq and a
// base() member function.
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool has_base_seed_seq(typename T::base_seed_seq*)
return true;
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool has_base_seed_seq(...)
return false;
template <typename SeedSeqBased>
static auto seed_seq_cast(SeedSeqBased&& seq,
typename std::enable_if<
has_base_seed_seq<SeedSeqBased>(0)>::type* = 0)
-> decltype(seq.base())
return seq.base();
template <typename SeedSeq>
static SeedSeq seed_seq_cast(SeedSeq&& seq,
typename std::enable_if<
!has_base_seed_seq<SeedSeq>(0)>::type* = 0)
return seq;
template <typename Seeding = default_seed_type,
typename... Params>
random_generator(Seeding&& seeding = default_seed_type{})
: engine_{seed_seq_cast(std::forward<Seeding>(seeding))}
// Nothing (else) to do
// Work around Clang DR777 bug in Clang 3.6 and earlier by adding a
// redundant overload rather than mixing parameter packs and default
// arguments.
template <typename Seeding,
typename... Params>
random_generator(Seeding&& seeding, Params&&... params)
: engine_{seed_seq_cast(std::forward<Seeding>(seeding)),
// Nothing (else) to do
template <typename Seeding = default_seed_type,
typename... Params>
void seed(Seeding&& seeding = default_seed_type{})
// Work around Clang DR777 bug in Clang 3.6 and earlier by adding a
// redundant overload rather than mixing parameter packs and default
// arguments.
template <typename Seeding,
typename... Params>
void seed(Seeding&& seeding, Params&&... params)
engine_.seed(seed_seq_cast(seeding), std::forward<Params>(params)...);
RandomEngine& engine()
return engine_;
template <typename ResultType,
template <typename> class DistTmpl = std::normal_distribution,
typename... Params>
ResultType variate(Params&&... params)
DistTmpl<ResultType> dist(std::forward<Params>(params)...);
return dist(engine_);
template <typename Numeric>
Numeric uniform(Numeric lower, Numeric upper)
return variate<Numeric,uniform_distribution>(lower, upper);
template <template <typename> class DistTmpl = uniform_distribution,
typename Iter,
typename... Params>
void generate(Iter first, Iter last, Params&&... params)
using result_type =
typename std::remove_reference<decltype(*(first))>::type;
DistTmpl<result_type> dist(std::forward<Params>(params)...);
std::generate(first, last, [&]{ return dist(engine_); });
template <template <typename> class DistTmpl = uniform_distribution,
typename Range,
typename... Params>
void generate(Range&& range, Params&&... params)
generate<DistTmpl>(std::begin(range), std::end(range),
template <typename Iter>
void shuffle(Iter first, Iter last)
std::shuffle(first, last, engine_);
template <typename Range>
void shuffle(Range&& range)
shuffle(std::begin(range), std::end(range));
template <typename Iter>
Iter choose(Iter first, Iter last)
auto dist = std::distance(first, last);
if (dist < 2)
return first;
using distance_type = decltype(dist);
distance_type choice = uniform(distance_type(0), --dist);
std::advance(first, choice);
return first;
template <typename Range>
auto choose(Range&& range) -> decltype(std::begin(range))
return choose(std::begin(range), std::end(range));
template <typename Range>
auto pick(Range&& range) -> decltype(*std::begin(range))
return *choose(std::begin(range), std::end(range));
template <typename T>
auto pick(std::initializer_list<T> range) -> decltype(*range.begin())
return *choose(range.begin(), range.end());
template <typename Size, typename Iter>
Iter sample(Size to_go, Iter first, Iter last)
auto total = std::distance(first, last);
using value_type = decltype(*first);
return std::stable_partition(first, last,
[&](const value_type&) {
using distance_type = decltype(total);
distance_type zero{};
if (uniform(zero, total) < to_go) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
template <typename Size, typename Range>
auto sample(Size to_go, Range&& range) -> decltype(std::begin(range))
return sample(to_go, std::begin(range), std::end(range));
using default_rng = random_generator<std::default_random_engine>;
using mt19937_rng = random_generator<std::mt19937>;
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PetterS commented Dec 15, 2015

choose() traverses the collection too much if the iterators are not random access.

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dodheim commented Aug 16, 2016

The update to auto_seeded::hash() is backwards – std::hash<typename std::remove_reference<typename std::remove_cv<T>::type>::type> should be std::hash<typename std::remove_cv<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>::type> (or possibly just std::hash<typename std::decay<T>::type>).

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bfraboni commented Jun 3, 2018

Hi, thank you for this code usefull and really easy to use 👍 and also for all your blog posts dealing with PRNG.
I use it now as a base for my samplers in a Monte Carlo path tracer.
But i can't figure out how to properly resolve the following warning given by g++ 7.3.0 :
Edit: I compiled it with clang++ 6.0.0, and got the same warning.

randutils.hpp:441:21: warning: mangled name for ‘static uint32_t randutils::auto_seeded<SeedSeq>::hash(T&&) [with T = void (*)(int) throw (); SeedSeq = randutils::seed_seq_fe<8, unsigned int>]’ will change in C++17 because the exception specification is part of a function type [-Wnoexcept-type] static uint32_t hash(T&& value)

It seems that a keyword like "noexecpt" is missing somewhere, but i don't manage to find the answer. My lack of knowledge with templates and c++17 is definitely the reason. If you have any idea i would be glad to know.


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ttencate commented May 7, 2019

@bfraboni Same here, but it compiles cleanly on GCC 8.3.0. If you can't upgrade, you can compile with -Wno-noexcept-type to disable the warning, which is fine unless you expose this API in a shared library.

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abrock commented Dec 28, 2019

Thank you for the code and articles. My compiler complains about the variables compile_stamp and time_func not being used so I made a revision.

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The platform-specific logic for auto_seeded leads to a runtime crash on certain aarch64 architectures. The relevant code is here:

// Ugly platform-specific code for auto_seeded

#if !defined(RANDUTILS_CPU_ENTROPY) && defined(__has_builtin)
    #if __has_builtin(__builtin_readcyclecounter)
        #define RANDUTILS_CPU_ENTROPY __builtin_readcyclecounter()

__has_builtin(__builtin_readcyclecounter) returns true and the compiler exits successfully, but the required instruction is not available in userspace (without a patched kernel) and results in an illegal hardware instruction when run.

Discussion upstream:

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Can anyone explain to me the significance of

using default_seeds = std::array<uint32_t, 11>;

What's the deal with 11? Is it just some number deemed big enough for seed data, but not the minimum?
Related: Is it a good idea to provide 11 unit32 or is a smaller number (like 8 for auto_seeded_256 and 4 for auto_seeded_128) always sufficient?

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Oh, I see. Thats just the number, the default constructor creates and uses.
Nevertheless, when I seed, what is an appropriate number of arguments?

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imneme commented Mar 13, 2022

The platform-specific logic for auto_seeded leads to a runtime crash on certain aarch64 architectures.

Fixed by explicitly avoiding __builtin_readcyclecounter on aarch64.

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imneme commented Mar 13, 2022

I've also fixed an issue where it didn't use two pieces of local entropy it generated, which could trigger unused-variable warnings. This increases the initial seed entropy to 13 32-bit words.

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I notice several workarounds for llvm.23029 in line 662 and 682 of randutils.hpp :

// Work around Clang DR777 bug in Clang 3.6 and earlier by adding a
// redundant overload rather than mixing parameter packs and default
// arguments.
template <typename Seeding,
          typename... Params>
random_generator(Seeding&& seeding, Params&&... params)
    : engine_{seed_seq_cast(std::forward<Seeding>(seeding)),
    // Nothing (else) to do

This compiler bug is already fixed:
Shall these workarounds be removed?Is the compiler bug actually fixed?

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