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Created July 14, 2019 00:31
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#add-type -path 'C:\Users\imorrish\Source\Workspaces\VISE_ATEMLib\SwitcherLib\bin\Debug\SwitcherLib.dll'
#cd \scripts
function ConnectToATEM()
$ATEMipAddress = (Get-ItemProperty -path 'HKCU:\Software\Blackmagic Design\ATEM Software Control').ipAddress
#$DocumentsPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments") + '\windowspowershell\SwitcherLib.dll'
add-type -path 'SwitcherLib.dll'
$Global:atem = New-Object SwitcherLib.Switcher($ATEMipAddress)
write-host "Can't connect to ATEM on $($ATEMipAddrss)."
Write-Host "ATEM controle software must be installed and have connected to switcher at least one time"
$MEs = $atem.GetMEs()
$me1 = $mes[0]
[double]$global:IrisValue = 1.0
function resetcolor{
[double]$global:GainValue = 1.0
[double]$global:GainRed = 1.0
[double]$global:GainGreen = 1.0
[double]$global:GainBlue = 1.0
[double]$global:GammaValue = 0.0
[double]$global:GammaRed = 0.0
[double]$global:GammaGreen = 0.0
[double]$global:GammaBlue = 0.0
[double]$Global:HueValue=0.0 #0-2 0deg-360deg
[double]$global:SatValue=1.0 #0-1
# Hash table to hold values for each camera's settings
$Global:CameraValues = @{}
For($cID=1; $cID -lt 5; $cID++ ){
$Key = [byte]$cID
$iris = $atem.GetCameraFStop($cID)
catch{$iris = 0.0}
Name = "Camera$cID"
IrisValue = $iris
FocusValue = 0.0
GainValue = 1.0
GainRed = 1.0
GainGreen = 1.0
GainBlue = 1.0
GammaValue = 0.0
GammaRed = 0.0
GammaGreen = 0.0
GammaBlue = 0.0
LiftRed = 0.0
LiftGreen = 0.0
LiftBlue = 0.0
#set each camera to RGB rather than YRGB (Luma Mix)
function resetCameraValues($ID){
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$ID].GainValue = 1
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$ID].GainRed = 1
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$ID].GainGreen = 1
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$ID].GainBlue = 1
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$ID].GammaValue = 0
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$ID].GammaRed = 0
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$ID].GammaGreen = 0
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$ID].GammaBlue = 0
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$ID].LiftValue = 0
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$ID].LiftBlue = 0
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$ID].LiftBlue = 0
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$ID].LiftBlue = 0
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$ID].HueValue = 0
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$ID].SatValue = 1
function hubCommand($cmd){
if($videohub -ne ""){.\send-tcprequest.ps1 -remoteHost $videohub -port 9990 -inputObject $cmd}
#Get the CMD DV-1 midi controller
Import-Module ".\PeteBrown.PowerShellMidi.dll"
[string]$MMMidiInID = ""
$MMinputDevices = Get-MidiInputDeviceInformation
foreach ($MMdevice in $MMinputDevices)
#if ($device.Name -eq "CMD Micro")
if ($MMdevice.Name -eq "CMD DV-1 [1]")
$MMMidiInID = $MMdevice.Id
write-host $MMdevice.Id
[string]$mmMidiOutID = ""
$mmoutputDevices = Get-MidiOutputDeviceInformation
foreach ($mmdevice in $mmoutputDevices)
#if ($device.Name -eq "CMD Micro")
if ($mmdevice.Name -eq "CMD DV-1 [0]")
$mmMidiOutID = $mmdevice.Id
write-host $mmdevice.Id
[PeteBrown.PowerShellMidi.MidiInputPort]$mminputPort = Get-MidiInputPort -id $mmMidiInID
$mmoutputPort = Get-MidiOutputPort -id $mmMidiOutID
# set this to false if you don't want the input port to translate a zero velocity note on message into a note off message
$mminputPort.TranslateZeroVelocityNoteOnMessage = $true;
# this is just an identifier for our own use. It can be anything, but must be unique for each event subscription.
$mmnoteOnSourceId = "mmNoteOnMessageReceivedID"
$mmnoteOffSourceId = "mmNoteOffMessageReceivedID"
$mmcontrolChangeSourceId = "mmControlChangeMessageReceivedID"
$mmpitchBendChangeSourceId = "mmPitchBendChangeMessageReceivedID"
# remove the event if we are running this more than once in the same session.
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier $mmnoteOnSourceId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier $mmnoteOffSourceId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier $mmcontrolChangeSourceId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier $mmpitchBendChangeSourceId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# register for the event
function mmHandleNoteOn($note){
write-host $note
{64,65,66,67 -contains $_}{ [byte]$camera = ($note-63);$atem.CameraAutoFocus($camera); write-host "Autofocus camera $($note-63)"}
{68,69,70,71 -contains $_}{ [byte]$camera = ($note-67);$atem.CameraAutoExposure($camera)}
{72,73,74,75 -contains $_}{
[byte]$camera = ($note-71);
resetCameraValues $note-71
if ($global:cameraID -eq ($note-71)){resetcolor}
92{changecamera 1;break}
93{changecamera 2;break}
94{changecamera 3;break}
95{changecamera 4;break}
88{changecamera 5;break}
89{changecamera 6;break}
90{changecamera 7;break}
91{changecamera 8;break}
{72,73,74,75 -contains $_}{
[byte]$camera = ($note-71);
84{ # camera tab
[Clicker]::LeftClickAtPoint(-1051, 1158)
85{ # toggle single/muti camera settings view
[Clicker]::LeftClickAtPoint(-1680, 765)
Unregister-Event $mmnoteOnSourceId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$job5 = Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $mminputPort -EventName NoteOnMessageReceived -SourceIdentifier $mmnoteOnSourceId -Action {mmHandleNoteOn $event.sourceEventArgs.Note}
#Unregister-Event $mmnoteOnSourceId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
function changecamera([byte]$ID){
Write-Host "Changing to camera ID$ID"
#save current camera values to hash table
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$Global:CameraID].IrisValue = $global:IrisValue
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$Global:CameraID].FocusValue = $global:FocusValue
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$Global:CameraID].GainValue = $global:GainValue
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$Global:CameraID].GainRed = $global:GainRed
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$Global:CameraID].GainGreen = $global:GainGreen
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$Global:CameraID].GainBlue = $global:GainBlue
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$Global:CameraID].GammaValue = $global:GammaValue
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$Global:CameraID].GammaRed = $global:GammaRed
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$Global:CameraID].GammaGreen = $global:GammaGreen
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$Global:CameraID].GammaBlue = $global:GammaBlue
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$Global:CameraID].LiftValue = $global:LiftValue
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$Global:CameraID].LiftBlue = $global:LiftRed
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$Global:CameraID].LiftBlue = $global:LiftGreen
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$Global:CameraID].LiftBlue = $global:LiftBlue
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$Global:CameraID].HueValue = $Global:HueValue
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$Global:CameraID].SatValue = $global:SatValue
$Global:CameraValues[[byte]$Global:CameraID].WBValue = $global:WBValue
#turn off blue led
1{Send-MidiNoteOnMessage -Channel 6 -Note 92 -Port $mmoutputPort -Velocity 0}
2{Send-MidiNoteOnMessage -Channel 6 -Note 93 -Port $mmoutputPort -Velocity 0}
3{Send-MidiNoteOnMessage -Channel 6 -Note 94 -Port $mmoutputPort -Velocity 0}
4{Send-MidiNoteOnMessage -Channel 6 -Note 95 -Port $mmoutputPort -Velocity 0}
5{Send-MidiNoteOnMessage -Channel 6 -Note 88 -Port $mmoutputPort -Velocity 0}
6{Send-MidiNoteOnMessage -Channel 6 -Note 89 -Port $mmoutputPort -Velocity 0}
7{Send-MidiNoteOnMessage -Channel 6 -Note 90 -Port $mmoutputPort -Velocity 0}
8{Send-MidiNoteOnMessage -Channel 6 -Note 91 -Port $mmoutputPort -Velocity 0}
#load new camera value
$global:IrisVale = $Global:CameraValues[$ID].IrisVale
$global:FocusVale = $Global:CameraValues[$ID].FocusVale
$global:GainValue = $Global:CameraValues[$ID].GainValue
$global:GainRed = $Global:CameraValues[$ID].GainRed
$global:GainGreen = $Global:CameraValues[$ID].GainGreen
$global:GainBlue = $Global:CameraValues[$ID].GainBlue
$global:GammaValue = $Global:CameraValues[$ID].GammaValue
$global:GammaRed = $Global:CameraValues[$ID].GammaRed
$global:GammaGreen = $Global:CameraValues[$ID].GammaGreen
$global:GammaBlue = $Global:CameraValues[$ID].GammaBlue
$global:LiftValue = $Global:CameraValues[$ID].LiftValue
$global:LiftRed = $Global:CameraValues[$ID].LiftRed
$global:LiftGreen = $Global:CameraValues[$ID].LiftGreen
$global:LiftBlue = $Global:CameraValues[$ID].LiftBlue
$Global:HueValue = $Global:CameraValues[$ID].HueValue
$global:SatValue = $Global:CameraValues[$ID].SatValue
$global:WBValue = $Global:CameraValues[$ID].WBValue
$Global:CameraID = $ID
1{Send-MidiNoteOnMessage -Channel 6 -Note 92 -Port $mmoutputPort -Velocity 1
[Clicker]::LeftClickAtPoint(-1309, 550)}
2{Send-MidiNoteOnMessage -Channel 6 -Note 93 -Port $mmoutputPort -Velocity 1
[Clicker]::LeftClickAtPoint(-1243, 550)}
3{Send-MidiNoteOnMessage -Channel 6 -Note 94 -Port $mmoutputPort -Velocity 1
[Clicker]::LeftClickAtPoint(-1179, 550)}
4{Send-MidiNoteOnMessage -Channel 6 -Note 95 -Port $mmoutputPort -Velocity 1
[Clicker]::LeftClickAtPoint(-1114, 550)}
5{Send-MidiNoteOnMessage -Channel 6 -Note 88 -Port $mmoutputPort -Velocity 1}
6{Send-MidiNoteOnMessage -Channel 6 -Note 89 -Port $mmoutputPort -Velocity 1}
7{Send-MidiNoteOnMessage -Channel 6 -Note 90 -Port $mmoutputPort -Velocity 1}
8{Send-MidiNoteOnMessage -Channel 6 -Note 91 -Port $mmoutputPort -Velocity 1}
#switch Video Hub monitor port
$hubcommand = @"
12 {0}
"@ -f ($Global:cameraID-1)
hubCommand $hubcommand
function mmHandleControlChange($controller, $Value)
#Chroma Key values (Hue, Gain, Y Sup, Lift
#Write-host "Controll $($event.sourceEventArgs.Controller)"
#Write-host "value $($event.sourceEventArgs.Value)"
Write-host "Controll $($controller)"
Write-host "value $($Value)"
{64..67 -contains $_}{#Iris
$camerairis = $atem.GetCameraFStop($controller-63)
if($Value -eq 65)
{#increase value
$camerairis = $camerairis - 0.1
if($camerairis -lt 1){$camerairis = 1}
else{#decrease value
$camerairis = $camerairis + 0.1
if($camerairis -gt 10){$camerairis = 10}
$global:IrisVale = $camerairis
Write-Host " Iris changed: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkGray; Write-Host $camerairis -ForegroundColor Red
Send-MidiControlChangeMessage -Channel 6 -Port $mmoutputPort -Value (IrisLED (11-$camerairis)) -Controller $controller #-Value 8
{36..39 -contains $_}{ #Lift
[byte]$camera = ($controller-35)
$lift = $Global:CameraValues[$camera].LiftValue
if($Value -eq 65)
{#increase value
$lift = $lift + 0.01
if($lift -gt 0.2){$lift= 0.2}
else{#decrease value
$lift = $lift - 0.01
if($lift -lt -0.2){$lift = -0.2}
$Global:CameraValues[$camera].LiftValue = $lift
Write-Host " Lift changed: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkGray; Write-Host $lift -ForegroundColor Red
Send-MidiControlChangeMessage -Channel 6 -Port $mmoutputPort -Value (scale $lift -0.2 0.2 1 16) -Controller $controller
{20,21,22,23 -contains $_}{ #WB
[byte]$camera = ($controller-19)
$wb = $Global:CameraValues[$camera].WBValue
if($Value -eq 65)
{#increase value
$wb = $wb + 50
if($wb -gt 6000){$wb= 6000}
else{#decrease value
$wb = $wb - 50
if($wb-lt 2500){$wb = 2500}
$Global:CameraValues[$camera].WBValue = $wb
Write-Host " WB changed: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkGray; Write-Host $global:WBValue -ForegroundColor Red
Send-MidiControlChangeMessage -Channel 6 -Port $mmoutputPort -Value (scale $wb 2500 6000 1 16) -Controller $controller #-Value 8
{24,25,26,27-contains $_}{ #Saturation
[byte]$camera = ($controller-23)
$sat = $Global:CameraValues[$camera].SatValue
if($Value -eq 65)
{#increase value
$sat = $sat + 0.01
if($sat -gt 2){$sat= 2}
else{#decrease value
$sat = $sat - 0.01
if($sat-lt 0){$sat = 0}
$Global:CameraValues[$camera].SatValue = $sat
Write-Host " Saturation changed: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkGray; Write-Host $sat -ForegroundColor Red
Send-MidiControlChangeMessage -Channel 6 -Port $mmoutputPort -Value (scale $sat 0 2 1 16) -Controller $controller #-Value 8
{28,29,30,31 -contains $_}{ #Hue
[byte]$camera = ($controller-27)
$hue = $Global:CameraValues[$camera].HueValue
if($Value -eq 65)
{#increase value
$hue = $hue + 0.01
if($hue -gt 1){$hue= 1}
else{#decrease value
$hue = $hue - 0.01
if($hue-lt -1){$hue = -1}
$Global:CameraValues[$camera].HueValue = $hue
Write-Host " Hue changed: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkGray; Write-Host $hue -ForegroundColor Red
Send-MidiControlChangeMessage -Channel 6 -Port $mmoutputPort -Value (scale $hue -1 1 1 16) -Controller $controller #-Value 8
{32,33,34,35 -contains $_}{ #Contrast
[byte]$camera = ($controller-31)
$contrast = $Global:CameraValues[$camera].ContrastValue
if($Value -eq 65)
{#increase value
$contrast = $contrast + 0.01
if($contrast -gt 2){$contrast= 2}
else{#decrease value
$contrast = $contrast - 0.01
if($contrast-lt 0){$contrast = 0}
$Global:CameraValues[$camera].ContrastValue = $contrast
Write-Host " Contrast changed: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkGray; Write-Host $contrast -ForegroundColor Red
Send-MidiControlChangeMessage -Channel 6 -Port $mmoutputPort -Value (scale $contrast 0 2 1 16) -Controller $controller #-Value 8
40{ # Lift Master
[byte]$camera = $global:cameraID
$lift = $Global:CameraValues[$camera].LiftValua
if($Value -eq 65)
{#increase value
$lift = $lift + 0.01
if($lift -gt 4){$lift= 4}
else{#decrease value
$lift = $lift - 0.01
if($lift -lt -4){$lift = -4}
$Global:CameraValues[$camera].LiftValue = $lift
Write-Host " Lift Master changed: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkGray; Write-Host $lift -ForegroundColor Red
Send-MidiControlChangeMessage -Channel 6 -Port $mmoutputPort -Value (scale $lift -4 4 1 16) -Controller $controller #-Value 8
41{ # Lift Red
[byte]$camera = $global:cameraID
[double]$red = $Global:CameraValues[$camera].LiftRed
if($Value -eq 65)
{#increase value
$red = $red + 0.02
if($red -gt 4){$red= 4}
else{#decrease value
$red = $red - 0.02
if($red-lt -4){$red = -4}
Write-Host " Lift Red changed: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkGray; Write-Host $red -ForegroundColor Red
42{ #Lift Green
[byte]$camera = $global:cameraID
[double]$green = $Global:CameraValues[$camera].LiftGreen
if($Value -eq 65)
{#increase value
$green = $green + 0.02
if($green -gt 4){$green= 4}
else{#decrease value
$green = $green - 0.02
if($green-lt -4){$green = -4}
Write-Host " LiftGreen changed: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkGray; Write-Host $green -ForegroundColor Red
43{ #Lift Blue
[byte]$camera = $global:cameraID
[double]$blue = $Global:CameraValues[$camera].LiftBlue
if($Value -eq 65)
{#increase value
$blue = $blue + 0.02
if($blue -gt 4){$blue= 4}
else{#decrease value
$blue = $blue - 0.02
if($blue-lt -4){$blue = -4}
Write-Host " Lift Blue changed: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkGray; Write-Host $blue -ForegroundColor Red
44{ # Gamma Master
[byte]$camera = $global:cameraID
$gamma = $Global:CameraValues[$camera].GammaValua
if($Value -eq 65)
{#increase value
$gamma = $gamma + 0.01
if($gamma -gt 4){$gamma= 4}
else{#decrease value
$gamma = $gamma - 0.01
if($gamma -lt -4){$gamma = -4}
$Global:CameraValues[$camera].GammaValue = $gamma
45{ # Gamma Red
[byte]$camera = $global:cameraID
[double]$red = $Global:CameraValues[$camera].GammaRed
if($Value -eq 65)
{#increase value
$red = $red + 0.01
if($red -gt 4){$red= 4}
else{#decrease value
$red = $red - 0.01
if($red-lt -4){$red = -4}
Write-Host " Gamma Red changed: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkGray; Write-Host $red -ForegroundColor Red
46{ #Gama Green
[byte]$camera = $global:cameraID
[double]$green = $Global:CameraValues[$camera].GammaGreen
if($Value -eq 65)
{#increase value
$green = $green + 0.01
if($green -gt 4){$green= 4}
else{#decrease value
$green = $green - 0.01
if($green-lt -4){$green = -4}
Write-Host " Gamma Green changed: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkGray; Write-Host $green -ForegroundColor Red
47{ #Gama Blue
[byte]$camera = $global:cameraID
[double]$blue = $Global:CameraValues[$camera].GammaBlue
if($Value -eq 65)
{#increase value
$blue = $blue + 0.01
if($blue -gt 4){$blue= 4}
else{#decrease value
$blue = $blue - 0.01
if($blue-lt -4){$blue = -4}
Write-Host " Gamma Blue changed: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkGray; Write-Host $blue -ForegroundColor Red
48{ # Gain Master
[byte]$camera = $global:cameraID
$gain = $Global:CameraValues[$camera].GainValue
if($Value -eq 65)
{#increase value
$gain = $gain + 0.01
if($gain -gt 4){$gain= 4}
else{#decrease value
$gain = $gain - 0.01
if($gain -lt 0){$gain = 0}
$Global:CameraValues[$camera].GainValue = $gain
49{ # Gain Red
[byte]$camera = $global:cameraID
[double]$red = $Global:CameraValues[$camera].GainRed
if($Value -eq 65)
{#increase value
$red = $red + 0.01
if($red -gt 4){$red= 4}
else{#decrease value
$red = $red - 0.01
if($red-lt -4){$red = -4}
Write-Host " Gain Red changed: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkGray; Write-Host $red -ForegroundColor Red
50{ #Gain Green
[byte]$camera = $global:cameraID
[double]$green = $Global:CameraValues[$camera].GainGreen
if($Value -eq 65)
{#increase value
$green = $green + 0.01
if($green -gt 4){$green= 4}
else{#decrease value
$green = $green - 0.01
if($green-lt -4){$green = -4}
Write-Host " Gain Green changed: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkGray; Write-Host $green -ForegroundColor Red
51{ #Gain Blue
[byte]$camera = $global:cameraID
[double]$blue = $Global:CameraValues[$camera].GainBlue
if($Value -eq 65)
{#increase value
$blue = $blue + 0.01
if($blue -gt 4){$blue= 4}
else{#decrease value
$blue = $blue - 0.01
if($blue-lt 0){$blue = 0}
Write-Host " Gain Blue changed: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkGray; Write-Host $blue -ForegroundColor Red
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier $mmcontrolChangeSourceId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$job7 = Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $mminputPort -EventName ControlChangeMessageReceived -SourceIdentifier $mmcontrolChangeSourceId -Action {mmHandleControlChange $event.sourceEventArgs.Controller $event.sourceEventArgs.Value}
function IrisLED($value){
#write-host $value
normalize $value 1 16
function LiftLED($value){
#write-host $value
$normalized = ((($value - 1) * ($max - $min)) / (10 - 1)) + 1
#$normalized = (($max- $min) / ($max - $min)*($value -$min)+$min)
return [math]::round($normalized)
function normalize($value, $min, $max) {
#$normalized = [math]::Round(($value - $min) / ($max - $min),4)
#$normalized = (($value - $min) / ($max - $min))
$normalized = ((($value - 1) * ($max - $min)) / (10 - 1)) + 1
#$normalized = (($max- $min) / ($max - $min)*($value -$min)+$min)
return [math]::round($normalized)
function scale($value, $originalMin, $originalMax, $newMin, $NewMax){
$scaled = ((($value - $originalMin) / ( $originalMax-$originalMin)) * ($NewMax-$newMin)) + $newMin
return [math]::round($scaled)
$cSource = @'
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class Clicker
struct INPUT
public int type; // 0 = INPUT_MOUSE,
public MOUSEINPUT mi;
public int dx ;
public int dy ;
public int mouseData ;
public int dwFlags;
public int time;
public IntPtr dwExtraInfo;
//This covers most use cases although complex mice may have additional buttons
//There are additional constants you can use for those cases, see the msdn page
const int MOUSEEVENTF_MOVED = 0x0001 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN = 0x0002 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP = 0x0004 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN = 0x0008 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP = 0x0010 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN = 0x0020 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP = 0x0040 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL = 0x0080 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_XDOWN = 0x0100 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_XUP = 0x0200 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE = 0x8000 ;
const int screen_length = 0x10000 ;
extern static uint SendInput(uint nInputs, INPUT[] pInputs, int cbSize);
public static void LeftClickAtPoint(int x, int y)
//Move the mouse
INPUT[] input = new INPUT[3];
input[0].mi.dx = x*(65535/System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width);
input[0].mi.dy = y*(65535/System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height);
//Left mouse button down
input[1].mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN;
//Left mouse button up
input[2].mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP;
SendInput(3, input, Marshal.SizeOf(input[0]));
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $cSource -ReferencedAssemblies System.Windows.Forms,System.Drawing
#Send a click at a specified point
function clickMouse($xpos, $ypos){
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