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Created September 29, 2010 04:05
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package com.twitter.node_registry
import scala.collection._
import com.twitter.json.Json
import com.twitter.zookeeper.ZooKeeperClient
import net.lag.logging.Logger
import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher.Event.KeeperState
import org.apache.zookeeper.{CreateMode, KeeperException, WatchedEvent}
trait Serializer {
def serialize(map: immutable.Map[String, Int]): String
def deserialize(data: String): Map[String, Int]
class JsonSerializer extends Serializer {
override def serialize(map: immutable.Map[String, Int]): String = {
override def deserialize(data: String): immutable.Map[String, Int] = {
Json.parse(data).asInstanceOf[immutable.Map[String, Int]]
trait Store {
* Stores a node, data should be already serialized
def registerNode(host: String, port: Int, data: String)
* Gets a map of nodes => serialized data
def getNodes: immutable.Map[String, String]
* Removes a node
def removeNode(host: String, port: Int)
class ZookeeperStore(servers: Iterable[String], sessionTimeout: Int, connectionRetryIntervalMS: Int, basePath: String) extends Store {
private val log = Logger.get
var zk: ZooKeeperClient = null
private var ephemerals: mutable.Map[String, String] = mutable.Map()
private var connected = false
private def connectToZookeeper() {"Attempting connection to Zookeeper servers %s with base path %s".format(servers, basePath))
new ZooKeeperClient(servers.mkString(","), sessionTimeout, basePath, handleZookeeperConnect(_))
private def handleZookeeperConnect(zook: ZooKeeperClient): Unit = synchronized {
zk = zook
ephemerals.foreach { case (node, data) => registerNode(node, data) }
zk.watchChildrenWithData[String]("hosts", ephemerals, { data: Array[Byte] => new String(data) })
override def registerNode(host: String, port: Int, data: String) {
registerNode("%s:%d".format(host, port), data)
def registerNode(nodePath: String, data: String) {
var created = false
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
val timeoutMS = sessionTimeout * 2
while (!created && System.currentTimeMillis() < (startTime + timeoutMS)) {
try {
zk.create("hosts/%s".format(nodePath), data.getBytes, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL)
created = true
} catch {
case _ : KeeperException.NodeExistsException => {
log.warning("Ephemeral node " + nodePath + " already exists. Retrying...")
if (!created) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create ephemeral node " + nodePath)
override def getNodes: immutable.Map[String, String] = synchronized {
immutable.Map[String, String]() ++ ephemerals
override def removeNode(host: String, port: Int) {
zk.delete("hosts/%s:%d".format(host, port))
* Server set takes a store and a serializer.
* This is what most people will want to use all the time
class ServerSet(store: Store, serializer: Serializer) {
* Join adds a server to the registry. "endpoints" is a Map that will be
* serialized and stored as the payload
def join(host: String, port: Int, endpoints: immutable.Map[String, Int]) {
store.registerNode(host, port, serializer.serialize(endpoints))
* Remove a server from the registry
def remove(host: String, port: Int) {
store.removeNode(host, port)
* Get a list of all nodes. Returns a map of "host:port" => deserialized data
def list: Map[String, Map[String, Int]] = {
store.getNodes.foldLeft(immutable.Map[String, Map[String, Int]]()) { (map, tuple) =>
val (host, data) = tuple
map + (host -> serializer.deserialize(data))
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