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Created November 1, 2012 19:29
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// Make a preliminary n-gram to n-gram map to translate with
function make_translate_map()
$four_grams = array(
"ouve" => "a",
"them" => "dem",
"then" => "den",
"done" => "dun",
"dont" => "dnt",
"know" => "no",
"youn" => "yun",
"nish" => "nsh",
"this" => "dis",
"ther" => "der",
"ight" => "ite",
"some" => "sum"
$tri_grams = array(
"wha" => "wu",
"are" => "r",
"thi" => "ti",
"coo" => "koo",
"sai" => "se",
"see" => "c",
"the" => "da",
"and" => "nd",
"nor" => "nr",
"can" => "cn",
"one" => "1",
"two" => "2",
"ans" => "ns",
"you" => "u",
"ork" => "rk",
"too" => "2"
$bi_grams = array(
"th" => "d",
"re" => "r"
$post_fixes = array(
"ady" => "athy",
"dars" => "thers",
"oder" => "other",
"ader" => "ather",
"rvi" => "revi",
"rtrn" => "retrn",
"drou" => "thru",
"gre" => "gree",
"wuzh" => "wash",
"rsta" => "rest",
"eld" => "elth",
"ald" => "alth",
"ifd" => "ifth"
return array_merge($four_grams, $tri_grams, $bi_grams, $post_fixes);
// Accepts an n-gram map, and applies randomizations to it
function randomize_map($translate_map)
$like_random = array("lyk", "lyke", "liek", "lik","like");
$ur_random = array("yr", "ur", "yur", "your");
$was_random = array("wuz", "woz", "was", "waz");
$the_random = array("tha", "da", "teh");
$ould_random = array("ud", "ood", "od");
$ery_random = array("ery", "ry");
$wid_random = array("wid", "wit");
$people_random = array("ppl", "peppl", "peoppl", "people");
$ention_random = array("ention", "enshun");
$ine_random = array("yn", "yne", "ein");
$ude_random = array("ude", "ewd");
$for_random = array("for", "4");
$fuck_random = array("fuck", "fck", "fuk", "fucc");
$translate_map['like'] = $like_random[array_rand($like_random)];
$translate_map['ur'] = $ur_random[array_rand($ur_random)];
$translate_map['was'] = $was_random[array_rand($was_random)];
$translate_map['da'] = $the_random[array_rand($the_random)];
$translate_map['ould'] = $ould_random[array_rand($ould_random)];
$translate_map['ery'] = $ery_random[array_rand($ery_random)];
$translate_map['wid'] = $wid_random[array_rand($wid_random)];
$translate_map['people'] = $people_random[array_rand($people_random)];
$translate_map['ention'] = $ention_random[array_rand($ention_random)];
$translate_map['ine'] = $ine_random[array_rand($ine_random)];
$translate_map['ude'] = $ude_random[array_rand($ude_random)];
$translate_map['for'] = $for_random[array_rand($for_random)];
$translate_map['fuck'] = $fuck_random[array_rand($fuck_random)];
return $translate_map;
// Translate a string from "normal" to "OMGWTF MORON"
function translate($original_string)
$original_string = strtolower($original_string);
$original_string = preg_replace('/[,;\._\'\/]+/', '', $original_string);
$words = split("[ ]+", $original_string);
$translate_map = make_translate_map();
$translated_words = array();
foreach ($words as $value)
foreach (randomize_map($translate_map) as $orig => $mod)
$value = str_replace($orig, $mod, $value);
$translated_words[] = $value;
return join(' ', $translated_words);
$translated = "";
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$translated = translate($_POST['original']);
<h2>Moron Translation:</h2>
<br />
<form action="translate.php" method="POST">
Original:<br />
<textarea cols="50" rows="10" name="original"><?php echo isset($_POST['original']) ? $_POST['original'] : ''; ?></textarea>
<br /><br />
Translated:<br />
<textarea cols="50" rows="10" name="translated"><?php echo $translated ?></textarea>
<br /><br />
<input type="submit" value="Translate" name="submit" />
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