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Forked from cjp/.el
Created November 1, 2020 06:44
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How to get org-protocol to work with spacemacs
;; I have no idea why it works. This is the product of 4 hours of trial-and-error.
(defun dotspacemacs/user-init ()
"Initialization function for user code.
It is called immediately after `dotspacemacs/init'. You are free to put almost
any user code here. The exception is org related code, which should be placed
in `dotspacemacs/user-config'."
(require 'org-protocol)
(defun dotspacemacs/user-config ()
"Configuration function for user code.
This function is called at the very end of Spacemacs initialization after
layers configuration. You are free to put any user code."
(with-eval-after-load 'org
(add-to-list 'org-modules 'org-protocol)
(setq org-capture-templates '(
("p" "Protocol" entry (file+headline "~/org/" "Inbox")
"* %^{Title}\nSource: %u, %c\n #+BEGIN_QUOTE\n%i\n#+END_QUOTE\n\n\n%?")
("L" "Protocol Link" entry (file+headline "~/org/" "Inbox")
"* %? [[%:link][%:description]] \nCaptured On: %U")))))
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