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Forked from ahmadshah/
Created August 25, 2016 18:59
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Ecto Soft Delete

Soft Delete Ecto Repo

The goal is to support soft delete functionality in Ecto.Repo. With the suggestion by @imranismail, another repo is created and the remaining functionalities are delegate to the original MyApp.Repo.

The new repo get/2 and all/1 functions will exclude the soft deleted record by default. delete/1 and delete_all/1 will update the delete_at column by default instead of deleting.


MyApp.Repo.get(MyApp.User, 1) //will return nil if record is in soft delete state

MyApp.Repo.get(MyApp.User, 1, [with_thrash: true]) //will return the soft deleted record

MyApp.Repo.all(MyApp.User) //will exclude soft deleted records

MyApp.Repo.all(MyApp.User, [with_thrash: true]) //will include soft deleted records

MyApp.Repo.delete(user) //will update the deleted_at column

MyApp.Repo.delete(user, [force: true]) //will permanently delete the record

MyApp.Repo.delete_all(MyApp.User) //will updated the deleted_at columns

MyApp.Repo.delete_all(MyApp.User, [force: true]) //will permanently delete all records

MyApp.Repo.restore(MyApp.User, 1) //will restore back the soft deleted record
defmodule MyApp.CustomRepo do
@behaviour MyApp.SoftDelete
import Ecto.Query, only: [where: 2]
import Ecto.DateTime, only: [utc: 0]
import Ecto.Changeset, only: [change: 2]
import Ecto.Queryable, only: [to_query: 1]
alias MyApp.Repo
require Ecto.Query
def all(queryable, opts \\ [])
def all(queryable, opts) when length(opts) == 0 do
queryable = exclude_thrash(queryable)
def all(queryable, opts) when length(opts) > 0 do
case with_thrash_option?(opts) do
true ->
queryable = exclude_thrash(queryable, false)
opts = Keyword.drop(opts, [:with_thrash])
Repo.all(queryable, opts)
_ ->
opts = Keyword.drop(opts, [:with_thrash])
all(queryable, opts)
def get(queryable, id, opts \\ [])
def get(queryable, id, opts) when length(opts) == 0 do
queryable = exclude_thrash(queryable)
Repo.get(queryable, id, opts)
def get(queryable, id, opts) when length(opts) > 0 do
case with_thrash_option?(opts) do
true ->
queryable = exclude_thrash(queryable, false)
opts = Keyword.drop(opts, [:with_thrash])
Repo.get(queryable, id, opts)
_ ->
opts = Keyword.drop(opts, [:with_thrash])
get(queryable, id, opts)
def delete(struct, opts \\ [])
def delete(struct, opts) when length(opts) == 0 do
changeset = change(struct, deleted_at: utc())
def delete(struct, opts) when length(opts) > 0 do
case with_force_option?(opts) do
true ->
opts = Keyword.drop(opts, [:force])
Repo.delete(struct, opts)
_ -> delete(struct)
def delete_all(queryable, opts \\ [])
def delete_all(queryable, opts) when length(opts) == 0 do
Repo.update_all(queryable, set: [deleted_at: utc()])
def delete_all(queryable, opts) when length(opts) > 0 do
case with_force_option?(opts) do
true ->
opts = Keyword.drop(opts, [:force])
Repo.delete_all(queryable, opts)
_ ->
def restore(queryable, id) do
changeset = change(get!(queryable, id), deleted_at: nil)
defp schema_fields(%{from: {_source, schema}}) when schema != nil, do: schema.__schema__(:fields)
defp field_exists?(queryable, column) do
query = to_query(queryable)
fields = schema_fields(query)
Enum.member?(fields, column)
defp exclude_thrash(queryable, exclude \\ true) do
case field_exists?(queryable, :deleted_at) do
false -> queryable
true ->
cond do
exclude -> where(queryable, fragment("deleted_at IS NULL"))
!exclude-> queryable
defp with_thrash_option?(opts), do: Keyword.get(opts, :with_thrash)
defp with_force_option?(opts), do: Keyword.get(opts, :force)
defdelegate config(), to: MyApp.Repo
defdelegate get!(queryable, id, opts \\ []), to: MyApp.Repo
defdelegate get_by(queryable, clauses, opts \\ []), to: MyApp.Repo
defdelegate get_by!(queryable, clauses, opts \\ []), to: MyApp.Repo
defdelegate in_transaction?(), to: MyApp.Repo
defdelegate insert(struct, opts \\ []), to: MyApp.Repo
defdelegate insert!(struct, opts \\ []), to: MyApp.Repo
defdelegate insert_all(schema_or_source, entries, opts \\ []), to: MyApp.Repo
defdelegate insert_or_update(changeset, opts \\ []), to: MyApp.Repo
defdelegate insert_or_update!(changeset, opts \\ []), to: MyApp.Repo
defdelegate one(queryable, opts \\ []), to: MyApp.Repo
defdelegate one!(queryable, opts \\ []), to: MyApp.Repo
defdelegate preload(struct_or_structs, preloads, opts \\ []), to: MyApp.Repo
defdelegate rollback(value), to: MyApp.Repo
defdelegate start_link(opts \\ []), to: MyApp.Repo
defdelegate stop(pid, timeout \\ 5000), to: MyApp.Repo
defdelegate transaction(fun_or_multi, opts \\ []), to: MyApp.Repo
defdelegate update(struct, opts \\ []), to: MyApp.Repo
defdelegate update!(struct, opts \\ []), to: MyApp.Repo
defdelegate update_all(queryable, updates, opts \\ []), to: MyApp.Repo
defdelegate delete!(struct, opts \\ []), to: MyApp.Repo
defmodule MyApp.SoftDelete do
@callback restore(Ecto.Queryable.t, integer) :: {:ok, Ecto.Schema.t} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t}
defmodule User do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "users" do
field :email, :string
field :password, :string
field :deleted_at, Ecto.DateTime, null: true
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