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Last active April 10, 2018 09:13
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Testing stuff

Supervisor update test through the API


This test checks if the update-resin-supervisor script correctly gets the supervisor information from the API.

  • connect to the host OS
  • copy and paste the below script into the shell to run it - it will take the device's credentials, calls the API for the supervisor for cross-check, update the API entry for this device, and calls the supervisor updater to check if it finds the updated info.
source /etc/resin-supervisor/supervisor.conf
if [ -f "/mnt/boot/config.json" ]; then
elif [ -f "/mnt/conf/config.json" ]; then
if [ -z "$SUPERVISOR_TAG" ]; then
  echo "Couldn't extract SUPERVISOR_TAG from the supervisor.conf"
elif [ -z "$CONFIGJSON" ]; then
  echo "Couldn't find config.json, cannot continue".
  APIKEY="$(jq -r '.apiKey // .deviceApiKey' "${CONFIGJSON}")"
  DEVICEID="$(jq -r '.deviceId' "${CONFIGJSON}")"
  API_ENDPOINT="$(jq -r '.apiEndpoint' "${CONFIGJSON}")"
  SLUG="$(jq -r '.deviceType' "${CONFIGJSON}")"
  SUPERVISOR_ID=$(curl -s "${API_ENDPOINT}/v3/supervisor_release?\$select=id,image_name&\$filter=((device_type%20eq%20'$SLUG')%20and%20(supervisor_version%20eq%20'$SUPERVISOR_TAG'))&apikey=${APIKEY}" | jq -e -r '.d[0].id')
  echo "Extracted supervisor ID: $SUPERVISOR_ID"
  API_REPLY=$(curl -s "${API_ENDPOINT}/v2/device($DEVICEID)?apikey=$APIKEY" -X PATCH -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' --data-binary "{\"supervisor_release\": \"$SUPERVISOR_ID\"}")
  if [ "$API_REPLY" = "OK" ]; then
    if update-resin-supervisor | grep "Supervisor configuration found from API." ; then
    echo "Couldn't set Supervisor release in the API"
if [ "$TEST_OK" = "yes" ]; then
  echo "Test SUCCESSFUL."
  echo "Test FAILED."


Setting the supervisor should output the supervisor release ID and an OK for the set:

Extracted supervisor ID: 968

If you see Extracted supervisor ID: null, then check whether there's a supervisor version equal to SUPERVISOR_TAG released for the given device type. If there isn't, ping @team in i/supervisor, and retry the test when the supervisor is released properly.

The update-resin-supervisor run should have Supervisor configuration found from API., this signals that the script has gotten the supervisor ID and information correctly from the API.

If the test successful, you should see a Test SUCCESSFUL. in the end, if any of the steps have failed, then you'll see a Test FAILED.

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