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Last active July 16, 2024 16:27
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module UseConfig where
import Data.Symbol (class IsSymbol, reflectSymbol)
import Effect (Effect)
import Foreign (F, Foreign)
import Prelude
import Split (class SplitOnPeriodWrap) -- [code here](
import Type.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Control.Monad.Except (runExcept)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
foreign import getConfigJson :: String -> Effect Foreign
newtype ScreenConfig = ScreenConfig { name :: String}
newtype MessageConfig = MessageConfig { msg :: String}
derive newtype instance Show ScreenConfig
derive newtype instance Show MessageConfig
class DecodeConfig :: Symbol -> Type -> Constraint
class (IsSymbol path) <= DecodeConfig path a | path -> a where
decodeConfig :: Proxy path -> Foreign -> F a
instance DecodeConfig "MessageConfig" MessageConfig where
decodeConfig _ fgn = pure $ MessageConfig { msg : "hello"} -- just a mock
instance DecodeConfig "ScreenConfig" ScreenConfig where
decodeConfig _ fgn = pure $ ScreenConfig { name : "screen1"} -- just a mock
class UseConfig :: Symbol -> Type -> Constraint
class (IsSymbol path) <= UseConfig path a | path -> a where
getConfig :: Proxy path -> Effect (Either String a)
instance ( IsSymbol fullpath
-- SplitOnPeriodWrap takes two arguments,
-- * The first argument corresponds to the whole path a symbol
-- * The second argument corresponds to the last segment in a dot seperated symbol
-- [code here](
, SplitOnPeriodWrap fullpath path'
, DecodeConfig path' ret
) => UseConfig fullpath ret where
getConfig _ = do
fgn <- getConfigJson (reflectSymbol (Proxy @fullpath))
pure case runExcept $ decodeConfig (Proxy @path') fgn of
Right a -> Right a
Left a -> Left (show a)
getConfig' :: forall path suffixpath val
. IsSymbol path
=> DecodeConfig suffixpath val
=> SplitOnPeriodWrap path suffixpath
=> Proxy path
-> Effect (Either String val)
getConfig' = getConfig
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