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Last active June 27, 2023 11:50
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How to record screen on macOS and convert to .gif

1. What you need

Download and install:

You can do it directly in terminal with Homebrew:

  • $brew install ffmpeg
  • $brew install gifsicle

If you don't have Homebrew, check out their official site on how to install it:

2. How to record screen on macOS

You don't need any third-party apps, just press:


You should see the following menu: image

Use the crop tool to select part of the screen you want to capture and hit 'Record'.

3. Convert .mov to .gif

Using terminal commands we will now convert the screen video we've just captured:

  • For the sake of simplicity, rename the video to
  • open a new terminal at the same directory as the video (eg. if it's on desktop you can navigate there with cd desktop)
  • you can copy and run the following command: ffmpeg -i -pix_fmt rgb8 -r TYPE_HERE_DESIRED_FRAMERATE -vf "scale=TYPE_HERE_DESIRED_WIDTH:-2" output.gif && gifsicle --optimize=3 output.gif -o output.gif
    • I use gifs as a way to showcase demo usage of apps, that's why I suggest rescaling here the gif, because the screen captured video will have a really high resolution, which is not useful for example for attaching a gif to a GitHub Therefore, replace "TYPE_HERE_DESIRED_FRAMERATE" and "TYPE_HERE_DESIRED_WIDTH" in the code with expected values. I usually go with: ffmpeg -i -pix_fmt rgb8 -r 10 -vf "scale=500:-2" output.gif && gifsicle --optimize=3 output.gif -o output.gif



You should find the output.gif file in the same directory as your input video.

4. (OPTIONAL) Let's save that code for the future

Now you can either just copy it to the terminal whenever you want to convert a video to a gif, or you can neatly pack it for future usage in a form of one command.

  • navigate to your shell configuration file, for Z shell on Mac it's ~/.zshrc, you can use Command⌘+Shift⇧+G when at Finder to navigate there.
    • there is a chance the file may not exist by default, so you can create it at your ~/ home directory.


  • open it with a text editor and paste there: gif(){ ffmpeg -i -pix_fmt rgb8 -r 10 -vf "scale=$1:-2" output.gif && gifsicle --optimize=3 output.gif -o output.gif }
  • save the file

Now whenever you need to convert an file, just open your terminal and type gif WIDTH_VALUE:

  • for example: gif 500 to automatically convert and scale the video to a gif with a width of 500px.


While looking for the most convienent method to quickly create gifs for attaching in apps demos, I've found these guides and articles to be helpful:

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