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veekaybee /
Last active June 1, 2024 03:03
Normcore LLM Reads

Anti-hype LLM reading list

Goals: Add links that are reasonable and good explanations of how stuff works. No hype and no vendor content if possible. Practical first-hand accounts of models in prod eagerly sought.

Foundational Concepts

Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 10 40 27 PM

Pre-Transformer Models

prologic /
Last active May 9, 2024 20:15
Learn Go in ~5mins
markofu / Security_Tools_for_AWS.MD
Last active October 2, 2023 15:30
Security Tools for AWS

Security Tools for AWS

I often get asked which tools are good to use for securing your AWS infrastructure so I figured I'd write a short listof some useful Security Tools for the AWS Cloud Infrastructure.

This list is not intended be something completely exhaustive, more so provide a good launching pad for someone as they dig into AWS and want to make it secure from the start.

Open Source

This section focuses on tools and services provided by the community and released as open-source.

croxton /
Last active March 3, 2024 18:58 — forked from leevigraham/Generate ssl certificates with Subject Alt Names on
Generate ssl certificates with Subject Alt Names

Generate ssl certificates with Subject Alt Names on OSX

Open ssl.conf in a text editor.

Edit the domain(s) listed under the [alt_names] section so that they match the local domain name you want to use for your project, e.g.

DNS.1   =

Additional FQDNs can be added if required:

scmx /
Created April 7, 2017 07:01
Updating a local diverged git branch to latest remote without reset --hard. #git git checkout -B vs git reset --hard

Updating a local diverged git branch to latest remote without reset --hard

Sometimes you have a branch checked out locally that someone else owns and they do a force push. Perhaps it's during a review when they have pushed all the needed fixups and got them approved. So now they squash and force-push the branch. It's time for you to take a new look at the updated commits, so you checkout the branch and try to update it.

The situation

$ git checkout some-topic-branch
$ git pull
davidcelis / blame.graphql
Created December 6, 2016 19:28
An example GraphQL query to get `git blame` data from the GitHub GraphQL API
query {
repositoryOwner(login: "github") {
repository(name: "linguist") {
object(expression: "master") {
... on Commit {
blame(path: "github-linguist.gemspec") {
ranges {

FWIW: I (@rondy) am not the creator of the content shared here, which is an excerpt from Edmond Lau's book. I simply copied and pasted it from another location and saved it as a personal note, before it gained popularity on Unfortunately, I cannot recall the exact origin of the original source, nor was I able to find the author's name, so I am can't provide the appropriate credits.

Effective Engineer - Notes

What's an Effective Engineer?

devster31 / example.html
Last active June 1, 2024 23:46
Bookmark parser for the NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1 format in node. Don't hesitate to comment with feedback.
<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<!-- This is an automatically generated file.
It will be read and overwritten.
Do Not Edit! -->
<DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1414706885" PRIVATE="0" TAGS="javascript,mac,osx,yosemite">JavaScript for Automation Release Notes</A>
<DD>This article describes JavaScript for Automation, a new feature in OS X Yosemite.

Principles of Adult Behavior

  1. Be patient. No matter what.
  2. Don’t badmouth: Assign responsibility, not blame. Say nothing of another you wouldn’t say to him.
  3. Never assume the motives of others are, to them, less noble than yours are to you.
  4. Expand your sense of the possible.
  5. Don’t trouble yourself with matters you truly cannot change.
  6. Expect no more of anyone than you can deliver yourself.
  7. Tolerate ambiguity.
  8. Laugh at yourself frequently.

Why I hate TypeScript

Warning: These views are highly oppinated and might have some slightly incorrect facts. My experience with typescript was about 2 weeks in Node and a week in angular2.

Not Standard

TypeScript is implementing their own take on JavaScript. Some of the things they are writing will likely never make it in an official ES* spec either.

Technologies that have competing spec / community driven development have a history of failing; take: Flash, SilverLight, CoffeeScript, the list goes on. If you have a large code base, picking TypeScript is something your going to be living with for a long time. I can take a bet in 3 years JavaScript will still be around without a doubt.

Its also worth noting that they have built some things like module system and as soon as the spec came out they ditched it and started using that. Have fun updating!