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Created June 17, 2019 12:10
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Output of ./gradlew --info publishReleaseListing
Initialized native services in: /home/simon/.gradle/native
The client will now receive all logging from the daemon (pid: 4634). The daemon log file: /home/simon/.gradle/daemon/5.4.1/daemon-4634.out.log
Starting 3rd build in daemon [uptime: 8 mins 52.3 secs, performance: 99%, non-heap usage: 24% of 268.4 MB]
Using 4 worker leases.
Starting Build
Settings evaluated using settings file '/media/ext4_data/Coding/syncthing-android/settings.gradle'.
Projects loaded. Root project using build file '/media/ext4_data/Coding/syncthing-android/build.gradle'.
Included projects: [root project 'syncthing-android', project ':app', project ':syncthing']
> Configure project :
Evaluating root project 'syncthing-android' using build file '/media/ext4_data/Coding/syncthing-android/build.gradle'.
> Configure project :app
Evaluating project ':app' using build file '/media/ext4_data/Coding/syncthing-android/app/build.gradle'.
Creating configuration androidTestUtil
Creating configuration compile
Creating configuration apk
Creating configuration provided
Creating configuration api
Creating configuration implementation
Creating configuration runtimeOnly
Creating configuration compileOnly
Creating configuration wearApp
Creating configuration annotationProcessor
Creating configuration androidTestCompile
Creating configuration androidTestApk
Creating configuration androidTestProvided
Creating configuration androidTestApi
Creating configuration androidTestImplementation
Creating configuration androidTestRuntimeOnly
Creating configuration androidTestCompileOnly
Creating configuration androidTestWearApp
Creating configuration androidTestAnnotationProcessor
Creating configuration testCompile
Creating configuration testApk
Creating configuration testProvided
Creating configuration testApi
Creating configuration testImplementation
Creating configuration testRuntimeOnly
Creating configuration testCompileOnly
Creating configuration testWearApp
Creating configuration testAnnotationProcessor
Creating configuration debugCompile
Creating configuration debugApk
Creating configuration debugProvided
Creating configuration debugApi
Creating configuration debugImplementation
Creating configuration debugRuntimeOnly
Creating configuration debugCompileOnly
Creating configuration debugWearApp
Creating configuration debugAnnotationProcessor
Creating configuration androidTestDebugCompile
Creating configuration androidTestDebugApk
Creating configuration androidTestDebugProvided
Creating configuration androidTestDebugApi
Creating configuration androidTestDebugImplementation
Creating configuration androidTestDebugRuntimeOnly
Creating configuration androidTestDebugCompileOnly
Creating configuration androidTestDebugWearApp
Creating configuration androidTestDebugAnnotationProcessor
Creating configuration testDebugCompile
Creating configuration testDebugApk
Creating configuration testDebugProvided
Creating configuration testDebugApi
Creating configuration testDebugImplementation
Creating configuration testDebugRuntimeOnly
Creating configuration testDebugCompileOnly
Creating configuration testDebugWearApp
Creating configuration testDebugAnnotationProcessor
Creating configuration releaseCompile
Creating configuration releaseApk
Creating configuration releaseProvided
Creating configuration releaseApi
Creating configuration releaseImplementation
Creating configuration releaseRuntimeOnly
Creating configuration releaseCompileOnly
Creating configuration releaseWearApp
Creating configuration releaseAnnotationProcessor
Creating configuration testReleaseCompile
Creating configuration testReleaseApk
Creating configuration testReleaseProvided
Creating configuration testReleaseApi
Creating configuration testReleaseImplementation
Creating configuration testReleaseRuntimeOnly
Creating configuration testReleaseCompileOnly
Creating configuration testReleaseWearApp
Creating configuration testReleaseAnnotationProcessor
Parsing the SDK, no caching allowed
SDK initialized in 13 ms
Incremental Java compilation disabled in variant debug as you are using an incompatible plugin
Not using incremental javac compilation for :app debug.
Incremental Java compilation disabled in variant debugUnitTest as you are using an incompatible plugin
Not using incremental javac compilation for :app debugUnitTest.
Incremental Java compilation disabled in variant release as you are using an incompatible plugin
Not using incremental javac compilation for :app release.
Incremental Java compilation disabled in variant releaseUnitTest as you are using an incompatible plugin
Not using incremental javac compilation for :app releaseUnitTest.
Incremental Java compilation disabled in variant debugAndroidTest as you are using an incompatible plugin
Not using incremental javac compilation for :app debugAndroidTest.
Skipping debuggable build with type 'debug'
> Configure project :syncthing
Evaluating project ':syncthing' using build file '/media/ext4_data/Coding/syncthing-android/syncthing/build.gradle'.
All projects evaluated.
Selected primary task 'publishReleaseListing' from project :
Tasks to be executed: [task ':app:generateReleasePlayResources', task ':app:publishReleaseListing']
:app:generateReleasePlayResources (Thread[Execution worker for ':',5,main]) started.
> Task :app:generateReleasePlayResources UP-TO-DATE
Caching disabled for task ':app:generateReleasePlayResources' because:
Build cache is disabled
Skipping task ':app:generateReleasePlayResources' as it is up-to-date.
:app:generateReleasePlayResources (Thread[Execution worker for ':',5,main]) completed. Took 0.036 secs.
:app:publishReleaseListing (Thread[Execution worker for ':',5,main]) started.
> Task :app:publishReleaseListing
Caching disabled for task ':app:publishReleaseListing' because:
Build cache is disabled
Task ':app:publishReleaseListing' is not up-to-date because:
Task has failed previously.
All input files are considered out-of-date for incremental task ':app:publishReleaseListing'.
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{"fullDescription":"Syncthing replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared with some third party and how it's transmitted over the Internet.\n\nموقع الويب :\n\nالكود المصدري :\n\nالمنتديات :\n\nIssues:","shortDescription":"Open, trustworthy and decentralized file synchronization","title":"Syncthing"}
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{"fullDescription":"Syncthing replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared with some third party and how it's transmitted over the Internet.\n\nموقع الويب :\n\nالكود المصدري :\n\nالمنتديات :\n\nIssues:","shortDescription":"Open, trustworthy and decentralized file synchronization","title":"Syncthing"}
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"fullDescription": "Syncthing replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared with some third party and how it's transmitted over the Internet.\n\nموقع الويب :\n\nالكود المصدري :\n\nالمنتديات :\n\nIssues:",
"shortDescription": "Open, trustworthy and decentralized file synchronization",
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Total: 933 bytes
{"fullDescription":"Syncthing е заместник на комерсиални услуги за синхронизиране и облачни услуги, но за разлика от тях е децентрализирано решение с отворен код. Вашите данни остават под ваш контрол, вие решавате къде да се съхраняват, с кой да бъдат споделени и как да се предават през Интернет.\n\nУеб сайт:\n\nСорс код:\n\nФорум:\n\nПроблеми:","shortDescription":"Отворено и надеждно приложение за децентрализирано синхронизиране на файлове.","title":"Syncthing"}
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"fullDescription": "Syncthing е заместник на комерсиални услуги за синхронизиране и облачни услуги, но за разлика от тях е децентрализирано решение с отворен код. Вашите данни остават под ваш контрол, вие решавате къде да се съхраняват, с кой да бъдат споделени и как да се предават през Интернет.\n\nУеб сайт:\n\nСорс код:\n\nФорум:\n\nПроблеми:",
"shortDescription": "Отворено и надеждно приложение за децентрализирано синхронизиране на файлове.",
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{"fullDescription":"El Syncthing substitueix els serveis propietaris de sincronització i d'emmagatzematge en el núvol per una alternativa oberta, confiable i descentralitzada. Les vostres dades són només vostres, i heu de poder triar on voleu que s'emmagatzemin, si es comparteixen amb tercers i com es transmeten per Internet.\n\nPàgina web:\n\nCodi font:\n\nFòrum:\n\nProblemes:","shortDescription":"Sincronització de fitxers oberta, confiable i descentralitzada.","title":"Syncthing"}
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"fullDescription": "El Syncthing substitueix els serveis propietaris de sincronització i d'emmagatzematge en el núvol per una alternativa oberta, confiable i descentralitzada. Les vostres dades són només vostres, i heu de poder triar on voleu que s'emmagatzemin, si es comparteixen amb tercers i com es transmeten per Internet.\n\nPàgina web:\n\nCodi font:\n\nFòrum:\n\nProblemes:",
"shortDescription": "Sincronització de fitxers oberta, confiable i descentralitzada.",
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{"fullDescription":"Syncthing nahrazuje proprietární synchronizační a cloudové služby otevřeným, důvěryhodným a decentralizovaným řešení. Vaše data patří jenom vám a zasloužíte si mít na výběr, kde jsou uložena, jestli jsou sdílena s třetí stranou a jak jsou přenášena po Internetu.\n\nWebová stránka:\n\nZdrojový kód:\n\nFórum:\n\nHlášení chyb:","shortDescription":"Otevřené, důvěryhodné a decentralizované řešení pro synchronizaci souborů","title":"Syncthing"}
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"title": "Syncthing",
"fullDescription": "Syncthing nahrazuje proprietární synchronizační a cloudové služby otevřeným, důvěryhodným a decentralizovaným řešení. Vaše data patří jenom vám a zasloužíte si mít na výběr, kde jsou uložena, jestli jsou sdílena s třetí stranou a jak jsou přenášena po Internetu.\n\nWebová stránka:\n\nZdrojový kód:\n\nFórum:\n\nHlášení chyb:",
"shortDescription": "Otevřené, důvěryhodné a decentralizované řešení pro synchronizaci souborů",
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Total: 613 bytes
{"fullDescription":"Syncthing erstatter proprietære sync- og cloudservices med noget åbent, troværdigt og decentraliseret. Dine data er dine og kun dine, og du fortjener at kunne vælge hvor disse bliver gemt, om de bliver delt med tredjeparter og hvordan de bliver transporteret over internettet.\n\nHjemmeside:\n\nKildekode:\n\nForum: \n\nFejl og problemer:","shortDescription":"Åben, troværdig og decentraliseret filsynkronisering","title":"Syncthing"}
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{"fullDescription":"Syncthing erstatter proprietære sync- og cloudservices med noget åbent, troværdigt og decentraliseret. Dine data er dine og kun dine, og du fortjener at kunne vælge hvor disse bliver gemt, om de bliver delt med tredjeparter og hvordan de bliver transporteret over internettet.\n\nHjemmeside:\n\nKildekode:\n\nForum: \n\nFejl og problemer:","shortDescription":"Åben, troværdig og decentraliseret filsynkronisering","title":"Syncthing"}
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"language": "da-DK",
"title": "Syncthing",
"fullDescription": "Syncthing erstatter proprietære sync- og cloudservices med noget åbent, troværdigt og decentraliseret. Dine data er dine og kun dine, og du fortjener at kunne vælge hvor disse bliver gemt, om de bliver delt med tredjeparter og hvordan de bliver transporteret over internettet.\n\nHjemmeside:\n\nKildekode:\n\nForum: \n\nFejl og problemer:",
"shortDescription": "Åben, troværdig og decentraliseret filsynkronisering",
"video": ""
Total: 623 bytes
{"fullDescription":"Syncthing ersetzt die proprietären Synchronisierungs- und Cloud-Dienste, mit etwas offenem, vertrauenswürdigen und dezentralem. Deine Daten sind deine Daten und du allein entscheidest, wo sie gespeichert werden, ob sie mit Dritten geteilt und wie sie über das Internet übertragen werden.\n\nWebseite:\n\nQuellcode:\n\nForum:\n\nVorgänge:","shortDescription":"Offene, vertrauenswürdige und dezentrale Dateisynchronisation","title":"Syncthing"}
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"fullDescription": "Syncthing remplace les services de synchronisation et de cloud propriétaires par quelque chose d'ouvert, fiable et décentralisé. Vos données sont uniquement vos données et vous méritez de choisir où elles sont stockées, si elles sont partagées avec des tiers et comment elles sont transmises sur Internet.\n\nSite internet:\n\nCode source:\n\nForum:\n\nQuestions:",
"shortDescription": "Une synchronisation de fichiers ouverte, fiable et décentralisée",
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"fullDescription": "A Syncthing a zárt forrású szinkronizáló és felhő szolgáltatásokat egy nyílt, megbízható és decentralizált szoftverrel váltja fel. A te adatod csak a tiéd és te szabod meg, hogy hol tárolod, kivel osztod meg, és hogyan továbbítod az interneten.\n\nWeboldal:\n\nForráskód:\n\nFórum:\n\nHibajelentés:",
"shortDescription": "Nyílt, megbízható és decentralizált fájlszinkronizáció",
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{"fullDescription":"Syncthing menggantikan layanan cloud dan sinkronisasi berkas dengan yang terbuka, terpercaya dan terdesentralisasi. Data anda tetap menjadi milik anda dan anda bisa memilih dimana ingin menyimpannya, juga dengan siapa anda ingin berbagi dan bagaimana ditransmisikannya lewat internet.\n\nSitus web:\n\nKode program:\n\nForum:\n\nLaporan masalah:","shortDescription":"Sinkronisasi berkas secara terbuka, terdesentralisasi dan terpercaya","title":"Syncthing"}
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"shortDescription": "Sinkronisasi berkas secara terbuka, terdesentralisasi dan terpercaya",
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{"fullDescription":"Syncthing sostituisce servizi proprietari di sincronizzazione e cloud con qualcosa di aperto, affidabile e decentralizzato. I tuoi dati sono solo tuoi e meriti di scegliere dove vengono immagazzinati, se sono condivisi con terze parti e come sono trasmessi attraverso Internet.\n\nSito:\n\nCodice sorgente:\n\nForum:\n\nSegnalazione problemi:","shortDescription":"Sincronizzazione file aperta, affidabile e decentralizzata","title":"Syncthing"}
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"fullDescription": "Syncthing sostituisce servizi proprietari di sincronizzazione e cloud con qualcosa di aperto, affidabile e decentralizzato. I tuoi dati sono solo tuoi e meriti di scegliere dove vengono immagazzinati, se sono condivisi con terze parti e come sono trasmessi attraverso Internet.\n\nSito:\n\nCodice sorgente:\n\nForum:\n\nSegnalazione problemi:",
"shortDescription": "Sincronizzazione file aperta, affidabile e decentralizzata",
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{"fullDescription":"Syncthing は、プロプライエタリな同期・クラウドサービスを、オープンで、信頼できる、分散型のもので置き換えます。あなたのデータはあなただけのものであり、どこに保存するかをご自身で決められます。第三者とデータを共有する場合は、どのようにインターネット上で送信するかも決められます。\n\nWebサイト:\n\nソースコード:\n\nフォーラム:\n\n問題:","shortDescription":"オープンで、信頼できる、分散型ファイル同期","title":"Syncthing"}
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{"fullDescription":"Syncthing은 기존의 사유(私有) 동기화 / 클라우드를 대체하는 개방적이고, 믿을 수 있고, 분산화된 서비스입니다. 사용자의 데이터가 독립적으로 유지될 뿐만 아니라, 사용자가 직접 데이터가 저장될 장소를 지정하고, 공유할 제3자나, 인터넷상에서 전송되는 방법을 선택할 수 있습니다.\n\n웹사이트:\n\n소스 코드:\n\n포럼:\n\n문제 제기:","shortDescription":"개방적이고 믿을 수 있는, 분산 파일 동기화","title":"Syncthing"}
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{"fullDescription":"Syncthing replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared with some third party and how it's transmitted over the Internet.\n\nWebsite:\n\nSource code:\n\nForum:\n\nIssues:","shortDescription":"Open, trustworthy and decentralized file synchronization","title":"Syncthing"}
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"fullDescription": "Syncthing replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared with some third party and how it's transmitted over the Internet.\n\nWebsite:\n\nSource code:\n\nForum:\n\nIssues:",
"shortDescription": "Open, trustworthy and decentralized file synchronization",
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{"fullDescription":"Syncthing vervangt niet-vrije diensten door iets opens, betrouwbaars en gedecentraliseerds. Je gegevens behoren enkel jou toe en jij bepaalt waar ze worden opgeslagen, of ze gedeeld worden met een derde partij en hoe ze over het internet verzonden worden.\n\nWebsite:\n\nBroncode:\n\nForum:\n\nProblemen:","shortDescription":"Open, betrouwbare en gedecentraliseerde bestandssynchronisatie","title":"Syncthing"}
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"shortDescription": "Open, betrouwbare en gedecentraliseerde bestandssynchronisatie",
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{"fullDescription":"Syncthing zastępuje własnościowe usługi synchronizacyjne i chmury rozwiązaniem otwartym, godnym zaufania i zdecentralizowanym. Twoje dane są tylko i wyłącznie Twoimi i zasługujesz, aby wybrać, gdzie są magazynowane oraz jak są udostępniane osobom trzecim i przesyłane przez Internet.\n\nStrona internetowa:\n\nKod źródłowy:\n\nForum:\n\nProblemy:","shortDescription":"Otwarty, godny zaufania i zdecentralizowany program do synchronizowania plików.","title":"Syncthing"}
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"shortDescription": "Öppen, pålitlig och decentraliserad filsynkronisering",
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"fullDescription": "Syncthing replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared with some third party and how it's transmitted over the Internet.\n\nWebsite:\n\nSource code:\n\nForum:\n\nIssues:",
"shortDescription": "Open, trustworthy and decentralized file synchronization",
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{"fullDescription":"Syncthing, açık, güvenilir ve merkezi olmayan yapısıyla özel mülkiyete tescil edilmiş eşzamanlama ve bulut servislerinin yerine geçebilecek bir seçenektir. Sizin veriniz yalnızca size ait olup; verinizi nerede saklayacağınız, üçüncü taraflarla paylaşıp paylaşmayacağınız, internet üzerinde ne şekilde aktaracağınız seçiminize bırakılmıştır.\n\nWeb sitesi:\n\nKaynak kodu:\n\nForum:\n\nSorunlar için:","shortDescription":"Açık, güvenilir ve merkezi olmayan dosya eşzamanlama uygulaması","title":"Syncthing"}
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-------------- RESPONSE --------------
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Alt-Svc: quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="46,44,43,39"
Server: UploadServer
X-GUploader-UploadID: AEnB2UrdOLlP7KfjXgaMXuVsXk8HDr07L4R-SE0KAHORN7cvwStuZcn0qqe9yMcz1hTZZOiD_aYeT9ooAqa5jgkOIiJ8Qk08HSqGU0oFRly2hkdtG1RCw9I
Vary: X-Origin
Vary: Origin
Content-Length: 52
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2019 12:03:11 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Total: 52 bytes
"error": {
"code": 500,
"message": null
> Task :app:publishReleaseListing FAILED
:app:publishReleaseListing (Thread[Execution worker for ':',5,main]) completed. Took 20.321 secs.
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:publishReleaseListing'.
> 500 Internal Server Error
"code" : 500,
"message" : null
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
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2 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 1 up-to-date
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