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Created September 13, 2017 22:50
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Top 500 commonest words
# Lesson 500 commonest words
I:Part One
D:a able about above act add after again against age ago air all also
:always am among an and animal answer any appear are area as ask at
:back base be beauty bed been before began begin behind best better
:between big bird black blue boat body book both box boy bring brought
I:Part Two
D:build busy but by call came can car care carry cause center certain
:change check children city class clear close cold color come common
:complete contain correct could country course cover cross cry cut dark
:day decide deep develop did differ direct do does dog don't done door
I:Part Three
D:down draw drive dry during each early earth ease east eat end enough
:even ever every example eye face fact fall family far farm fast father
:feel feet few field figure fill final find fine fire first fish five
:fly follow food foot for force form found four free friend from front
I:Part Four
D:full game gave get girl give go gold good got govern great green
:ground group grow had half hand happen hard has have he head hear
:heard heat help her here high him his hold home horse hot hour house
:how hundred I idea if in inch interest is island it just keep
I:Part Five
D:kind king knew know land language large last late laugh lay lead learn
:leave left less let letter life light like line list listen little
:live long look lot love low machine made main make man many map mark
:may me mean measure men might mile mind minute miss money moon more
I:Part Six
D:morning most mother mountain move much music must my name near need
:never new next night no north note nothing notice noun now number
:numeral object of off often oh old on once one only open or order
:other our out over own page paper part pass pattern people perhaps
I:Part Seven
D:person picture piece place plain plan plane plant play point port pose
:possible pound power press problem produce product pull put question
:quick rain ran reach read ready real record red remember rest right
:river road rock room round rule run said same saw say school science
I:Part Eight
D:sea second see seem self sentence serve set several shape she ship
:short should show side simple since sing sit six size sleep slow small
:snow so some song soon sound south special spell stand star start
:state stay step still stood stop story street strong study such sun
I:Part Nine
D:sure surface table tail take talk teach tell ten test than that the
:their them then there these they thing think this those though thought
:thousand three through time to together told too took top toward town
:travel tree true try turn two under unit until up us use usual very
I:Part Ten
D:voice vowel wait walk want war warm was watch water way we week weight
:well went were west what wheel when where which while white who whole
:why will wind with wonder wood word work world would write year yes
:yet you young your
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