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Last active January 5, 2021 05:21
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SmartApi with Ad Generation Rules

SmartAPI: Let's say we already configured SmartAPI for fetching data from any weather API. Now we've two configurations:

Config 1:

Now we uploaded the feed inside smartTag and Add Filters:

  • AND Logic, selectors_data[city] contains 'Rome'
  • AND Logic, selectors_data[city] contains 'Singapore'

That means only 'Rome' and 'Singapore' city weather will be fetch from the API.

Config 2:

We created the AdUnit, we'll now add Add AD generation Rules :

  • AND Logic, selectors_data[weather] contains 'rain, rainy'
  • AND Logic, selectors_data[weather] contains 'cloud, cloudy'
  • AND Logic, selectors_data[weather] contains 'sunny, clear'

If we do above config, that means when we're creating variants - we need to create 6 varaints.

  • city = 'Rome' AND weather ~= 'rain, rainy'
  • city = 'Rome' AND weather ~= 'cloud, cloudy'
  • city = 'Rome' AND weather ~= 'sunny, clear'
  • city = 'Singapore' AND weather ~= 'rain, rainy'
  • city = 'Singapore' AND weather ~= 'cloud, cloudy'
  • city = 'Singapore' AND weather ~= 'sunny, clear'

Example 1: Weather

- Variant 1: City [Singapore]
    - title
    - description
    - custom_text_1 (e.g. from API: temperature)
    - custom_text_2 (e.g. from API: weatherType)
    - custom_text_3 (e.g. from API: city)
    - custom_image_1
    - custom_image_2

    - weatherType: 'sunny, clear' [Condition: contains]
    - city: singapore [Condition: equal]

- Variant 2: City [Singapore]
    - title
    - description
    - custom_text_1 (e.g. from API: temperature)
    - custom_text_2 (e.g. from API: weatherType)
    - custom_text_3 (e.g. from API: city)
    - custom_image_1
    - custom_image_2

    - weatherType: 'cloud, cloudy' [Condition: contains]
    - city: singapore [Condition: equal]

- Variant 3: City [Minsk]
    - title
    - description
    - custom_text_1 (e.g. from API: temperature)
    - custom_text_2 (e.g. from API: weatherType)
    - custom_text_3 (e.g. from API: city)
    - custom_image_1
    - custom_image_2

    - weatherType: 'rain, rainy' [Condition: contains]
    - city: minsk [Condition: equal]

Ad Serving Logic

  • We need to add connecting macro in SmartTag. In this case, it's city.

Option 1: Geo Targeting

  • If enabled, it'll ask browser permission to share location.
    • if shared, we'll get lat/long of user and from lat/long find the city from our IP database
    • if not shared, we'll get the IP address and get city from our IP database

Option 2: Smart Macro %g

  • if selected from "SMART MACRO" in AdUnit level, we'd expect city, country, zip from DV360 ad server. Based on the city code we'll find the city name do the match.

Option 3: Nothing selected

  • we'll take user's IP address and get the city name from our IP database.

let's say option 1 is enabled for now. So, from browser location sharing we got "singapore" as the city. So, we'll find the necessary data from SmartTag API pages. Let's assume, the data from API is showing singapore is having temparature 30 degree with weather type as "cloudy". So, we'll show the Variant 2 in this case..

Example 2: Stock API

- Variant 1: Category: 'Food'
    - title
    - description
    - custom_text_1 (e.g. from API: category)
    - custom_text_2 (e.g. from API: price)
    - custom_text_3 (e.g. from API: stockName)
    - custom_image_1
    - custom_image_2

    - LINE_ITEM: 111 [Condition: Equal] (default)
    - category: 'food' [Condition: Equal]

- Variant 1: Category: 'Entertainment'
    - title
    - description
    - custom_text_1 (e.g. from API: category)
    - custom_text_2 (e.g. from API: price)
    - custom_text_3 (e.g. from API: stockName)
    - custom_image_1
    - custom_image_2

    - LINE_ITEM: 222 [Condition: Equal] (default)
    - category: 'entertainement' [Condition: Equal]

Ad Serving Logic

  • Here, the SmartTag connecting macro is "LINE_ITEM" and value is "category".
  • For this example, from CampaignManager we'll receive line=<?>
  • based on the line value (e.g. 222) we know, server is asking for which (e.g. 222 = "entertainment") category.
  • Then, we'll get a variant of "entertainment" category and show in the template

Example 3: Football (LFC vs MANU)

- Variant 1: LFC Wins
    - title
    - description
    - custom_text_1 (e.g. from API: score)
    - custom_text_2 (e.g. from API: StadiumName)
    - custom_text_3 (e.g. from API: result)
    - custom_image_1
    - custom_image_2

    - result: 'H' [Condition: Equal] (default)

- Variant 2: MANU Wins
    - title
    - description
    - custom_text_1 (e.g. from API: score)
    - custom_text_2 (e.g. from API: StadiumName)
    - custom_text_3 (e.g. from API: result)
    - custom_image_1
    - custom_image_2
    - result: 'A' [Condition: Equal] (default)

- Variant 3: Match Draw
    - title
    - description
    - custom_text_1 (e.g. from API: score)
    - custom_text_2 (e.g. from API: StadiumName)
    - custom_text_3 (e.g. from API: result)
    - custom_image_1
    - custom_image_2

    - result: 'D' [Condition: Equal] (default)

Ad Serving Logic

  • while setting the SmartTag, we'll add connecting macros. It'l' show as "MACROS" in smartTag edit page.
  • for this API, we'll select result as connecting macro.
  • Our system will find the API page where result = 'H'. Then, based on that will match Variant 1 to show.


  • Need to find an API where they return which team won the match or the result of the match. not just the score.
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adzymic commented Oct 14, 2020

Yes. Agree with the connection parameter. But probably should not use line, cos line is based on the value coming in from ad server. That means when setup the API, we should define what is the connection parameter. Connection parameter can be "Geo" "City" "Zip", time of day, day of week.

For the case of football match, for this particular scenario, we just need to pass in one match info. That means if we want to create multiple matches, then we will create separate ad units.

  "matches": [
      "date": "2015-08-08",
      "team1": "Manchester United FC",
      "team2": "Tottenham Hotspur FC",
      "score": {
        "ft": [

For Covid or Weather API, we will need the city as connector parameter.

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