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Forked from JoeKleinsorge/notes.ps1
Created February 18, 2022 10:51
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My note taking helper
A way for me to organize and add functionality to my note taking.
Allows the user to create a new note in VS Code automatically named the current month_day_year if no other inputs are used.
Allows the user to specify the name of the new note with the "-name" parameter, if a note with that name is already created in the directory, then it will open that note.
Allows the user to create a "week" note if the "-week" switch is used, this combines all the notes that were edited in the last week into one note.
Allows the user to create a "year" note if the "-year" switch is used, this combines all the notes that were edited in the last year into one note.
Allows the user to search through all notes in the directory for a string pattern match when the "-search" parameter is used.
Allows the user to list all of the notes inside of the directory if the "-list" parameter is used.
Allows the user to specify the note directory with the "-directory" parameter.
This will create a new note in "-directory" with the current date as the name and open the note in VS Code.
If the note already exists, it will be opened in VS Code.
Notes.ps1 -name "AzureNotes"
This will create a new note in "-directory" with AzureNotes as the name and open the note in VS Code.
If the note already exists, it will be opened in VS Code.
Notes.ps1 -week
This will create a "week" note by combining all the notes in the directory that use the default date naming scheme in the last week.
The week note will use the current week's Sunday date as the start of the week.
The note will be name month_day_year_week, i.e. "01_15_21_week.txt".
Notes.ps1 -year
This will create a "year" note by combining all the notes in the directory use the default date naming scheme within the last year.
The note will be named for the year, i.e. "2021.txt".
.\Notes.ps1 -search kubernetes
Found string in:
C:\Notes\08_08_21.txt:1:Building and running applications successfully in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) require understanding and implementation of some key considerations, including:
C:\Notes\08_08_21.txt:10:Kubernetes includes security components, such as network policies and Secrets.
C:\Notes\08_08_21.txt:14: Keep your AKS cluster running the latest OS security updates and Kubernetes releases.
This will search through each ".txt" file in the directory and find any matches to "kubernetes".
It will output the name of the note it was found in, as well as the line number and the text line.
.\Notes.ps1 -list
Found the following notes:
This will list out the names of all the ".txt" files in the directory.
.\Notes.ps1 -directory
This will change the directory the script uses to create and search for notes in. I would suggest changing the default value inside the script to youre preferred location and rarely using the parameter.
Author: Joey Kleinsorge
This script is provided "AS IS" without warranties or guarantees of any kind. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Public domain, no rights reserved.
A detailed walkthrough of this script can be found on my website at:
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
[string]$name = (Get-Date -Format 'MM_dd_yy'), # This will default to the current date
[Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
[string]$directory = 'C:\Users\Joey\OneDrive\Documents\Notes' # IMPORTANT, set this to your default note folder! Example 'C:\Notes'
#_Check flags
if ($week) {
$name = (Get-Date ).AddDays( - (Get-Date).DayOfWeek.value__ + 1).ToString('MM_dd_yy') + '_Week' #_Set $name to start of the current week
elseif ($year) {
$name = (Get-Date).Year #_Set $name to the year
$file = $name + '.txt' #_Append file type to name
$filepath = $directory + '\' + $file #_Set the filepath
if ($list) {
$listResults = (Get-ChildItem -Path $directory -Filter '*.txt').BaseName
elseif ($search) {
#_Search through all notes for the string
$searchResults = Get-ChildItem -Path $directory -Filter '*.txt' | Select-String -Pattern $search
else {
#_Check Week flag
if ($week) {
if (Test-Path $filepath) {
Remove-Item $filepath -Force #_Delete the file if it already exists
New-Item $filepath
$notes = Get-ChildItem -Path $directory -Filter *.txt
foreach ($note in $notes) {
if (($note.BaseName -ne $name) -and ($note.BaseName -gt $name) -and ($note.BaseName -le (Get-Date -Format 'MM_dd_yy'))) {
Write-Host 'Adding notes from:' $note.BaseName -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host 'Adding content:' (Get-Content $note) -ForegroundColor Cyan
Add-Content -Path $filepath -Value $note.BaseName
Add-Content -Path $filepath -Value (Get-Content $note)
Add-Content -Path $filepath -Value ''
#_Check Year flag
elseif ($year) {
if (Test-Path $filepath) {
Remove-Item $filepath -Force #_Delete the file if it already exists
New-Item $filepath
$notes = Get-ChildItem -Path $directory -Filter '*.txt'
foreach ($note in $notes) {
if (($note.BaseName.Substring($note.BaseName.length - 2) -eq $name.Substring($name.length - 2)) -and ($note.BaseName -ne $name)) {
Write-Host 'Adding notes from:' $note.BaseName -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host 'Adding content:' (Get-Content $note) -ForegroundColor Cyan
Add-Content -Path $filepath -Value $note.BaseName
Add-Content -Path $filepath -Value (Get-Content $note)
Add-Content -Path $filepath -Value ''
#_Check if file already exists
elseif (-not(Test-Path -Path $filepath)) {
New-Item $filepath #_Create the new file
if ($list) {
Write-Host 'Found the following notes:' -ForegroundColor Yellow
elseif ($search) {
if ($searchResults) {
Write-Host 'Found string in:' -ForegroundColor Yellow
else {
Write-Warning 'Unable to find a match'
else {
Start-Process 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe' $filepath #_Open the file in VS Code ( My preffered editor)
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