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Last active September 1, 2017 08:45
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Final Project Report for Google Summer of Code 2017 - Ujjwal Bhardwaj

Google Summer of Code 2017 Final Submission Report

This GSoC, I worked on the Documentation project under FOSSASIA, called Yaydoc. Yaydoc is an automated documentation generation and deployment project that geneates and deploys documentation for a project hosted on Github at each and every commit made to its repository.

Yaydoc contains following features:

  • Generate documentation of a repository from its markdown files
  • Generate API documentation including Javadocs and Swagger
  • Deploy documentation website to Github Pages
  • Deploy documentation website to Heroku
  • Register repositories for continuous integration
  • Specify project specific configurations to generate docs in the .yaydoc.yml file
  • Display build logs for documentation generated and deployed at each commit
  • Enable-Disable the build process and remove repository from Yaydoc
  • Specify branches for the repository to generate documentation from.
  • Register repositories as sub-projects under a single project to generate a cumulative website
  • Receive an email with the links for documentation preview, download as zip and deploy to the aforementationed platforms
  • Receive an email with the status of documentation generation process at commits made during continuous integration
  • Provide Status Badges to repositories to review the status of latest documentation build from the repository


Documentation Generator Yaydoc Dashboard Repository Settings
Documentation Generator Yaydoc Dashboard Repository Settings
Latest Build Logs Log History
Latest Build Logs Log History

My contributions




Contributions in other FOSSASIA Projects


Responsible for deploying Yaydoc at following platforms:

Additional Links

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