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Created March 25, 2020 19:26
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  • Save imurchie/181c8d35d3184e8fe649274d053c8fdd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save imurchie/181c8d35d3184e8fe649274d053c8fdd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$ PLATFORM_VERSION=12.1 DEVICE_NAME="iPhone X" _LOG_TIMESTAMP=1 npm run e2e-test:web
> appium-xcuitest-driver@3.18.0 e2e-test:web /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver
> npm run build && _FORCE_LOGS=1 npm run mocha -- -t 0 -R spec build/test/functional/web --exit
> appium-xcuitest-driver@3.18.0 build /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver
> gulp transpile
[15:21:31] Using gulpfile ~/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/gulpfile.js
[15:21:31] Starting 'transpile'...
[15:21:35] Finished 'transpile' after 3.96 s
> appium-xcuitest-driver@3.18.0 mocha /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver
> mocha "-t" "0" "-R" "spec" "build/test/functional/web" "--exit"
safari - alerts
info [15-21-38:003] XCUITest XCUITestDriver server listening on http://localhost:4994
info [15-21-38:058] HTTP --> POST /wd/hub/session
info [15-21-38:058] HTTP {"desiredCapabilities":{"safariInitialUrl":"http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig","safariAllowPopups":true,"showXcodeLog":true,"browserName":"Safari","nativeWebTap":false,"platformName":"iOS","platformVersion":"12.1","deviceName":"iPhone X","automationName":"XCUITest","launchWithIDB":false,"noReset":true,"maxTypingFrequency":30,"clearSystemFiles":true,"wdaLaunchTimeout":240000,"wdaConnectionTimeout":480000,"useNewWDA":true,"webviewConnectTimeout":30000}}
dbug [15-21-38:060] MJSONWP Calling XCUITestDriver.createSession() with args: [{"safariInitialUrl":"http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig","safariAllowPopups":true,"showXcodeLog":true,"browserName":"Safari","nativeWebTap":false,"platformName":"iOS","platformVersion":"12.1","deviceName":"iPhone X","automationName":"XCUITest","launchWithIDB":false,"noReset":true,"maxTypingFrequency":30,"clearSystemFiles":true,"wdaLaunchTimeout":240000,"wdaConnectionTimeout":480000,"useNewWDA":true,"webviewConnectTimeout":30000},null,null]
dbug [15-21-38:061] XCUITest Executing command 'createSession'
dbug [15-21-38:061] BaseDriver Event 'newSessionRequested' logged at 1585164098061 (15:21:38 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
dbug [15-21-38:063] BaseDriver Creating session with MJSONWP desired capabilities: {
dbug [15-21-38:063] BaseDriver "safariInitialUrl": "http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig",
dbug [15-21-38:063] BaseDriver "safariAllowPopups": true,
dbug [15-21-38:063] BaseDriver "showXcodeLog": true,
dbug [15-21-38:063] BaseDriver "browserName": "Safari",
dbug [15-21-38:063] BaseDriver "nativeWebTap": false,
dbug [15-21-38:063] BaseDriver "platformName": "iOS",
dbug [15-21-38:063] BaseDriver "platformVersion": "12.1",
dbug [15-21-38:063] BaseDriver "deviceName": "iPhone X",
dbug [15-21-38:063] BaseDriver "automationName": "XCUITest",
dbug [15-21-38:063] BaseDriver "launchWithIDB": false,
dbug [15-21-38:063] BaseDriver "noReset": true,
dbug [15-21-38:063] BaseDriver "maxTypingFrequency": 30,
dbug [15-21-38:063] BaseDriver "clearSystemFiles": true,
dbug [15-21-38:063] BaseDriver "wdaLaunchTimeout": 240000,
dbug [15-21-38:063] BaseDriver "wdaConnectionTimeout": 480000,
dbug [15-21-38:063] BaseDriver "useNewWDA": true,
dbug [15-21-38:063] BaseDriver "webviewConnectTimeout": 30000
dbug [15-21-38:063] BaseDriver }
info [15-21-38:072] BaseDriver Session created with session id: 3561cd97-e37b-491b-b82d-8eba8897e7c1
dbug [15-21-38:096] XCUITest Current user: 'isaacmurchie'
info [15-21-38:156] XCUITest iOS SDK Version set to '12.1'
WARN [15-21-38:987] XCUITest Unable to find device 'iPhone X'. Found 'appiumTest-C33F9E2A-D126-499E-B7EA-7EB124163596-iPhone X' (udid: '605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07') instead
info [15-21-38:988] iOSSim Constructing iOS simulator for Xcode version 10.1 with udid '605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07'
info [15-21-38:989] XCUITest Determining device to run tests on: udid: '605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07', real device: false
dbug [15-21-38:992] BaseDriver Event 'xcodeDetailsRetrieved' logged at 1585164098992 (15:21:38 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
info [15-21-38:992] XCUITest Safari test requested
dbug [15-21-38:993] BaseDriver Event 'appConfigured' logged at 1585164098993 (15:21:38 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
dbug [15-21-38:993] BaseDriver Event 'resetStarted' logged at 1585164098993 (15:21:38 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
dbug [15-21-38:993] XCUITest Reset: noReset is on. Leaving simulator as is
dbug [15-21-38:993] BaseDriver Event 'resetComplete' logged at 1585164098993 (15:21:38 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
dbug [15-21-39:314] IOSSimulatorLog Starting log capture for iOS Simulator with udid '605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07' using simctl
dbug [15-21-39:776] BaseDriver Event 'logCaptureStarted' logged at 1585164099776 (15:21:39 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
info [15-21-39:776] XCUITest Setting up simulator
dbug [15-21-39:776] iOS No reason to set locale
dbug [15-21-39:777] iOS Setting iOS and app preferences
dbug [15-21-40:026] iOSSim Checking whether simulator has been run before: yes
dbug [15-21-40:026] iOS Setting javascript window opening to 'true'
dbug [15-21-40:027] iOSSim Updating Safari user settings
dbug [15-21-40:053] iOSSim Checking whether simulator has been run before: yes
dbug [15-21-40:053] iOSSim Building bundle path map
dbug [15-21-40:085] iOS Setting did not need to be updated
dbug [15-21-40:086] iOSSim Setting preferences of 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07 Simulator to {"ConnectHardwareKeyboard":false}
dbug [15-21-40:086] iOSSim Setting common Simulator preferences to {"RotateWindowWhenSignaledByGuest":true,"ConnectHardwareKeyboard":false}
dbug [15-21-40:133] iOSSim Updated 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07 Simulator preferences at '/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Preferences/' with {"DevicePreferences":{"605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07":{"ConnectHardwareKeyboard":false}},"RotateWindowWhenSignaledByGuest":true,"ConnectHardwareKeyboard":false}
dbug [15-21-40:420] iOSSim Got Simulator UI client PID: 83055
info [15-21-40:420] iOSSim Both Simulator with UDID '605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07' and the UI client are currently running
dbug [15-21-40:421] BaseDriver Event 'simStarted' logged at 1585164100421 (15:21:40 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
info [15-21-40:422] WebDriverAgent Using WDA path: '/Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent'
info [15-21-40:422] WebDriverAgent Using WDA agent: '/Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj'
dbug [15-21-40:783] WebDriverAgent No obsolete cached processes from previous WDA sessions listening on port 8100 have been found
info [15-21-40:783] DevCon Factory Requesting connection for device 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07 on local port 8100, device port 8100
dbug [15-21-40:783] DevCon Factory Cached connections count: 0
info [15-21-40:784] DevCon Factory Successfully requested the connection for 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07:8100
dbug [15-21-40:785] XCUITest Starting WebDriverAgent initialization with the synchronization key 'XCUITestDriver'
dbug [15-21-40:785] XCUITest Capability 'useNewWDA' set to true, so uninstalling WDA before proceeding
info [15-21-40:785] WebDriverAgent Shutting down sub-processes
dbug [15-21-40:786] iOSSim Building bundle path map
dbug [15-21-40:798] iOSSim The simulator has '1' bundles which have 'WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner' as their 'CFBundleName':
dbug [15-21-40:798] iOSSim ''
dbug [15-21-40:798] WebDriverAgent Uninstalling WDAs: ''
dbug [15-21-42:152] BaseDriver Event 'wdaUninstalled' logged at 1585164102152 (15:21:42 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
dbug [15-21-42:152] XCUITest Trying to start WebDriverAgent 2 times with 10000ms interval
dbug [15-21-42:152] XCUITest These values can be customized by changing wdaStartupRetries/wdaStartupRetryInterval capabilities
dbug [15-21-42:153] BaseDriver Event 'wdaStartAttempted' logged at 1585164102153 (15:21:42 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
info [15-21-42:154] WebDriverAgent Launching WebDriverAgent on the device
info [15-21-42:155] WebDriverAgent Fetching dependencies
info [15-21-42:164] WebDriverAgent Dependencies up-to-date
dbug [15-21-42:165] WebDriverAgent Killing running processes 'xcodebuild.*605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07, 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07.*XCTRunner, xctest.*605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07' for the device 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07...
dbug [15-21-42:336] WebDriverAgent 'pgrep -if xctest.*605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07' didn't detect any matching processes. Return code: 1
dbug [15-21-42:336] WebDriverAgent 'pgrep -if 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07.*XCTRunner' didn't detect any matching processes. Return code: 1
dbug [15-21-42:460] WebDriverAgent Beginning test with command 'xcodebuild build-for-testing test-without-building -project /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -destination id=605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07 IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=12.1 GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=0 COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE=NO' in directory '/Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent'
dbug [15-21-42:464] WebDriverAgent Output from xcodebuild will be logged. To change this, use 'showXcodeLog' desired capability
ERR! [15-21-44:911] Xcode Build settings from command line:
ERR! [15-21-44:912] Xcode
dbug [15-21-44:913] WebDriverAgent Waiting up to 240000ms for WebDriverAgent to start
dbug [15-21-44:917] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-21-44:920] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
ERR! [15-21-44:945] Xcode GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS = 0
ERR! [15-21-44:946] Xcode IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 12.1
ERR! [15-21-44:946] Xcode
ERR! [15-21-44:946] Xcode
info [15-21-44:955] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
dbug [15-21-45:964] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-21-45:964] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [15-21-45:968] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
ERR! [15-21-46:347] Xcode note: Using new build system
ERR! [15-21-46:347] Xcode
ERR! [15-21-46:355] Xcode note: Planning build
ERR! [15-21-46:356] Xcode
ERR! [15-21-46:526] Xcode note: Using build description from disk
ERR! [15-21-46:526] Xcode
ERR! [15-21-46:942] Xcode
ERR! [15-21-46:942] Xcode
ERR! [15-21-46:946] Xcode ** TEST BUILD SUCCEEDED **
ERR! [15-21-46:946] Xcode
ERR! [15-21-46:946] Xcode
dbug [15-21-46:961] WebDriverAgent Log file for xcodebuild test: /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Logs/Test/Test-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020.03.25_15-21-46--0400.xcresult/2_Test/Diagnostics/WebDriverAgentRunner-A519CDD9-62BB-4DBF-B821-4742CED1068E/WebDriverAgentRunner-B6E46EE7-1EB4-42DD-81FD-3676FAC31AC4/Session-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020-03-25_152146-UsTvDX.log
ERR! [15-21-46:961] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:21:46.960 xcodebuild[95003:33873750] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: Writing diagnostic log for test session to:
ERR! [15-21-46:961] Xcode /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Logs/Test/Test-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020.03.25_15-21-46--0400.xcresult/2_Test/Diagnostics/WebDriverAgentRunner-A519CDD9-62BB-4DBF-B821-4742CED1068E/WebDriverAgentRunner-B6E46EE7-1EB4-42DD-81FD-3676FAC31AC4/Session-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020-03-25_152146-UsTvDX.log
ERR! [15-21-46:962] Xcode
ERR! [15-21-46:962] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:21:46.960 xcodebuild[95003:33873467] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: (52A34806-6EA7-472C-BB35-13C90A17DDE8) Beginning test session WebDriverAgentRunner-52A34806-6EA7-472C-BB35-13C90A17DDE8 at 2020-03-25 15:21:46.961 with Xcode 10B61 on target <DVTiPhoneSimulator: 0x7fc943ad7c40> {
ERR! [15-21-46:962] Xcode SimDevice: appiumTest-C33F9E2A-D126-499E-B7EA-7EB124163596-iPhone X (605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07, iOS 12.1, Booted)
ERR! [15-21-46:962] Xcode } (12.1 (16B91))
ERR! [15-21-47:006] Xcode
dbug [15-21-47:006] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-21-47:007] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [15-21-47:009] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
ERR! [15-21-47:058] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:21:47.056 xcodebuild[95003:33873564] iPhoneConnect: 📱<DVTiOSDevice (0x7fc93cc52d00), SaucePhone, iPhone, 13.4 (17E5241d), c54f33062fadce06c5002aa1ebd0522ced95a45f> unable to mount developer disk image, (Error Code=601 "Could not locate device support files." UserInfo={DeviceType=iPhone9,2, NSLocalizedDescription=Could not locate device support files., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=This iPhone 7 Plus (Model 1661, 1784, 1785, 1786) is running iOS 13.4 (17E5241d), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode.}) {
ERR! [15-21-47:058] Xcode DeviceType = "iPhone9,2";
ERR! [15-21-47:059] Xcode NSLocalizedDescription = "Could not locate device support files.";
ERR! [15-21-47:059] Xcode NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion = "This iPhone 7 Plus (Model 1661, 1784, 1785, 1786) is running iOS 13.4 (17E5241d), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode.";
ERR! [15-21-47:060] Xcode }
ERR! [15-21-47:060] Xcode
dbug [15-21-48:014] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-21-48:014] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [15-21-48:016] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
ERR! [15-21-48:288] Xcode
ERR! [15-21-48:289] Xcode
ERR! [15-21-48:289] Xcode *** If you believe this error represents a bug, please attach the result bundle at /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Logs/Test/Test-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020.03.25_15-21-46--0400.xcresult
ERR! [15-21-48:289] Xcode
ERR! [15-21-48:289] Xcode
dbug [15-21-49:017] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-21-49:017] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [15-21-49:019] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
dbug [15-21-50:020] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-21-50:021] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [15-21-50:023] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
dbug [15-21-51:025] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-21-51:025] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [15-21-51:026] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
dbug [15-21-52:027] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-21-52:027] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [15-21-52:029] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
dbug [15-21-53:033] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-21-53:033] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [15-21-53:035] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
dbug [15-21-54:037] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-21-54:038] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [15-21-54:040] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
dbug [15-21-55:041] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-21-55:042] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [15-21-55:044] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
dbug [15-21-56:046] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-21-56:046] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [15-21-56:048] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
dbug [15-21-57:048] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-21-57:049] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [15-21-57:050] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
dbug [15-21-58:050] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-21-58:050] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [15-21-58:053] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
dbug [15-21-59:054] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-21-59:054] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [15-21-59:055] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
dbug [15-22-00:059] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-22-00:060] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [15-22-00:061] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
ERR! [15-22-01:028] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:22:01.028 xcodebuild[95003:33873467] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: 14.074 elapsed -- Testing started completed.
ERR! [15-22-01:028] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-01:029] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:22:01.028 xcodebuild[95003:33873467] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: 0.000 sec, +0.000 sec -- start
ERR! [15-22-01:029] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:22:01.028 xcodebuild[95003:33873467] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: 14.074 sec, +14.074 sec -- end
ERR! [15-22-01:029] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-01:031] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:22:01.031 xcodebuild[95003:33873467] Error Domain=IXUserPresentableErrorDomain Code=1 "This app could not be installed at this time." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x7fc93cfa0960 {Error Domain=MIInstallerErrorDomain Code=35 "Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Library/Caches/" UserInfo={LegacyErrorString=PackageInspectionFailed, SourceFileLine=38, FunctionName=-[MIBundle _validateWithError:], NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Library/Caches/}}, NSLocalizedDescription=This app could not be installed at this time., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Library/Caches/, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Library/Caches/}
ERR! [15-22-01:031] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-01:033] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:22:01.031 xcodebuild[95003:33873467] Error Domain=IDETestOperationsObserverErrorDomain Code=4 "Failed to install or launch the test runner" UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=If you believe this error represents a bug, please attach the result bundle at /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Logs/Test/Test-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020.03.25_15-21-46--0400.xcresult, NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to install or launch the test runner, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fc943a6b090 {Error Domain=IXUserPresentableErrorDomain Code=1 "This app could not be installed at this time." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x7fc93cfa0960 {Error Domain=MIInstallerErrorDomain Code=35 "Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Library/Caches/" UserInfo={LegacyErrorString=PackageInspectionFailed, SourceFileLine=38, FunctionName=-[MIBundle _validateWithError:], NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Library/Caches/}}, NSLocalizedDescription=This app could not be installed at this time., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Library/Caches/, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Library/Caches/}}}
ERR! [15-22-01:033] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-01:037] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-01:037] Xcode Testing failed:
ERR! [15-22-01:037] Xcode encountered an error (Failed to install or launch the test runner. (Underlying error: This app could not be installed at this time. Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Library/Caches/ (Underlying error: Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Library/Caches/
ERR! [15-22-01:037] Xcode ** TEST EXECUTE FAILED **
ERR! [15-22-01:037] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-01:037] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-01:039] Xcode Testing started on 'appiumTest-C33F9E2A-D126-499E-B7EA-7EB124163596-iPhone X'
ERR! [15-22-01:039] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-01:052] WebDriverAgent xcodebuild exited with code '65' and signal 'null'
ERR! [15-22-01:052] Xcode Contents of xcodebuild log file '/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Logs/Test/Test-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020.03.25_15-21-46--0400.xcresult/2_Test/Diagnostics/WebDriverAgentRunner-A519CDD9-62BB-4DBF-B821-4742CED1068E/WebDriverAgentRunner-B6E46EE7-1EB4-42DD-81FD-3676FAC31AC4/Session-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020-03-25_152146-UsTvDX.log':
ERR! [15-22-01:053] Xcode 15:21:46.961 xcodebuild[95003:33873467] Beginning test session WebDriverAgentRunner-52A34806-6EA7-472C-BB35-13C90A17DDE8 at 2020-03-25 15:21:46.961 with Xcode 10B61 on target <DVTiPhoneSimulator: 0x7fc943ad7c40> {
ERR! [15-22-01:054] Xcode SimDevice: appiumTest-C33F9E2A-D126-499E-B7EA-7EB124163596-iPhone X (605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07, iOS 12.1, Booted)
ERR! [15-22-01:054] Xcode } (12.1 (16B91))
ERR! [15-22-01:054] Xcode 15:21:46.961 xcodebuild[95003:33873467] /Applications/
ERR! [15-22-01:054] Xcode build-for-testing
ERR! [15-22-01:056] Xcode test-without-building
ERR! [15-22-01:056] Xcode -project
ERR! [15-22-01:056] Xcode /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj
ERR! [15-22-01:056] Xcode -scheme
ERR! [15-22-01:081] Xcode WebDriverAgentRunner
ERR! [15-22-01:081] Xcode -destination
ERR! [15-22-01:081] Xcode id=605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07
ERR! [15-22-01:082] Xcode IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=12.1
ERR! [15-22-01:082] Xcode GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=0
ERR! [15-22-01:082] Xcode 15:21:46.961 xcodebuild[95003:33873467] Launching with Xcode.IDEFoundation.Launcher.PosixSpawn
ERR! [15-22-01:082] Xcode 15:21:46.964 xcodebuild[95003:33873467] Test standard output and standard error is at /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Logs/Test/Test-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020.03.25_15-21-46--0400.xcresult/2_Test/Diagnostics/WebDriverAgentRunner-A519CDD9-62BB-4DBF-B821-4742CED1068E/WebDriverAgentRunner-B6E46EE7-1EB4-42DD-81FD-3676FAC31AC4/StandardOutputAndStandardError.txt
ERR! [15-22-01:083] Xcode 15:21:46.972 xcodebuild[95003:33873467] Setting up test runner session
ERR! [15-22-01:083] Xcode 15:21:46.972 xcodebuild[95003:33873565] Sim appiumTest-C33F9E2A-D126-499E-B7EA-7EB124163596-iPhone X: Unregistering for sim device notification with token 4
ERR! [15-22-01:083] Xcode 15:21:46.972 xcodebuild[95003:33873565] Calling -[SimDevice getenv:error:] for TESTMANAGERD_SIM_SOCK
ERR! [15-22-01:083] Xcode 15:21:46.973 xcodebuild[95003:33873565] Sim appiumTest-C33F9E2A-D126-499E-B7EA-7EB124163596-iPhone X has testmanagerd socket at /private/tmp/
ERR! [15-22-01:083] Xcode 15:21:46.973 xcodebuild[95003:33873565] Validating test connection socket path (/private/tmp/
ERR! [15-22-01:084] Xcode 15:21:46.974 xcodebuild[95003:33873565] Constructing transport for test connection socket
ERR! [15-22-01:084] Xcode 15:21:46.974 xcodebuild[95003:33873565] Connected socket 36 to testmanagerd for Sim appiumTest-C33F9E2A-D126-499E-B7EA-7EB124163596-iPhone X
ERR! [15-22-01:084] Xcode 15:21:46.974 xcodebuild[95003:33873754] Received connection for test runner session
ERR! [15-22-01:084] Xcode 15:21:46.974 xcodebuild[95003:33873754] Listening for proxy connection request from the test bundle
ERR! [15-22-01:084] Xcode 15:21:46.974 xcodebuild[95003:33873754] Initiating session with identifier: 52A34806-6EA7-472C-BB35-13C90A17DDE8
ERR! [15-22-01:085] Xcode 15:21:46.975 xcodebuild[95003:33873467] Launch session started.
ERR! [15-22-01:085] Xcode 15:21:46.977 xcodebuild[95003:33873467] Test runner session acquired connection.
ERR! [15-22-01:085] Xcode 15:21:46.977 xcodebuild[95003:33873467] Waiting for test process to launch.
ERR! [15-22-01:085] Xcode 15:21:46.978 xcodebuild[95003:33873752] 📱<DVTiPhoneSimulator (0x7fc943ad7c40), appiumTest-C33F9E2A-D126-499E-B7EA-7EB124163596-iPhone X, unknown class, 12.1 (16B91), 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07> simulator was claimed by LaunchSessionClaim_0x7fc943f08d00
ERR! [15-22-01:085] Xcode 15:21:46.979 xcodebuild[95003:33873565] 📱<DVTiPhoneSimulator (0x7fc943ad7c40), appiumTest-C33F9E2A-D126-499E-B7EA-7EB124163596-iPhone X, unknown class, 12.1 (16B91), 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07> simulator was claimed by LaunchSessionClaim_0x7fc943f08d00
ERR! [15-22-01:086] Xcode 15:21:46.979 xcodebuild[95003:33873565] 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07: Registered for sim device notification, got token 7
ERR! [15-22-01:086] Xcode 15:21:46.980 xcodebuild[95003:33873752] 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07: Unregistering for sim device notification with token 7
ERR! [15-22-01:086] Xcode 15:21:46.980 xcodebuild[95003:33873752] 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07: Installing app at path: /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ and options: (null)
ERR! [15-22-01:087] Xcode 15:21:47.018 xcodebuild[95003:33873754] Got reply to session initiation request with identifier 52A34806-6EA7-472C-BB35-13C90A17DDE8 (result:error): 29: (null)
ERR! [15-22-01:087] Xcode 15:21:48.287 xcodebuild[95003:33873752] 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07: Failed to install app at path: /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ and options: (null) (error = Error Domain=IXUserPresentableErrorDomain Code=1 "This app could not be installed at this time." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x7fc93cfa0960 {Error Domain=MIInstallerErrorDomain Code=35 "Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Library/Caches/" UserInfo={LegacyErrorString=PackageInspectionFailed, SourceFileLine=38, FunctionName=-[MIBundle _validateWithError:], NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Library/Caches/}}, NSLocalizedDescription=This app could not be installed at this time., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Library/Caches/, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Library/Caches/})
ERR! [15-22-01:088] Xcode 15:21:48.288 xcodebuild[95003:33873467] 📱<DVTiPhoneSimulator (0x7fc943ad7c40), appiumTest-C33F9E2A-D126-499E-B7EA-7EB124163596-iPhone X, unknown class, 12.1 (16B91), 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07> claim LaunchSessionClaim_0x7fc943f08d00 on simulator was relinquished
ERR! [15-22-01:088] Xcode 15:21:48.288 xcodebuild[95003:33873467] 📱<DVTiPhoneSimulator (0x7fc943ad7c40), appiumTest-C33F9E2A-D126-499E-B7EA-7EB124163596-iPhone X, unknown class, 12.1 (16B91), 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07> claim LaunchSessionClaim_0x7fc943f08d00 on simulator was relinquished
ERR! [15-22-01:088] Xcode 15:21:48.288 xcodebuild[95003:33873467] Test operation failure: Failed to install or launch the test runner
ERR! [15-22-01:089] Xcode 15:21:48.288 xcodebuild[95003:33873467] _finishWithError:Error Domain=IDETestOperationsObserverErrorDomain Code=4 "Failed to install or launch the test runner" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to install or launch the test runner, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fc943a6b090 {Error Domain=IXUserPresentableErrorDomain Code=1 "This app could not be installed at this time." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x7fc93cfa0960 {Error Domain=MIInstallerErrorDomain Code=35 "Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Library/Caches/" UserInfo={LegacyErrorString=PackageInspectionFailed, SourceFileLine=38, FunctionName=-[MIBundle _validateWithError:], NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Library/Caches/}}, NSLocalizedDescription=This app could not be installed at this time., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Library/Caches/, NSLocalizedFailureReason=Failed to load Info.plist from bundle at path /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Library/Caches/}}}
ERR! [15-22-01:089] Xcode
info [15-22-01:100] WebDriverAgent Launching WebDriverAgent on the device
info [15-22-01:101] WebDriverAgent Fetching dependencies
info [15-22-01:109] WebDriverAgent Dependencies up-to-date
dbug [15-22-01:109] WebDriverAgent Killing running processes 'xcodebuild.*605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07, 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07.*XCTRunner, xctest.*605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07' for the device 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07...
dbug [15-22-01:185] WebDriverAgent 'pgrep -if xcodebuild.*605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07' didn't detect any matching processes. Return code: 1
dbug [15-22-01:188] WebDriverAgent 'pgrep -if 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07.*XCTRunner' didn't detect any matching processes. Return code: 1
dbug [15-22-01:197] WebDriverAgent 'pgrep -if xctest.*605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07' didn't detect any matching processes. Return code: 1
dbug [15-22-01:197] WebDriverAgent Beginning test with command 'xcodebuild build-for-testing test-without-building -project /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -destination id=605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07 IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=12.1 GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=0 COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE=NO' in directory '/Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent'
dbug [15-22-01:200] WebDriverAgent Output from xcodebuild will be logged. To change this, use 'showXcodeLog' desired capability
ERR! [15-22-03:191] Xcode Build settings from command line:
ERR! [15-22-03:192] Xcode
dbug [15-22-03:193] WebDriverAgent Waiting up to 240000ms for WebDriverAgent to start
dbug [15-22-03:194] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-22-03:194] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
ERR! [15-22-03:195] Xcode GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS = 0
ERR! [15-22-03:195] Xcode IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 12.1
ERR! [15-22-03:202] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-03:202] Xcode
info [15-22-03:206] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
dbug [15-22-04:220] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-22-04:220] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [15-22-04:222] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
ERR! [15-22-04:517] Xcode note: Using new build system
ERR! [15-22-04:518] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-04:525] Xcode note: Planning build
ERR! [15-22-04:525] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-04:700] Xcode note: Using build description from disk
ERR! [15-22-04:700] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-04:777] Xcode WriteAuxiliaryFile /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ (in target: WebDriverAgentLib)
ERR! [15-22-04:778] Xcode cd /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent
ERR! [15-22-04:778] Xcode write-file /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Intermediates.noindex/
ERR! [15-22-04:778] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-04:800] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-04:801] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-04:841] Xcode ProcessInfoPlistFile /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/WebDriverAgentLib.framework/Info.plist /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent/WebDriverAgentLib/Info.plist (in target: WebDriverAgentLib)
ERR! [15-22-04:841] Xcode cd /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent
ERR! [15-22-04:841] Xcode builtin-infoPlistUtility /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent/WebDriverAgentLib/Info.plist -expandbuildsettings -format binary -platform iphonesimulator -o /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/WebDriverAgentLib.framework/Info.plist
ERR! [15-22-04:841] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-04:865] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-04:865] Xcode CodeSign /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/WebDriverAgentLib.framework (in target: WebDriverAgentLib)
ERR! [15-22-04:865] Xcode cd /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent
ERR! [15-22-04:865] Xcode export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE=/Applications/
ERR! [15-22-04:865] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-04:866] Xcode Signing Identity: "-"
ERR! [15-22-04:866] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-04:866] Xcode /usr/bin/codesign --force --sign - --timestamp=none /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/WebDriverAgentLib.framework
ERR! [15-22-04:914] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-04:915] Xcode /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/WebDriverAgentLib.framework: replacing existing signature
ERR! [15-22-04:915] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-04:915] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:099] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:22:05.099 xcodebuild[95012:33874239] iPhoneConnect: 📱<DVTiOSDevice (0x7f8491bad0c0), SaucePhone, iPhone, 13.4 (17E5241d), c54f33062fadce06c5002aa1ebd0522ced95a45f> unable to mount developer disk image, (Error Code=601 "Could not locate device support files." UserInfo={DeviceType=iPhone9,2, NSLocalizedDescription=Could not locate device support files., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=This iPhone 7 Plus (Model 1661, 1784, 1785, 1786) is running iOS 13.4 (17E5241d), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode.}) {
ERR! [15-22-05:100] Xcode DeviceType = "iPhone9,2";
ERR! [15-22-05:100] Xcode NSLocalizedDescription = "Could not locate device support files.";
ERR! [15-22-05:100] Xcode NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion = "This iPhone 7 Plus (Model 1661, 1784, 1785, 1786) is running iOS 13.4 (17E5241d), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode.";
ERR! [15-22-05:114] Xcode }
ERR! [15-22-05:115] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:123] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:123] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:124] Xcode ProcessProductPackaging "" /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ (in target: WebDriverAgentRunner)
ERR! [15-22-05:124] Xcode cd /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent
ERR! [15-22-05:124] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:124] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:124] Xcode Entitlements:
ERR! [15-22-05:124] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:125] Xcode {
ERR! [15-22-05:125] Xcode "" = 1;
ERR! [15-22-05:125] Xcode }
ERR! [15-22-05:125] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:125] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:125] Xcode builtin-productPackagingUtility -entitlements -format xml -o /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Intermediates.noindex/
ERR! [15-22-05:125] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:126] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:126] Xcode ProcessProductPackaging "" /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ (in target: WebDriverAgentRunner)
ERR! [15-22-05:126] Xcode cd /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent
ERR! [15-22-05:126] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:126] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:126] Xcode Entitlements:
ERR! [15-22-05:127] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:127] Xcode {
ERR! [15-22-05:127] Xcode "application-identifier" = "";
ERR! [15-22-05:127] Xcode "keychain-access-groups" = (
ERR! [15-22-05:127] Xcode ""
ERR! [15-22-05:127] Xcode );
ERR! [15-22-05:127] Xcode }
ERR! [15-22-05:128] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:128] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:129] Xcode builtin-productPackagingUtility -entitlements -format xml -o /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Intermediates.noindex/
ERR! [15-22-05:129] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:129] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:129] Xcode WriteAuxiliaryFile /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ (in target: WebDriverAgentRunner)
ERR! [15-22-05:130] Xcode cd /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent
ERR! [15-22-05:130] Xcode write-file /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Intermediates.noindex/
ERR! [15-22-05:130] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:130] Xcode Ld /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ normal x86_64 (in target: WebDriverAgentRunner)
ERR! [15-22-05:130] Xcode cd /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent
ERR! [15-22-05:130] Xcode export IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=12.1
ERR! [15-22-05:130] Xcode /Applications/ -arch x86_64 -bundle -isysroot /Applications/ -L/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator -F/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator -F/Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent/Carthage/Build/iOS -F/Applications/ -filelist /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker @executable_path/Frameworks -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker @loader_path/Frameworks -mios-simulator-version-min=12.1 -dead_strip -Xlinker -object_path_lto -Xlinker /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -Xlinker -export_dynamic -Xlinker -no_deduplicate -Xlinker -objc_abi_version -Xlinker 2 -fobjc-arc -fobjc-link-runtime -all_load -framework XCTest -Xlinker -sectcreate -Xlinker __TEXT -Xlinker __entitlements -Xlinker /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -framework WebDriverAgentLib -lxml2 -Xlinker -dependency_info -Xlinker /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -o /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
ERR! [15-22-05:214] Xcode
dbug [15-22-05:223] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-22-05:223] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [15-22-05:224] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
ERR! [15-22-05:258] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:258] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:262] Xcode ProcessInfoPlistFile /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent/WebDriverAgentRunner/Info.plist (in target: WebDriverAgentRunner)
ERR! [15-22-05:262] Xcode cd /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent
ERR! [15-22-05:262] Xcode builtin-infoPlistUtility /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent/WebDriverAgentRunner/Info.plist -expandbuildsettings -format binary -platform iphonesimulator -additionalcontentfile /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ -o /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
ERR! [15-22-05:264] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:265] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:265] Xcode PBXCp /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/WebDriverAgentLib.framework /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ (in target: WebDriverAgentRunner)
ERR! [15-22-05:265] Xcode cd /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent
ERR! [15-22-05:265] Xcode builtin-copy -exclude .DS_Store -exclude CVS -exclude .svn -exclude .git -exclude .hg -exclude Headers -exclude PrivateHeaders -exclude Modules -exclude *.tbd -resolve-src-symlinks /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/WebDriverAgentLib.framework /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
ERR! [15-22-05:265] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:306] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:306] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:306] Xcode CodeSign /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ (in target: WebDriverAgentRunner)
ERR! [15-22-05:306] Xcode cd /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent
ERR! [15-22-05:306] Xcode export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE=/Applications/
ERR! [15-22-05:306] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:306] Xcode Signing Identity: "-"
ERR! [15-22-05:306] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:307] Xcode /usr/bin/codesign --force --sign - --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements,flags --timestamp=none /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
ERR! [15-22-05:314] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:334] Xcode /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ replacing existing signature
ERR! [15-22-05:334] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:422] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:423] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:423] Xcode CodeSign /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ (in target: WebDriverAgentRunner)
ERR! [15-22-05:423] Xcode cd /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent
ERR! [15-22-05:423] Xcode export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE=/Applications/
ERR! [15-22-05:423] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:423] Xcode Signing Identity: "-"
ERR! [15-22-05:423] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:424] Xcode /usr/bin/codesign --force --sign - --entitlements /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ --timestamp=none /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
ERR! [15-22-05:424] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:640] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:640] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:640] Xcode CodeSign /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ (in target: WebDriverAgentRunner)
ERR! [15-22-05:640] Xcode cd /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent
ERR! [15-22-05:641] Xcode export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE=/Applications/
ERR! [15-22-05:641] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:641] Xcode Signing Identity: "-"
ERR! [15-22-05:641] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:641] Xcode /usr/bin/codesign --force --sign - --entitlements /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ --timestamp=none /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
ERR! [15-22-05:664] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:665] Xcode /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ replacing existing signature
ERR! [15-22-05:665] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:845] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:845] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:849] Xcode ** TEST BUILD SUCCEEDED **
ERR! [15-22-05:849] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:849] Xcode
dbug [15-22-05:862] WebDriverAgent Log file for xcodebuild test: /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Logs/Test/Test-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020.03.25_15-22-04--0400.xcresult/2_Test/Diagnostics/WebDriverAgentRunner-0E9407C2-CCDF-499D-AE7F-5CA2A66B26EB/WebDriverAgentRunner-49619A72-87B4-4DD1-A0F3-6A4EC946BB9D/Session-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020-03-25_152205-IJC5bx.log
ERR! [15-22-05:862] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:22:05.861 xcodebuild[95012:33874245] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: Writing diagnostic log for test session to:
ERR! [15-22-05:862] Xcode /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Logs/Test/Test-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020.03.25_15-22-04--0400.xcresult/2_Test/Diagnostics/WebDriverAgentRunner-0E9407C2-CCDF-499D-AE7F-5CA2A66B26EB/WebDriverAgentRunner-49619A72-87B4-4DD1-A0F3-6A4EC946BB9D/Session-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020-03-25_152205-IJC5bx.log
ERR! [15-22-05:864] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-05:865] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:22:05.862 xcodebuild[95012:33874171] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: (7692CF0E-FF08-4DBD-8051-6EF5710824F3) Beginning test session WebDriverAgentRunner-7692CF0E-FF08-4DBD-8051-6EF5710824F3 at 2020-03-25 15:22:05.862 with Xcode 10B61 on target <DVTiPhoneSimulator: 0x7f8491d6f840> {
ERR! [15-22-05:865] Xcode SimDevice: appiumTest-C33F9E2A-D126-499E-B7EA-7EB124163596-iPhone X (605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07, iOS 12.1, Booted)
ERR! [15-22-05:865] Xcode } (12.1 (16B91))
ERR! [15-22-05:865] Xcode
dbug [15-22-06:227] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-22-06:227] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [15-22-06:229] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
dbug [15-22-07:231] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-22-07:232] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [15-22-07:233] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
dbug [15-22-08:233] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-22-08:233] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [15-22-08:235] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
ERR! [15-22-09:022] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:22:09.021808-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Running tests...
ERR! [15-22-09:022] Xcode
dbug [15-22-09:240] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-22-09:240] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [15-22-09:241] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
ERR! [15-22-09:309] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:22:09.309460-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] [AXMediaCommon] Unable to look up screen scale
ERR! [15-22-09:309] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-09:310] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:22:09.309587-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] [AXMediaCommon] Unexpected physical screen orientation
ERR! [15-22-09:310] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-09:325] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:22:09.325062-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] [AXMediaCommon] Unable to look up screen scale
ERR! [15-22-09:325] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-09:328] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:22:09.327985-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] [AXMediaCommon] Unable to look up screen scale
ERR! [15-22-09:328] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-09:328] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:22:09.328067-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] [AXMediaCommon] Unexpected physical screen orientation
ERR! [15-22-09:328] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-09:676] Xcode Test Suite 'All tests' started at 2020-03-25 15:22:09.676
ERR! [15-22-09:677] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-09:677] Xcode Test Suite 'WebDriverAgentLib.framework' started at 2020-03-25 15:22:09.677
ERR! [15-22-09:677] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-09:678] Xcode Test Suite 'WebDriverAgentLib.framework' passed at 2020-03-25 15:22:09.677.
ERR! [15-22-09:678] Xcode Executed 0 tests, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.000 (0.000) seconds
ERR! [15-22-09:678] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-09:678] Xcode Test Suite 'WebDriverAgentRunner.xctest' started at 2020-03-25 15:22:09.678
ERR! [15-22-09:678] Xcode Test Suite 'UITestingUITests' started at 2020-03-25 15:22:09.678
ERR! [15-22-09:679] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-09:770] Xcode Test Case '-[UITestingUITests testRunner]' started.
ERR! [15-22-09:770] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-09:771] Xcode t = 0.00s Start Test at 2020-03-25 15:22:09.771
ERR! [15-22-09:771] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-09:772] Xcode t = 0.00s Set Up
ERR! [15-22-09:773] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-09:773] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:22:09.773296-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Built at Mar 25 2020 14:27:57
ERR! [15-22-09:773] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-09:790] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:22:09.789642-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] ServerURLHere-><-ServerURLHere
ERR! [15-22-09:790] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-09:790] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:22:09.790206-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874691] Using singleton test manager
ERR! [15-22-09:790] Xcode
dbug [15-22-10:244] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [15-22-10:244] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
dbug [15-22-10:251] WD Proxy Got response with status 200: {
dbug [15-22-10:251] WD Proxy "value" : {
dbug [15-22-10:251] WD Proxy "message" : "WebDriverAgent is ready to accept commands",
dbug [15-22-10:251] WD Proxy "state" : "success",
dbug [15-22-10:251] WD Proxy "os" : {
dbug [15-22-10:251] WD Proxy "name" : "iOS",
dbug [15-22-10:251] WD Proxy "version" : "12.1",
dbug [15-22-10:251] WD Proxy "sdkVersion" : "12.0"
dbug [15-22-10:251] WD Proxy },
dbug [15-22-10:251] WD Proxy "ios" : {
dbug [15-22-10:251] WD Proxy "simulatorVersion" : "12.1",
dbug [15-22-10:251] WD Proxy "ip" : ""
dbug [15-22-10:251] WD Proxy },
dbug [15-22-10:251] WD Proxy "ready" : true,
dbug [15-22-10:251] WD Proxy "build" : {
dbug [15-22-10:251] WD Proxy "upgradedAt" : "1585160867501",
dbug [15-22-10:251] WD Proxy "time" : "Mar 25 2020 14:27:57",
dbug [15-22-10:251] WD Proxy "productBundleIdentifier" : "com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner"
dbug [15-22-10:251] WD Proxy }
dbug [15-22-10:251] WD Proxy },
dbug [15-22-10:251] WD Proxy "sessionId" : "147D34A6-C961-4EDC-8E45-C1F15FCA3510"
dbug [15-22-10:251] WD Proxy }
dbug [15-22-10:315] WebDriverAgent WebDriverAgent information:
dbug [15-22-10:315] WebDriverAgent {
dbug [15-22-10:315] WebDriverAgent "message": "WebDriverAgent is ready to accept commands",
dbug [15-22-10:315] WebDriverAgent "state": "success",
dbug [15-22-10:315] WebDriverAgent "os": {
dbug [15-22-10:315] WebDriverAgent "name": "iOS",
dbug [15-22-10:315] WebDriverAgent "version": "12.1",
dbug [15-22-10:315] WebDriverAgent "sdkVersion": "12.0"
dbug [15-22-10:315] WebDriverAgent },
dbug [15-22-10:315] WebDriverAgent "ios": {
dbug [15-22-10:315] WebDriverAgent "simulatorVersion": "12.1",
dbug [15-22-10:315] WebDriverAgent "ip": ""
dbug [15-22-10:315] WebDriverAgent },
dbug [15-22-10:315] WebDriverAgent "ready": true,
dbug [15-22-10:315] WebDriverAgent "build": {
dbug [15-22-10:315] WebDriverAgent "upgradedAt": "1585160867501",
dbug [15-22-10:315] WebDriverAgent "time": "Mar 25 2020 14:27:57",
dbug [15-22-10:315] WebDriverAgent "productBundleIdentifier": "com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner"
dbug [15-22-10:315] WebDriverAgent }
dbug [15-22-10:315] WebDriverAgent }
dbug [15-22-10:325] WebDriverAgent WebDriverAgent successfully started after 9124ms
dbug [15-22-10:325] BaseDriver Event 'wdaSessionAttempted' logged at 1585164130325 (15:22:10 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
dbug [15-22-10:325] XCUITest Sending createSession command to WDA
dbug [15-22-10:328] WD Proxy Matched '/session' to command name 'createSession'
dbug [15-22-10:328] WD Proxy Proxying [POST /session] to [POST] with body: {"capabilities":{"firstMatch":[{"bundleId":"","arguments":["-u","http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig"],"environment":{},"eventloopIdleDelaySec":0,"shouldWaitForQuiescence":true,"shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection":false,"maxTypingFrequency":30,"shouldUseSingletonTestManager":true}],"alwaysMatch":{}}}
ERR! [15-22-10:338] Xcode t = 0.57s Open
ERR! [15-22-10:338] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-10:338] Xcode t = 0.57s Launch
ERR! [15-22-10:338] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-10:339] Xcode t = 0.57s Terminate
ERR! [15-22-10:339] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-11:478] Xcode t = 1.71s Wait for accessibility to load
ERR! [15-22-11:478] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-11:689] Xcode t = 1.92s Wait for to idle
ERR! [15-22-11:689] Xcode
info [15-22-13:498] HTTP --> GET /test/guinea-pig
info [15-22-13:498] HTTP {}
dbug [15-22-13:510] HTTP Sending guinea pig response with params: {"throwError":"","serverTime":1585164133,"userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.0 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1","comment":"None"}
info [15-22-13:519] HTTP <-- GET /js/jquery.min.js 304 20 ms - -
info [15-22-13:519] HTTP
info [15-22-13:528] HTTP <-- GET /test/guinea-pig 200 29 ms - 3574
info [15-22-13:528] HTTP
ERR! [15-22-13:800] Xcode t = 4.03s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-13:800] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-13:801] Xcode t = 4.03s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-13:801] Xcode
dbug [15-22-13:895] WD Proxy Got response with status 200: {"value":{"sessionId":"FD7D4C7E-1663-4582-87BE-38F4D728279F","capabilities":{"device":"iphone","browserName":"Safari","sdkVersion":"12.1","CFBundleIdentifier":""}},"sessionId":"FD7D4C7E-1663-4582-87BE-38F4D728279F"}
info [15-22-13:895] WD Proxy Determined the downstream protocol as 'W3C'
dbug [15-22-13:896] BaseDriver Event 'wdaSessionStarted' logged at 1585164133896 (15:22:13 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
dbug [15-22-15:843] WebDriverAgent Parsed BUILD_DIR configuration value: '/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products'
dbug [15-22-15:843] WebDriverAgent Got derived data root: '/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp'
dbug [15-22-15:843] BaseDriver Event 'wdaStarted' logged at 1585164135843 (15:22:15 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
info [15-22-15:843] XCUITest Skipping setting of the initial display orientation. Set the "orientation" capability to either "LANDSCAPE" or "PORTRAIT", if this is an undesired behavior.
dbug [15-22-15:843] BaseDriver Event 'orientationSet' logged at 1585164135843 (15:22:15 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
dbug [15-22-15:843] XCUITest Waiting for initial webview
dbug [15-22-15:844] iOS Navigating to most recently opened webview
dbug [15-22-15:865] iOS Retrieving contexts and views
dbug [15-22-15:866] XCUITest Selecting by url: true (expected url: 'http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig')
info [15-22-15:900] RemoteDebugger Remote Debugger version 8.8.1
dbug [15-22-15:900] RemoteDebugger useNewSafari --> false
dbug [15-22-15:901] RemoteDebugger Checking which communication style to use (Safari on platform version '12.1')
dbug [15-22-15:901] RemoteDebugger Platform version equal or higher than '12.2': false
WARN [15-22-15:903] RemoteDebugger Setting communication protocol: using full Web Inspector protocol communication
dbug [15-22-15:903] RemoteDebugger Connecting to remote debugger through unix domain socket: '/private/tmp/'
dbug [15-22-15:905] RemoteDebugger Debugger socket connected
dbug [15-22-15:905] RemoteDebugger Sending connection key request
dbug [15-22-15:907] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_reportIdentifier:' message (id: 0): 'setConnectionKey'
dbug [15-22-15:925] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 19ms
dbug [15-22-15:925] RemoteDebugger Waiting up to 30000ms for applications to be reported
dbug [15-22-16:330] RemoteDebugger Received connected applications list: PID:95032
dbug [15-22-16:332] RemoteDebugger Received connected driver list: {}
dbug [15-22-16:365] RemoteDebugger Notified that new application 'PID:95033' has connected
dbug [15-22-16:366] RemoteDebugger Found app id key 'PID:95032' for bundle ''
dbug [15-22-16:367] RemoteDebugger Found separate bundleId '' acting as proxy for '', with app id 'PID:95033'
dbug [15-22-16:367] RemoteDebugger Using proxied app id 'PID:95033'
dbug [15-22-16:431] RemoteDebugger Sending connection key request
dbug [15-22-16:431] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_reportIdentifier:' message (id: 1): 'setConnectionKey'
dbug [15-22-16:434] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 3ms
dbug [15-22-16:435] RemoteDebugger Selecting application
dbug [15-22-16:436] RemoteDebugger Current applications available:
dbug [15-22-16:436] RemoteDebugger Application: 'PID:95032'
dbug [15-22-16:436] RemoteDebugger id: "PID:95032"
dbug [15-22-16:436] RemoteDebugger isProxy: false
dbug [15-22-16:436] RemoteDebugger name: "Safari"
dbug [15-22-16:436] RemoteDebugger bundleId: ""
dbug [15-22-16:436] RemoteDebugger hostId: undefined
dbug [15-22-16:465] RemoteDebugger isActive: true
dbug [15-22-16:465] RemoteDebugger isAutomationEnabled: false
dbug [15-22-16:465] RemoteDebugger Application: 'PID:95033'
dbug [15-22-16:465] RemoteDebugger id: "PID:95033"
dbug [15-22-16:465] RemoteDebugger isProxy: true
dbug [15-22-16:465] RemoteDebugger name: ""
dbug [15-22-16:465] RemoteDebugger bundleId: ""
dbug [15-22-16:466] RemoteDebugger hostId: "PID:95032"
dbug [15-22-16:466] RemoteDebugger isActive: true
dbug [15-22-16:466] RemoteDebugger isAutomationEnabled: false
dbug [15-22-16:466] RemoteDebugger pageArray: 'Waiting for data'
dbug [15-22-16:516] RemoteDebugger Checking for bundle identifiers: process-SafariViewService,, *,
dbug [15-22-16:517] RemoteDebugger Found app id key 'PID:95033' for bundle 'process-SafariViewService'
dbug [15-22-16:517] RemoteDebugger Found app id key 'PID:95033' for bundle ''
dbug [15-22-16:517] RemoteDebugger Found app id key 'PID:95033' for bundle '*'
dbug [15-22-16:518] RemoteDebugger Found app id key 'PID:95032' for bundle ''
dbug [15-22-16:518] RemoteDebugger Found separate bundleId '' acting as proxy for '', with app id 'PID:95033'
dbug [15-22-16:518] RemoteDebugger Trying out the possible app ids: PID:95033, PID:95032 (try #1 of 20)
dbug [15-22-16:518] RemoteDebugger Attempting app 'PID:95033'
dbug [15-22-16:519] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardGetListing:' message to app 'PID:95033' (id: 2): 'connectToApp'
dbug [15-22-16:522] RemoteDebugger Received response from send (id: 2): '["PID:95033",{"1":{"WIRTitleKey":"I am a page title","WIRTypeKey":"WIRTypeWeb","WIRURLKey":"http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig","WIRPageIdentifierKey":1}}]'
dbug [15-22-16:523] RemoteDebugger Page changed: {
dbug [15-22-16:523] RemoteDebugger "1": {
dbug [15-22-16:523] RemoteDebugger "WIRTitleKey": "I am a page title",
dbug [15-22-16:523] RemoteDebugger "WIRTypeKey": "WIRTypeWeb",
dbug [15-22-16:523] RemoteDebugger "WIRURLKey": "http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig",
dbug [15-22-16:523] RemoteDebugger "WIRPageIdentifierKey": 1
dbug [15-22-16:523] RemoteDebugger }
dbug [15-22-16:523] RemoteDebugger }
dbug [15-22-16:524] XCUITest Remote debugger notified us of a new page listing: {"appIdKey":"95033","pageArray":[{"id":1,"title":"I am a page title","url":"http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig","isKey":false}]}
dbug [15-22-16:524] XCUITest No key id found. Choosing first id from page array
dbug [15-22-16:524] XCUITest We do not appear to have window set yet, ignoring
dbug [15-22-16:525] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 6ms
dbug [15-22-16:525] RemoteDebugger Current applications available:
dbug [15-22-16:526] RemoteDebugger Application: 'PID:95032'
dbug [15-22-16:526] RemoteDebugger id: "PID:95032"
dbug [15-22-16:526] RemoteDebugger isProxy: false
dbug [15-22-16:526] RemoteDebugger name: "Safari"
dbug [15-22-16:526] RemoteDebugger bundleId: ""
dbug [15-22-16:526] RemoteDebugger hostId: undefined
dbug [15-22-16:526] RemoteDebugger isActive: true
dbug [15-22-16:526] RemoteDebugger isAutomationEnabled: false
dbug [15-22-16:526] RemoteDebugger Application: 'PID:95033'
dbug [15-22-16:526] RemoteDebugger id: "PID:95033"
dbug [15-22-16:527] RemoteDebugger isProxy: true
dbug [15-22-16:527] RemoteDebugger name: ""
dbug [15-22-16:527] RemoteDebugger bundleId: ""
dbug [15-22-16:527] RemoteDebugger hostId: "PID:95032"
dbug [15-22-16:527] RemoteDebugger isActive: true
dbug [15-22-16:527] RemoteDebugger isAutomationEnabled: false
dbug [15-22-16:527] RemoteDebugger pageArray:
dbug [15-22-16:527] RemoteDebugger - id: 1
dbug [15-22-16:527] RemoteDebugger title: "I am a page title"
dbug [15-22-16:528] RemoteDebugger url: "http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig"
dbug [15-22-16:528] RemoteDebugger isKey: false
dbug [15-22-16:528] RemoteDebugger Finally selecting app PID:95033: [{"id":1,"title":"I am a page title","url":"http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig","isKey":false}]
dbug [15-22-16:528] RemoteDebugger Selected app after 93ms
dbug [15-22-16:529] iOS Picking webview 'WEBVIEW_95033.1'
dbug [15-22-16:529] XCUITest Attempting to set context to 'WEBVIEW_95033.1' from 'NATIVE_APP'
dbug [15-22-16:530] RemoteDebugger Selecting page '1' on app 'PID:95033' and forwarding socket setup
dbug [15-22-16:530] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardIndicateWebView:' message to app 'PID:95033', page '1' (id: 3): 'indicateWebView'
dbug [15-22-16:534] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 4ms
dbug [15-22-16:534] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardIndicateWebView:' message to app 'PID:95033', page '1' (id: 4): 'indicateWebView'
dbug [15-22-16:537] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 3ms
dbug [15-22-16:537] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketSetup:' message to app 'PID:95033', page '1' (id: 5): 'setSenderKey'
dbug [15-22-16:539] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 3ms
dbug [15-22-16:540] RemoteDebugger Sender key set
dbug [15-22-16:540] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketData:' message to app 'PID:95033', page '1' (id: 6): 'Inspector.enable'
dbug [15-22-16:544] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 4ms
dbug [15-22-16:544] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketData:' message to app 'PID:95033', page '1' (id: 7): 'Page.enable'
dbug [15-22-16:570] RemoteDebugger Handling message (id: '6')
dbug [15-22-16:571] RemoteDebugger Handling message (id: '7')
dbug [15-22-16:572] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 28ms
dbug [15-22-16:572] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketData:' message to app 'PID:95033', page '1' (id: 8): 'Network.enable'
dbug [15-22-16:578] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 6ms
dbug [15-22-16:578] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketData:' message to app 'PID:95033', page '1' (id: 9): 'Runtime.enable'
dbug [15-22-16:581] RemoteDebugger Handling message (id: '8')
dbug [15-22-16:582] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 4ms
dbug [15-22-16:582] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketData:' message to app 'PID:95033', page '1' (id: 10): 'Heap.enable'
dbug [15-22-16:584] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 3ms
dbug [15-22-16:585] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketData:' message to app 'PID:95033', page '1' (id: 11): 'Debugger.enable'
dbug [15-22-16:588] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 4ms
dbug [15-22-16:589] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketData:' message to app 'PID:95033', page '1' (id: 12): 'Console.enable'
dbug [15-22-16:592] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 3ms
dbug [15-22-16:592] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketData:' message to app 'PID:95033', page '1' (id: 13): 'Inspector.initialized'
dbug [15-22-16:622] RemoteDebugger Handling message (id: '9')
dbug [15-22-16:622] RemoteDebugger Handling message (id: '10')
dbug [15-22-16:624] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 33ms
dbug [15-22-16:625] RemoteDebugger Checking document readyState
dbug [15-22-16:625] RemoteDebugger Sending javascript command: 'document.readyState;'
dbug [15-22-16:626] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketData:' message to app 'PID:95033', page '1' (id: 14): 'Runtime.evaluate'
dbug [15-22-16:630] RemoteDebugger Handling message (id: '11')
dbug [15-22-16:630] RemoteDebugger Handling message (id: '12')
dbug [15-22-16:631] RemoteDebugger Handling message (id: '13')
dbug [15-22-16:631] RemoteDebugger Handling message (id: '14')
dbug [15-22-16:632] RemoteDebugger Received data response from send (id: 14): '"complete"'
dbug [15-22-16:632] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 6ms
dbug [15-22-16:632] RemoteDebugger Document readyState is 'complete'
dbug [15-22-16:632] RemoteDebugger Selected page after 102ms
dbug [15-22-16:633] RemoteDebugger Starting to listen for JavaScript console
dbug [15-22-16:633] RemoteDebugger Starting to listen for network events
dbug [15-22-16:633] RemoteDebugger Unregistering from page readiness notifications
dbug [15-22-16:633] BaseDriver Event 'initialWebviewNavigated' logged at 1585164136633 (15:22:16 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
dbug [15-22-16:633] BaseDriver The value of 'nativeWebTap' setting did not change. Skipping the update for it
dbug [15-22-16:666] BaseDriver The value of 'elementResponseAttributes' setting did not change. Skipping the update for it
dbug [15-22-16:666] BaseDriver The value of 'shouldUseCompactResponses' setting did not change. Skipping the update for it
dbug [15-22-16:667] BaseDriver Event 'newSessionStarted' logged at 1585164136667 (15:22:16 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
dbug [15-22-16:669] MJSONWP (3561cd97) Cached the protocol value 'MJSONWP' for the new session 3561cd97-e37b-491b-b82d-8eba8897e7c1
dbug [15-22-16:671] MJSONWP (3561cd97) Responding to client with driver.createSession() result: {"webStorageEnabled":false,"locationContextEnabled":false,"browserName":"Safari","platform":"MAC","javascriptEnabled":true,"databaseEnabled":false,"takesScreenshot":true,"networkConnectionEnabled":false,"safariInitialUrl":"http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig","safariAllowPopups":true,"showXcodeLog":true,"nativeWebTap":false,"platformName":"iOS","platformVersion":"12.1","deviceName":"iPhone X","automationName":"XCUITest","launchWithIDB":false,"noReset":true,"maxTypingFrequency":30,"clearSystemFiles":true,"wdaLaunchTimeout":240000,"wdaConnectionTimeout":480000,"useNewWDA":true,"webviewConnectTimeout":30000,"udid":"605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07"}
info [15-22-16:673] HTTP <-- POST /wd/hub/session 200 38613 ms - 732
info [15-22-16:673] HTTP
info [15-22-16:686] HTTP --> POST /wd/hub/session/3561cd97-e37b-491b-b82d-8eba8897e7c1/element
info [15-22-16:686] HTTP {"using":"id","value":"alert1"}
dbug [15-22-16:687] MJSONWP (3561cd97) Calling XCUITestDriver.findElement() with args: ["id","alert1","3561cd97-e37b-491b-b82d-8eba8897e7c1"]
dbug [15-22-16:687] XCUITest Executing command 'findElement'
dbug [15-22-16:688] BaseDriver Valid locator strategies for this request: xpath, id, name, class name, -ios predicate string, -ios class chain, accessibility id
dbug [15-22-16:688] BaseDriver Waiting up to 0 ms for condition
dbug [15-22-16:689] RemoteDebugger Executing atom 'find_element'
dbug [15-22-16:691] RemoteDebugger Executing 'find_element' atom in default context
dbug [15-22-16:692] RemoteDebugger Sending javascript command: '(function(){return function(){var k=this;functi...'
dbug [15-22-16:717] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketData:' message to app 'PID:95033', page '1' (id: 15): 'Runtime.evaluate'
dbug [15-22-16:732] RemoteDebugger Handling message (id: '15')
dbug [15-22-16:733] RemoteDebugger Received data response from send (id: 15): '"{\"status\":0,\"value\":{\"ELEMENT\":\":wdc:1585164136731\"}}"'
dbug [15-22-16:733] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 18ms
dbug [15-22-16:733] RemoteDebugger Received result for atom 'find_element' execution: {"ELEMENT":":wdc:1585164136731"}
dbug [15-22-16:734] MJSONWP (3561cd97) Responding to client with driver.findElement() result: {"element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf":"5000","ELEMENT":"5000"}
info [15-22-16:734] HTTP <-- POST /wd/hub/session/3561cd97-e37b-491b-b82d-8eba8897e7c1/element 200 48 ms - 135
info [15-22-16:734] HTTP
info [15-22-16:740] HTTP --> POST /wd/hub/session/3561cd97-e37b-491b-b82d-8eba8897e7c1/element/5000/click
info [15-22-16:740] HTTP {}
dbug [15-22-16:766] MJSONWP (3561cd97) Calling with args: ["5000","3561cd97-e37b-491b-b82d-8eba8897e7c1"]
dbug [15-22-16:766] XCUITest Executing command 'click'
dbug [15-22-16:767] RemoteDebugger Executing atom 'click'
dbug [15-22-16:770] RemoteDebugger Executing 'click' atom in default context
dbug [15-22-16:770] RemoteDebugger Sending javascript command: '(function(){return function(){var h,aa=this;fun...'
dbug [15-22-16:771] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketData:' message to app 'PID:95033', page '1' (id: 16): 'Runtime.evaluate'
dbug [15-22-16:782] RemoteDebugger Page changed: {
dbug [15-22-16:782] RemoteDebugger "1": {
dbug [15-22-16:782] RemoteDebugger "WIRTitleKey": "I am a page title",
dbug [15-22-16:782] RemoteDebugger "WIRTypeKey": "WIRTypeWeb",
dbug [15-22-16:782] RemoteDebugger "WIRURLKey": "http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig",
dbug [15-22-16:782] RemoteDebugger "WIRPageIdentifierKey": 1,
dbug [15-22-16:782] RemoteDebugger "WIRConnectionIdentifierKey": "16174b5b-8a06-4039-969a-5011c8c2442a"
dbug [15-22-16:782] RemoteDebugger }
dbug [15-22-16:782] RemoteDebugger }
dbug [15-22-16:783] XCUITest Remote debugger notified us of a new page listing: {"appIdKey":"95033","pageArray":[{"id":1,"title":"I am a page title","url":"http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig","isKey":true}]}
dbug [15-22-16:815] XCUITest Checking if page needs to load
dbug [15-22-16:816] XCUITest New page listing is same as old, doing nothing
dbug [15-22-17:778] WD Proxy Matched '/alert/text' to command name 'getAlertText'
dbug [15-22-17:778] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /alert/text] to [GET] with no body
ERR! [15-22-17:784] Xcode t = 8.01s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-17:784] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:785] Xcode t = 8.02s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-17:785] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:808] Xcode t = 8.04s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-17:808] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:809] Xcode t = 8.04s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-17:809] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:822] Xcode t = 8.05s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-17:822] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:843] Xcode t = 8.07s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-17:843] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:844] Xcode t = 8.07s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-17:844] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:845] Xcode t = 8.08s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-17:845] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:846] Xcode t = 8.08s Find the ScrollView
ERR! [15-22-17:846] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:847] Xcode t = 8.08s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-17:847] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:865] Xcode t = 8.10s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-17:865] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:866] Xcode t = 8.10s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-17:866] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:867] Xcode t = 8.10s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-17:868] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:869] Xcode t = 8.10s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-17:869] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:870] Xcode t = 8.10s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-17:870] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:895] Xcode t = 8.13s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-17:895] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:896] Xcode t = 8.13s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-17:896] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:918] Xcode t = 8.15s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002dff9c0)'
ERR! [15-22-17:919] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:920] Xcode t = 8.15s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-17:920] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:955] Xcode t = 8.18s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-17:955] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:955] Xcode t = 8.19s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-17:955] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:956] Xcode t = 8.19s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-17:956] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:956] Xcode t = 8.19s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [15-22-17:956] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:957] Xcode t = 8.19s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002dffbc0)'
ERR! [15-22-17:957] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:958] Xcode t = 8.19s Find: Children matching type Other
ERR! [15-22-17:958] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:965] Xcode t = 8.19s Find: Children matching type Other
ERR! [15-22-17:965] Xcode t = 8.19s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-17:965] Xcode t = 8.19s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-17:965] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:989] Xcode t = 8.22s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-17:989] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-17:990] Xcode t = 8.22s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-17:990] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:002] Xcode t = 8.23s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-18:002] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:027] Xcode t = 8.26s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-18:027] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:028] Xcode t = 8.26s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-18:028] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:029] Xcode t = 8.26s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-18:029] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:029] Xcode t = 8.26s Find the ScrollView
ERR! [15-22-18:029] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:030] Xcode t = 8.26s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-18:030] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:059] Xcode t = 8.29s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-18:060] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:060] Xcode t = 8.29s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-18:061] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:061] Xcode t = 8.29s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-18:061] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:062] Xcode t = 8.29s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-18:063] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:063] Xcode t = 8.29s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-18:063] Xcode
info [15-22-18:097] WD Proxy Got response with status 404: {
info [15-22-18:097] WD Proxy "value" : {
info [15-22-18:097] WD Proxy "error" : "no such alert",
info [15-22-18:097] WD Proxy "message" : "An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open",
info [15-22-18:097] WD Proxy "traceback" : ""
info [15-22-18:097] WD Proxy },
info [15-22-18:097] WD Proxy "sessionId" : "FD7D4C7E-1663-4582-87BE-38F4D728279F"
info [15-22-18:097] WD Proxy }
dbug [15-22-18:097] W3C Matched W3C error code 'no such alert' to NoSuchAlertError
dbug [15-22-18:097] XCUITest No alert found: An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open
dbug [15-22-18:500] WD Proxy Matched '/alert/text' to command name 'getAlertText'
dbug [15-22-18:500] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /alert/text] to [GET] with no body
ERR! [15-22-18:505] Xcode t = 8.73s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-18:505] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:505] Xcode t = 8.74s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-18:505] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:523] Xcode t = 8.75s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-18:523] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:524] Xcode t = 8.75s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-18:524] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:534] Xcode t = 8.76s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-18:534] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:555] Xcode t = 8.78s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-18:555] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:556] Xcode t = 8.79s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-18:556] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:557] Xcode t = 8.79s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-18:557] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:558] Xcode t = 8.79s Find the ScrollView
ERR! [15-22-18:558] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:559] Xcode t = 8.79s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-18:559] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:581] Xcode t = 8.81s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-18:581] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:582] Xcode t = 8.81s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-18:582] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:583] Xcode t = 8.81s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-18:583] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:584] Xcode t = 8.81s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-18:584] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:585] Xcode t = 8.81s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-18:585] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:607] Xcode t = 8.84s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-18:608] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:608] Xcode t = 8.84s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-18:615] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:632] Xcode t = 8.86s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002e19080)'
ERR! [15-22-18:632] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:633] Xcode t = 8.86s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-18:633] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:664] Xcode t = 8.89s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-18:665] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:666] Xcode t = 8.90s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-18:666] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:667] Xcode t = 8.90s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-18:667] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:667] Xcode t = 8.90s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [15-22-18:668] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:668] Xcode t = 8.90s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002e19a00)'
ERR! [15-22-18:668] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:669] Xcode t = 8.90s Find: Children matching type Other
ERR! [15-22-18:670] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:670] Xcode t = 8.90s Find: Children matching type Other
ERR! [15-22-18:670] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:672] Xcode t = 8.90s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-18:672] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:673] Xcode t = 8.90s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-18:673] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:700] Xcode t = 8.93s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-18:701] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:701] Xcode t = 8.93s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-18:701] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:713] Xcode t = 8.94s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-18:714] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:739] Xcode t = 8.97s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-18:739] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:740] Xcode t = 8.97s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-18:740] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:740] Xcode t = 8.97s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-18:741] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:741] Xcode t = 8.97s Find the ScrollView
ERR! [15-22-18:741] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:742] Xcode t = 8.97s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-18:742] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:766] Xcode t = 9.00s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-18:766] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:767] Xcode t = 9.00s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-18:767] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:768] Xcode t = 9.00s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-18:768] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:769] Xcode t = 9.00s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-18:769] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-18:770] Xcode t = 9.00s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-18:770] Xcode
info [15-22-18:799] WD Proxy Got response with status 404: {
info [15-22-18:799] WD Proxy "value" : {
info [15-22-18:799] WD Proxy "error" : "no such alert",
info [15-22-18:799] WD Proxy "message" : "An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open",
info [15-22-18:799] WD Proxy "traceback" : ""
info [15-22-18:799] WD Proxy },
info [15-22-18:799] WD Proxy "sessionId" : "FD7D4C7E-1663-4582-87BE-38F4D728279F"
info [15-22-18:799] WD Proxy }
dbug [15-22-18:799] W3C Matched W3C error code 'no such alert' to NoSuchAlertError
dbug [15-22-18:799] XCUITest No alert found: An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open
dbug [15-22-19:200] WD Proxy Matched '/alert/text' to command name 'getAlertText'
dbug [15-22-19:200] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /alert/text] to [GET] with no body
ERR! [15-22-19:206] Xcode t = 9.44s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-19:207] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:208] Xcode t = 9.44s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-19:208] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:235] Xcode t = 9.47s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-19:235] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:237] Xcode t = 9.47s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-19:237] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:248] Xcode t = 9.48s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-19:248] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:272] Xcode t = 9.50s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-19:273] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:274] Xcode t = 9.50s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-19:275] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:276] Xcode t = 9.51s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-19:276] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:277] Xcode t = 9.51s Find the ScrollView
ERR! [15-22-19:277] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:278] Xcode t = 9.51s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-19:278] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:302] Xcode t = 9.53s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-19:302] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:303] Xcode t = 9.53s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-19:303] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:305] Xcode t = 9.53s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-19:305] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:307] Xcode t = 9.54s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-19:308] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:308] Xcode t = 9.54s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-19:308] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:334] Xcode t = 9.56s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-19:334] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:335] Xcode t = 9.56s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-19:335] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:360] Xcode t = 9.59s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002e0e200)'
ERR! [15-22-19:360] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:361] Xcode t = 9.59s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-19:361] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:396] Xcode t = 9.63s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-19:396] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:397] Xcode t = 9.63s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-19:397] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:398] Xcode t = 9.63s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-19:398] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:399] Xcode t = 9.63s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [15-22-19:399] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:400] Xcode t = 9.63s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002e0e000)'
ERR! [15-22-19:400] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:400] Xcode t = 9.63s Find: Children matching type Other
ERR! [15-22-19:400] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:415] Xcode t = 9.63s Find: Children matching type Other
ERR! [15-22-19:415] Xcode t = 9.63s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-19:415] Xcode t = 9.63s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-19:415] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:436] Xcode t = 9.67s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-19:436] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:437] Xcode t = 9.67s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-19:437] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:458] Xcode t = 9.69s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-19:458] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:493] Xcode t = 9.72s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-19:493] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:494] Xcode t = 9.72s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-19:494] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:495] Xcode t = 9.73s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-19:495] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:496] Xcode t = 9.73s Find the ScrollView
ERR! [15-22-19:496] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:497] Xcode t = 9.73s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-19:498] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:530] Xcode t = 9.76s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-19:530] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:531] Xcode t = 9.76s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-19:531] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:532] Xcode t = 9.76s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-19:532] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:533] Xcode t = 9.76s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-19:534] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:534] Xcode t = 9.76s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-19:534] Xcode
info [15-22-19:570] WD Proxy Got response with status 404: {
info [15-22-19:570] WD Proxy "value" : {
info [15-22-19:570] WD Proxy "error" : "no such alert",
info [15-22-19:570] WD Proxy "message" : "An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open",
info [15-22-19:570] WD Proxy "traceback" : ""
info [15-22-19:570] WD Proxy },
info [15-22-19:570] WD Proxy "sessionId" : "FD7D4C7E-1663-4582-87BE-38F4D728279F"
info [15-22-19:570] WD Proxy }
dbug [15-22-19:571] W3C Matched W3C error code 'no such alert' to NoSuchAlertError
dbug [15-22-19:571] XCUITest No alert found: An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open
dbug [15-22-19:973] WD Proxy Matched '/alert/text' to command name 'getAlertText'
dbug [15-22-19:973] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /alert/text] to [GET] with no body
ERR! [15-22-19:979] Xcode t = 10.21s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-19:980] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-19:980] Xcode t = 10.21s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-19:981] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:010] Xcode t = 10.24s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-20:010] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:011] Xcode t = 10.24s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-20:011] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:026] Xcode t = 10.26s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-20:026] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:058] Xcode t = 10.29s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-20:058] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:059] Xcode t = 10.29s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-20:059] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:060] Xcode t = 10.29s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-20:060] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:061] Xcode t = 10.29s Find the ScrollView
ERR! [15-22-20:062] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:063] Xcode t = 10.29s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-20:064] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:086] Xcode t = 10.32s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-20:087] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:087] Xcode t = 10.32s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-20:088] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:088] Xcode t = 10.32s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-20:089] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:090] Xcode t = 10.32s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-20:090] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:090] Xcode t = 10.32s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-20:091] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:116] Xcode t = 10.35s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-20:117] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:117] Xcode t = 10.35s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-20:117] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:146] Xcode t = 10.38s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002e01fc0)'
ERR! [15-22-20:146] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:147] Xcode t = 10.38s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-20:148] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:186] Xcode t = 10.42s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-20:186] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:188] Xcode t = 10.42s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-20:188] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:189] Xcode t = 10.42s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-20:190] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:191] Xcode t = 10.42s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [15-22-20:191] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:192] Xcode t = 10.42s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002e020c0)'
ERR! [15-22-20:192] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:193] Xcode t = 10.42s Find: Children matching type Other
ERR! [15-22-20:194] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:217] Xcode t = 10.42s Find: Children matching type Other
ERR! [15-22-20:217] Xcode t = 10.43s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-20:217] Xcode t = 10.43s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-20:217] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:235] Xcode t = 10.47s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-20:237] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:238] Xcode t = 10.47s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-20:238] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:259] Xcode t = 10.49s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-20:259] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:292] Xcode t = 10.52s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-20:292] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:293] Xcode t = 10.52s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-20:293] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:294] Xcode t = 10.52s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-20:294] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:295] Xcode t = 10.53s Find the ScrollView
ERR! [15-22-20:295] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:296] Xcode t = 10.53s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-20:296] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:332] Xcode t = 10.56s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-20:332] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:333] Xcode t = 10.56s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-20:333] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:334] Xcode t = 10.56s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-20:334] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:336] Xcode t = 10.57s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-20:336] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:337] Xcode t = 10.57s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-20:337] Xcode
info [15-22-20:376] WD Proxy Got response with status 404: {
info [15-22-20:376] WD Proxy "value" : {
info [15-22-20:376] WD Proxy "error" : "no such alert",
info [15-22-20:376] WD Proxy "message" : "An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open",
info [15-22-20:376] WD Proxy "traceback" : ""
info [15-22-20:376] WD Proxy },
info [15-22-20:376] WD Proxy "sessionId" : "FD7D4C7E-1663-4582-87BE-38F4D728279F"
info [15-22-20:376] WD Proxy }
dbug [15-22-20:377] W3C Matched W3C error code 'no such alert' to NoSuchAlertError
dbug [15-22-20:377] XCUITest No alert found: An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open
dbug [15-22-20:782] WD Proxy Matched '/alert/text' to command name 'getAlertText'
dbug [15-22-20:783] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /alert/text] to [GET] with no body
ERR! [15-22-20:789] Xcode t = 11.02s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-20:789] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:790] Xcode t = 11.02s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-20:790] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:816] Xcode t = 11.05s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-20:816] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:817] Xcode t = 11.05s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-20:818] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:829] Xcode t = 11.06s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-20:829] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:852] Xcode t = 11.08s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-20:853] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:854] Xcode t = 11.08s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-20:854] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:854] Xcode t = 11.08s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-20:855] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:855] Xcode t = 11.09s Find the ScrollView
ERR! [15-22-20:856] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:857] Xcode t = 11.09s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-20:857] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:883] Xcode t = 11.11s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-20:884] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:885] Xcode t = 11.11s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-20:885] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:886] Xcode t = 11.12s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-20:886] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:888] Xcode t = 11.12s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-20:888] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:889] Xcode t = 11.12s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-20:889] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:918] Xcode t = 11.15s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-20:919] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:919] Xcode t = 11.15s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-20:919] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:950] Xcode t = 11.18s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002de4e80)'
ERR! [15-22-20:950] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:951] Xcode t = 11.18s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-20:952] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:990] Xcode t = 11.22s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-20:990] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:991] Xcode t = 11.22s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-20:991] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:993] Xcode t = 11.22s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-20:993] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:994] Xcode t = 11.22s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [15-22-20:994] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:995] Xcode t = 11.23s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002de4640)'
ERR! [15-22-20:995] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-20:996] Xcode t = 11.23s Find: Children matching type Other
ERR! [15-22-20:997] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:015] Xcode t = 11.23s Find: Children matching type Other
ERR! [15-22-21:015] Xcode t = 11.23s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-21:015] Xcode t = 11.23s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-21:016] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:039] Xcode t = 11.27s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-21:039] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:040] Xcode t = 11.27s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-21:041] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:062] Xcode t = 11.29s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-21:062] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:096] Xcode t = 11.33s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-21:097] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:098] Xcode t = 11.33s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-21:098] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:099] Xcode t = 11.33s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-21:099] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:100] Xcode t = 11.33s Find the ScrollView
ERR! [15-22-21:100] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:101] Xcode t = 11.33s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-21:101] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:136] Xcode t = 11.37s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-21:136] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:138] Xcode t = 11.37s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-21:138] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:139] Xcode t = 11.37s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-21:140] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:141] Xcode t = 11.37s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-21:141] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:142] Xcode t = 11.37s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-21:142] Xcode
info [15-22-21:180] WD Proxy Got response with status 404: {
info [15-22-21:180] WD Proxy "value" : {
info [15-22-21:180] WD Proxy "error" : "no such alert",
info [15-22-21:180] WD Proxy "message" : "An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open",
info [15-22-21:180] WD Proxy "traceback" : ""
info [15-22-21:180] WD Proxy },
info [15-22-21:180] WD Proxy "sessionId" : "FD7D4C7E-1663-4582-87BE-38F4D728279F"
info [15-22-21:180] WD Proxy }
dbug [15-22-21:180] W3C Matched W3C error code 'no such alert' to NoSuchAlertError
dbug [15-22-21:181] XCUITest No alert found: An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open
dbug [15-22-21:584] WD Proxy Matched '/alert/text' to command name 'getAlertText'
dbug [15-22-21:585] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /alert/text] to [GET] with no body
ERR! [15-22-21:591] Xcode t = 11.82s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-21:591] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:592] Xcode t = 11.82s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-21:592] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:613] Xcode t = 11.84s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-21:613] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:614] Xcode t = 11.84s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-21:615] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:625] Xcode t = 11.86s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-21:625] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:645] Xcode t = 11.88s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-21:646] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:646] Xcode t = 11.88s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-21:646] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:647] Xcode t = 11.88s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-21:648] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:648] Xcode t = 11.88s Find the ScrollView
ERR! [15-22-21:648] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:649] Xcode t = 11.88s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-21:649] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:670] Xcode t = 11.90s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-21:670] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:671] Xcode t = 11.90s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-21:671] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:672] Xcode t = 11.90s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-21:672] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:673] Xcode t = 11.90s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-21:674] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:674] Xcode t = 11.90s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-21:674] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:695] Xcode t = 11.93s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-21:695] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:696] Xcode t = 11.93s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-21:696] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:717] Xcode t = 11.95s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002e1d280)'
ERR! [15-22-21:718] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:719] Xcode t = 11.95s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-21:719] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:751] Xcode t = 11.98s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-21:751] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:752] Xcode t = 11.98s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-21:752] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:753] Xcode t = 11.98s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-21:753] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:754] Xcode t = 11.98s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [15-22-21:754] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:755] Xcode t = 11.99s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002e1d3c0)'
ERR! [15-22-21:755] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:756] Xcode t = 11.99s Find: Children matching type Other
ERR! [15-22-21:756] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:765] Xcode t = 11.99s Find: Children matching type Other
ERR! [15-22-21:765] Xcode t = 11.99s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-21:765] Xcode t = 11.99s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-21:765] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:792] Xcode t = 12.02s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-21:792] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:793] Xcode t = 12.02s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-21:794] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:809] Xcode t = 12.04s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-21:809] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:839] Xcode t = 12.07s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-21:839] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:840] Xcode t = 12.07s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-21:840] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:840] Xcode t = 12.07s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-21:841] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:841] Xcode t = 12.07s Find the ScrollView
ERR! [15-22-21:841] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:842] Xcode t = 12.07s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-21:842] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:870] Xcode t = 12.10s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-21:870] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:871] Xcode t = 12.10s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-21:871] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:872] Xcode t = 12.10s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-21:872] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:874] Xcode t = 12.10s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-21:874] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-21:874] Xcode t = 12.10s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-21:874] Xcode
info [15-22-21:906] WD Proxy Got response with status 404: {
info [15-22-21:906] WD Proxy "value" : {
info [15-22-21:906] WD Proxy "error" : "no such alert",
info [15-22-21:906] WD Proxy "message" : "An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open",
info [15-22-21:906] WD Proxy "traceback" : ""
info [15-22-21:906] WD Proxy },
info [15-22-21:906] WD Proxy "sessionId" : "FD7D4C7E-1663-4582-87BE-38F4D728279F"
info [15-22-21:906] WD Proxy }
dbug [15-22-21:906] W3C Matched W3C error code 'no such alert' to NoSuchAlertError
dbug [15-22-21:906] XCUITest No alert found: An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open
dbug [15-22-22:309] WD Proxy Matched '/alert/text' to command name 'getAlertText'
dbug [15-22-22:309] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /alert/text] to [GET] with no body
ERR! [15-22-22:314] Xcode t = 12.54s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-22:314] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:315] Xcode t = 12.54s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-22:315] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:336] Xcode t = 12.57s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-22:336] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:337] Xcode t = 12.57s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-22:337] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:347] Xcode t = 12.58s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-22:347] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:368] Xcode t = 12.60s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-22:368] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:369] Xcode t = 12.60s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-22:370] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:370] Xcode t = 12.60s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-22:370] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:371] Xcode t = 12.60s Find the ScrollView
ERR! [15-22-22:371] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:372] Xcode t = 12.60s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-22:372] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:393] Xcode t = 12.62s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-22:393] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:394] Xcode t = 12.62s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-22:394] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:395] Xcode t = 12.63s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-22:395] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:396] Xcode t = 12.63s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-22:396] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:397] Xcode t = 12.63s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-22:397] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:419] Xcode t = 12.65s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-22:419] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:419] Xcode t = 12.65s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-22:419] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:440] Xcode t = 12.67s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002deb580)'
ERR! [15-22-22:441] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:442] Xcode t = 12.67s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-22:442] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:476] Xcode t = 12.71s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-22:476] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:477] Xcode t = 12.71s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-22:477] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:478] Xcode t = 12.71s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-22:478] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:479] Xcode t = 12.71s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [15-22-22:479] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:480] Xcode t = 12.71s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002dea940)'
ERR! [15-22-22:480] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:481] Xcode t = 12.71s Find: Children matching type Other
ERR! [15-22-22:481] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:482] Xcode t = 12.71s Find: Children matching type Other
ERR! [15-22-22:484] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:484] Xcode t = 12.71s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-22:484] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:484] Xcode t = 12.71s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-22:484] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:512] Xcode t = 12.74s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-22:512] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:513] Xcode t = 12.74s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-22:513] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:530] Xcode t = 12.76s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-22:530] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:556] Xcode t = 12.79s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-22:557] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:557] Xcode t = 12.79s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-22:557] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:558] Xcode t = 12.79s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-22:558] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:559] Xcode t = 12.79s Find the ScrollView
ERR! [15-22-22:559] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:560] Xcode t = 12.79s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-22:560] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:588] Xcode t = 12.82s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-22:588] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:589] Xcode t = 12.82s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-22:589] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:590] Xcode t = 12.82s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-22:590] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:591] Xcode t = 12.82s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-22:591] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-22:592] Xcode t = 12.82s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-22:592] Xcode
info [15-22-22:624] WD Proxy Got response with status 404: {
info [15-22-22:624] WD Proxy "value" : {
info [15-22-22:624] WD Proxy "error" : "no such alert",
info [15-22-22:624] WD Proxy "message" : "An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open",
info [15-22-22:624] WD Proxy "traceback" : ""
info [15-22-22:624] WD Proxy },
info [15-22-22:624] WD Proxy "sessionId" : "FD7D4C7E-1663-4582-87BE-38F4D728279F"
info [15-22-22:624] WD Proxy }
dbug [15-22-22:625] W3C Matched W3C error code 'no such alert' to NoSuchAlertError
dbug [15-22-22:625] XCUITest No alert found: An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open
dbug [15-22-23:027] WD Proxy Matched '/alert/text' to command name 'getAlertText'
dbug [15-22-23:028] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /alert/text] to [GET] with no body
ERR! [15-22-23:033] Xcode t = 13.26s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-23:033] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:034] Xcode t = 13.26s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-23:034] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:055] Xcode t = 13.29s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-23:055] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:056] Xcode t = 13.29s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-23:056] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:066] Xcode t = 13.30s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-23:066] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:086] Xcode t = 13.32s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-23:086] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:087] Xcode t = 13.32s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-23:087] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:088] Xcode t = 13.32s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-23:088] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:089] Xcode t = 13.32s Find the ScrollView
ERR! [15-22-23:089] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:090] Xcode t = 13.32s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-23:090] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:110] Xcode t = 13.34s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-23:110] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:115] Xcode t = 13.34s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-23:120] Xcode t = 13.34s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-23:120] Xcode t = 13.34s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-23:120] Xcode t = 13.34s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-23:120] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:135] Xcode t = 13.37s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-23:136] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:136] Xcode t = 13.37s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-23:136] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:156] Xcode t = 13.39s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002e266c0)'
ERR! [15-22-23:156] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:157] Xcode t = 13.39s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-23:157] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:187] Xcode t = 13.42s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-23:187] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:188] Xcode t = 13.42s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-23:188] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:189] Xcode t = 13.42s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-23:189] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:190] Xcode t = 13.42s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [15-22-23:190] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:191] Xcode t = 13.42s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002e26ac0)'
ERR! [15-22-23:191] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:191] Xcode t = 13.42s Find: Children matching type Other
ERR! [15-22-23:192] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:215] Xcode t = 13.42s Find: Children matching type Other
ERR! [15-22-23:215] Xcode t = 13.42s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-23:215] Xcode t = 13.42s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-23:215] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:217] Xcode t = 13.45s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-23:217] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:218] Xcode t = 13.45s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-23:218] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:232] Xcode t = 13.46s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-23:232] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:255] Xcode t = 13.48s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-23:255] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:256] Xcode t = 13.49s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-23:256] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:256] Xcode t = 13.49s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-23:257] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:257] Xcode t = 13.49s Find the ScrollView
ERR! [15-22-23:257] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:258] Xcode t = 13.49s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-23:258] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:282] Xcode t = 13.51s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-23:282] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:283] Xcode t = 13.51s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-23:283] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:284] Xcode t = 13.51s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-23:284] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:285] Xcode t = 13.52s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-23:285] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:286] Xcode t = 13.52s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-23:286] Xcode
info [15-22-23:322] WD Proxy Got response with status 404: {
info [15-22-23:322] WD Proxy "value" : {
info [15-22-23:322] WD Proxy "error" : "no such alert",
info [15-22-23:322] WD Proxy "message" : "An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open",
info [15-22-23:322] WD Proxy "traceback" : ""
info [15-22-23:322] WD Proxy },
info [15-22-23:322] WD Proxy "sessionId" : "FD7D4C7E-1663-4582-87BE-38F4D728279F"
info [15-22-23:322] WD Proxy }
dbug [15-22-23:322] W3C Matched W3C error code 'no such alert' to NoSuchAlertError
dbug [15-22-23:322] XCUITest No alert found: An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open
dbug [15-22-23:726] WD Proxy Matched '/alert/text' to command name 'getAlertText'
dbug [15-22-23:726] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /alert/text] to [GET] with no body
ERR! [15-22-23:732] Xcode t = 13.96s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-23:732] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:733] Xcode t = 13.96s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-23:733] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:750] Xcode t = 13.98s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-23:750] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:751] Xcode t = 13.98s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-23:751] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:759] Xcode t = 13.99s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-23:759] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:777] Xcode t = 14.01s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-23:777] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:778] Xcode t = 14.01s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-23:778] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:779] Xcode t = 14.01s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-23:779] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:780] Xcode t = 14.01s Find the ScrollView
ERR! [15-22-23:780] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:781] Xcode t = 14.01s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-23:781] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:798] Xcode t = 14.03s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-23:798] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:798] Xcode t = 14.03s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-23:798] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:799] Xcode t = 14.03s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-23:799] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:800] Xcode t = 14.03s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-23:800] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:800] Xcode t = 14.03s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-23:800] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:818] Xcode t = 14.05s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-23:818] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:818] Xcode t = 14.05s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-23:818] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:835] Xcode t = 14.07s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002e5e600)'
ERR! [15-22-23:835] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:836] Xcode t = 14.07s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-23:836] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:859] Xcode t = 14.09s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-23:859] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:860] Xcode t = 14.09s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-23:860] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:861] Xcode t = 14.09s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-23:861] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:861] Xcode t = 14.09s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [15-22-23:865] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:865] Xcode t = 14.09s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002e5e0c0)'
ERR! [15-22-23:865] Xcode t = 14.09s Find: Children matching type Other
ERR! [15-22-23:865] Xcode t = 14.09s Find: Children matching type Other
ERR! [15-22-23:865] Xcode t = 14.09s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-23:865] Xcode t = 14.10s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-23:865] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:893] Xcode t = 14.12s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-23:893] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:894] Xcode t = 14.12s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-23:894] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:906] Xcode t = 14.14s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-23:907] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:931] Xcode t = 14.16s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-23:931] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:933] Xcode t = 14.16s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-23:933] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:934] Xcode t = 14.16s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-23:934] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:935] Xcode t = 14.16s Find the ScrollView
ERR! [15-22-23:935] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:937] Xcode t = 14.17s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-23:937] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:963] Xcode t = 14.19s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-23:964] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:965] Xcode t = 14.19s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-23:965] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:966] Xcode t = 14.20s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-23:966] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:967] Xcode t = 14.20s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-23:967] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-23:967] Xcode t = 14.20s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-23:968] Xcode
info [15-22-23:997] WD Proxy Got response with status 404: {
info [15-22-23:997] WD Proxy "value" : {
info [15-22-23:997] WD Proxy "error" : "no such alert",
info [15-22-23:997] WD Proxy "message" : "An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open",
info [15-22-23:997] WD Proxy "traceback" : ""
info [15-22-23:997] WD Proxy },
info [15-22-23:997] WD Proxy "sessionId" : "FD7D4C7E-1663-4582-87BE-38F4D728279F"
info [15-22-23:997] WD Proxy }
dbug [15-22-23:997] W3C Matched W3C error code 'no such alert' to NoSuchAlertError
dbug [15-22-23:997] XCUITest No alert found: An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open
dbug [15-22-24:399] WD Proxy Matched '/alert/text' to command name 'getAlertText'
dbug [15-22-24:399] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /alert/text] to [GET] with no body
ERR! [15-22-24:405] Xcode t = 14.64s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-24:405] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:406] Xcode t = 14.64s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-24:406] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:429] Xcode t = 14.66s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-24:429] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:431] Xcode t = 14.66s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-24:431] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:441] Xcode t = 14.67s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-24:441] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:461] Xcode t = 14.69s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-24:461] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:462] Xcode t = 14.69s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-24:462] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:463] Xcode t = 14.69s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-24:463] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:463] Xcode t = 14.69s Find the ScrollView
ERR! [15-22-24:463] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:464] Xcode t = 14.69s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-24:464] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:487] Xcode t = 14.72s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-24:487] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:488] Xcode t = 14.72s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-24:488] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:489] Xcode t = 14.72s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-24:489] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:490] Xcode t = 14.72s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-24:490] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:491] Xcode t = 14.72s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-24:491] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:512] Xcode t = 14.74s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-24:512] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:515] Xcode t = 14.74s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-24:515] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:534] Xcode t = 14.76s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002e24380)'
ERR! [15-22-24:535] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:535] Xcode t = 14.77s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 95032
ERR! [15-22-24:536] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:564] Xcode t = 14.79s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-24:564] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:565] Xcode t = 14.80s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-24:565] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:566] Xcode t = 14.80s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-24:566] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:567] Xcode t = 14.80s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [15-22-24:567] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:568] Xcode t = 14.80s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002e27100)'
ERR! [15-22-24:568] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:569] Xcode t = 14.80s Find: Children matching type Other
ERR! [15-22-24:569] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:570] Xcode t = 14.80s Find: Children matching type Other
ERR! [15-22-24:570] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:572] Xcode t = 14.80s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-24:572] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:573] Xcode t = 14.80s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-24:573] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:604] Xcode t = 14.83s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-24:604] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:605] Xcode t = 14.83s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-24:605] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:623] Xcode t = 14.85s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-24:623] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:655] Xcode t = 14.88s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-24:655] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:656] Xcode t = 14.89s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-24:656] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:657] Xcode t = 14.89s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-24:657] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:658] Xcode t = 14.89s Find the ScrollView
ERR! [15-22-24:658] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:659] Xcode t = 14.89s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-24:659] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:690] Xcode t = 14.92s Find: Descendants matching type Any
ERR! [15-22-24:690] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:691] Xcode t = 14.92s Find: Elements matching predicate 'elementType IN {7, 5, 46}'
ERR! [15-22-24:691] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:692] Xcode t = 14.92s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [15-22-24:692] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:694] Xcode t = 14.92s Find the Application ''
ERR! [15-22-24:694] Xcode
ERR! [15-22-24:694] Xcode t = 14.92s Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 83041
ERR! [15-22-24:694] Xcode
info [15-22-24:727] WD Proxy Got response with status 404: {
info [15-22-24:727] WD Proxy "value" : {
info [15-22-24:727] WD Proxy "error" : "no such alert",
info [15-22-24:727] WD Proxy "message" : "An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open",
info [15-22-24:727] WD Proxy "traceback" : ""
info [15-22-24:727] WD Proxy },
info [15-22-24:727] WD Proxy "sessionId" : "FD7D4C7E-1663-4582-87BE-38F4D728279F"
info [15-22-24:727] WD Proxy }
dbug [15-22-24:727] W3C Matched W3C error code 'no such alert' to NoSuchAlertError
dbug [15-22-24:727] XCUITest No alert found: An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open
dbug [15-24-16:773] XCUITest Error received while executing atom: operation timed out
dbug [15-24-16:787] MJSONWP (3561cd97) Encountered internal error running command: Error: Did not get any response for atom execution after 120004ms
dbug [15-24-16:787] MJSONWP (3561cd97) at XCUITestDriver.waitForAtom (/Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/lib/commands/web.js:315:11)
dbug [15-24-16:787] MJSONWP (3561cd97) at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
info [15-24-16:789] HTTP <-- POST /wd/hub/session/3561cd97-e37b-491b-b82d-8eba8897e7c1/element/5000/click 500 120045 ms - 229
info [15-24-16:789] HTTP
1) should accept alert
info [15-24-16:806] HTTP --> DELETE /wd/hub/session/3561cd97-e37b-491b-b82d-8eba8897e7c1
info [15-24-16:806] HTTP {}
dbug [15-24-16:806] MJSONWP (3561cd97) Calling XCUITestDriver.deleteSession() with args: ["3561cd97-e37b-491b-b82d-8eba8897e7c1"]
dbug [15-24-16:807] XCUITest Executing command 'deleteSession'
dbug [15-24-16:807] BaseDriver Event 'quitSessionRequested' logged at 1585164256807 (15:24:16 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
dbug [15-24-16:809] WD Proxy Matched '/session/3561cd97-e37b-491b-b82d-8eba8897e7c1' to command name 'deleteSession'
dbug [15-24-16:809] WD Proxy Proxying [DELETE /session/3561cd97-e37b-491b-b82d-8eba8897e7c1] to [DELETE] with no body
ERR! [15-24-16:811] Xcode t = 127.04s Terminate
ERR! [15-24-16:811] Xcode
dbug [15-24-16:873] RemoteDebugger Application 'PID:95032' disconnected. Removing from app dictionary.
dbug [15-24-16:873] RemoteDebugger Current app is 'PID:95033'
dbug [15-24-16:873] RemoteDebugger Application 'PID:95033' disconnected. Removing from app dictionary.
dbug [15-24-16:874] RemoteDebugger Current app is 'PID:95033'
dbug [15-24-16:874] RemoteDebugger No longer have app id. Attempting to find new one.
ERR! [15-24-17:888] Xcode t = 128.12s Wait for to become Not Running
ERR! [15-24-17:888] Xcode
dbug [15-24-17:890] WD Proxy Got response with status 200: {
dbug [15-24-17:890] WD Proxy "value" : null,
dbug [15-24-17:890] WD Proxy "sessionId" : "7015F8CB-B8A6-4833-A571-D4F617D65BB6"
dbug [15-24-17:890] WD Proxy }
info [15-24-17:890] WebDriverAgent Shutting down sub-processes
info [15-24-17:890] WebDriverAgent Shutting down 'xcodebuild' process (pid '95012')
info [15-24-17:890] WebDriverAgent Sending 'SIGTERM'...
ERR! [15-24-17:891] Xcode ** BUILD INTERRUPTED **
ERR! [15-24-17:891] Xcode
ERR! [15-24-17:902] WebDriverAgent xcodebuild exited with code 'null' and signal 'SIGTERM'
ERR! [15-24-17:902] Xcode Contents of xcodebuild log file '/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Logs/Test/Test-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020.03.25_15-22-04--0400.xcresult/2_Test/Diagnostics/WebDriverAgentRunner-0E9407C2-CCDF-499D-AE7F-5CA2A66B26EB/WebDriverAgentRunner-49619A72-87B4-4DD1-A0F3-6A4EC946BB9D/Session-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020-03-25_152205-IJC5bx.log':
ERR! [15-24-17:904] Xcode 15:22:05.862 xcodebuild[95012:33874171] Beginning test session WebDriverAgentRunner-7692CF0E-FF08-4DBD-8051-6EF5710824F3 at 2020-03-25 15:22:05.862 with Xcode 10B61 on target <DVTiPhoneSimulator: 0x7f8491d6f840> {
ERR! [15-24-17:904] Xcode SimDevice: appiumTest-C33F9E2A-D126-499E-B7EA-7EB124163596-iPhone X (605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07, iOS 12.1, Booted)
ERR! [15-24-17:904] Xcode } (12.1 (16B91))
ERR! [15-24-17:904] Xcode 15:22:05.862 xcodebuild[95012:33874171] /Applications/
ERR! [15-24-17:904] Xcode build-for-testing
ERR! [15-24-17:904] Xcode test-without-building
ERR! [15-24-17:904] Xcode -project
ERR! [15-24-17:905] Xcode /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj
ERR! [15-24-17:905] Xcode -scheme
ERR! [15-24-17:905] Xcode WebDriverAgentRunner
ERR! [15-24-17:905] Xcode -destination
ERR! [15-24-17:905] Xcode id=605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07
ERR! [15-24-17:905] Xcode IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=12.1
ERR! [15-24-17:905] Xcode GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=0
ERR! [15-24-17:906] Xcode 15:22:05.862 xcodebuild[95012:33874171] Launching with Xcode.IDEFoundation.Launcher.PosixSpawn
ERR! [15-24-17:906] Xcode 15:22:05.864 xcodebuild[95012:33874171] Test standard output and standard error is at /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Logs/Test/Test-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020.03.25_15-22-04--0400.xcresult/2_Test/Diagnostics/WebDriverAgentRunner-0E9407C2-CCDF-499D-AE7F-5CA2A66B26EB/WebDriverAgentRunner-49619A72-87B4-4DD1-A0F3-6A4EC946BB9D/StandardOutputAndStandardError.txt
ERR! [15-24-17:906] Xcode 15:22:05.869 xcodebuild[95012:33874171] Setting up test runner session
ERR! [15-24-17:906] Xcode 15:22:05.869 xcodebuild[95012:33874239] Sim appiumTest-C33F9E2A-D126-499E-B7EA-7EB124163596-iPhone X: Unregistering for sim device notification with token 4
ERR! [15-24-17:906] Xcode 15:22:05.869 xcodebuild[95012:33874239] Calling -[SimDevice getenv:error:] for TESTMANAGERD_SIM_SOCK
ERR! [15-24-17:906] Xcode 15:22:05.870 xcodebuild[95012:33874239] Sim appiumTest-C33F9E2A-D126-499E-B7EA-7EB124163596-iPhone X has testmanagerd socket at /private/tmp/
ERR! [15-24-17:906] Xcode 15:22:05.870 xcodebuild[95012:33874239] Validating test connection socket path (/private/tmp/
ERR! [15-24-17:906] Xcode 15:22:05.870 xcodebuild[95012:33874239] Constructing transport for test connection socket
ERR! [15-24-17:906] Xcode 15:22:05.870 xcodebuild[95012:33874239] Connected socket 30 to testmanagerd for Sim appiumTest-C33F9E2A-D126-499E-B7EA-7EB124163596-iPhone X
ERR! [15-24-17:907] Xcode 15:22:05.870 xcodebuild[95012:33874251] Received connection for test runner session
ERR! [15-24-17:907] Xcode 15:22:05.870 xcodebuild[95012:33874251] Listening for proxy connection request from the test bundle
ERR! [15-24-17:907] Xcode 15:22:05.871 xcodebuild[95012:33874251] Initiating session with identifier: 7692CF0E-FF08-4DBD-8051-6EF5710824F3
ERR! [15-24-17:907] Xcode 15:22:05.871 xcodebuild[95012:33874171] Launch session started.
ERR! [15-24-17:907] Xcode 15:22:05.872 xcodebuild[95012:33874171] Test runner session acquired connection.
ERR! [15-24-17:908] Xcode 15:22:05.872 xcodebuild[95012:33874171] Waiting for test process to launch.
ERR! [15-24-17:931] Xcode 15:22:05.874 xcodebuild[95012:33874240] 📱<DVTiPhoneSimulator (0x7f8491d6f840), appiumTest-C33F9E2A-D126-499E-B7EA-7EB124163596-iPhone X, unknown class, 12.1 (16B91), 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07> simulator was claimed by LaunchSessionClaim_0x7f8492090ca0
ERR! [15-24-17:931] Xcode 15:22:05.875 xcodebuild[95012:33874239] 📱<DVTiPhoneSimulator (0x7f8491d6f840), appiumTest-C33F9E2A-D126-499E-B7EA-7EB124163596-iPhone X, unknown class, 12.1 (16B91), 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07> simulator was claimed by LaunchSessionClaim_0x7f8492090ca0
ERR! [15-24-17:931] Xcode 15:22:05.875 xcodebuild[95012:33874239] 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07: Registered for sim device notification, got token 7
ERR! [15-24-17:931] Xcode 15:22:05.875 xcodebuild[95012:33874251] 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07: Unregistering for sim device notification with token 7
ERR! [15-24-17:931] Xcode 15:22:05.876 xcodebuild[95012:33874251] 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07: Installing app at path: /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ and options: (null)
ERR! [15-24-17:931] Xcode 15:22:06.122 xcodebuild[95012:33874516] Got reply to session initiation request with identifier 7692CF0E-FF08-4DBD-8051-6EF5710824F3 (result:error): 29: (null)
ERR! [15-24-17:932] Xcode 15:22:07.069 xcodebuild[95012:33874251] 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07: Installed app at path: /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ and options: (null)
ERR! [15-24-17:932] Xcode 15:22:07.069 xcodebuild[95012:33874251] 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07: Registered for sim device notification, got token 9
ERR! [15-24-17:932] Xcode 15:22:07.069 xcodebuild[95012:33874515] 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07: Unregistering for sim device notification with token 9
ERR! [15-24-17:932] Xcode 15:22:08.129 xcodebuild[95012:33874251] 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07: Launching app with identifier: and options: {
ERR! [15-24-17:932] Xcode "activate_suspended" = 1;
ERR! [15-24-17:932] Xcode arguments = (
ERR! [15-24-17:932] Xcode "-NSTreatUnknownArgumentsAsOpen",
ERR! [15-24-17:932] Xcode NO,
ERR! [15-24-17:932] Xcode "-ApplePersistenceIgnoreState",
ERR! [15-24-17:932] Xcode YES
ERR! [15-24-17:932] Xcode );
ERR! [15-24-17:932] Xcode environment = {
ERR! [15-24-17:932] Xcode "CA_DEBUG_TRANSACTIONS" = 0;
ERR! [15-24-17:932] Xcode "DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH" = "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator:";
ERR! [15-24-17:932] Xcode "DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES" = "/Applications/";
ERR! [15-24-17:933] Xcode "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" = "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator";
ERR! [15-24-17:933] Xcode "MJPEG_SERVER_PORT" = "";
ERR! [15-24-17:933] Xcode "MTC_CRASH_ON_REPORT" = 1;
ERR! [15-24-17:933] Xcode NSUnbufferedIO = YES;
ERR! [15-24-17:933] Xcode "OS_ACTIVITY_DT_MODE" = YES;
ERR! [15-24-17:933] Xcode "SQLITE_ENABLE_THREAD_ASSERTIONS" = 1;
ERR! [15-24-17:933] Xcode "UPGRADE_TIMESTAMP" = 1585160867501;
ERR! [15-24-17:933] Xcode "USE_PORT" = 8100;
ERR! [15-24-17:933] Xcode "WDA_PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER" = "com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner";
ERR! [15-24-17:933] Xcode XCTestConfigurationFilePath = "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Logs/Test/Test-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020.03.25_15-22-04--0400.xcresult/2_Test/Diagnostics/WebDriverAgentRunner-0E9407C2-CCDF-499D-AE7F-5CA2A66B26EB/WebDriverAgentRunner-49619A72-87B4-4DD1-A0F3-6A4EC946BB9D/LaunchSessions/7692CF0E-FF08-4DBD-8051-6EF5710824F3/remote-container/tmp/WebDriverAgentRunner-7692CF0E-FF08-4DBD-8051-6EF5710824F3.xctestconfiguration";
ERR! [15-24-17:933] Xcode "__XCODE_BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR_PATHS" = "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator";
ERR! [15-24-17:933] Xcode "__XPC_DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH" = "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator";
ERR! [15-24-17:933] Xcode "__XPC_DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" = "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator";
ERR! [15-24-17:933] Xcode };
ERR! [15-24-17:933] Xcode stderr = "/dev/ttys006";
ERR! [15-24-17:933] Xcode stdout = "/dev/ttys006";
ERR! [15-24-17:934] Xcode "wait_for_debugger" = 0;
ERR! [15-24-17:934] Xcode }
ERR! [15-24-17:934] Xcode 15:22:08.234 xcodebuild[95012:33874239] 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07: Launched app with identifier: (pid = 95029)
ERR! [15-24-17:934] Xcode 15:22:08.234 xcodebuild[95012:33874239] 📱<DVTiPhoneSimulator (0x7f8491d6f840), appiumTest-C33F9E2A-D126-499E-B7EA-7EB124163596-iPhone X, unknown class, 12.1 (16B91), 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07> tracking pid 95029
ERR! [15-24-17:939] Xcode 15:22:08.234 xcodebuild[95012:33874239] 📱<DVTiPhoneSimulator (0x7f8491d6f840), appiumTest-C33F9E2A-D126-499E-B7EA-7EB124163596-iPhone X, unknown class, 12.1 (16B91), 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07> checking to see if pid 95029 is valid: kill(pid, 0) = 0 (YES, it's still running)
ERR! [15-24-17:939] Xcode 15:22:08.235 xcodebuild[95012:33874171] Test process runnable PID is 95029.
ERR! [15-24-17:939] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:22:09.021808-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Running tests...
ERR! [15-24-17:939] Xcode 15:22:09.070 xcodebuild[95012:33874251] Handling proxy channel request from test runner
ERR! [15-24-17:939] Xcode 15:22:09.070 xcodebuild[95012:33874251] Test runner is ready, running protocol 29, requires at least version 7. Control framework is running 29 and requires at least 7
ERR! [15-24-17:939] Xcode 15:22:09.070 xcodebuild[95012:33874171] Test runner session successfully initiated.
ERR! [15-24-17:939] Xcode 15:22:09.070 xcodebuild[95012:33874171] Whitelisting test process ID 95029
ERR! [15-24-17:939] Xcode 15:22:09.071 xcodebuild[95012:33874171] Got whitelisting response from test daemon: Success
ERR! [15-24-17:940] Xcode 15:22:09.071 xcodebuild[95012:33874171] Registering/updating daemon-based crash report observer for process names (
ERR! [15-24-17:940] Xcode SpringBoard,
ERR! [15-24-17:940] Xcode backboardd,
ERR! [15-24-17:940] Xcode xctest,
ERR! [15-24-17:940] Xcode "WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner"
ERR! [15-24-17:940] Xcode )
ERR! [15-24-17:941] Xcode 15:22:09.074 xcodebuild[95012:33874171] Telling test runner to start executing tests.
ERR! [15-24-17:941] Xcode 15:22:09.028 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Linked XCTest.framework from /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/B2EF380B-4ED9-4C33-9AD6-9924BD1C6749/, built with Xcode 1010(10B43a), modified on Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 2:28:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time
ERR! [15-24-17:941] Xcode XCTest.framework bundle version: 14460.20
ERR! [15-24-17:941] Xcode 15:22:09.029 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] System uptime: 1:01:09
ERR! [15-24-17:941] Xcode 15:22:09.029 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Process arguments: (
ERR! [15-24-17:941] Xcode "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/B2EF380B-4ED9-4C33-9AD6-9924BD1C6749/",
ERR! [15-24-17:941] Xcode "-NSTreatUnknownArgumentsAsOpen",
ERR! [15-24-17:941] Xcode NO,
ERR! [15-24-17:941] Xcode "-ApplePersistenceIgnoreState",
ERR! [15-24-17:941] Xcode YES
ERR! [15-24-17:941] Xcode )
ERR! [15-24-17:941] Xcode 15:22:09.029 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Process environment: {
ERR! [15-24-17:941] Xcode "CA_DEBUG_TRANSACTIONS" = 0;
ERR! [15-24-17:941] Xcode "CFFIXED_USER_HOME" = "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Containers/Data/Application/D754B598-5D2D-4A32-BD2E-97772D4CDC20";
ERR! [15-24-17:941] Xcode CLASSIC = 1;
ERR! [15-24-17:941] Xcode "CUPS_SERVER" = "/private/tmp/";
ERR! [15-24-17:942] Xcode "DYLD_FALLBACK_FRAMEWORK_PATH" = "/Applications/";
ERR! [15-24-17:942] Xcode "DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH" = "/Applications/";
ERR! [15-24-17:942] Xcode "DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH" = "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator:";
ERR! [15-24-17:944] Xcode "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" = "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator";
ERR! [15-24-17:944] Xcode "DYLD_ROOT_PATH" = "/Applications/";
ERR! [15-24-17:944] Xcode HOME = "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Containers/Data/Application/D754B598-5D2D-4A32-BD2E-97772D4CDC20";
ERR! [15-24-17:944] Xcode "IOS_SIMULATOR_SYSLOG_SOCKET" = "/tmp/";
ERR! [15-24-17:944] Xcode "IPHONE_SHARED_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY" = "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data";
ERR! [15-24-17:944] Xcode "IPHONE_SIMULATOR_ROOT" = "/Applications/";
ERR! [15-24-17:946] Xcode "IPHONE_TVOUT_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES" = "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Library/Application Support/Simulator/extended_display.plist";
ERR! [15-24-17:946] Xcode "MJPEG_SERVER_PORT" = "";
ERR! [15-24-17:946] Xcode "MTC_CRASH_ON_REPORT" = 1;
ERR! [15-24-17:946] Xcode NSUnbufferedIO = YES;
ERR! [15-24-17:946] Xcode "OS_ACTIVITY_DT_MODE" = YES;
ERR! [15-24-17:946] Xcode PATH = "/Applications/";
ERR! [15-24-17:946] Xcode "RWI_LISTEN_SOCKET" = "/private/tmp/";
ERR! [15-24-17:951] Xcode "SIMULATOR_AUDIO_DEVICES_PLIST_PATH" = "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/var/run/";
ERR! [15-24-17:951] Xcode "SIMULATOR_AUDIO_SETTINGS_PATH" = "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/var/run/simulatoraudio/audiosettings.plist";
ERR! [15-24-17:951] Xcode "SIMULATOR_BOOT_TIME" = 1585160460;
ERR! [15-24-17:951] Xcode "SIMULATOR_CAPABILITIES" = "/Applications/ X.simdevicetype/Contents/Resources/capabilities.plist";
ERR! [15-24-17:951] Xcode "SIMULATOR_DEVICE_NAME" = "appiumTest-C33F9E2A-D126-499E-B7EA-7EB124163596-iPhone X";
ERR! [15-24-17:954] Xcode "SIMULATOR_EXTENDED_DISPLAY_PROPERTIES" = "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Library/Application Support/Simulator/extended_display.plist";
ERR! [15-24-17:954] Xcode "SIMULATOR_HID_SYSTEM_MANAGER" = "/Library/Developer/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSimulator.framework/Resources/Platforms/iphoneos/Library/Frameworks/SimulatorHID.framework";
ERR! [15-24-17:954] Xcode "SIMULATOR_HOST_HOME" = "/Users/isaacmurchie";
ERR! [15-24-17:954] Xcode "SIMULATOR_LEGACY_ASSET_SUFFIX" = iphone;
ERR! [15-24-17:954] Xcode "SIMULATOR_LOG_ROOT" = "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07";
ERR! [15-24-17:954] Xcode "SIMULATOR_MAINSCREEN_HEIGHT" = 2436;
ERR! [15-24-17:954] Xcode "SIMULATOR_MAINSCREEN_PITCH" = "458.000000";
ERR! [15-24-17:954] Xcode "SIMULATOR_MAINSCREEN_SCALE" = "3.000000";
ERR! [15-24-17:954] Xcode "SIMULATOR_MAINSCREEN_WIDTH" = 1125;
ERR! [15-24-17:955] Xcode "SIMULATOR_MEMORY_WARNINGS" = "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/var/run/memory_warning_simulation";
ERR! [15-24-17:955] Xcode "SIMULATOR_MODEL_IDENTIFIER" = "iPhone10,6";
ERR! [15-24-17:955] Xcode "SIMULATOR_PRODUCT_CLASS" = D22;
ERR! [15-24-17:955] Xcode "SIMULATOR_ROOT" = "/Applications/";
ERR! [15-24-17:955] Xcode "SIMULATOR_RUNTIME_BUILD_VERSION" = 16B91;
ERR! [15-24-17:955] Xcode "SIMULATOR_RUNTIME_VERSION" = "12.1";
ERR! [15-24-17:956] Xcode "SIMULATOR_SHARED_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY" = "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data";
ERR! [15-24-17:956] Xcode "SIMULATOR_UDID" = "605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07";
ERR! [15-24-17:956] Xcode "SIMULATOR_VERSION_INFO" = "CoreSimulator 704.10 - Device: appiumTest-C33F9E2A-D126-499E-B7EA-7EB124163596-iPhone X (605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07) - Runtime: iOS 12.1 (16B91) - DeviceType: iPhone X";
ERR! [15-24-17:956] Xcode "SQLITE_ENABLE_THREAD_ASSERTIONS" = 1;
ERR! [15-24-17:956] Xcode TERM = "xterm-256color";
ERR! [15-24-17:956] Xcode "TESTMANAGERD_SIM_SOCK" = "/private/tmp/";
ERR! [15-24-17:956] Xcode TMPDIR = "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Containers/Data/Application/D754B598-5D2D-4A32-BD2E-97772D4CDC20/tmp";
ERR! [15-24-17:956] Xcode "UPGRADE_TIMESTAMP" = 1585160867501;
ERR! [15-24-17:956] Xcode "USE_PORT" = 8100;
ERR! [15-24-17:956] Xcode "WDA_PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER" = "com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner";
ERR! [15-24-17:956] Xcode XCTestConfigurationFilePath = "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Logs/Test/Test-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020.03.25_15-22-04--0400.xcresult/2_Test/Diagnostics/WebDriverAgentRunner-0E9407C2-CCDF-499D-AE7F-5CA2A66B26EB/WebDriverAgentRunner-49619A72-87B4-4DD1-A0F3-6A4EC946BB9D/LaunchSessions/7692CF0E-FF08-4DBD-8051-6EF5710824F3/remote-container/tmp/WebDriverAgentRunner-7692CF0E-FF08-4DBD-8051-6EF5710824F3.xctestconfiguration";
ERR! [15-24-17:957] Xcode "XPC_FLAGS" = 0x0;
ERR! [15-24-17:957] Xcode "XPC_SERVICE_NAME" = "[0x3522][83047]";
ERR! [15-24-17:957] Xcode "XPC_SIMULATOR_LAUNCHD_NAME" = "";
ERR! [15-24-17:957] Xcode "__XCODE_BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR_PATHS" = "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator";
ERR! [15-24-17:957] Xcode "__XPC_DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH" = "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator";
ERR! [15-24-17:957] Xcode "__XPC_DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" = "/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator";
ERR! [15-24-17:957] Xcode }
ERR! [15-24-17:957] Xcode 15:22:09.029 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] App Sandbox active: NO
ERR! [15-24-17:957] Xcode 15:22:09.030 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Loading test bundle at: file:///Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
ERR! [15-24-17:957] Xcode 15:22:09.062 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Finished loading test bundle
ERR! [15-24-17:957] Xcode 15:22:09.062 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Readying IDE session
ERR! [15-24-17:957] Xcode 15:22:09.064 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Creating future for 'Exchange protocol versions with daemon' with timeout 15.00
ERR! [15-24-17:957] Xcode 15:22:09.065 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x60000340c2f0, state: XCTWaiterStateInProgress> entering wait loop for 15.00s with expectations: `Exchange protocol versions with daemon`
ERR! [15-24-17:957] Xcode 15:22:09.067 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874690] <XCTWaiter: 0x60000340c2f0, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded>: cancelWaiting
ERR! [15-24-17:958] Xcode 15:22:09.067 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x60000340c2f0, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded> done waiting
ERR! [15-24-17:958] Xcode 15:22:09.067 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Canceling watchdog for <XCTWaiter: 0x60000340c2f0, state: XCTWaiterStateInProgress>.
ERR! [15-24-17:958] Xcode 15:22:09.067 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x60000340c2f0, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded> cleaning up `Exchange protocol versions with daemon`
ERR! [15-24-17:958] Xcode 15:22:09.067 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Got daemon protocol version 26
ERR! [15-24-17:958] Xcode 15:22:09.067 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Requesting IDE connection transport
ERR! [15-24-17:958] Xcode 15:22:09.067 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x600003400240, state: XCTWaiterStateInProgress> entering wait loop for 60.00s with expectations: `Transport for IDE session acquired`
ERR! [15-24-17:958] Xcode 15:22:09.068 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874689] Creating transport with received transport data
ERR! [15-24-17:958] Xcode 15:22:09.068 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874689] <XCTWaiter: 0x600003400240, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded>: cancelWaiting
ERR! [15-24-17:958] Xcode 15:22:09.068 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x600003400240, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded> done waiting
ERR! [15-24-17:958] Xcode 15:22:09.068 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Canceling watchdog for <XCTWaiter: 0x600003400240, state: XCTWaiterStateInProgress>.
ERR! [15-24-17:958] Xcode 15:22:09.068 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x600003400240, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded> cleaning up `Transport for IDE session acquired`
ERR! [15-24-17:958] Xcode 15:22:09.068 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Creating connection with transport <DTXFileDescriptorTransport: 0x60000180d580>
ERR! [15-24-17:958] Xcode 15:22:09.069 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Creating the proxy channel with connection <DTXConnection 0x600000a1c400 : x1>
ERR! [15-24-17:958] Xcode 15:22:09.069 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Creating future for 'IDE session ready for test plan' with timeout 60.00
ERR! [15-24-17:958] Xcode 15:22:09.069 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Messaging IDE proxy - _XCT_testBundleReadyWithProtocolVersion:29 minimumVersion:7
ERR! [15-24-17:958] Xcode 15:22:09.070 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x6000034147a0, state: XCTWaiterStateInProgress> entering wait loop for 60.00s with expectations: `IDE session ready for test plan`
ERR! [15-24-17:958] Xcode 15:22:09.070 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874691] _XCT_testBundleReadyWithProtocolVersion:minimumVersion: reply received
ERR! [15-24-17:958] Xcode 15:22:09.074 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874691] _IDE_startExecutingTestPlanWithProtocolVersion:29
ERR! [15-24-17:958] Xcode 15:22:09.074 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874691] <XCTWaiter: 0x6000034147a0, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded>: cancelWaiting
ERR! [15-24-17:959] Xcode 15:22:09.074 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x6000034147a0, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded> done waiting
ERR! [15-24-17:959] Xcode 15:22:09.075 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Canceling watchdog for <XCTWaiter: 0x6000034147a0, state: XCTWaiterStateInProgress>.
ERR! [15-24-17:959] Xcode 15:22:09.075 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x6000034147a0, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded> cleaning up `IDE session ready for test plan`
ERR! [15-24-17:959] Xcode 15:22:09.078 xcodebuild[95012:33874171] Starting test plan, clearing initialization timeout timer.
ERR! [15-24-17:959] Xcode 15:22:09.078 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Initializing for UI testing.
ERR! [15-24-17:960] Xcode 15:22:09.081 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Linked XCTAutomationSupport.framework from /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/B2EF380B-4ED9-4C33-9AD6-9924BD1C6749/, built with Xcode 1010(10B43a), modified on Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 2:28:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time
ERR! [15-24-17:960] Xcode XCTAutomationSupport.framework bundle version: 1
ERR! [15-24-17:960] Xcode 15:22:09.081 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Creating future for 'Loading Accessibility' with timeout 70.00
ERR! [15-24-17:960] Xcode 15:22:09.082 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x6000034109b0, state: XCTWaiterStateInProgress> entering wait loop for 70.00s with expectations: `Loading Accessibility`
ERR! [15-24-17:960] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:22:09.309460-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] [AXMediaCommon] Unable to look up screen scale
ERR! [15-24-17:961] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:22:09.309587-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] [AXMediaCommon] Unexpected physical screen orientation
ERR! [15-24-17:961] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:22:09.325062-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] [AXMediaCommon] Unable to look up screen scale
ERR! [15-24-17:961] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:22:09.327985-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] [AXMediaCommon] Unable to look up screen scale
ERR! [15-24-17:962] Xcode 2020-03-25 15:22:09.328067-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] [AXMediaCommon] Unexpected physical screen orientation
ERR! [15-24-17:962] Xcode 15:22:09.623 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874690] <XCTWaiter: 0x6000034109b0, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded>: cancelWaiting
ERR! [15-24-17:962] Xcode 15:22:09.623 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x6000034109b0, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded> done waiting
ERR! [15-24-17:962] Xcode 15:22:09.623 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Canceling watchdog for <XCTWaiter: 0x6000034109b0, state: XCTWaiterStateInProgress>.
ERR! [15-24-17:962] Xcode 15:22:09.623 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x6000034109b0, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded> cleaning up `Loading Accessibility`
ERR! [15-24-17:962] Xcode 15:22:09.623 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Creating future for 'Enable gathering of localized strings' with timeout 70.00
ERR! [15-24-17:964] Xcode 15:22:09.624 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x60000341c390, state: XCTWaiterStateInProgress> entering wait loop for 70.00s with expectations: `Enable gathering of localized strings`
ERR! [15-24-17:964] Xcode 15:22:09.624 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874690] <XCTWaiter: 0x60000341c390, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded>: cancelWaiting
ERR! [15-24-17:964] Xcode 15:22:09.624 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x60000341c390, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded> done waiting
ERR! [15-24-17:964] Xcode 15:22:09.624 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Canceling watchdog for <XCTWaiter: 0x60000341c390, state: XCTWaiterStateInProgress>.
ERR! [15-24-17:964] Xcode 15:22:09.624 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x60000341c390, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded> cleaning up `Enable gathering of localized strings`
ERR! [15-24-17:964] Xcode 15:22:09.624 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Creating future for 'Set AX timeout to 60.00s' with timeout 65.00
ERR! [15-24-17:964] Xcode 15:22:09.624 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x60000340ca10, state: XCTWaiterStateInProgress> entering wait loop for 65.00s with expectations: `Set AX timeout to 60.00s`
ERR! [15-24-17:965] Xcode 15:22:09.624 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x60000340ca10, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded> done waiting
ERR! [15-24-17:965] Xcode 15:22:09.624 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Canceling watchdog for <XCTWaiter: 0x60000340ca10, state: XCTWaiterStateInProgress>.
ERR! [15-24-17:965] Xcode 15:22:09.625 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x60000340ca10, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded> cleaning up `Set AX timeout to 60.00s`
ERR! [15-24-17:965] Xcode 15:22:09.625 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Creating future for 'Registering for kAXUserTestingNotification' with timeout 65.00
ERR! [15-24-17:965] Xcode 15:22:09.625 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x600003414890, state: XCTWaiterStateInProgress> entering wait loop for 65.00s with expectations: `Registering for kAXUserTestingNotification`
ERR! [15-24-17:965] Xcode 15:22:09.625 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874690] <XCTWaiter: 0x600003414890, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded>: cancelWaiting
ERR! [15-24-17:965] Xcode 15:22:09.626 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x600003414890, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded> done waiting
ERR! [15-24-17:965] Xcode 15:22:09.626 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Canceling watchdog for <XCTWaiter: 0x600003414890, state: XCTWaiterStateInProgress>.
ERR! [15-24-17:965] Xcode 15:22:09.626 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x600003414890, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded> cleaning up `Registering for kAXUserTestingNotification`
ERR! [15-24-17:966] Xcode 15:22:09.626 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Creating future for 'Registering for kAXAlertNotification' with timeout 65.00
ERR! [15-24-17:966] Xcode 15:22:09.627 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x6000034109b0, state: XCTWaiterStateInProgress> entering wait loop for 65.00s with expectations: `Registering for kAXAlertNotification`
ERR! [15-24-17:966] Xcode 15:22:09.627 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874720] <XCTWaiter: 0x6000034109b0, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded>: cancelWaiting
ERR! [15-24-17:966] Xcode 15:22:09.627 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x6000034109b0, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded> done waiting
ERR! [15-24-17:966] Xcode 15:22:09.627 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Canceling watchdog for <XCTWaiter: 0x6000034109b0, state: XCTWaiterStateInProgress>.
ERR! [15-24-17:967] Xcode 15:22:09.627 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x6000034109b0, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded> cleaning up `Registering for kAXAlertNotification`
ERR! [15-24-17:968] Xcode 15:22:09.627 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Creating future for 'Registering for kAXPidStatusChangedNotification' with timeout 65.00
ERR! [15-24-17:968] Xcode 15:22:09.627 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x60000341c390, state: XCTWaiterStateInProgress> entering wait loop for 65.00s with expectations: `Registering for kAXPidStatusChangedNotification`
ERR! [15-24-17:968] Xcode 15:22:09.627 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874689] <XCTWaiter: 0x60000341c390, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded>: cancelWaiting
ERR! [15-24-17:968] Xcode 15:22:09.627 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x60000341c390, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded> done waiting
ERR! [15-24-17:968] Xcode 15:22:09.627 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Canceling watchdog for <XCTWaiter: 0x60000341c390, state: XCTWaiterStateInProgress>.
ERR! [15-24-17:968] Xcode 15:22:09.627 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x60000341c390, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded> cleaning up `Registering for kAXPidStatusChangedNotification`
ERR! [15-24-17:968] Xcode 15:22:09.627 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Creating future for 'Request background assertion for test process' with timeout 30.00
ERR! [15-24-17:968] Xcode 15:22:09.628 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x600003410a60, state: XCTWaiterStateInProgress> entering wait loop for 30.00s with expectations: `Request background assertion for test process`
ERR! [15-24-17:968] Xcode 15:22:09.628 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874689] Got reply for background assertion for 95029, acquired: YES.
ERR! [15-24-17:968] Xcode 15:22:09.629 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874689] <XCTWaiter: 0x600003410a60, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded>: cancelWaiting
ERR! [15-24-17:968] Xcode 15:22:09.629 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x600003410a60, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded> done waiting
ERR! [15-24-17:968] Xcode 15:22:09.629 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Canceling watchdog for <XCTWaiter: 0x600003410a60, state: XCTWaiterStateInProgress>.
ERR! [15-24-17:968] Xcode 15:22:09.629 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] <XCTWaiter: 0x600003410a60, state: XCTWaiterStateSucceeded> cleaning up `Request background assertion for test process`
ERR! [15-24-17:968] Xcode 15:22:09.629 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Test runner is already executing in the background.
ERR! [15-24-17:969] Xcode 15:22:09.629 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Done initializing for UI testing.
ERR! [15-24-17:969] Xcode 15:22:09.629 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Entering test execution event loop
ERR! [15-24-17:969] Xcode 15:22:09.629 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] -[XCTRunnerIDESession testBundleWillStart:]
ERR! [15-24-17:969] Xcode 15:22:09.629 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Loading test suite...
ERR! [15-24-17:969] Xcode 15:22:09.676 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Finished loading test suite, took 0.047s
ERR! [15-24-17:969] Xcode 15:22:09.676 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] Running suite...
ERR! [15-24-17:970] Xcode Test Suite 'All tests' started at 2020-03-25 15:22:09.676
ERR! [15-24-17:970] Xcode 15:22:09.676 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[95029:33874652] -[XCTRunnerIDESession testSuiteWillStart:]
ERR! [15-24-17:970] Xcode 15:22:09.677 xcodebuild[95012:33874171] _XCT_testSuite:All tests didStartAt:2020-03-25 19:22:09 +0000
ERR! [15-24-17:970] Xcode 15:22:12.677 xcodebuild[95012:33874240] (LOG ARBITER) Rotating message buffer with 188 messages.
ERR! [15-24-17:970] Xcode 15:22:16.071 xcodebuild[95012:33874239] (LOG ARBITER) Rotating message buffer with 78 messages.
ERR! [15-24-17:970] Xcode 15:22:19.195 xcodebuild[95012:33874726] (LOG ARBITER) Rotating message buffer with 1058 messages.
ERR! [15-24-17:970] Xcode 15:22:22.673 xcodebuild[95012:33874251] (LOG ARBITER) Rotating message buffer with 2560 messages.
ERR! [15-24-17:970] Xcode 15:22:25.674 xcodebuild[95012:33874725] (LOG ARBITER) Rotating message buffer with 1536 messages.
ERR! [15-24-17:970] Xcode
info [15-24-17:973] DevCon Factory Releasing connections for 605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07 device on any port number
info [15-24-17:973] DevCon Factory Found cached connections to release: ["605D2D4F-46E9-427C-A919-C1BF99F41E07:8100"]
dbug [15-24-17:973] DevCon Factory Cached connections count: 0
dbug [15-24-18:026] XCUITest Did not find the temporary XCTest logs root at '/var/folders/4f/p80yvcn97qsb4l2ym_jmfpmh0000gp/T/*/'
info [15-24-18:027] XCUITest Cleaning test logs in '/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Logs' folder
dbug [15-24-18:027] iOS Clearing log files
dbug [15-24-18:059] iOS Deleting '/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-ggtfvfiudcwynpeazldxeoltwllp/Logs'. Freeing 88K.
dbug [15-24-18:077] iOS Finished clearing log files
dbug [15-24-18:077] XCUITest Found a remote debugger session. Removing...
dbug [15-24-18:078] RemoteDebugger Disconnecting from remote debugger
dbug [15-24-18:079] RemoteDebugger Cleaning up listeners
dbug [15-24-18:080] IOSSimulatorLog Stopping iOS log capture
dbug [15-24-18:093] BaseDriver Event 'quitSessionFinished' logged at 1585164258093 (15:24:18 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
dbug [15-24-18:094] MJSONWP (3561cd97) Received response: null
dbug [15-24-18:094] MJSONWP (3561cd97) But deleting session, so not returning
dbug [15-24-18:094] MJSONWP (3561cd97) Responding to client with driver.deleteSession() result: null
dbug [15-24-18:094] MJSONWP (3561cd97) Destroying socket connection
info [15-24-18:095] HTTP <-- DELETE /wd/hub/session/3561cd97-e37b-491b-b82d-8eba8897e7c1 200 1288 ms - 76
info [15-24-18:095] HTTP
0 passing (3m)
1 failing
1) safari - alerts
should accept alert:
Error: [] Error response status: 13, UnknownError - An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Selenium error: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Did not get any response for atom execution after 120004ms
at exports.newError (node_modules/wd/lib/utils.js:152:13)
at /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/wd/lib/callbacks.js:36:19
at /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/wd/lib/webdriver.js:202:5
at Request._callback (node_modules/wd/lib/http-utils.js:89:7)
at Request.self.callback (node_modules/wd/node_modules/request/request.js:185:22)
at Request.<anonymous> (node_modules/wd/node_modules/request/request.js:1161:10)
at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (node_modules/wd/node_modules/request/request.js:1083:12)
at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1145:12)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! appium-xcuitest-driver@3.18.0 mocha: `mocha "-t" "0" "-R" "spec" "build/test/functional/web" "--exit"`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the appium-xcuitest-driver@3.18.0 mocha script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /Users/isaacmurchie/.npm/_logs/2020-03-25T19_24_18_142Z-debug.log
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! appium-xcuitest-driver@3.18.0 e2e-test:web: `npm run build && _FORCE_LOGS=1 npm run mocha -- -t 0 -R spec build/test/functional/web --exit`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the appium-xcuitest-driver@3.18.0 e2e-test:web script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /Users/isaacmurchie/.npm/_logs/2020-03-25T19_24_18_206Z-debug.log
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