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Created March 25, 2020 13:41
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  • Save imurchie/fe2249fbfb575cbc8f17c33e65b88cc6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save imurchie/fe2249fbfb575cbc8f17c33e65b88cc6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$ PLATFORM_VERSION=13.3 DEVICE_NAME="iPhone 11 Pro" _LOG_TIMESTAMP=1 npm run e2e-test:web
> appium-xcuitest-driver@3.18.0 e2e-test:web /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver
> npm run build && _FORCE_LOGS=1 npm run mocha -- -t 0 -R spec build/test/functional/web --exit
> appium-xcuitest-driver@3.18.0 build /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver
> gulp transpile
[09:28:06] Using gulpfile ~/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/gulpfile.js
[09:28:06] Starting 'transpile'...
[09:28:09] Finished 'transpile' after 2.85 s
> appium-xcuitest-driver@3.18.0 mocha /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver
> mocha "-t" "0" "-R" "spec" "build/test/functional/web" "--exit"
safari - alerts
info [09-28-14:774] XCUITest XCUITestDriver server listening on http://localhost:4994
info [09-28-14:813] HTTP --> POST /wd/hub/session
info [09-28-14:813] HTTP {"desiredCapabilities":{"safariInitialUrl":"http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig","safariAllowPopups":true,"showXcodeLog":true,"browserName":"Safari","nativeWebTap":false,"platformName":"iOS","platformVersion":"13.3","deviceName":"iPhone 11 Pro","automationName":"XCUITest","launchWithIDB":false,"noReset":true,"maxTypingFrequency":30,"clearSystemFiles":true,"wdaLaunchTimeout":240000,"wdaConnectionTimeout":480000,"useNewWDA":true,"webviewConnectTimeout":30000}}
dbug [09-28-14:814] MJSONWP Calling XCUITestDriver.createSession() with args: [{"safariInitialUrl":"http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig","safariAllowPopups":true,"showXcodeLog":true,"browserName":"Safari","nativeWebTap":false,"platformName":"iOS","platformVersion":"13.3","deviceName":"iPhone 11 Pro","automationName":"XCUITest","launchWithIDB":false,"noReset":true,"maxTypingFrequency":30,"clearSystemFiles":true,"wdaLaunchTimeout":240000,"wdaConnectionTimeout":480000,"useNewWDA":true,"webviewConnectTimeout":30000},null,null]
dbug [09-28-14:814] XCUITest Executing command 'createSession'
dbug [09-28-14:816] BaseDriver Event 'newSessionRequested' logged at 1585142894815 (09:28:14 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
dbug [09-28-14:816] BaseDriver Creating session with MJSONWP desired capabilities: {
dbug [09-28-14:816] BaseDriver "safariInitialUrl": "http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig",
dbug [09-28-14:816] BaseDriver "safariAllowPopups": true,
dbug [09-28-14:816] BaseDriver "showXcodeLog": true,
dbug [09-28-14:816] BaseDriver "browserName": "Safari",
dbug [09-28-14:816] BaseDriver "nativeWebTap": false,
dbug [09-28-14:816] BaseDriver "platformName": "iOS",
dbug [09-28-14:816] BaseDriver "platformVersion": "13.3",
dbug [09-28-14:816] BaseDriver "deviceName": "iPhone 11 Pro",
dbug [09-28-14:816] BaseDriver "automationName": "XCUITest",
dbug [09-28-14:816] BaseDriver "launchWithIDB": false,
dbug [09-28-14:816] BaseDriver "noReset": true,
dbug [09-28-14:816] BaseDriver "maxTypingFrequency": 30,
dbug [09-28-14:816] BaseDriver "clearSystemFiles": true,
dbug [09-28-14:816] BaseDriver "wdaLaunchTimeout": 240000,
dbug [09-28-14:816] BaseDriver "wdaConnectionTimeout": 480000,
dbug [09-28-14:816] BaseDriver "useNewWDA": true,
dbug [09-28-14:816] BaseDriver "webviewConnectTimeout": 30000
dbug [09-28-14:816] BaseDriver }
info [09-28-14:822] BaseDriver Session created with session id: b3decf91-5b8b-44c6-bea0-18c4a8766cdc
dbug [09-28-14:841] XCUITest Current user: 'isaacmurchie'
info [09-28-14:897] XCUITest iOS SDK Version set to '13.2'
WARN [09-28-16:850] XCUITest Unable to find device 'iPhone 11 Pro'. Found 'appiumTest-49B66DC8-482C-42F0-93DD-1E836F10571E-iPhone 11 Pro' (udid: '7206E944-FA5F-45D8-9BB1-B997F241CD72') instead
info [09-28-16:851] iOSSim Constructing iOS simulator for Xcode version 11.3.1 with udid '7206E944-FA5F-45D8-9BB1-B997F241CD72'
info [09-28-16:852] XCUITest Determining device to run tests on: udid: '7206E944-FA5F-45D8-9BB1-B997F241CD72', real device: false
dbug [09-28-16:854] BaseDriver Event 'xcodeDetailsRetrieved' logged at 1585142896854 (09:28:16 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
info [09-28-16:854] XCUITest Safari test requested
dbug [09-28-16:855] BaseDriver Event 'appConfigured' logged at 1585142896855 (09:28:16 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
dbug [09-28-16:855] BaseDriver Event 'resetStarted' logged at 1585142896855 (09:28:16 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
dbug [09-28-16:855] XCUITest Reset: noReset is on. Leaving simulator as is
dbug [09-28-16:855] BaseDriver Event 'resetComplete' logged at 1585142896855 (09:28:16 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
dbug [09-28-17:352] IOSSimulatorLog Starting log capture for iOS Simulator with udid '7206E944-FA5F-45D8-9BB1-B997F241CD72' using simctl
dbug [09-28-18:258] BaseDriver Event 'logCaptureStarted' logged at 1585142898258 (09:28:18 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
info [09-28-18:258] XCUITest Setting up simulator
dbug [09-28-18:259] iOS No reason to set locale
dbug [09-28-18:259] iOS Setting iOS and app preferences
dbug [09-28-18:520] iOSSim Checking whether simulator has been run before: yes
dbug [09-28-18:520] iOS Setting javascript window opening to 'true'
dbug [09-28-18:521] iOSSim Updating Safari user settings
dbug [09-28-18:537] iOSSim Checking whether simulator has been run before: yes
dbug [09-28-18:537] iOSSim Building bundle path map
dbug [09-28-18:590] iOS Setting did not need to be updated
dbug [09-28-18:591] iOSSim Setting preferences of 7206E944-FA5F-45D8-9BB1-B997F241CD72 Simulator to {"ConnectHardwareKeyboard":false}
dbug [09-28-18:591] iOSSim Setting common Simulator preferences to {"RotateWindowWhenSignaledByGuest":true,"ConnectHardwareKeyboard":false}
dbug [09-28-18:627] iOSSim Updated 7206E944-FA5F-45D8-9BB1-B997F241CD72 Simulator preferences at '/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Preferences/' with {"DevicePreferences":{"7206E944-FA5F-45D8-9BB1-B997F241CD72":{"ConnectHardwareKeyboard":false}},"RotateWindowWhenSignaledByGuest":true,"ConnectHardwareKeyboard":false}
dbug [09-28-19:580] iOSSim Got Simulator UI client PID: 94568
info [09-28-19:580] iOSSim Both Simulator with UDID '7206E944-FA5F-45D8-9BB1-B997F241CD72' and the UI client are currently running
dbug [09-28-19:580] BaseDriver Event 'simStarted' logged at 1585142899580 (09:28:19 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
info [09-28-19:582] WebDriverAgent Using WDA path: '/Users/isaacmurchie/code/WebDriverAgent'
info [09-28-19:584] WebDriverAgent Using WDA agent: '/Users/isaacmurchie/code/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj'
dbug [09-28-19:794] WebDriverAgent No obsolete cached processes from previous WDA sessions listening on port 8100 have been found
info [09-28-19:794] DevCon Factory Requesting connection for device 7206E944-FA5F-45D8-9BB1-B997F241CD72 on local port 8100, device port 8100
dbug [09-28-19:795] DevCon Factory Cached connections count: 0
info [09-28-19:795] DevCon Factory Successfully requested the connection for 7206E944-FA5F-45D8-9BB1-B997F241CD72:8100
dbug [09-28-19:796] XCUITest Starting WebDriverAgent initialization with the synchronization key 'XCUITestDriver'
dbug [09-28-19:796] XCUITest Capability 'useNewWDA' set to true, so uninstalling WDA before proceeding
info [09-28-19:797] WebDriverAgent Shutting down sub-processes
dbug [09-28-19:797] iOSSim Building bundle path map
dbug [09-28-19:810] iOSSim The simulator has '1' bundles which have 'WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner' as their 'CFBundleName':
dbug [09-28-19:811] iOSSim 'com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner.xctrunner'
dbug [09-28-19:811] WebDriverAgent Uninstalling WDAs: 'com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner.xctrunner'
dbug [09-28-21:152] BaseDriver Event 'wdaUninstalled' logged at 1585142901152 (09:28:21 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
dbug [09-28-21:152] XCUITest Trying to start WebDriverAgent 2 times with 10000ms interval
dbug [09-28-21:152] XCUITest These values can be customized by changing wdaStartupRetries/wdaStartupRetryInterval capabilities
dbug [09-28-21:153] BaseDriver Event 'wdaStartAttempted' logged at 1585142901153 (09:28:21 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
info [09-28-21:153] WebDriverAgent Launching WebDriverAgent on the device
info [09-28-21:181] WebDriverAgent Fetching dependencies
info [09-28-21:210] WebDriverAgent Dependencies up-to-date
dbug [09-28-21:210] WebDriverAgent Killing running processes 'xcodebuild.*7206E944-FA5F-45D8-9BB1-B997F241CD72, 7206E944-FA5F-45D8-9BB1-B997F241CD72.*XCTRunner, xctest.*7206E944-FA5F-45D8-9BB1-B997F241CD72' for the device 7206E944-FA5F-45D8-9BB1-B997F241CD72...
dbug [09-28-21:582] WebDriverAgent 'pgrep -if xctest.*7206E944-FA5F-45D8-9BB1-B997F241CD72' didn't detect any matching processes. Return code: 1
dbug [09-28-21:582] WebDriverAgent 'pgrep -if 7206E944-FA5F-45D8-9BB1-B997F241CD72.*XCTRunner' didn't detect any matching processes. Return code: 1
dbug [09-28-22:154] WebDriverAgent Beginning test with command 'xcodebuild build-for-testing test-without-building -project /Users/isaacmurchie/code/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -destination id=7206E944-FA5F-45D8-9BB1-B997F241CD72 IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=13.3 GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=0 COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE=NO' in directory '/Users/isaacmurchie/code/WebDriverAgent'
dbug [09-28-22:157] WebDriverAgent Output from xcodebuild will be logged. To change this, use 'showXcodeLog' desired capability
ERR! [09-28-23:333] Xcode Build settings from command line:
ERR! [09-28-23:333] Xcode
dbug [09-28-23:335] WebDriverAgent Waiting up to 240000ms for WebDriverAgent to start
dbug [09-28-23:340] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [09-28-23:341] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
ERR! [09-28-23:352] Xcode GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS = 0
ERR! [09-28-23:352] Xcode IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 13.3
ERR! [09-28-23:352] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-23:353] Xcode
info [09-28-23:358] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
dbug [09-28-24:360] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [09-28-24:360] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [09-28-24:364] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
ERR! [09-28-24:473] Xcode note: Using new build system
ERR! [09-28-24:473] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-24:492] Xcode note: Planning build
ERR! [09-28-24:492] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-24:575] Xcode 2020-03-25 09:28:24.575 xcodebuild[39386:31291215] iPhoneConnect: 📱<DVTiOSDevice (0x7f9057e56550), SaucePhone, iPhone, 13.4 (17E5241d), c54f33062fadce06c5002aa1ebd0522ced95a45f> unable to mount developer disk image, (Error Code=601 "Could not locate device support files." UserInfo={DeviceType=iPhone9,2, NSLocalizedDescription=Could not locate device support files., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=This iPhone 7 Plus (Model 1661, 1784, 1785, 1786) is running iOS 13.4 (17E5241d), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode. An updated version of Xcode may be found on the App Store or at}) {
ERR! [09-28-24:576] Xcode DeviceType = "iPhone9,2";
ERR! [09-28-24:576] Xcode NSLocalizedDescription = "Could not locate device support files.";
ERR! [09-28-24:576] Xcode NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion = "This iPhone 7 Plus (Model 1661, 1784, 1785, 1786) is running iOS 13.4 (17E5241d), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode. An updated version of Xcode may be found on the App Store or at";
ERR! [09-28-24:576] Xcode }
ERR! [09-28-24:576] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-24:577] Xcode 2020-03-25 09:28:24.577 xcodebuild[39386:31291127] [MT] iPhoneConnect: 📱<DVTiOSDevice (0x7f9057e56550), SaucePhone, iPhone, 13.4 (17E5241d), c54f33062fadce06c5002aa1ebd0522ced95a45f> -- An error occurred whilst preparing device for development -- Could not locate device support files.
ERR! [09-28-24:577] Xcode Domain:
ERR! [09-28-24:578] Xcode Code: 601
ERR! [09-28-24:578] Xcode Recovery Suggestion: This iPhone 7 Plus (Model 1661, 1784, 1785, 1786) is running iOS 13.4 (17E5241d), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode. An updated version of Xcode may be found on the App Store or at
ERR! [09-28-24:578] Xcode User Info: {
ERR! [09-28-24:578] Xcode DeviceType = "iPhone9,2";
ERR! [09-28-24:578] Xcode }
ERR! [09-28-24:579] Xcode --
ERR! [09-28-24:579] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-24:579] Xcode 2020-03-25 09:28:24.577 xcodebuild[39386:31291127] [MT] iPhoneConnect: 📱<DVTiOSDevice (0x7f9057e56550), SaucePhone, iPhone, 13.4 (17E5241d), c54f33062fadce06c5002aa1ebd0522ced95a45f> == Underlying device preparation errors ==
ERR! [09-28-24:579] Xcode 2020-03-25 09:28:24.577 xcodebuild[39386:31291127] [MT] iPhoneConnect: Could not locate device support files.
ERR! [09-28-24:620] Xcode Domain:
ERR! [09-28-24:620] Xcode Code: 601
ERR! [09-28-24:621] Xcode Recovery Suggestion: This iPhone 7 Plus (Model 1661, 1784, 1785, 1786) is running iOS 13.4 (17E5241d), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode. An updated version of Xcode may be found on the App Store or at
ERR! [09-28-24:621] Xcode User Info: {
ERR! [09-28-24:621] Xcode DeviceType = "iPhone9,2";
ERR! [09-28-24:621] Xcode }
ERR! [09-28-24:621] Xcode --
ERR! [09-28-24:621] Xcode 2020-03-25 09:28:24.577 xcodebuild[39386:31291127] [MT] iPhoneConnect: Could not locate device support files.
ERR! [09-28-24:622] Xcode Domain:
ERR! [09-28-24:622] Xcode Code: 601
ERR! [09-28-24:622] Xcode Recovery Suggestion: This iPhone 7 Plus (Model 1661, 1784, 1785, 1786) is running iOS 13.4 (17E5241d), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode. An updated version of Xcode may be found on the App Store or at
ERR! [09-28-24:622] Xcode User Info: {
ERR! [09-28-24:622] Xcode DeviceType = "iPhone9,2";
ERR! [09-28-24:622] Xcode }
ERR! [09-28-24:623] Xcode --
ERR! [09-28-24:623] Xcode 2020-03-25 09:28:24.577 xcodebuild[39386:31291127] [MT] iPhoneConnect: 📱<DVTiOSDevice (0x7f9057e56550), SaucePhone, iPhone, 13.4 (17E5241d), c54f33062fadce06c5002aa1ebd0522ced95a45f> == END: Underlying device preparation errors ==
ERR! [09-28-24:623] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-24:658] Xcode note: Using build description from disk
ERR! [09-28-24:658] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-24:831] Xcode warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 13.3, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 8.0 to 13.2.99. (in target 'WebDriverAgentRunner' from project 'WebDriverAgent')
ERR! [09-28-24:832] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-24:832] Xcode PBXCp /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-enyguvsqcmgfbwebwiaaemdsticv/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/WebDriverAgentLib.framework /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-enyguvsqcmgfbwebwiaaemdsticv/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ (in target 'WebDriverAgentRunner' from project 'WebDriverAgent')
ERR! [09-28-24:832] Xcode cd /Users/isaacmurchie/code/WebDriverAgent
ERR! [09-28-24:832] Xcode builtin-copy -exclude .DS_Store -exclude CVS -exclude .svn -exclude .git -exclude .hg -exclude Headers -exclude PrivateHeaders -exclude Modules -exclude \*.tbd -resolve-src-symlinks /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-enyguvsqcmgfbwebwiaaemdsticv/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/WebDriverAgentLib.framework /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-enyguvsqcmgfbwebwiaaemdsticv/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
ERR! [09-28-24:833] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-24:930] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-24:930] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-24:991] Xcode CodeSign /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-enyguvsqcmgfbwebwiaaemdsticv/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ (in target 'WebDriverAgentRunner' from project 'WebDriverAgent')
ERR! [09-28-24:991] Xcode cd /Users/isaacmurchie/code/WebDriverAgent
ERR! [09-28-24:992] Xcode export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE=/Applications/
ERR! [09-28-24:992] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-24:992] Xcode Signing Identity: "-"
ERR! [09-28-24:992] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-24:992] Xcode /usr/bin/codesign --force --sign - --timestamp=none --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements,flags /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-enyguvsqcmgfbwebwiaaemdsticv/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
ERR! [09-28-24:992] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-25:019] Xcode /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-enyguvsqcmgfbwebwiaaemdsticv/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ replacing existing signature
ERR! [09-28-25:020] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-25:113] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-25:113] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-25:115] Xcode warning: The iOS Simulator deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 13.3, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 8.0 to 13.2.99. (in target 'WebDriverAgentLib' from project 'WebDriverAgent')
ERR! [09-28-25:116] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-25:117] Xcode ** TEST BUILD SUCCEEDED **
ERR! [09-28-25:118] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-25:118] Xcode
dbug [09-28-25:143] WebDriverAgent Log file for xcodebuild test: /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-enyguvsqcmgfbwebwiaaemdsticv/Logs/Test/Test-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020.03.25_09-28-24--0400.xcresult/Staging/2_Test/Diagnostics/WebDriverAgentRunner-B74C12E9-BD7C-440F-817B-98B5B4CEE98F/WebDriverAgentRunner-D108E537-6285-416E-B0FD-50D1EA047DA8/Session-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020-03-25_092825-yIHNm1.log
ERR! [09-28-25:144] Xcode 2020-03-25 09:28:25.142 xcodebuild[39386:31291215] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: Writing diagnostic log for test session to:
ERR! [09-28-25:144] Xcode /Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-enyguvsqcmgfbwebwiaaemdsticv/Logs/Test/Test-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020.03.25_09-28-24--0400.xcresult/Staging/2_Test/Diagnostics/WebDriverAgentRunner-B74C12E9-BD7C-440F-817B-98B5B4CEE98F/WebDriverAgentRunner-D108E537-6285-416E-B0FD-50D1EA047DA8/Session-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020-03-25_092825-yIHNm1.log
ERR! [09-28-25:144] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-25:145] Xcode 2020-03-25 09:28:25.143 xcodebuild[39386:31291127] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: (5D215D9C-BB8F-46DA-ACDB-FE0B33D9E484) Beginning test session WebDriverAgentRunner-5D215D9C-BB8F-46DA-ACDB-FE0B33D9E484 at 2020-03-25 09:28:25.143 with Xcode 11C505 on target <DVTiPhoneSimulator: 0x7f905817ce60> {
ERR! [09-28-25:145] Xcode SimDevice: appiumTest-49B66DC8-482C-42F0-93DD-1E836F10571E-iPhone 11 Pro (7206E944-FA5F-45D8-9BB1-B997F241CD72, iOS 13.3, Booted)
ERR! [09-28-25:145] Xcode } (13.3 (17C45))
ERR! [09-28-25:173] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-25:188] Xcode 2020-03-25 09:28:25.188 xcodebuild[39386:31291127] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: (5D215D9C-BB8F-46DA-ACDB-FE0B33D9E484) Finished requesting crash reports. Continuing with testing.
ERR! [09-28-25:189] Xcode
dbug [09-28-25:365] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [09-28-25:365] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [09-28-25:368] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
dbug [09-28-26:370] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [09-28-26:370] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [09-28-26:372] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
dbug [09-28-27:373] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [09-28-27:373] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [09-28-27:374] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
dbug [09-28-28:378] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [09-28-28:378] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [09-28-28:380] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
dbug [09-28-29:382] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [09-28-29:382] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [09-28-29:383] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
ERR! [09-28-30:022] Xcode 2020-03-25 09:28:30.022022-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[39400:31291571] Running tests...
ERR! [09-28-30:022] Xcode
dbug [09-28-30:387] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [09-28-30:388] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
info [09-28-30:389] WD Proxy Got response with unknown status: {"errno":"ECONNREFUSED","code":"ECONNREFUSED","syscall":"connect","address":"","port":8100}
ERR! [09-28-30:762] Xcode Test Suite 'All tests' started at 2020-03-25 09:28:30.762
ERR! [09-28-30:763] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-30:763] Xcode Test Suite 'WebDriverAgentRunner.xctest' started at 2020-03-25 09:28:30.762
ERR! [09-28-30:763] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-30:763] Xcode Test Suite 'UITestingUITests' started at 2020-03-25 09:28:30.763
ERR! [09-28-30:763] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-30:800] Xcode Test Case '-[UITestingUITests testRunner]' started.
ERR! [09-28-30:800] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-30:801] Xcode t = 0.00s Start Test at 2020-03-25 09:28:30.801
ERR! [09-28-30:801] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-30:803] Xcode t = 0.00s Set Up
ERR! [09-28-30:803] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-30:804] Xcode 2020-03-25 09:28:30.803050-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[39400:31291571] Built at Mar 25 2020 09:16:28
ERR! [09-28-30:804] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-30:817] Xcode 2020-03-25 09:28:30.816796-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[39400:31291571] ServerURLHere-><-ServerURLHere
ERR! [09-28-30:817] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-30:817] Xcode 2020-03-25 09:28:30.817154-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[39400:31292021] Using singleton test manager
ERR! [09-28-30:817] Xcode
dbug [09-28-31:391] WD Proxy Matched '/status' to command name 'getStatus'
dbug [09-28-31:391] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body
dbug [09-28-31:397] WD Proxy Got response with status 200: {
dbug [09-28-31:397] WD Proxy "value" : {
dbug [09-28-31:397] WD Proxy "message" : "WebDriverAgent is ready to accept commands",
dbug [09-28-31:397] WD Proxy "state" : "success",
dbug [09-28-31:397] WD Proxy "os" : {
dbug [09-28-31:397] WD Proxy "name" : "iOS",
dbug [09-28-31:397] WD Proxy "version" : "13.3",
dbug [09-28-31:397] WD Proxy "sdkVersion" : "13.0"
dbug [09-28-31:397] WD Proxy },
dbug [09-28-31:397] WD Proxy "ios" : {
dbug [09-28-31:397] WD Proxy "simulatorVersion" : "13.3",
dbug [09-28-31:397] WD Proxy "ip" : ""
dbug [09-28-31:397] WD Proxy },
dbug [09-28-31:397] WD Proxy "ready" : true,
dbug [09-28-31:397] WD Proxy "build" : {
dbug [09-28-31:397] WD Proxy "upgradedAt" : "1578507327589",
dbug [09-28-31:397] WD Proxy "time" : "Mar 25 2020 09:16:28",
dbug [09-28-31:397] WD Proxy "productBundleIdentifier" : "com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner"
dbug [09-28-31:397] WD Proxy }
dbug [09-28-31:397] WD Proxy },
dbug [09-28-31:397] WD Proxy "sessionId" : "79A5F1ED-58F7-4388-8686-1F784E309D5A"
dbug [09-28-31:397] WD Proxy }
dbug [09-28-31:399] WebDriverAgent WebDriverAgent information:
dbug [09-28-31:399] WebDriverAgent {
dbug [09-28-31:399] WebDriverAgent "message": "WebDriverAgent is ready to accept commands",
dbug [09-28-31:399] WebDriverAgent "state": "success",
dbug [09-28-31:399] WebDriverAgent "os": {
dbug [09-28-31:399] WebDriverAgent "name": "iOS",
dbug [09-28-31:399] WebDriverAgent "version": "13.3",
dbug [09-28-31:399] WebDriverAgent "sdkVersion": "13.0"
dbug [09-28-31:399] WebDriverAgent },
dbug [09-28-31:399] WebDriverAgent "ios": {
dbug [09-28-31:399] WebDriverAgent "simulatorVersion": "13.3",
dbug [09-28-31:399] WebDriverAgent "ip": ""
dbug [09-28-31:399] WebDriverAgent },
dbug [09-28-31:399] WebDriverAgent "ready": true,
dbug [09-28-31:399] WebDriverAgent "build": {
dbug [09-28-31:399] WebDriverAgent "upgradedAt": "1578507327589",
dbug [09-28-31:399] WebDriverAgent "time": "Mar 25 2020 09:16:28",
dbug [09-28-31:399] WebDriverAgent "productBundleIdentifier": "com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner"
dbug [09-28-31:399] WebDriverAgent }
dbug [09-28-31:399] WebDriverAgent }
dbug [09-28-31:401] WebDriverAgent WebDriverAgent successfully started after 9243ms
dbug [09-28-31:402] BaseDriver Event 'wdaSessionAttempted' logged at 1585142911402 (09:28:31 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
dbug [09-28-31:402] XCUITest Sending createSession command to WDA
dbug [09-28-31:403] WD Proxy Matched '/session' to command name 'createSession'
dbug [09-28-31:404] WD Proxy Proxying [POST /session] to [POST] with body: {"capabilities":{"firstMatch":[{"bundleId":"","arguments":[],"environment":{},"eventloopIdleDelaySec":0,"shouldWaitForQuiescence":true,"shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection":false,"maxTypingFrequency":30,"shouldUseSingletonTestManager":true}],"alwaysMatch":{}}}
ERR! [09-28-31:414] Xcode t = 0.61s Open
ERR! [09-28-31:415] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-31:415] Xcode t = 0.62s Launch
ERR! [09-28-31:415] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-31:416] Xcode t = 0.62s Terminate
ERR! [09-28-31:416] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-32:589] Xcode t = 1.79s Setting up automation session
ERR! [09-28-32:589] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-36:478] Xcode t = 5.68s Wait for to idle
ERR! [09-28-36:479] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-38:295] Xcode t = 7.50s Find the Application ''
ERR! [09-28-38:295] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-38:297] Xcode t = 7.50s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-28-38:297] Xcode
dbug [09-28-38:341] WD Proxy Got response with status 200: {"value":{"sessionId":"470448B9-2B94-465B-90A5-BC2025EE96C3","capabilities":{"device":"iphone","browserName":"Safari","sdkVersion":"13.3","CFBundleIdentifier":""}},"sessionId":"470448B9-2B94-465B-90A5-BC2025EE96C3"}
info [09-28-38:341] WD Proxy Determined the downstream protocol as 'W3C'
dbug [09-28-38:341] BaseDriver Event 'wdaSessionStarted' logged at 1585142918341 (09:28:38 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
dbug [09-28-42:683] WebDriverAgent Parsed BUILD_DIR configuration value: '/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-enyguvsqcmgfbwebwiaaemdsticv/Build/Products'
dbug [09-28-42:684] WebDriverAgent Got derived data root: '/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-enyguvsqcmgfbwebwiaaemdsticv'
dbug [09-28-42:684] BaseDriver Event 'wdaStarted' logged at 1585142922684 (09:28:42 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
info [09-28-42:685] XCUITest Skipping setting of the initial display orientation. Set the "orientation" capability to either "LANDSCAPE" or "PORTRAIT", if this is an undesired behavior.
dbug [09-28-42:685] BaseDriver Event 'orientationSet' logged at 1585142922685 (09:28:42 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
info [09-28-44:123] HTTP --> GET /test/guinea-pig
info [09-28-44:123] HTTP {}
dbug [09-28-44:136] HTTP Sending guinea pig response with params: {"throwError":"","serverTime":1585142924,"userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.4 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1","comment":"None"}
info [09-28-44:143] HTTP <-- GET /js/jquery.min.js 304 3 ms - -
info [09-28-44:143] HTTP
info [09-28-44:150] HTTP <-- GET /test/guinea-pig 200 26 ms - 3576
info [09-28-44:150] HTTP
info [09-28-44:166] HTTP <-- GET /js/jquery.min.js 304 1 ms - -
info [09-28-44:166] HTTP
dbug [09-28-44:488] iOSSim Safari successfully opened 'http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig' in 0.811s
dbug [09-28-44:489] XCUITest Waiting for initial webview
dbug [09-28-44:489] iOS Navigating to most recently opened webview
dbug [09-28-44:490] iOS Retrieving contexts and views
dbug [09-28-44:490] XCUITest Selecting by url: true (expected url: 'http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig')
info [09-28-44:537] RemoteDebugger Remote Debugger version 8.8.1
dbug [09-28-44:539] RemoteDebugger useNewSafari --> false
dbug [09-28-44:547] RemoteDebugger Checking which communication style to use (Safari on platform version '13.3')
dbug [09-28-44:547] RemoteDebugger Platform version equal or higher than '12.2': true
WARN [09-28-44:548] RemoteDebugger Setting communication protocol: using Target-based communication
dbug [09-28-44:548] RemoteDebugger Connecting to remote debugger through unix domain socket: '/private/tmp/'
dbug [09-28-44:555] RemoteDebugger Debugger socket connected
dbug [09-28-44:556] RemoteDebugger Sending connection key request
dbug [09-28-44:559] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_reportIdentifier:' message (id: 0): 'setConnectionKey'
dbug [09-28-44:576] RemoteDebugger Received connected applications list: PID:39404, PID:39410
dbug [09-28-44:578] RemoteDebugger Received connected driver list: {}
dbug [09-28-44:579] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 22ms
dbug [09-28-44:579] RemoteDebugger Waiting up to 30000ms for applications to be reported
dbug [09-28-44:580] RemoteDebugger Sending connection key request
dbug [09-28-44:583] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_reportIdentifier:' message (id: 2): 'setConnectionKey'
dbug [09-28-44:588] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 5ms
dbug [09-28-44:589] RemoteDebugger Selecting application
dbug [09-28-44:590] RemoteDebugger Current applications available:
dbug [09-28-44:591] RemoteDebugger Application: "PID:39404"
dbug [09-28-44:591] RemoteDebugger id: "PID:39404"
dbug [09-28-44:591] RemoteDebugger isProxy: false
dbug [09-28-44:592] RemoteDebugger name: "Safari"
dbug [09-28-44:592] RemoteDebugger bundleId: ""
dbug [09-28-44:592] RemoteDebugger hostId: undefined
dbug [09-28-44:593] RemoteDebugger isActive: true
dbug [09-28-44:593] RemoteDebugger isAutomationEnabled: true
dbug [09-28-44:593] RemoteDebugger Application: "PID:39410"
dbug [09-28-44:593] RemoteDebugger id: "PID:39410"
dbug [09-28-44:593] RemoteDebugger isProxy: true
dbug [09-28-44:594] RemoteDebugger name: ""
dbug [09-28-44:594] RemoteDebugger bundleId: ""
dbug [09-28-44:594] RemoteDebugger hostId: "PID:39404"
dbug [09-28-44:594] RemoteDebugger isActive: true
dbug [09-28-44:594] RemoteDebugger isAutomationEnabled: "Unknown"
dbug [09-28-44:595] RemoteDebugger Checking for bundle identifiers:,, process-SafariViewService,, *,
dbug [09-28-44:596] RemoteDebugger Found app id key 'PID:39410' for bundle ''
dbug [09-28-44:596] RemoteDebugger Found app id key 'PID:39410' for bundle ''
dbug [09-28-44:596] RemoteDebugger Found app id key 'PID:39410' for bundle 'process-SafariViewService'
dbug [09-28-44:596] RemoteDebugger Found app id key 'PID:39410' for bundle ''
dbug [09-28-44:597] RemoteDebugger Found app id key 'PID:39410' for bundle '*'
dbug [09-28-44:597] RemoteDebugger Found app id key 'PID:39404' for bundle ''
dbug [09-28-44:597] RemoteDebugger Found separate bundleId '' acting as proxy for '', with app id 'PID:39410'
dbug [09-28-44:597] RemoteDebugger Trying out the possible app ids: PID:39410, PID:39404 (try #1 of 20)
dbug [09-28-44:597] RemoteDebugger Attempting app 'PID:39410'
dbug [09-28-44:599] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardGetListing:' message to app 'PID:39410' (id: 4): 'connectToApp'
dbug [09-28-44:614] RemoteDebugger Received response from send (id: 4): '["PID:39410",{}]'
dbug [09-28-44:614] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 16ms
dbug [09-28-44:614] RemoteDebugger Empty page dictionary received
dbug [09-28-44:641] RemoteDebugger Error checking application: 'Empty page dictionary received'. Retrying connection
dbug [09-28-44:641] RemoteDebugger Attempting app 'PID:39404'
dbug [09-28-44:641] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardGetListing:' message to app 'PID:39404' (id: 6): 'connectToApp'
dbug [09-28-44:646] RemoteDebugger Received response from send (id: 6): '["PID:39404",{"1":{"WIRTitleKey":"I am a page title","WIRTypeKey":"WIRTypeWeb","WIRURLKey":"http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig","WIRPageIdentifierKey":1}}]'
dbug [09-28-44:648] RemoteDebugger Page changed: {
dbug [09-28-44:648] RemoteDebugger "1": {
dbug [09-28-44:648] RemoteDebugger "WIRTitleKey": "I am a page title",
dbug [09-28-44:648] RemoteDebugger "WIRTypeKey": "WIRTypeWeb",
dbug [09-28-44:648] RemoteDebugger "WIRURLKey": "http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig",
dbug [09-28-44:648] RemoteDebugger "WIRPageIdentifierKey": 1
dbug [09-28-44:648] RemoteDebugger }
dbug [09-28-44:648] RemoteDebugger }
dbug [09-28-44:649] XCUITest Remote debugger notified us of a new page listing: {"appIdKey":"39404","pageArray":[{"id":1,"title":"I am a page title","url":"http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig","isKey":false}]}
dbug [09-28-44:649] XCUITest No key id found. Choosing first id from page array
dbug [09-28-44:649] XCUITest We do not appear to have window set yet, ignoring
dbug [09-28-44:649] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 8ms
dbug [09-28-44:650] RemoteDebugger Received altered app id, updating from 'null' to 'PID:39404'
dbug [09-28-44:650] RemoteDebugger Current applications available:
dbug [09-28-44:650] RemoteDebugger Application: "PID:39404"
dbug [09-28-44:650] RemoteDebugger id: "PID:39404"
dbug [09-28-44:651] RemoteDebugger isProxy: false
dbug [09-28-44:651] RemoteDebugger name: "Safari"
dbug [09-28-44:651] RemoteDebugger bundleId: ""
dbug [09-28-44:651] RemoteDebugger hostId: undefined
dbug [09-28-44:651] RemoteDebugger isActive: true
dbug [09-28-44:651] RemoteDebugger isAutomationEnabled: true
dbug [09-28-44:652] RemoteDebugger pageArray:
dbug [09-28-44:652] RemoteDebugger - id: 1
dbug [09-28-44:652] RemoteDebugger title: "I am a page title"
dbug [09-28-44:652] RemoteDebugger url: "http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig"
dbug [09-28-44:652] RemoteDebugger isKey: false
dbug [09-28-44:653] RemoteDebugger Application: "PID:39410"
dbug [09-28-44:653] RemoteDebugger id: "PID:39410"
dbug [09-28-44:653] RemoteDebugger isProxy: true
dbug [09-28-44:653] RemoteDebugger name: ""
dbug [09-28-44:653] RemoteDebugger bundleId: ""
dbug [09-28-44:653] RemoteDebugger hostId: "PID:39404"
dbug [09-28-44:653] RemoteDebugger isActive: true
dbug [09-28-44:654] RemoteDebugger isAutomationEnabled: "Unknown"
dbug [09-28-44:654] RemoteDebugger Finally selecting app PID:39404: [{"id":1,"title":"I am a page title","url":"http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig","isKey":false}]
dbug [09-28-44:654] RemoteDebugger Selected app after 65ms
dbug [09-28-44:655] iOS Picking webview 'WEBVIEW_39404.1'
dbug [09-28-44:655] XCUITest Attempting to set context to 'WEBVIEW_39404.1' from 'NATIVE_APP'
dbug [09-28-44:656] RemoteDebugger Selecting page '1' on app 'PID:39404' and forwarding socket setup
dbug [09-28-44:656] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardIndicateWebView:' message to app 'PID:39404', page '1' (id: 8): 'indicateWebView'
dbug [09-28-44:660] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 4ms
dbug [09-28-44:661] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardIndicateWebView:' message to app 'PID:39404', page '1' (id: 10): 'indicateWebView'
dbug [09-28-44:666] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 5ms
dbug [09-28-44:666] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketSetup:' message to app 'PID:39404', page '1' (id: 12): 'setSenderKey'
dbug [09-28-44:670] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 4ms
dbug [09-28-44:670] RemoteDebugger Sender key set
dbug [09-28-44:671] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketData:' message to app 'PID:39404', page '1' (id: 14): 'Target.exists'
dbug [09-28-44:675] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 4ms
dbug [09-28-44:676] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketData:' message to app 'PID:39404', page '1' (id: 16): 'Inspector.enable'
dbug [09-28-44:680] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 4ms
dbug [09-28-44:680] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketData:' message to app 'PID:39404', page '1' (id: 18): 'Page.enable'
dbug [09-28-44:683] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 3ms
dbug [09-28-44:684] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketData:' message to app 'PID:39404', page '1' (id: 20): 'Network.enable'
dbug [09-28-44:687] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 3ms
dbug [09-28-44:687] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketData:' message to app 'PID:39404', page '1' (id: 22): 'Runtime.enable'
dbug [09-28-44:692] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 5ms
dbug [09-28-44:692] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketData:' message to app 'PID:39404', page '1' (id: 24): 'Heap.enable'
dbug [09-28-44:711] RemoteDebugger Target created for app 'PID:39404' and page '1': {"targetId":"page-6","type":"page"}
dbug [09-28-44:712] RemoteDebugger Handling message (id: '17')
dbug [09-28-44:712] RemoteDebugger Handling message (id: '19')
dbug [09-28-44:713] RemoteDebugger Handling message (id: '21')
dbug [09-28-44:713] RemoteDebugger Handling message (id: '23')
dbug [09-28-44:714] RemoteDebugger Handling message (id: '25')
dbug [09-28-44:716] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 24ms
dbug [09-28-44:716] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketData:' message to app 'PID:39404', page '1', target 'page-6' (id: 26): 'Debugger.enable'
dbug [09-28-44:720] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 4ms
dbug [09-28-44:721] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketData:' message to app 'PID:39404', page '1', target 'page-6' (id: 28): 'Console.enable'
dbug [09-28-44:726] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 5ms
dbug [09-28-44:726] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketData:' message to app 'PID:39404', page '1', target 'page-6' (id: 30): 'Inspector.initialized'
dbug [09-28-44:730] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 4ms
dbug [09-28-44:731] RemoteDebugger Checking document readyState
dbug [09-28-44:731] RemoteDebugger Sending javascript command: 'document.readyState;'
dbug [09-28-44:731] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketData:' message to app 'PID:39404', page '1', target 'page-6' (id: 32): 'Runtime.evaluate'
dbug [09-28-44:748] RemoteDebugger Received data response from send (id: 32): '"complete"'
dbug [09-28-44:748] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 17ms
dbug [09-28-44:749] RemoteDebugger Document readyState is 'complete'
dbug [09-28-44:750] RemoteDebugger Selected page after 94ms
dbug [09-28-44:750] RemoteDebugger Starting to listen for JavaScript console
dbug [09-28-44:750] RemoteDebugger Starting to listen for network events
dbug [09-28-44:750] RemoteDebugger Unregistering from page readiness notifications
dbug [09-28-44:751] BaseDriver Event 'initialWebviewNavigated' logged at 1585142924750 (09:28:44 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
dbug [09-28-44:751] BaseDriver The value of 'nativeWebTap' setting did not change. Skipping the update for it
dbug [09-28-44:751] BaseDriver The value of 'elementResponseAttributes' setting did not change. Skipping the update for it
dbug [09-28-44:751] BaseDriver The value of 'shouldUseCompactResponses' setting did not change. Skipping the update for it
dbug [09-28-44:771] BaseDriver Event 'newSessionStarted' logged at 1585142924771 (09:28:44 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
dbug [09-28-44:772] MJSONWP (b3decf91) Cached the protocol value 'MJSONWP' for the new session b3decf91-5b8b-44c6-bea0-18c4a8766cdc
dbug [09-28-44:773] MJSONWP (b3decf91) Responding to client with driver.createSession() result: {"webStorageEnabled":false,"locationContextEnabled":false,"browserName":"Safari","platform":"MAC","javascriptEnabled":true,"databaseEnabled":false,"takesScreenshot":true,"networkConnectionEnabled":false,"safariInitialUrl":"http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig","safariAllowPopups":true,"showXcodeLog":true,"nativeWebTap":false,"platformName":"iOS","platformVersion":"13.3","deviceName":"iPhone 11 Pro","automationName":"XCUITest","launchWithIDB":false,"noReset":true,"maxTypingFrequency":30,"clearSystemFiles":true,"wdaLaunchTimeout":240000,"wdaConnectionTimeout":480000,"useNewWDA":true,"webviewConnectTimeout":30000,"udid":"7206E944-FA5F-45D8-9BB1-B997F241CD72"}
info [09-28-44:774] HTTP <-- POST /wd/hub/session 200 29961 ms - 737
info [09-28-44:774] HTTP
info [09-28-44:786] HTTP --> POST /wd/hub/session/b3decf91-5b8b-44c6-bea0-18c4a8766cdc/element
info [09-28-44:786] HTTP {"using":"id","value":"prompt1"}
dbug [09-28-44:787] MJSONWP (b3decf91) Calling XCUITestDriver.findElement() with args: ["id","prompt1","b3decf91-5b8b-44c6-bea0-18c4a8766cdc"]
dbug [09-28-44:787] XCUITest Executing command 'findElement'
dbug [09-28-44:787] BaseDriver Valid locator strategies for this request: xpath, id, name, class name, -ios predicate string, -ios class chain, accessibility id
dbug [09-28-44:788] BaseDriver Waiting up to 0 ms for condition
dbug [09-28-44:788] RemoteDebugger Executing atom 'find_element'
dbug [09-28-44:791] RemoteDebugger Executing 'find_element' atom in default context
dbug [09-28-44:792] RemoteDebugger Sending javascript command: '(function(){return function(){var k=this;functi...'
dbug [09-28-44:792] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketData:' message to app 'PID:39404', page '1', target 'page-6' (id: 34): 'Runtime.evaluate'
dbug [09-28-44:819] RemoteDebugger Received data response from send (id: 34): '"{\"status\":0,\"value\":{\"ELEMENT\":\":wdc:1585142924817\"}}"'
dbug [09-28-44:819] RemoteDebugger Sending to Web Inspector took 28ms
dbug [09-28-44:820] RemoteDebugger Received result for atom 'find_element' execution: {"ELEMENT":":wdc:1585142924817"}
dbug [09-28-44:822] MJSONWP (b3decf91) Responding to client with driver.findElement() result: {"element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf":"5000","ELEMENT":"5000"}
info [09-28-44:823] HTTP <-- POST /wd/hub/session/b3decf91-5b8b-44c6-bea0-18c4a8766cdc/element 200 37 ms - 135
info [09-28-44:823] HTTP
info [09-28-44:829] HTTP --> POST /wd/hub/session/b3decf91-5b8b-44c6-bea0-18c4a8766cdc/element/5000/click
info [09-28-44:829] HTTP {}
dbug [09-28-44:830] MJSONWP (b3decf91) Calling with args: ["5000","b3decf91-5b8b-44c6-bea0-18c4a8766cdc"]
dbug [09-28-44:830] XCUITest Executing command 'click'
dbug [09-28-44:831] RemoteDebugger Executing atom 'click'
dbug [09-28-44:846] RemoteDebugger Executing 'click' atom in default context
dbug [09-28-44:847] RemoteDebugger Sending javascript command: '(function(){return function(){var h,aa=this;fun...'
dbug [09-28-44:848] RemoteDebugger Sending '_rpc_forwardSocketData:' message to app 'PID:39404', page '1', target 'page-6' (id: 36): 'Runtime.evaluate'
dbug [09-28-44:907] RemoteDebugger Page changed: {
dbug [09-28-44:907] RemoteDebugger "1": {
dbug [09-28-44:907] RemoteDebugger "WIRTitleKey": "I am a page title",
dbug [09-28-44:907] RemoteDebugger "WIRTypeKey": "WIRTypeWeb",
dbug [09-28-44:907] RemoteDebugger "WIRURLKey": "http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig",
dbug [09-28-44:907] RemoteDebugger "WIRPageIdentifierKey": 1,
dbug [09-28-44:907] RemoteDebugger "WIRConnectionIdentifierKey": "48658d9a-6f5c-4af8-905f-ef33732934e5"
dbug [09-28-44:907] RemoteDebugger }
dbug [09-28-44:907] RemoteDebugger }
dbug [09-28-44:908] XCUITest Remote debugger notified us of a new page listing: {"appIdKey":"39404","pageArray":[{"id":1,"title":"I am a page title","url":"http://localhost:4994/test/guinea-pig","isKey":true}]}
dbug [09-28-44:908] XCUITest Checking if page needs to load
dbug [09-28-44:909] XCUITest New page listing is same as old, doing nothing
dbug [09-28-45:070] RemoteDebugger We were notified we might have connected to the wrong app. Using id PID:39414 instead of PID:39404
dbug [09-28-45:080] RemoteDebugger We were notified we might have connected to the wrong app. Using id PID:39414 instead of PID:39404
dbug [09-28-45:082] RemoteDebugger Notified that new application 'PID:39414' has connected
dbug [09-28-45:852] WD Proxy Matched '/alert/text' to command name 'getAlertText'
dbug [09-28-45:853] WD Proxy Proxying [GET /alert/text] to [GET] with no body
ERR! [09-28-45:860] Xcode t = 15.06s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Descendants matching type Alert
ERR! [09-28-45:861] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-45:862] Xcode t = 15.06s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-28-45:862] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-50:904] Xcode t = 20.10s Find: Descendants matching type Alert
ERR! [09-28-50:904] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-50:907] Xcode t = 20.11s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Descendants matching type Sheet
ERR! [09-28-50:907] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-50:908] Xcode t = 20.11s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-28-50:908] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-55:943] Xcode t = 25.14s Find: Descendants matching type Sheet
ERR! [09-28-55:943] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-55:945] Xcode t = 25.15s Find the Application ''
ERR! [09-28-55:945] Xcode
ERR! [09-28-55:946] Xcode t = 25.15s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-28-55:946] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-00:977] Xcode t = 30.18s Find the Application ''
ERR! [09-29-00:978] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-00:978] Xcode t = 30.18s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-29-00:978] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-06:013] Xcode t = 35.21s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-29-06:013] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-06:014] Xcode t = 35.21s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-29-06:014] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-11:065] Xcode t = 40.26s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-29-11:065] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-11:066] Xcode t = 40.27s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-29-11:066] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-11:067] Xcode t = 40.27s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244e340)'
ERR! [09-29-11:067] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-11:068] Xcode t = 40.27s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-29-11:068] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-11:069] Xcode t = 40.27s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-29-11:069] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-11:075] Xcode t = 40.28s Checking existence of `Other`
ERR! [09-29-11:075] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-11:076] Xcode t = 40.28s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-29-11:076] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-16:120] Xcode t = 45.32s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-29-16:121] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-16:122] Xcode t = 45.32s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-29-16:122] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-16:123] Xcode t = 45.32s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244e340)'
ERR! [09-29-16:123] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-16:124] Xcode t = 45.32s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-29-16:124] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-16:125] Xcode t = 45.33s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-29-16:126] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-16:127] Xcode t = 45.33s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-29-16:127] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-16:128] Xcode t = 45.33s Checking existence of `Other`
ERR! [09-29-16:129] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-16:130] Xcode t = 45.33s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-29-16:130] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-21:171] Xcode t = 50.37s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-29-21:171] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-21:172] Xcode t = 50.37s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-29-21:172] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-21:173] Xcode t = 50.37s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244e340)'
ERR! [09-29-21:173] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-21:174] Xcode t = 50.37s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-29-21:174] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-21:175] Xcode t = 50.38s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-29-21:175] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-21:176] Xcode t = 50.38s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-29-21:176] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-21:178] Xcode t = 50.38s Find the Other
ERR! [09-29-21:178] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-21:179] Xcode t = 50.38s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-29-21:179] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-26:220] Xcode t = 55.42s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-29-26:220] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-26:221] Xcode t = 55.42s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-29-26:222] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-26:223] Xcode t = 55.42s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244e340)'
ERR! [09-29-26:223] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-26:224] Xcode t = 55.42s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-29-26:224] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-26:226] Xcode t = 55.43s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-29-26:226] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-26:227] Xcode t = 55.43s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-29-26:227] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-26:228] Xcode t = 55.43s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Descendants matching type StaticText
ERR! [09-29-26:229] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-26:230] Xcode t = 55.43s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-29-26:230] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-31:270] Xcode t = 60.47s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-29-31:270] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-31:272] Xcode t = 60.47s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-29-31:272] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-31:273] Xcode t = 60.47s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244e340)'
ERR! [09-29-31:273] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-31:274] Xcode t = 60.47s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-29-31:274] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-31:275] Xcode t = 60.48s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-29-31:275] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-31:276] Xcode t = 60.48s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-29-31:276] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-31:277] Xcode t = 60.48s Find: Descendants matching type StaticText
ERR! [09-29-31:277] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-31:288] Xcode t = 60.49s Checking existence of `"Do you like javascript?" StaticText`
ERR! [09-29-31:288] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-31:289] Xcode t = 60.49s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-29-31:289] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-36:327] Xcode t = 65.53s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-29-36:327] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-36:328] Xcode t = 65.53s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-29-36:328] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-36:329] Xcode t = 65.53s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244e340)'
ERR! [09-29-36:329] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-36:330] Xcode t = 65.53s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-29-36:330] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-36:331] Xcode t = 65.53s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-29-36:331] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-36:332] Xcode t = 65.53s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-29-36:333] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-36:333] Xcode t = 65.53s Find: Descendants matching type StaticText
ERR! [09-29-36:333] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-36:334] Xcode t = 65.53s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-29-36:334] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-36:336] Xcode t = 65.54s Find the "Do you like javascript?" StaticText
ERR! [09-29-36:336] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-36:337] Xcode t = 65.54s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-29-36:337] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-41:380] Xcode t = 70.58s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-29-41:380] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-41:381] Xcode t = 70.58s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-29-41:381] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-41:383] Xcode t = 70.58s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244e340)'
ERR! [09-29-41:383] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-41:384] Xcode t = 70.58s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-29-41:384] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-41:384] Xcode t = 70.58s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-29-41:385] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-41:386] Xcode t = 70.59s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-29-41:386] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-41:387] Xcode t = 70.59s Find: Descendants matching type StaticText
ERR! [09-29-41:387] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-41:388] Xcode t = 70.59s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-29-41:388] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-41:406] Xcode t = 70.61s Checking existence of `"Do you like javascript?" StaticText`
ERR! [09-29-41:406] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-41:407] Xcode t = 70.61s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-29-41:407] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-46:452] Xcode t = 75.65s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-29-46:452] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-46:453] Xcode t = 75.65s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-29-46:453] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-46:454] Xcode t = 75.65s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244e340)'
ERR! [09-29-46:454] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-46:455] Xcode t = 75.66s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-29-46:455] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-46:456] Xcode t = 75.66s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-29-46:456] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-46:457] Xcode t = 75.66s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-29-46:458] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-46:458] Xcode t = 75.66s Find: Descendants matching type StaticText
ERR! [09-29-46:459] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-46:461] Xcode t = 75.66s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-29-46:461] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-46:463] Xcode t = 75.66s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-29-46:463] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-51:505] Xcode t = 80.71s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-29-51:505] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-51:506] Xcode t = 80.71s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-29-51:507] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-51:508] Xcode t = 80.71s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244e340)'
ERR! [09-29-51:508] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-51:508] Xcode t = 80.71s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-29-51:509] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-51:510] Xcode t = 80.71s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-29-51:510] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-51:511] Xcode t = 80.71s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-29-51:511] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-51:512] Xcode t = 80.71s Find: Descendants matching type StaticText
ERR! [09-29-51:512] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-51:513] Xcode t = 80.71s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-29-51:513] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-51:514] Xcode t = 80.71s Checking existence of `"Do you like javascript?" StaticText`
ERR! [09-29-51:514] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-51:515] Xcode t = 80.72s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-29-51:515] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-56:556] Xcode t = 85.76s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-29-56:556] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-56:557] Xcode t = 85.76s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-29-56:557] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-56:558] Xcode t = 85.76s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244e340)'
ERR! [09-29-56:559] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-56:559] Xcode t = 85.76s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-29-56:560] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-56:561] Xcode t = 85.76s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-29-56:561] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-56:562] Xcode t = 85.76s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-29-56:562] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-56:563] Xcode t = 85.76s Find: Descendants matching type StaticText
ERR! [09-29-56:563] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-56:564] Xcode t = 85.76s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-29-56:564] Xcode
ERR! [09-29-57:593] Xcode t = 85.77s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-29-57:593] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-01:608] Xcode t = 90.81s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-30-01:609] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-01:610] Xcode t = 90.81s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-30-01:610] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-01:611] Xcode t = 90.81s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244e340)'
ERR! [09-30-01:611] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-01:612] Xcode t = 90.81s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-30-01:612] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-01:613] Xcode t = 90.81s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-30-01:613] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-01:614] Xcode t = 90.81s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-01:615] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-01:615] Xcode t = 90.82s Find: Descendants matching type StaticText
ERR! [09-30-01:615] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-01:616] Xcode t = 90.82s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-01:617] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-01:618] Xcode t = 90.82s Checking existence of `"Cancel" StaticText`
ERR! [09-30-01:618] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-01:619] Xcode t = 90.82s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-30-01:619] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-06:663] Xcode t = 95.86s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-30-06:663] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-06:664] Xcode t = 95.86s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-30-06:664] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-06:665] Xcode t = 95.87s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244e340)'
ERR! [09-30-06:665] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-06:666] Xcode t = 95.87s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-30-06:666] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-06:667] Xcode t = 95.87s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-30-06:667] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-06:668] Xcode t = 95.87s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-06:668] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-06:669] Xcode t = 95.87s Find: Descendants matching type StaticText
ERR! [09-30-06:670] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-06:670] Xcode t = 95.87s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-06:671] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-06:672] Xcode t = 95.87s Find the "Cancel" StaticText
ERR! [09-30-06:672] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-06:673] Xcode t = 95.87s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-30-06:673] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-11:715] Xcode t = 100.92s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-30-11:715] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-11:716] Xcode t = 100.92s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-30-11:716] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-11:717] Xcode t = 100.92s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244e340)'
ERR! [09-30-11:717] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-11:718] Xcode t = 100.92s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-30-11:718] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-11:719] Xcode t = 100.92s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-30-11:719] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-11:721] Xcode t = 100.92s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-11:721] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-11:722] Xcode t = 100.92s Find: Descendants matching type StaticText
ERR! [09-30-11:722] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-11:723] Xcode t = 100.92s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-11:724] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-11:736] Xcode t = 100.94s Checking existence of `"Cancel" StaticText`
ERR! [09-30-11:736] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-11:737] Xcode t = 100.94s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-30-11:737] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-16:780] Xcode t = 105.98s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-30-16:780] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-16:781] Xcode t = 105.98s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-30-16:781] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-16:782] Xcode t = 105.98s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244e340)'
ERR! [09-30-16:782] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-16:784] Xcode t = 105.98s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-30-16:784] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-16:785] Xcode t = 105.99s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-30-16:785] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-16:786] Xcode t = 105.99s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-16:786] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-16:787] Xcode t = 105.99s Find: Descendants matching type StaticText
ERR! [09-30-16:787] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-16:787] Xcode t = 105.99s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-16:788] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-16:790] Xcode t = 105.99s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-30-16:790] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-21:832] Xcode t = 111.03s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-30-21:832] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-21:833] Xcode t = 111.03s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-30-21:833] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-21:834] Xcode t = 111.03s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244e340)'
ERR! [09-30-21:834] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-21:835] Xcode t = 111.04s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-30-21:835] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-21:836] Xcode t = 111.04s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-30-21:836] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-21:837] Xcode t = 111.04s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-21:837] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-21:838] Xcode t = 111.04s Find: Descendants matching type StaticText
ERR! [09-30-21:838] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-21:839] Xcode t = 111.04s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-21:839] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-21:840] Xcode t = 111.04s Checking existence of `"Cancel" StaticText`
ERR! [09-30-21:841] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-21:842] Xcode t = 111.04s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-30-21:842] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-26:883] Xcode t = 116.08s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-30-26:884] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-26:885] Xcode t = 116.08s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-30-26:885] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-26:886] Xcode t = 116.09s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244e340)'
ERR! [09-30-26:886] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-26:887] Xcode t = 116.09s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-30-26:887] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-26:888] Xcode t = 116.09s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-30-26:888] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-26:889] Xcode t = 116.09s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-26:889] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-26:890] Xcode t = 116.09s Find: Descendants matching type StaticText
ERR! [09-30-26:890] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-26:891] Xcode t = 116.09s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-26:891] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-26:893] Xcode t = 116.09s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-30-26:893] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-31:935] Xcode t = 121.14s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-30-31:935] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-31:936] Xcode t = 121.14s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-30-31:936] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-31:937] Xcode t = 121.14s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244e340)'
ERR! [09-30-31:937] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-31:938] Xcode t = 121.14s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-30-31:938] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-31:939] Xcode t = 121.14s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-30-31:940] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-31:941] Xcode t = 121.14s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-31:941] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-31:942] Xcode t = 121.14s Find: Descendants matching type StaticText
ERR! [09-30-31:942] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-31:943] Xcode t = 121.14s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-31:943] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-31:944] Xcode t = 121.14s Checking existence of `"OK" StaticText`
ERR! [09-30-31:944] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-31:945] Xcode t = 121.15s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-30-31:946] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-36:984] Xcode t = 126.18s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-30-36:984] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-36:985] Xcode t = 126.19s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-30-36:985] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-36:986] Xcode t = 126.19s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244e340)'
ERR! [09-30-36:986] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-36:987] Xcode t = 126.19s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-30-36:987] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-36:988] Xcode t = 126.19s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-30-36:988] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-36:990] Xcode t = 126.19s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-36:990] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-36:991] Xcode t = 126.19s Find: Descendants matching type StaticText
ERR! [09-30-36:991] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-36:992] Xcode t = 126.19s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-36:992] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-36:994] Xcode t = 126.19s Find the "OK" StaticText
ERR! [09-30-36:994] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-36:995] Xcode t = 126.20s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-30-36:995] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-42:038] Xcode t = 131.24s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-30-42:038] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-42:039] Xcode t = 131.24s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-30-42:039] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-42:040] Xcode t = 131.24s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244e340)'
ERR! [09-30-42:040] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-42:041] Xcode t = 131.24s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-30-42:041] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-42:042] Xcode t = 131.24s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-30-42:042] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-42:043] Xcode t = 131.24s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-42:044] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-42:044] Xcode t = 131.24s Find: Descendants matching type StaticText
ERR! [09-30-42:045] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-42:046] Xcode t = 131.25s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-42:046] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-42:057] Xcode t = 131.26s Checking existence of `"OK" StaticText`
ERR! [09-30-42:057] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-42:058] Xcode t = 131.26s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-30-42:058] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-47:098] Xcode t = 136.30s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-30-47:099] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-47:100] Xcode t = 136.30s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-30-47:100] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-47:101] Xcode t = 136.30s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244e340)'
ERR! [09-30-47:101] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-47:102] Xcode t = 136.30s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-30-47:102] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-47:103] Xcode t = 136.30s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-30-47:103] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-47:105] Xcode t = 136.30s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-47:105] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-47:106] Xcode t = 136.31s Find: Descendants matching type StaticText
ERR! [09-30-47:106] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-47:107] Xcode t = 136.31s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-47:107] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-47:109] Xcode t = 136.31s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-30-47:109] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-52:151] Xcode t = 141.35s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-30-52:151] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-52:153] Xcode t = 141.35s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-30-52:153] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-52:153] Xcode t = 141.35s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244e340)'
ERR! [09-30-52:154] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-52:154] Xcode t = 141.35s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-30-52:154] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-52:156] Xcode t = 141.36s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-30-52:156] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-52:157] Xcode t = 141.36s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-52:157] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-52:157] Xcode t = 141.36s Find: Descendants matching type StaticText
ERR! [09-30-52:158] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-52:158] Xcode t = 141.36s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-52:158] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-52:160] Xcode t = 141.36s Checking existence of `"OK" StaticText`
ERR! [09-30-52:160] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-52:161] Xcode t = 141.36s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-30-52:161] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-57:200] Xcode t = 146.40s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-30-57:200] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-57:201] Xcode t = 146.40s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-30-57:201] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-57:202] Xcode t = 146.40s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244e340)'
ERR! [09-30-57:202] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-57:203] Xcode t = 146.40s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-30-57:204] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-57:205] Xcode t = 146.41s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-30-57:205] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-57:206] Xcode t = 146.41s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-57:206] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-57:207] Xcode t = 146.41s Find: Descendants matching type StaticText
ERR! [09-30-57:207] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-57:208] Xcode t = 146.41s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-30-57:208] Xcode
ERR! [09-30-57:210] Xcode t = 146.41s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-30-57:210] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-02:253] Xcode t = 151.45s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-31-02:253] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-02:254] Xcode t = 151.45s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-31-02:254] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-02:255] Xcode t = 151.46s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244e340)'
ERR! [09-31-02:255] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-02:256] Xcode t = 151.46s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-31-02:256] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-02:258] Xcode t = 151.46s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000244fd40)'
ERR! [09-31-02:258] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-02:259] Xcode t = 151.46s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-31-02:259] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-02:260] Xcode t = 151.46s Find: Descendants matching type StaticText
ERR! [09-31-02:260] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-02:261] Xcode t = 151.46s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-31-02:261] Xcode
dbug [09-31-02:264] WD Proxy Got response with status 200: {
dbug [09-31-02:264] WD Proxy "value" : "Do you like javascript?\nCancel\nOK",
dbug [09-31-02:264] WD Proxy "sessionId" : "470448B9-2B94-465B-90A5-BC2025EE96C3"
dbug [09-31-02:264] WD Proxy }
dbug [09-31-02:265] MJSONWP (b3decf91) Responding to client with result: ""
info [09-31-02:266] HTTP <-- POST /wd/hub/session/b3decf91-5b8b-44c6-bea0-18c4a8766cdc/element/5000/click 200 137436 ms - 74
info [09-31-02:266] HTTP
info [09-31-02:273] HTTP --> POST /wd/hub/session/b3decf91-5b8b-44c6-bea0-18c4a8766cdc/alert_text
info [09-31-02:273] HTTP {"text":"of course!"}
dbug [09-31-02:274] MJSONWP (b3decf91) Calling XCUITestDriver.setAlertText() with args: ["of course!","b3decf91-5b8b-44c6-bea0-18c4a8766cdc"]
dbug [09-31-02:274] XCUITest Executing command 'setAlertText'
dbug [09-31-02:277] WD Proxy Matched '/alert/text' to command name 'setAlertText'
dbug [09-31-02:277] WD Proxy Proxying [POST /alert/text] to [POST] with body: {"value":["o","f"," ","c","o","u","r","s","e","!"]}
ERR! [09-31-02:285] Xcode t = 151.49s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Descendants matching type Alert
ERR! [09-31-02:285] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-02:286] Xcode t = 151.49s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-31-02:286] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-07:314] Xcode t = 156.51s Find: Descendants matching type Alert
ERR! [09-31-07:314] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-07:316] Xcode t = 156.52s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Descendants matching type Sheet
ERR! [09-31-07:316] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-07:317] Xcode t = 156.52s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-31-07:317] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-12:345] Xcode t = 161.55s Find: Descendants matching type Sheet
ERR! [09-31-12:345] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-12:347] Xcode t = 161.55s Find the Application ''
ERR! [09-31-12:347] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-12:348] Xcode t = 161.55s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-31-12:348] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-17:381] Xcode t = 166.58s Find the Application ''
ERR! [09-31-17:381] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-17:382] Xcode t = 166.58s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-31-17:382] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-22:416] Xcode t = 171.62s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002990b80)'
ERR! [09-31-22:416] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-22:417] Xcode t = 171.62s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-31-22:418] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-27:464] Xcode t = 176.66s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-31-27:465] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-27:466] Xcode t = 176.67s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-31-27:466] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-27:467] Xcode t = 176.67s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002990a80)'
ERR! [09-31-27:469] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-27:469] Xcode t = 176.67s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-31-27:469] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-27:470] Xcode t = 176.67s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002990b80)'
ERR! [09-31-27:470] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-27:476] Xcode t = 176.68s Checking existence of `Other`
ERR! [09-31-27:476] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-27:477] Xcode t = 176.68s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-31-27:478] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-32:521] Xcode t = 181.72s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-31-32:521] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-32:522] Xcode t = 181.72s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-31-32:522] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-32:523] Xcode t = 181.72s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002990a80)'
ERR! [09-31-32:524] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-32:525] Xcode t = 181.72s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-31-32:525] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-32:526] Xcode t = 181.73s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002990b80)'
ERR! [09-31-32:526] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-32:527] Xcode t = 181.73s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-31-32:527] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-32:529] Xcode t = 181.73s Checking existence of `Other`
ERR! [09-31-32:529] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-32:530] Xcode t = 181.73s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-31-32:531] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-37:577] Xcode t = 186.78s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-31-37:577] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-37:578] Xcode t = 186.78s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-31-37:578] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-37:579] Xcode t = 186.78s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002990a80)'
ERR! [09-31-37:579] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-37:580] Xcode t = 186.78s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-31-37:581] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-37:582] Xcode t = 186.78s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002990b80)'
ERR! [09-31-37:582] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-37:584] Xcode t = 186.78s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-31-37:584] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-37:586] Xcode t = 186.79s Find the Other
ERR! [09-31-37:586] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-37:587] Xcode t = 186.79s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-31-37:588] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-42:631] Xcode t = 191.83s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-31-42:632] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-42:633] Xcode t = 191.83s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-31-42:633] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-42:634] Xcode t = 191.83s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002990a80)'
ERR! [09-31-42:635] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-42:636] Xcode t = 191.84s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-31-42:637] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-42:638] Xcode t = 191.84s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002990b80)'
ERR! [09-31-42:638] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-42:639] Xcode t = 191.84s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-31-42:639] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-42:644] Xcode t = 191.84s Checking existence of `Other at {{20.0, 341.0}, {335.0, 141.0}}`
ERR! [09-31-42:644] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-42:645] Xcode t = 191.85s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-31-42:646] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-47:688] Xcode t = 196.89s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-31-47:688] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-47:689] Xcode t = 196.89s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-31-47:689] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-47:691] Xcode t = 196.89s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002990a80)'
ERR! [09-31-47:691] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-47:692] Xcode t = 196.89s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-31-47:692] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-47:694] Xcode t = 196.89s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002990b80)'
ERR! [09-31-47:694] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-47:695] Xcode t = 196.90s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-31-47:696] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-47:698] Xcode t = 196.90s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Descendants matching type Alert
ERR! [09-31-47:698] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-47:699] Xcode t = 196.90s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-31-47:700] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-52:730] Xcode t = 201.93s Find: Descendants matching type Alert
ERR! [09-31-52:730] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-52:732] Xcode t = 201.93s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Descendants matching type Sheet
ERR! [09-31-52:732] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-52:733] Xcode t = 201.93s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-31-52:733] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-57:762] Xcode t = 206.96s Find: Descendants matching type Sheet
ERR! [09-31-57:762] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-57:764] Xcode t = 206.96s Find the Application ''
ERR! [09-31-57:765] Xcode
ERR! [09-31-57:765] Xcode t = 206.97s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-31-57:766] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-02:810] Xcode t = 212.01s Find the Application ''
ERR! [09-32-02:810] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-02:811] Xcode t = 212.01s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-32-02:811] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-07:840] Xcode t = 217.04s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-32-07:840] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-07:842] Xcode t = 217.04s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-32-07:842] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-12:886] Xcode t = 222.09s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-32-12:886] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-12:887] Xcode t = 222.09s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-32-12:887] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-12:888] Xcode t = 222.09s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-32-12:888] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-12:889] Xcode t = 222.09s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-32-12:889] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-12:890] Xcode t = 222.09s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-32-12:890] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-12:894] Xcode t = 222.09s Checking existence of `Other`
ERR! [09-32-12:895] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-12:896] Xcode t = 222.10s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-32-12:896] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-17:936] Xcode t = 227.14s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-32-17:936] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-17:938] Xcode t = 227.14s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-32-17:938] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-17:939] Xcode t = 227.14s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-32-17:939] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-17:940] Xcode t = 227.14s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-32-17:941] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-17:942] Xcode t = 227.14s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-32-17:942] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-17:943] Xcode t = 227.14s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-32-17:943] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-17:945] Xcode t = 227.15s Checking existence of `Other`
ERR! [09-32-17:945] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-17:946] Xcode t = 227.15s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-32-17:946] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-22:991] Xcode t = 232.19s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-32-22:992] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-22:993] Xcode t = 232.19s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-32-22:995] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-22:995] Xcode t = 232.19s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-32-22:995] Xcode t = 232.19s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-32-22:995] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-22:996] Xcode t = 232.20s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-32-22:996] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-22:997] Xcode t = 232.20s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-32-22:997] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-22:998] Xcode t = 232.20s Find the Other
ERR! [09-32-22:998] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-22:999] Xcode t = 232.20s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-32-23:270] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-28:039] Xcode t = 237.24s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-32-28:039] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-28:040] Xcode t = 237.24s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-32-28:041] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-28:042] Xcode t = 237.24s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-32-28:043] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-28:043] Xcode t = 237.24s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-32-28:043] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-28:043] Xcode t = 237.24s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-32-28:044] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-28:045] Xcode t = 237.25s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-32-28:046] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-28:046] Xcode t = 237.25s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Descendants matching type TextField
ERR! [09-32-28:047] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-28:048] Xcode t = 237.25s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-32-28:048] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-33:094] Xcode t = 242.29s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-32-33:094] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-33:095] Xcode t = 242.30s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-32-33:095] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-33:097] Xcode t = 242.30s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-32-33:098] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-33:099] Xcode t = 242.30s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-32-33:099] Xcode t = 242.30s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-32-33:099] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-33:099] Xcode t = 242.30s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-32-33:099] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-33:100] Xcode t = 242.30s Find: Descendants matching type TextField
ERR! [09-32-33:100] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-33:102] Xcode t = 242.30s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Descendants matching type SecureTextField
ERR! [09-32-33:102] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-33:103] Xcode t = 242.30s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-32-33:104] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-38:144] Xcode t = 247.34s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-32-38:145] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-38:145] Xcode t = 247.35s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-32-38:146] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-38:147] Xcode t = 247.35s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-32-38:147] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-38:148] Xcode t = 247.35s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-32-38:148] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-38:151] Xcode t = 247.35s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-32-38:152] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-38:155] Xcode t = 247.35s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-32-38:156] Xcode t = 247.35s Find: Descendants matching type SecureTextField
ERR! [09-32-38:157] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-38:157] Xcode t = 247.36s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Descendants matching type Keyboard
ERR! [09-32-38:157] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-38:158] Xcode t = 247.36s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-32-38:160] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-43:192] Xcode t = 252.39s Find: Descendants matching type Keyboard
ERR! [09-32-43:193] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-43:195] Xcode t = 252.40s Find the TextField
ERR! [09-32-43:195] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-43:196] Xcode t = 252.40s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-32-43:198] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-48:239] Xcode t = 257.44s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-32-48:241] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-48:243] Xcode t = 257.44s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-32-48:243] Xcode t = 257.44s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-32-48:243] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-48:243] Xcode t = 257.44s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-32-48:243] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-48:244] Xcode t = 257.44s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-32-48:244] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-48:245] Xcode t = 257.45s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-32-48:245] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-48:246] Xcode t = 257.45s Find: Descendants matching type TextField
ERR! [09-32-48:254] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-48:255] Xcode t = 257.45s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-32-48:255] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-48:354] Xcode t = 257.55s Find the TextField at {{40.0, 393.0}, {295.0, 35.0}}
ERR! [09-32-48:356] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-48:356] Xcode t = 257.56s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-32-48:356] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-53:396] Xcode t = 262.60s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-32-53:397] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-53:397] Xcode t = 262.60s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-32-53:397] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-53:399] Xcode t = 262.60s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-32-53:399] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-53:400] Xcode t = 262.60s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-32-53:401] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-53:402] Xcode t = 262.60s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-32-53:404] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-53:405] Xcode t = 262.60s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-32-53:407] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-53:408] Xcode t = 262.61s Find: Descendants matching type TextField
ERR! [09-32-53:408] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-53:409] Xcode t = 262.61s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-32-53:409] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-53:410] Xcode t = 262.61s Tap TextField at {{40.0, 393.0}, {295.0, 35.0}}
ERR! [09-32-53:411] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-53:412] Xcode t = 262.61s Wait for to idle
ERR! [09-32-53:413] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-53:417] Xcode t = 262.62s Find the TextField at {{40.0, 393.0}, {295.0, 35.0}}
ERR! [09-32-53:418] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-53:418] Xcode t = 262.62s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-32-53:418] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-58:462] Xcode t = 267.66s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-32-58:464] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-58:464] Xcode t = 267.66s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-32-58:464] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-58:464] Xcode t = 267.66s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-32-58:464] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-58:465] Xcode t = 267.67s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-32-58:466] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-58:466] Xcode t = 267.67s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-32-58:467] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-58:468] Xcode t = 267.67s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-32-58:468] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-58:469] Xcode t = 267.67s Find: Descendants matching type TextField
ERR! [09-32-58:469] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-58:470] Xcode t = 267.67s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-32-58:472] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-58:472] Xcode t = 267.67s Check for interrupting elements affecting TextField at {{40.0, 393.0}, {295.0, 35.0}}
ERR! [09-32-58:472] Xcode
ERR! [09-32-58:485] Xcode t = 267.68s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-32-58:485] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-03:515] Xcode t = 272.72s Find: Descendants matching type Alert
ERR! [09-33-03:516] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-03:517] Xcode t = 272.72s Synthesize event
ERR! [09-33-03:518] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-03:585] Xcode t = 272.79s Wait for to idle
ERR! [09-33-03:585] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-04:892] Xcode t = 274.09s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Descendants matching type Keyboard
ERR! [09-33-04:892] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-04:893] Xcode t = 274.09s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-33-04:893] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-09:944] Xcode t = 279.14s Find: Descendants matching type Keyboard
ERR! [09-33-09:944] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-09:951] Xcode t = 279.15s Checking existence of `Keyboard`
ERR! [09-33-09:951] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-09:952] Xcode t = 279.15s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-33-09:953] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-14:996] Xcode t = 284.20s Find: Descendants matching type Keyboard
ERR! [09-33-14:997] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-14:998] Xcode t = 284.20s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-33-14:998] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-15:000] Xcode t = 284.20s Find the Keyboard
ERR! [09-33-15:000] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-15:001] Xcode t = 284.20s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-33-15:001] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-20:047] Xcode t = 289.25s Find: Descendants matching type Keyboard
ERR! [09-33-20:047] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-20:049] Xcode t = 289.25s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-33-20:049] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-20:056] Xcode t = 289.26s Find the TextField at {{40.0, 393.0}, {295.0, 35.0}}
ERR! [09-33-20:057] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-20:058] Xcode t = 289.26s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-33-20:058] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-25:129] Xcode t = 294.33s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-33-25:129] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-25:130] Xcode t = 294.33s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-33-25:130] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-25:131] Xcode t = 294.33s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-33-25:131] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-25:132] Xcode t = 294.33s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-33-25:133] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-25:134] Xcode t = 294.33s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-33-25:134] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-26:137] Xcode t = 295.34s Find the TextField at {{40.0, 393.0}, {295.0, 35.0}} (retry 1)
ERR! [09-33-26:137] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-26:139] Xcode t = 295.34s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-33-26:139] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-31:224] Xcode t = 300.42s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-33-31:224] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-31:226] Xcode t = 300.43s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-33-31:226] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-31:227] Xcode t = 300.43s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-33-31:227] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-31:228] Xcode t = 300.43s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-33-31:228] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-31:232] Xcode t = 300.43s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-33-31:232] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-32:234] Xcode t = 301.43s Find the TextField at {{40.0, 393.0}, {295.0, 35.0}} (retry 2)
ERR! [09-33-32:234] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-32:236] Xcode t = 301.44s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-33-32:237] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-37:316] Xcode t = 306.52s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-33-37:316] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-37:317] Xcode t = 306.52s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-33-37:317] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-37:318] Xcode t = 306.52s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-33-37:318] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-37:320] Xcode t = 306.52s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-33-37:320] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-37:322] Xcode t = 306.52s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-33-37:322] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-37:325] Xcode t = 306.52s Collecting extra data to assist test failure triage
ERR! [09-33-37:325] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-37:326] Xcode t = 306.53s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-33-37:327] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-42:407] Xcode t = 311.61s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-33-42:408] Xcode
dbug [09-33-44:873] XCUITest Error received while executing atom: operation timed out
ERR! [09-33-47:475] Xcode t = 316.68s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-33-47:475] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-47:476] Xcode t = 316.68s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-33-47:477] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-47:478] Xcode t = 316.68s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-33-47:479] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-47:480] Xcode t = 316.68s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-33-47:480] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-47:481] Xcode t = 316.68s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-33-47:481] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-47:696] Xcode 2020-03-25 09:33:47.695645-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[39400:31291571] Enqueue Failure: Failed to get matching snapshot: No matches found for Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)' from input {(
ERR! [09-33-47:697] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 812.0}},
ERR! [09-33-47:697] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 812.0}},
ERR! [09-33-47:697] Xcode Other, {{20.0, 237.0}, {335.0, 141.0}},
ERR! [09-33-47:698] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 521.0}, {375.0, 291.0}},
ERR! [09-33-47:698] Xcode Other, {{342.0, 94.0}, {30.0, 635.0}}, label: 'Vertical scroll bar, 1 page', value: 0%,
ERR! [09-33-47:698] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 696.0}, {375.0, 30.0}}, label: 'Horizontal scroll bar, 1 page', value: 0%,
ERR! [09-33-47:699] Xcode Other, {{20.0, 237.0}, {335.0, 54.0}},
ERR! [09-33-47:699] Xcode Other, {{207.0, 324.0}, {148.0, 54.0}}
ERR! [09-33-47:699] Xcode )} /Users/isaacmurchie/code/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgentRunner/UITestingUITests.m 38 1
ERR! [09-33-47:699] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-47:707] Xcode t = 316.90s Find the TextField
ERR! [09-33-47:707] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-47:708] Xcode t = 316.90s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-33-47:708] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-52:784] Xcode t = 321.98s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-33-52:784] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-52:786] Xcode t = 321.99s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-33-52:786] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-52:788] Xcode t = 321.99s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-33-52:788] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-52:789] Xcode t = 321.99s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-33-52:789] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-52:791] Xcode t = 321.99s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-33-52:791] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-53:794] Xcode t = 322.99s Find the TextField (retry 1)
ERR! [09-33-53:795] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-53:796] Xcode t = 323.00s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-33-53:797] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-58:868] Xcode t = 328.07s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-33-58:868] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-58:914] Xcode t = 328.07s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-33-58:914] Xcode t = 328.07s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-33-58:914] Xcode t = 328.07s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-33-58:914] Xcode t = 328.07s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-33-58:914] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-59:876] Xcode t = 329.08s Find the TextField (retry 2)
ERR! [09-33-59:876] Xcode
ERR! [09-33-59:877] Xcode t = 329.08s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-33-59:878] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-04:951] Xcode t = 334.15s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-34-04:951] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-04:952] Xcode t = 334.15s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-34-04:953] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-04:954] Xcode t = 334.15s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-34-04:954] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-04:955] Xcode t = 334.16s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-34-04:955] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-04:956] Xcode t = 334.16s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-34-04:956] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-04:958] Xcode t = 334.16s Collecting extra data to assist test failure triage
ERR! [09-34-04:959] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-04:959] Xcode t = 334.16s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-34-04:959] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-10:031] Xcode t = 339.23s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-34-10:032] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-15:104] Xcode t = 344.30s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-34-15:104] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-15:105] Xcode t = 344.31s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-34-15:106] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-15:107] Xcode t = 344.31s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-34-15:107] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-15:108] Xcode t = 344.31s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-34-15:108] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-15:109] Xcode t = 344.31s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-34-15:109] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-15:112] Xcode 2020-03-25 09:34:15.111807-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[39400:31291571] Enqueue Failure: Failed to get matching snapshot: No matches found for Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)' from input {(
ERR! [09-34-15:112] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 812.0}},
ERR! [09-34-15:112] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 812.0}},
ERR! [09-34-15:112] Xcode Other, {{20.0, 237.0}, {335.0, 141.0}},
ERR! [09-34-15:112] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 521.0}, {375.0, 291.0}},
ERR! [09-34-15:112] Xcode Other, {{342.0, 94.0}, {30.0, 635.0}}, label: 'Vertical scroll bar, 1 page', value: 0%,
ERR! [09-34-15:112] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 696.0}, {375.0, 30.0}}, label: 'Horizontal scroll bar, 1 page', value: 0%,
ERR! [09-34-15:112] Xcode Other, {{20.0, 237.0}, {335.0, 54.0}},
ERR! [09-34-15:112] Xcode Other, {{207.0, 324.0}, {148.0, 54.0}}
ERR! [09-34-15:112] Xcode )} /Users/isaacmurchie/code/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgentRunner/UITestingUITests.m 38 1
ERR! [09-34-15:112] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-15:215] Xcode t = 344.41s Find the TextField
ERR! [09-34-15:215] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-15:217] Xcode t = 344.42s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-34-15:217] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-20:292] Xcode t = 349.49s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-34-20:292] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-20:293] Xcode t = 349.49s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-34-20:294] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-20:295] Xcode t = 349.50s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-34-20:295] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-20:296] Xcode t = 349.50s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-34-20:297] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-20:297] Xcode t = 349.50s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-34-20:297] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-21:301] Xcode t = 350.50s Find the TextField (retry 1)
ERR! [09-34-21:301] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-21:303] Xcode t = 350.50s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-34-21:303] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-26:376] Xcode t = 355.58s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-34-26:376] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-26:377] Xcode t = 355.58s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-34-26:378] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-26:378] Xcode t = 355.58s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-34-26:378] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-26:379] Xcode t = 355.58s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-34-26:379] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-26:380] Xcode t = 355.58s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-34-26:380] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-27:385] Xcode t = 356.59s Find the TextField (retry 2)
ERR! [09-34-27:386] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-27:387] Xcode t = 356.59s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-34-27:387] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-32:474] Xcode t = 361.67s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-34-32:474] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-32:475] Xcode t = 361.68s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-34-32:475] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-32:476] Xcode t = 361.68s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-34-32:476] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-32:477] Xcode t = 361.68s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-34-32:477] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-32:478] Xcode t = 361.68s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-34-32:479] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-32:481] Xcode t = 361.68s Collecting extra data to assist test failure triage
ERR! [09-34-32:481] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-32:481] Xcode t = 361.68s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-34-32:482] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-37:554] Xcode t = 366.75s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-34-37:554] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-42:625] Xcode t = 371.83s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-34-42:625] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-42:627] Xcode t = 371.83s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-34-42:627] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-42:628] Xcode t = 371.83s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-34-42:628] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-42:629] Xcode t = 371.83s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-34-42:629] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-42:630] Xcode t = 371.83s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-34-42:630] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-42:633] Xcode 2020-03-25 09:34:42.632964-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[39400:31291571] Enqueue Failure: Failed to get matching snapshot: No matches found for Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)' from input {(
ERR! [09-34-42:633] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 812.0}},
ERR! [09-34-42:633] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 812.0}},
ERR! [09-34-42:633] Xcode Other, {{20.0, 237.0}, {335.0, 141.0}},
ERR! [09-34-42:633] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 521.0}, {375.0, 291.0}},
ERR! [09-34-42:633] Xcode Other, {{342.0, 94.0}, {30.0, 635.0}}, label: 'Vertical scroll bar, 1 page', value: 0%,
ERR! [09-34-42:633] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 696.0}, {375.0, 30.0}}, label: 'Horizontal scroll bar, 1 page', value: 0%,
ERR! [09-34-42:633] Xcode Other, {{20.0, 237.0}, {335.0, 54.0}},
ERR! [09-34-42:633] Xcode Other, {{207.0, 324.0}, {148.0, 54.0}}
ERR! [09-34-42:633] Xcode )} /Users/isaacmurchie/code/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgentRunner/UITestingUITests.m 38 1
ERR! [09-34-42:633] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-42:635] Xcode t = 371.83s Tap TextField
ERR! [09-34-42:635] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-42:635] Xcode t = 371.83s Wait for to idle
ERR! [09-34-42:635] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-42:638] Xcode t = 371.84s Find the TextField
ERR! [09-34-42:638] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-42:639] Xcode t = 371.84s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-34-42:639] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-47:709] Xcode t = 376.91s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-34-47:709] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-47:710] Xcode t = 376.91s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-34-47:710] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-47:711] Xcode t = 376.91s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-34-47:711] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-47:712] Xcode t = 376.91s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-34-47:713] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-47:713] Xcode t = 376.91s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-34-47:713] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-48:719] Xcode t = 377.92s Find the TextField (retry 1)
ERR! [09-34-48:719] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-48:721] Xcode t = 377.92s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-34-48:721] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-53:791] Xcode t = 382.99s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-34-53:791] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-53:792] Xcode t = 382.99s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-34-53:792] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-53:793] Xcode t = 382.99s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-34-53:793] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-53:794] Xcode t = 382.99s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-34-53:794] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-53:795] Xcode t = 383.00s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-34-53:795] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-54:803] Xcode t = 384.00s Find the TextField (retry 2)
ERR! [09-34-54:803] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-54:806] Xcode t = 384.01s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-34-54:806] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-59:881] Xcode t = 389.08s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-34-59:881] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-59:883] Xcode t = 389.08s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-34-59:883] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-59:884] Xcode t = 389.08s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-34-59:884] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-59:886] Xcode t = 389.09s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-34-59:886] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-59:887] Xcode t = 389.09s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-34-59:887] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-59:890] Xcode t = 389.09s Collecting extra data to assist test failure triage
ERR! [09-34-59:890] Xcode
ERR! [09-34-59:890] Xcode t = 389.09s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-34-59:891] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-04:965] Xcode t = 394.17s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-35-04:965] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-10:036] Xcode t = 399.24s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-35-10:036] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-10:038] Xcode t = 399.24s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-35-10:038] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-10:039] Xcode t = 399.24s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-35-10:039] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-10:040] Xcode t = 399.24s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-35-10:044] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-10:044] Xcode t = 399.24s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-35-10:044] Xcode 2020-03-25 09:35:10.044021-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[39400:31291571] Enqueue Failure: Failed to get matching snapshot: No matches found for Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)' from input {(
ERR! [09-35-10:044] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 812.0}},
ERR! [09-35-10:044] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 812.0}},
ERR! [09-35-10:045] Xcode Other, {{20.0, 237.0}, {335.0, 141.0}},
ERR! [09-35-10:045] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 521.0}, {375.0, 291.0}},
ERR! [09-35-10:045] Xcode Other, {{342.0, 94.0}, {30.0, 635.0}}, label: 'Vertical scroll bar, 1 page', value: 0%,
ERR! [09-35-10:045] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 696.0}, {375.0, 30.0}}, label: 'Horizontal scroll bar, 1 page', value: 0%,
ERR! [09-35-10:045] Xcode Other, {{20.0, 237.0}, {335.0, 54.0}},
ERR! [09-35-10:045] Xcode Other, {{207.0, 324.0}, {148.0, 54.0}}
ERR! [09-35-10:045] Xcode )} /Users/isaacmurchie/code/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgentRunner/UITestingUITests.m 38 1
ERR! [09-35-10:045] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-10:046] Xcode t = 399.25s Synthesize event
ERR! [09-35-10:046] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-10:047] Xcode t = 399.25s Failed: Failed to compute hit point for (null): (null)
ERR! [09-35-10:047] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-11:052] Xcode t = 400.25s Retrying `Tap TextField` (attempt #2)
ERR! [09-35-11:052] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-11:053] Xcode t = 400.25s Wait for to idle
ERR! [09-35-11:053] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-11:058] Xcode t = 400.26s Find the TextField
ERR! [09-35-11:058] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-11:062] Xcode t = 400.26s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-35-11:062] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-16:135] Xcode t = 405.34s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-35-16:135] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-16:138] Xcode t = 405.34s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-35-16:138] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-16:140] Xcode t = 405.34s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-35-16:140] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-16:142] Xcode t = 405.34s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-35-16:142] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-16:144] Xcode t = 405.34s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-35-16:144] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-17:150] Xcode t = 406.35s Find the TextField (retry 1)
ERR! [09-35-17:151] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-17:152] Xcode t = 406.35s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-35-17:153] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-22:226] Xcode t = 411.43s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-35-22:226] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-22:227] Xcode t = 411.43s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-35-22:228] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-22:229] Xcode t = 411.43s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-35-22:229] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-22:230] Xcode t = 411.43s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-35-22:230] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-22:231] Xcode t = 411.43s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-35-22:231] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-23:238] Xcode t = 412.44s Find the TextField (retry 2)
ERR! [09-35-23:238] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-23:240] Xcode t = 412.44s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-35-23:241] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-28:321] Xcode t = 417.52s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-35-28:321] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-28:322] Xcode t = 417.52s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-35-28:322] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-28:323] Xcode t = 417.52s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-35-28:327] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-28:327] Xcode t = 417.52s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-35-28:328] Xcode t = 417.53s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-35-28:328] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-28:328] Xcode t = 417.53s Collecting extra data to assist test failure triage
ERR! [09-35-28:328] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-28:329] Xcode t = 417.53s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-35-28:330] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-33:403] Xcode t = 422.60s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-35-33:403] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-38:475] Xcode t = 427.68s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-35-38:475] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-38:477] Xcode t = 427.68s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-35-38:477] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-38:477] Xcode t = 427.68s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-35-38:478] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-38:479] Xcode t = 427.68s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-35-38:479] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-38:480] Xcode t = 427.68s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-35-38:480] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-38:483] Xcode 2020-03-25 09:35:38.482869-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[39400:31291571] Enqueue Failure: Failed to get matching snapshot: No matches found for Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)' from input {(
ERR! [09-35-38:483] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 812.0}},
ERR! [09-35-38:483] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 812.0}},
ERR! [09-35-38:483] Xcode Other, {{20.0, 237.0}, {335.0, 141.0}},
ERR! [09-35-38:483] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 521.0}, {375.0, 291.0}},
ERR! [09-35-38:483] Xcode Other, {{342.0, 94.0}, {30.0, 635.0}}, label: 'Vertical scroll bar, 1 page', value: 0%,
ERR! [09-35-38:483] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 696.0}, {375.0, 30.0}}, label: 'Horizontal scroll bar, 1 page', value: 0%,
ERR! [09-35-38:483] Xcode Other, {{20.0, 237.0}, {335.0, 54.0}},
ERR! [09-35-38:483] Xcode Other, {{207.0, 324.0}, {148.0, 54.0}}
ERR! [09-35-38:483] Xcode )} /Users/isaacmurchie/code/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgentRunner/UITestingUITests.m 38 1
ERR! [09-35-38:483] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-38:484] Xcode t = 427.68s Synthesize event
ERR! [09-35-38:485] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-38:486] Xcode t = 427.69s Failed: Failed to compute hit point for (null): (null)
ERR! [09-35-38:486] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-39:489] Xcode t = 428.69s Retrying `Tap TextField` (attempt #3)
ERR! [09-35-39:490] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-39:490] Xcode t = 428.69s Wait for to idle
ERR! [09-35-39:491] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-39:495] Xcode t = 428.69s Find the TextField
ERR! [09-35-39:495] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-39:496] Xcode t = 428.70s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-35-39:497] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-44:572] Xcode t = 433.77s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-35-44:572] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-44:574] Xcode t = 433.77s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-35-44:574] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-44:574] Xcode t = 433.77s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-35-44:575] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-44:575] Xcode t = 433.78s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-35-44:575] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-44:576] Xcode t = 433.78s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-35-44:577] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-45:579] Xcode t = 434.78s Find the TextField (retry 1)
ERR! [09-35-45:579] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-45:580] Xcode t = 434.78s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-35-45:580] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-50:658] Xcode t = 439.86s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-35-50:659] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-50:659] Xcode t = 439.86s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-35-50:659] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-50:660] Xcode t = 439.86s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-35-50:661] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-50:662] Xcode t = 439.86s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-35-50:662] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-50:663] Xcode t = 439.86s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-35-50:664] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-51:669] Xcode t = 440.87s Find the TextField (retry 2)
ERR! [09-35-51:670] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-51:671] Xcode t = 440.87s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-35-51:671] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-56:747] Xcode t = 445.95s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-35-56:747] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-56:748] Xcode t = 445.95s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-35-56:748] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-56:750] Xcode t = 445.95s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-35-56:751] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-56:751] Xcode t = 445.95s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-35-56:751] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-56:751] Xcode t = 445.95s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-35-56:751] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-56:754] Xcode t = 445.95s Collecting extra data to assist test failure triage
ERR! [09-35-56:755] Xcode
ERR! [09-35-56:755] Xcode t = 445.96s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-35-56:755] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-01:828] Xcode t = 451.03s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-36-01:828] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-06:902] Xcode t = 456.10s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-36-06:902] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-06:904] Xcode t = 456.10s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-36-06:904] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-06:906] Xcode t = 456.11s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-36-06:906] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-06:928] Xcode t = 456.11s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-36-06:930] Xcode t = 456.11s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-36-06:934] Xcode 2020-03-25 09:36:06.911514-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[39400:31291571] Enqueue Failure: Failed to get matching snapshot: No matches found for Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)' from input {(
ERR! [09-36-06:934] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 812.0}},
ERR! [09-36-06:934] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 812.0}},
ERR! [09-36-06:934] Xcode Other, {{20.0, 237.0}, {335.0, 141.0}},
ERR! [09-36-06:934] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 521.0}, {375.0, 291.0}},
ERR! [09-36-06:934] Xcode Other, {{342.0, 94.0}, {30.0, 635.0}}, label: 'Vertical scroll bar, 1 page', value: 0%,
ERR! [09-36-06:934] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 696.0}, {375.0, 30.0}}, label: 'Horizontal scroll bar, 1 page', value: 0%,
ERR! [09-36-06:934] Xcode Other, {{20.0, 237.0}, {335.0, 54.0}},
ERR! [09-36-06:934] Xcode Other, {{207.0, 324.0}, {148.0, 54.0}}
ERR! [09-36-06:934] Xcode )} /Users/isaacmurchie/code/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgentRunner/UITestingUITests.m 38 1
ERR! [09-36-06:934] Xcode t = 456.11s Synthesize event
ERR! [09-36-06:934] Xcode t = 456.12s Failed: Failed to compute hit point for (null): (null)
ERR! [09-36-06:934] Xcode 2020-03-25 09:36:06.917843-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[39400:31291571] Enqueue Failure: Failed to synthesize event: Failed to compute hit point for (null): (null) /Users/isaacmurchie/code/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgentRunner/UITestingUITests.m 38 1
ERR! [09-36-06:935] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-07:924] Xcode t = 457.12s Get all elements bound by accessibility element for: Descendants matching type Keyboard
ERR! [09-36-07:925] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-07:926] Xcode t = 457.13s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-36-07:926] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-12:978] Xcode t = 462.18s Find: Descendants matching type Keyboard
ERR! [09-36-12:979] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-12:990] Xcode t = 462.19s Checking existence of `Keyboard`
ERR! [09-36-12:990] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-12:991] Xcode t = 462.19s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-36-12:991] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-18:035] Xcode t = 467.23s Find: Descendants matching type Keyboard
ERR! [09-36-18:035] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-18:036] Xcode t = 467.24s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-36-18:036] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-18:038] Xcode t = 467.24s Find the Keyboard
ERR! [09-36-18:039] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-18:039] Xcode t = 467.24s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-36-18:040] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-23:083] Xcode t = 472.28s Find: Descendants matching type Keyboard
ERR! [09-36-23:084] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-23:085] Xcode t = 472.28s Find: Identity Binding
ERR! [09-36-23:085] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-23:113] Xcode t = 472.31s Find the TextField
ERR! [09-36-23:113] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-23:114] Xcode t = 472.31s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-36-23:114] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-28:191] Xcode t = 477.39s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-36-28:192] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-28:193] Xcode t = 477.39s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-36-28:193] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-28:194] Xcode t = 477.39s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-36-28:195] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-28:196] Xcode t = 477.40s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-36-28:196] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-28:197] Xcode t = 477.40s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-36-28:198] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-29:200] Xcode t = 478.40s Find the TextField (retry 1)
ERR! [09-36-29:200] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-29:202] Xcode t = 478.40s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-36-29:203] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-34:276] Xcode t = 483.48s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-36-34:277] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-34:278] Xcode t = 483.48s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-36-34:278] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-34:279] Xcode t = 483.48s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-36-34:279] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-34:280] Xcode t = 483.48s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-36-34:280] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-34:282] Xcode t = 483.48s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-36-34:282] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-35:286] Xcode t = 484.49s Find the TextField (retry 2)
ERR! [09-36-35:286] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-35:288] Xcode t = 484.49s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-36-35:289] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-40:362] Xcode t = 489.56s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-36-40:363] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-40:364] Xcode t = 489.56s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-36-40:364] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-40:365] Xcode t = 489.57s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-36-40:365] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-40:366] Xcode t = 489.57s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-36-40:366] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-40:367] Xcode t = 489.57s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-36-40:367] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-40:370] Xcode t = 489.57s Collecting extra data to assist test failure triage
ERR! [09-36-40:370] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-40:370] Xcode t = 489.57s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-36-40:370] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-45:441] Xcode t = 494.64s Requesting snapshot of accessibility hierarchy for app with pid 39404
ERR! [09-36-45:441] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-50:511] Xcode t = 499.71s Find: Descendants matching type ScrollView
ERR! [09-36-50:511] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-50:512] Xcode t = 499.71s Find: Descendants matching type WebView
ERR! [09-36-50:513] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-50:513] Xcode t = 499.71s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x600002989200)'
ERR! [09-36-50:513] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-50:514] Xcode t = 499.71s Find: Descendants matching type Other
ERR! [09-36-50:514] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-50:516] Xcode t = 499.72s Find: Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)'
ERR! [09-36-50:516] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-50:518] Xcode 2020-03-25 09:36:50.518468-0400 WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner[39400:31291571] Enqueue Failure: Failed to get matching snapshot: No matches found for Elements matching predicate 'BLOCKPREDICATE(0x60000298a1c0)' from input {(
ERR! [09-36-50:518] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 812.0}},
ERR! [09-36-50:518] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 0.0}, {375.0, 812.0}},
ERR! [09-36-50:519] Xcode Other, {{20.0, 237.0}, {335.0, 141.0}},
ERR! [09-36-50:520] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 521.0}, {375.0, 291.0}},
ERR! [09-36-50:520] Xcode Other, {{342.0, 94.0}, {30.0, 635.0}}, label: 'Vertical scroll bar, 1 page', value: 0%,
ERR! [09-36-50:520] Xcode Other, {{0.0, 696.0}, {375.0, 30.0}}, label: 'Horizontal scroll bar, 1 page', value: 0%,
ERR! [09-36-50:520] Xcode Other, {{20.0, 237.0}, {335.0, 54.0}},
ERR! [09-36-50:520] Xcode Other, {{207.0, 324.0}, {148.0, 54.0}}
ERR! [09-36-50:520] Xcode )} /Users/isaacmurchie/code/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgentRunner/UITestingUITests.m 38 1
ERR! [09-36-50:520] Xcode
info [09-36-50:599] WD Proxy Got response with status 500: {"value":{"error":"unknown error","message":"Error Domain=com.facebook.WebDriverAgent Code=1 \"The on-screen keyboard must be present to send keys\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The on-screen keyboard must be present to send keys}","traceback":"(\n\t0 WebDriverAgentLib 0x0000000120e49ba1 +[FBAlertViewCommands handleAlertSetTextCommand:] + 769\n\t1 WebDriverAgentLib 0x0000000120e238c6 -[FBRoute_TargetAction mountRequest:intoResponse:] + 182\n\t2 WebDriverAgentLib 0x0000000120e0eadb __37-[FBWebServer registerRouteHandlers:]_block_invoke + 555\n\t3 RoutingHTTPServer 0x0000000120f15d9f -[RoutingHTTPServer handleRoute:withRequest:response:] + 136\n\t4 RoutingHTTPServer 0x0000000120f166b2 __72-[RoutingHTTPServer routeMethod:withPath:parameters:request:connection:]_block_invoke + 47\n\t5 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001077c77b9 _dispatch_client_callout + 8\n\t6 libdispatch.dylib ...
dbug [09-36-50:608] W3C Matched W3C error code 'unknown error' to UnknownError
dbug [09-36-50:649] MJSONWP (b3decf91) Encountered internal error running command: UnknownError: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Error Domain=com.facebook.WebDriverAgent Code=1 "The on-screen keyboard must be present to send keys" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The on-screen keyboard must be present to send keys}
dbug [09-36-50:649] MJSONWP (b3decf91) at errorFromW3CJsonCode (/Users/isaacmurchie/code/WebDriverAgent/node_modules/appium-base-driver/lib/protocol/errors.js:780:25)
dbug [09-36-50:649] MJSONWP (b3decf91) at ProxyRequestError.getActualError (/Users/isaacmurchie/code/WebDriverAgent/node_modules/appium-base-driver/lib/protocol/errors.js:663:14)
dbug [09-36-50:649] MJSONWP (b3decf91) at JWProxy.command (/Users/isaacmurchie/code/WebDriverAgent/node_modules/appium-base-driver/lib/jsonwp-proxy/proxy.js:264:19)
info [09-36-50:653] HTTP <-- POST /wd/hub/session/b3decf91-5b8b-44c6-bea0-18c4a8766cdc/alert_text 500 348380 ms - 360
info [09-36-50:653] HTTP
1) should set text of prompt
info [09-36-50:671] HTTP --> DELETE /wd/hub/session/b3decf91-5b8b-44c6-bea0-18c4a8766cdc
info [09-36-50:671] HTTP {}
dbug [09-36-50:673] MJSONWP (b3decf91) Calling XCUITestDriver.deleteSession() with args: ["b3decf91-5b8b-44c6-bea0-18c4a8766cdc"]
dbug [09-36-50:673] XCUITest Executing command 'deleteSession'
dbug [09-36-50:674] BaseDriver Event 'quitSessionRequested' logged at 1585143410674 (09:36:50 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
dbug [09-36-50:676] WD Proxy Matched '/session/b3decf91-5b8b-44c6-bea0-18c4a8766cdc' to command name 'deleteSession'
dbug [09-36-50:676] WD Proxy Proxying [DELETE /session/b3decf91-5b8b-44c6-bea0-18c4a8766cdc] to [DELETE] with no body
ERR! [09-36-50:678] Xcode t = 499.88s Terminate
ERR! [09-36-50:678] Xcode
dbug [09-36-50:691] RemoteDebugger Application 'PID:39404' disconnected. Removing from app dictionary.
dbug [09-36-50:692] RemoteDebugger Current app is 'PID:39404'
dbug [09-36-50:692] RemoteDebugger No longer have app id. Attempting to find new one.
dbug [09-36-50:717] RemoteDebugger Application 'PID:39410' disconnected. Removing from app dictionary.
dbug [09-36-50:717] RemoteDebugger Current app is 'undefined'
dbug [09-36-50:718] RemoteDebugger Application 'PID:39414' disconnected. Removing from app dictionary.
dbug [09-36-50:718] RemoteDebugger Current app is 'undefined'
ERR! [09-36-51:697] Xcode t = 500.90s Wait for to become Not Running
ERR! [09-36-51:697] Xcode
dbug [09-36-51:704] WD Proxy Got response with status 200: {
dbug [09-36-51:704] WD Proxy "value" : null,
dbug [09-36-51:704] WD Proxy "sessionId" : "17282C76-4012-4435-A8F9-6850DAFB9D72"
dbug [09-36-51:704] WD Proxy }
info [09-36-51:704] WebDriverAgent Shutting down sub-processes
info [09-36-51:704] WebDriverAgent Shutting down 'xcodebuild' process (pid '39386')
info [09-36-51:704] WebDriverAgent Sending 'SIGTERM'...
ERR! [09-36-51:715] Xcode ** BUILD INTERRUPTED **
ERR! [09-36-51:716] Xcode
ERR! [09-36-51:728] WebDriverAgent xcodebuild exited with code 'null' and signal 'SIGTERM'
ERR! [09-36-51:729] Xcode Contents of xcodebuild log file '/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-enyguvsqcmgfbwebwiaaemdsticv/Logs/Test/Test-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020.03.25_09-28-24--0400.xcresult/Staging/2_Test/Diagnostics/WebDriverAgentRunner-B74C12E9-BD7C-440F-817B-98B5B4CEE98F/WebDriverAgentRunner-D108E537-6285-416E-B0FD-50D1EA047DA8/Session-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020-03-25_092825-yIHNm1.log':
ERR! [09-36-51:730] WebDriverAgent Unable to access xcodebuild log file: 'ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-enyguvsqcmgfbwebwiaaemdsticv/Logs/Test/Test-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020.03.25_09-28-24--0400.xcresult/Staging/2_Test/Diagnostics/WebDriverAgentRunner-B74C12E9-BD7C-440F-817B-98B5B4CEE98F/WebDriverAgentRunner-D108E537-6285-416E-B0FD-50D1EA047DA8/Session-WebDriverAgentRunner-2020-03-25_092825-yIHNm1.log''
info [09-36-51:774] DevCon Factory Releasing connections for 7206E944-FA5F-45D8-9BB1-B997F241CD72 device on any port number
info [09-36-51:775] DevCon Factory Found cached connections to release: ["7206E944-FA5F-45D8-9BB1-B997F241CD72:8100"]
dbug [09-36-51:775] DevCon Factory Cached connections count: 0
dbug [09-36-51:799] XCUITest Did not find the temporary XCTest logs root at '/var/folders/4f/p80yvcn97qsb4l2ym_jmfpmh0000gp/T/*/'
info [09-36-51:799] XCUITest Cleaning test logs in '/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-enyguvsqcmgfbwebwiaaemdsticv/Logs' folder
dbug [09-36-51:799] iOS Clearing log files
dbug [09-36-51:840] iOS Deleting '/Users/isaacmurchie/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-enyguvsqcmgfbwebwiaaemdsticv/Logs'. Freeing 184K.
dbug [09-36-51:850] iOS Finished clearing log files
dbug [09-36-51:852] XCUITest Found a remote debugger session. Removing...
dbug [09-36-51:853] RemoteDebugger Disconnecting from remote debugger
dbug [09-36-51:854] RemoteDebugger Cleaning up listeners
dbug [09-36-51:855] IOSSimulatorLog Stopping iOS log capture
dbug [09-36-51:874] BaseDriver Event 'quitSessionFinished' logged at 1585143411874 (09:36:51 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time))
dbug [09-36-51:874] MJSONWP (b3decf91) Received response: null
dbug [09-36-51:874] MJSONWP (b3decf91) But deleting session, so not returning
dbug [09-36-51:874] MJSONWP (b3decf91) Responding to client with driver.deleteSession() result: null
dbug [09-36-51:875] MJSONWP (b3decf91) Destroying socket connection
info [09-36-51:875] HTTP <-- DELETE /wd/hub/session/b3decf91-5b8b-44c6-bea0-18c4a8766cdc 200 1203 ms - 76
info [09-36-51:875] HTTP
0 passing (9m)
1 failing
1) safari - alerts
should set text of prompt:
Error: [alertKeys("of course!")] Error response status: 13, UnknownError - An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Selenium error: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Error Domain=com.facebook.WebDriverAgent Code=1 "The on-screen keyboard must be present to send keys" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=The on-screen keyboard must be present to send keys}
at exports.newError (node_modules/wd/lib/utils.js:152:13)
at /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/wd/lib/callbacks.js:36:19
at /Users/isaacmurchie/code/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/wd/lib/webdriver.js:202:5
at Request._callback (node_modules/wd/lib/http-utils.js:89:7)
at Request.self.callback (node_modules/wd/node_modules/request/request.js:185:22)
at Request.<anonymous> (node_modules/wd/node_modules/request/request.js:1161:10)
at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (node_modules/wd/node_modules/request/request.js:1083:12)
at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1145:12)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! appium-xcuitest-driver@3.18.0 mocha: `mocha "-t" "0" "-R" "spec" "build/test/functional/web" "--exit"`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the appium-xcuitest-driver@3.18.0 mocha script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /Users/isaacmurchie/.npm/_logs/2020-03-25T13_36_52_003Z-debug.log
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! appium-xcuitest-driver@3.18.0 e2e-test:web: `npm run build && _FORCE_LOGS=1 npm run mocha -- -t 0 -R spec build/test/functional/web --exit`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the appium-xcuitest-driver@3.18.0 e2e-test:web script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /Users/isaacmurchie/.npm/_logs/2020-03-25T13_36_52_066Z-debug.log
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