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Last active November 22, 2018 01:42
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* bzip2 class
* @author Mark <>
class Bzip2
const BZIP2_MODE_READ = 'r';
const BZIP2_MODE_WRITE = 'w';
* 资源
* @var resource
private $_rs;
public function __construct($file, $mode)
if ($this->_moduleLoad()) {
$this->_rs = bzopen($file, $mode);
private function _moduleLoad()
if (!extension_loaded('bz2')) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
public function compress($source, $blocksize = 4, $workfactor = 0)
return bzcompress($source, $blocksize, $workfactor);
public function decompres($source, $small = 0)
return bzdecompress($source, $small);
public function close()
public function error()
return bzerror($this->_rs);
public function errno()
return bzerrno($this->_rs);
public function errstr()
return bzerrstr($this->_rs);
public function flush()
return bzflush($this->_rs);
public function read($length='1024')
return bzread($this->_rs, $length);
public function write($data, $length = 0)
if ($length) {
return bzwrite($this->_rs, $data, $length);
} else {
return bzwrite($this->_rs, $data);
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