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Last active March 30, 2019 16:48
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komodo notary testnet 2019 using kvm virtualization

Testnet 2019 Install Barebones

This is a barebones install. It does not lock down SSH for key access only or configure the firewall.

This is on ubuntu 18.04

This part is for KVM VPS using make-vps from my repo Using my make-vps repository, clone an existing VPS template, start it and log in

VPSNAME=nntestnet2019 make clone18
virsh start nntestnet2019
virsh net-dhcp-leases default

SSH & Login

ssh ip
sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade

change it's ip address if required

sudo vi /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml
sudo netplan apply

relogin with ssh to new ip install kmd dependencies from cakeshop's komodo-in-a-box turnkey blockchain installer

sudo apt-get install  python3 python3-dev python3-pip \
        netcat-openbsd wget curl git sudo coreutils bc \
        haveged pollinate unzip software-properties-common \
        unattended-upgrades cron ntp fail2ban rsyslog \
        build-essential pkg-config git libc6-dev m4 \
        g++-multilib autoconf libtool ncurses-dev unzip \
        python zlib1g-dev wget bsdmainutils automake \
        libssl-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler \
        libqrencode-dev ntp ntpdate jq \
        software-properties-common curl \
        libcurl4-openssl-dev cmake clang libevent-dev \
        libboost-all-dev build-essential pkg-config \
        libc6-dev m4 g++-multilib autoconf libtool \
        ncurses-dev unzip git python python-zmq \
        zlib1g-dev wget libcurl4-openssl-dev bsdmainutils \
        automake curl python3 python3-requests libsodium-dev \
        screen tmux dnsutils traceroute whois htop 

The nanomsg is a pre-requisite for many bitcoin based blockchains

echo "Installing nanomsg..."
cd ~
git clone
cd nanomsg
mkdir build
cd build
cmake --build . 
sudo cmake --build . --target install
sudo ldconfig

now's the time to check if you have enough memory, 4GB phys and 2G+ swap, better to have 4 to match your phys

sudo fallocate -l 4G /swapfile
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile 
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile
echo '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab

Install komodo

git clone
cd komodo
git checkout dev
./zcutil/ -j$(nproc)

the above command -j$(nproc) is equivalent to -jnproc fyi. if your system doesn't have enough memory it will fail to compile, load some more swap

make a config file for komodo

touch komodo.conf
rpcuser=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 24 | head -n 1)
rpcpassword=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 24 | head -n 1)
echo "rpcuser=$rpcuser" > komodo.conf
echo "rpcpassword=$rpcpassword" >> komodo.conf
echo "daemon=1" >> komodo.conf
echo "server=1" >> komodo.conf
echo "txindex=1" >> komodo.conf
echo "rpcbind=" >>bitcoin.conf
chmod 0600 komodo.conf

start syncing komodo

cd ~/komodo/src
./komodod &

bitcoin is not necessary (totally optional) for testnet but install it anyway for practise syncing requires 200GB of space, save your $$ if your testnet server is not readily equipped

git clone
cd bitcoin/
echo '12edc0df75bf9abd7f82f821795bcee50f42cb2e5f76a6a281b85732798364ef  db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz' | sha256sum -c
git branch -r
git tags
git tag
git checkout v0.16.3
tar -xvf db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz
cd db-4.8.30.NC/build_unix
mkdir -p build
../dist/configure --disable-shared --enable-cxx --with-pic --prefix=$BDB_PREFIX
make install
cd ../..
./configure CPPFLAGS="-I${BDB_PREFIX}/include/ -O2" LDFLAGS="-L${BDB_PREFIX}/lib/"
make -j$(nproc)

make a config file for bitcoin

mkdir .bitcoin
cd .bitcoin
touch bitcoin.conf
rpcuser=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 24 | head -n 1)
rpcpassword=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 24 | head -n 1)
echo "rpcuser=$rpcuser" > komodo.conf
echo "rpcpassword=$rpcpassword" >> komodo.conf
echo "server=1" >bitcoin.conf
echo "daemon=1" >>bitcoin.conf
echo "txindex=1" >>bitcoin.conf
echo "bind=" >>bitcoin.conf
echo "rpcbind=" >>bitcoin.conf
chmod 0600 bitcoin.conf

start bitcoin in regtest mode just for wallet creation

~/bitcoin/src/bitcoind -regtest

check it

~/bitcoin/src/bitcoin-cli -regtest getblockchaininfo

install iguana, the dPoW process

cd ~
git clone
cd SuperNET/iguana
git checkout dev
# and start it for the first time
# you can do it without reading this hint
# or you can open a virtual sesion in
# tmux or screen.

in another terminal (ssh in again or use tmux/screen)


add two coins to iguana


encrypt wallet with a passphrase

$ curl --silent --url "" --data "{\"agent\":\"bitcoinrpc\",\"method\":\"encryptwallet\",\"passphrase\":\"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\"}" | jq '.'
  "pubkey": "12a4ed867a26e1bb121XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXeea359a75d5ce6e1c",
  "rmd160": "371XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3ffe24",
  "result": "success",
  "handle": "",
  "persistent": "12a4eXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX6c04ceea359a75d5ce6e1c",
  "status": "unlocked",
  "duration": 3600,
  "tag": "3824919021912066313"

For this passphrase

  • BTCDwif is the KMD wif. KMD's lead developer was a community developer on the BTCD chain
  • BTCwif is the BTC wif
  • btcpubkey is your pubkey
  • BTCD is your KMD address
  • BTC is your BTC address

create a wallet unlocking script

vi ~/SuperNET/iguana/wp
curl --url "" --data "{\"method\":\"walletpassphrase\",\"params\":[\"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\", 9999999]}"
#check it is the same values as before
chmod +x wp

copy it to wp_7776 and change the port number

cp ~/SuperNET/iguana/wp ~/SuperNET/iguana/wp_7776
vi ~/SuperNET/iguana/wp_7776

you can ctrl c ^c iguana now


at this stage, you've got everything you need for the rest of the season. now it's time to setup the machine for the season

helper for iguana to know it's homedir

vi ~/SuperNET/iguana/userhome/txt

helper for iguana to get the node pubkey

vi ~/SuperNET/iguana/pubkey.txt

import wif to daemons, KMD uses BTCD wif

cd ~
cd komodo
./src/komodo-cli importprivkey BTCDwif

check to see it imported kmd (btcd) address correctly

./src/komodo-cli validateaddress kmdaddress/btcdaddress

become root

sudo su -

because there are lots of open files/sockets etc. for this program, increase ulimit on system permanently

ulimit -a   # see all the kernel parameters
ulimit -n   # see the number of open files
ulimit -n 1000000  #  set the number open files to 1000000
vi  /etc/security/limits.conf
soft nofile 1000000
hard nofile 1000000
vi /etc/pam.d/common-session
session required
sudo apt-get install ufw
sudo ufw disable
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw allow 22 # SSH port
sudo ufw allow 7770 # KMD port
sudo ufw allow 777X # Iguana port
sudo ufw allow assetchain p2p
sudo ufw enable

check the status again

sudo ufw status
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