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Created April 21, 2021 05:30
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// File: openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
* @title SafeMath
* @dev Unsigned math operations with safety checks that revert on error
library SafeMath {
* @dev Multiplies two unsigned integers, reverts on overflow.
function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
// Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the
// benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested.
// See:
if (a == 0) {
return 0;
uint256 c = a * b;
require(c / a == b);
return c;
* @dev Integer division of two unsigned integers truncating the quotient, reverts on division by zero.
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
// Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0
require(b > 0);
uint256 c = a / b;
// assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
return c;
* @dev Subtracts two unsigned integers, reverts on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend).
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(b <= a);
uint256 c = a - b;
return c;
* @dev Adds two unsigned integers, reverts on overflow.
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a + b;
require(c >= a);
return c;
* @dev Divides two unsigned integers and returns the remainder (unsigned integer modulo),
* reverts when dividing by zero.
function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(b != 0);
return a % b;
// File: contracts/common/lib/BytesLib.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
library BytesLib {
function concat(bytes memory _preBytes, bytes memory _postBytes)
returns (bytes memory)
bytes memory tempBytes;
assembly {
// Get a location of some free memory and store it in tempBytes as
// Solidity does for memory variables.
tempBytes := mload(0x40)
// Store the length of the first bytes array at the beginning of
// the memory for tempBytes.
let length := mload(_preBytes)
mstore(tempBytes, length)
// Maintain a memory counter for the current write location in the
// temp bytes array by adding the 32 bytes for the array length to
// the starting location.
let mc := add(tempBytes, 0x20)
// Stop copying when the memory counter reaches the length of the
// first bytes array.
let end := add(mc, length)
for {
// Initialize a copy counter to the start of the _preBytes data,
// 32 bytes into its memory.
let cc := add(_preBytes, 0x20)
} lt(mc, end) {
// Increase both counters by 32 bytes each iteration.
mc := add(mc, 0x20)
cc := add(cc, 0x20)
} {
// Write the _preBytes data into the tempBytes memory 32 bytes
// at a time.
mstore(mc, mload(cc))
// Add the length of _postBytes to the current length of tempBytes
// and store it as the new length in the first 32 bytes of the
// tempBytes memory.
length := mload(_postBytes)
mstore(tempBytes, add(length, mload(tempBytes)))
// Move the memory counter back from a multiple of 0x20 to the
// actual end of the _preBytes data.
mc := end
// Stop copying when the memory counter reaches the new combined
// length of the arrays.
end := add(mc, length)
for {
let cc := add(_postBytes, 0x20)
} lt(mc, end) {
mc := add(mc, 0x20)
cc := add(cc, 0x20)
} {
mstore(mc, mload(cc))
// Update the free-memory pointer by padding our last write location
// to 32 bytes: add 31 bytes to the end of tempBytes to move to the
// next 32 byte block, then round down to the nearest multiple of
// 32. If the sum of the length of the two arrays is zero then add
// one before rounding down to leave a blank 32 bytes (the length block with 0).
add(add(end, iszero(add(length, mload(_preBytes)))), 31),
not(31) // Round down to the nearest 32 bytes.
return tempBytes;
function slice(bytes memory _bytes, uint256 _start, uint256 _length)
returns (bytes memory)
require(_bytes.length >= (_start + _length));
bytes memory tempBytes;
assembly {
switch iszero(_length)
case 0 {
// Get a location of some free memory and store it in tempBytes as
// Solidity does for memory variables.
tempBytes := mload(0x40)
// The first word of the slice result is potentially a partial
// word read from the original array. To read it, we calculate
// the length of that partial word and start copying that many
// bytes into the array. The first word we copy will start with
// data we don't care about, but the last `lengthmod` bytes will
// land at the beginning of the contents of the new array. When
// we're done copying, we overwrite the full first word with
// the actual length of the slice.
let lengthmod := and(_length, 31)
// The multiplication in the next line is necessary
// because when slicing multiples of 32 bytes (lengthmod == 0)
// the following copy loop was copying the origin's length
// and then ending prematurely not copying everything it should.
let mc := add(
add(tempBytes, lengthmod),
mul(0x20, iszero(lengthmod))
let end := add(mc, _length)
for {
// The multiplication in the next line has the same exact purpose
// as the one above.
let cc := add(
add(_bytes, lengthmod),
mul(0x20, iszero(lengthmod))
} lt(mc, end) {
mc := add(mc, 0x20)
cc := add(cc, 0x20)
} {
mstore(mc, mload(cc))
mstore(tempBytes, _length)
//update free-memory pointer
//allocating the array padded to 32 bytes like the compiler does now
mstore(0x40, and(add(mc, 31), not(31)))
//if we want a zero-length slice let's just return a zero-length array
default {
tempBytes := mload(0x40)
mstore(0x40, add(tempBytes, 0x20))
return tempBytes;
// Pad a bytes array to 32 bytes
function leftPad(bytes memory _bytes) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
// may underflow if bytes.length < 32. Hence using SafeMath.sub
bytes memory newBytes = new bytes(SafeMath.sub(32, _bytes.length));
return concat(newBytes, _bytes);
function toBytes32(bytes memory b) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
require(b.length >= 32, "Bytes array should atleast be 32 bytes");
bytes32 out;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
out |= bytes32(b[i] & 0xFF) >> (i * 8);
return out;
function toBytes4(bytes memory b) internal pure returns (bytes4 result) {
assembly {
result := mload(add(b, 32))
function fromBytes32(bytes32 x) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
bytes memory b = new bytes(32);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
b[i] = bytes1(uint8(uint256(x) / (2**(8 * (31 - i)))));
return b;
function fromUint(uint256 _num) internal pure returns (bytes memory _ret) {
_ret = new bytes(32);
assembly {
mstore(add(_ret, 32), _num)
function toUint(bytes memory _bytes, uint256 _start)
returns (uint256)
require(_bytes.length >= (_start + 32));
uint256 tempUint;
assembly {
tempUint := mload(add(add(_bytes, 0x20), _start))
return tempUint;
function toAddress(bytes memory _bytes, uint256 _start)
returns (address)
require(_bytes.length >= (_start + 20));
address tempAddress;
assembly {
tempAddress := div(
mload(add(add(_bytes, 0x20), _start)),
return tempAddress;
// File: contracts/common/lib/Common.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
library Common {
function getV(bytes memory v, uint16 chainId) public pure returns (uint8) {
if (chainId > 0) {
BytesLib.toUint(BytesLib.leftPad(v), 0) - (chainId * 2) - 8
} else {
return uint8(BytesLib.toUint(BytesLib.leftPad(v), 0));
//assemble the given address bytecode. If bytecode exists then the _addr is a contract.
function isContract(address _addr) public view returns (bool) {
uint256 length;
assembly {
//retrieve the size of the code on target address, this needs assembly
length := extcodesize(_addr)
return (length > 0);
// convert bytes to uint8
function toUint8(bytes memory _arg) public pure returns (uint8) {
return uint8(_arg[0]);
function toUint16(bytes memory _arg) public pure returns (uint16) {
return (uint16(uint8(_arg[0])) << 8) | uint16(uint8(_arg[1]));
// File: openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/Math.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
* @title Math
* @dev Assorted math operations
library Math {
* @dev Returns the largest of two numbers.
function max(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return a >= b ? a : b;
* @dev Returns the smallest of two numbers.
function min(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return a < b ? a : b;
* @dev Calculates the average of two numbers. Since these are integers,
* averages of an even and odd number cannot be represented, and will be
* rounded down.
function average(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
// (a + b) / 2 can overflow, so we distribute
return (a / 2) + (b / 2) + ((a % 2 + b % 2) / 2);
// File: contracts/common/lib/RLPEncode.sol
// Library for RLP encoding a list of bytes arrays.
// Modeled after ethereumjs/rlp (
// [Very] modified version of Sam Mayo's library.
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
library RLPEncode {
// Encode an item (bytes memory)
function encodeItem(bytes memory self)
returns (bytes memory)
bytes memory encoded;
if (self.length == 1 && uint8(self[0] & 0xFF) < 0x80) {
encoded = new bytes(1);
encoded = self;
} else {
encoded = BytesLib.concat(encodeLength(self.length, 128), self);
return encoded;
// Encode a list of items
function encodeList(bytes[] memory self)
returns (bytes memory)
bytes memory encoded;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < self.length; i++) {
encoded = BytesLib.concat(encoded, encodeItem(self[i]));
return BytesLib.concat(encodeLength(encoded.length, 192), encoded);
// Hack to encode nested lists. If you have a list as an item passed here, included
// pass = true in that index. E.g.
// [item, list, item] --> pass = [false, true, false]
// function encodeListWithPasses(bytes[] memory self, bool[] pass) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
// bytes memory encoded;
// for (uint i=0; i < self.length; i++) {
// if (pass[i] == true) {
// encoded = BytesLib.concat(encoded, self[i]);
// } else {
// encoded = BytesLib.concat(encoded, encodeItem(self[i]));
// }
// }
// return BytesLib.concat(encodeLength(encoded.length, 192), encoded);
// }
// Generate the prefix for an item or the entire list based on RLP spec
function encodeLength(uint256 L, uint256 offset)
returns (bytes memory)
if (L < 56) {
bytes memory prefix = new bytes(1);
prefix[0] = bytes1(uint8(L + offset));
return prefix;
} else {
// lenLen is the length of the hex representation of the data length
uint256 lenLen;
uint256 i = 0x1;
while (L / i != 0) {
i *= 0x100;
bytes memory prefix0 = getLengthBytes(offset + 55 + lenLen);
bytes memory prefix1 = getLengthBytes(L);
return BytesLib.concat(prefix0, prefix1);
function getLengthBytes(uint256 x) internal pure returns (bytes memory b) {
// Figure out if we need 1 or two bytes to express the length.
// 1 byte gets us to max 255
// 2 bytes gets us to max 65535 (no payloads will be larger than this)
uint256 nBytes = 1;
if (x > 255) {
nBytes = 2;
b = new bytes(nBytes);
// Encode the length and return it
for (uint256 i = 0; i < nBytes; i++) {
b[i] = bytes1(uint8(x / (2**(8 * (nBytes - 1 - i)))));
// File: solidity-rlp/contracts/RLPReader.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @author Hamdi Allam
* Please reach out with any questions or concerns
pragma solidity >=0.5.0 <0.7.0;
library RLPReader {
uint8 constant STRING_SHORT_START = 0x80;
uint8 constant STRING_LONG_START = 0xb8;
uint8 constant LIST_SHORT_START = 0xc0;
uint8 constant LIST_LONG_START = 0xf8;
uint8 constant WORD_SIZE = 32;
struct RLPItem {
uint len;
uint memPtr;
struct Iterator {
RLPItem item; // Item that's being iterated over.
uint nextPtr; // Position of the next item in the list.
* @dev Returns the next element in the iteration. Reverts if it has not next element.
* @param self The iterator.
* @return The next element in the iteration.
function next(Iterator memory self) internal pure returns (RLPItem memory) {
uint ptr = self.nextPtr;
uint itemLength = _itemLength(ptr);
self.nextPtr = ptr + itemLength;
return RLPItem(itemLength, ptr);
* @dev Returns true if the iteration has more elements.
* @param self The iterator.
* @return true if the iteration has more elements.
function hasNext(Iterator memory self) internal pure returns (bool) {
RLPItem memory item = self.item;
return self.nextPtr < item.memPtr + item.len;
* @param item RLP encoded bytes
function toRlpItem(bytes memory item) internal pure returns (RLPItem memory) {
uint memPtr;
assembly {
memPtr := add(item, 0x20)
return RLPItem(item.length, memPtr);
* @dev Create an iterator. Reverts if item is not a list.
* @param self The RLP item.
* @return An 'Iterator' over the item.
function iterator(RLPItem memory self) internal pure returns (Iterator memory) {
uint ptr = self.memPtr + _payloadOffset(self.memPtr);
return Iterator(self, ptr);
* @param the RLP item.
function rlpLen(RLPItem memory item) internal pure returns (uint) {
return item.len;
* @param the RLP item.
* @return (memPtr, len) pair: location of the item's payload in memory.
function payloadLocation(RLPItem memory item) internal pure returns (uint, uint) {
uint offset = _payloadOffset(item.memPtr);
uint memPtr = item.memPtr + offset;
uint len = item.len - offset; // data length
return (memPtr, len);
* @param the RLP item.
function payloadLen(RLPItem memory item) internal pure returns (uint) {
(, uint len) = payloadLocation(item);
return len;
* @param the RLP item containing the encoded list.
function toList(RLPItem memory item) internal pure returns (RLPItem[] memory) {
uint items = numItems(item);
RLPItem[] memory result = new RLPItem[](items);
uint memPtr = item.memPtr + _payloadOffset(item.memPtr);
uint dataLen;
for (uint i = 0; i < items; i++) {
dataLen = _itemLength(memPtr);
result[i] = RLPItem(dataLen, memPtr);
memPtr = memPtr + dataLen;
return result;
// @return indicator whether encoded payload is a list. negate this function call for isData.
function isList(RLPItem memory item) internal pure returns (bool) {
if (item.len == 0) return false;
uint8 byte0;
uint memPtr = item.memPtr;
assembly {
byte0 := byte(0, mload(memPtr))
if (byte0 < LIST_SHORT_START)
return false;
return true;
* @dev A cheaper version of keccak256(toRlpBytes(item)) that avoids copying memory.
* @return keccak256 hash of RLP encoded bytes.
function rlpBytesKeccak256(RLPItem memory item) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
uint256 ptr = item.memPtr;
uint256 len = item.len;
bytes32 result;
assembly {
result := keccak256(ptr, len)
return result;
* @dev A cheaper version of keccak256(toBytes(item)) that avoids copying memory.
* @return keccak256 hash of the item payload.
function payloadKeccak256(RLPItem memory item) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
(uint memPtr, uint len) = payloadLocation(item);
bytes32 result;
assembly {
result := keccak256(memPtr, len)
return result;
/** RLPItem conversions into data types **/
// @returns raw rlp encoding in bytes
function toRlpBytes(RLPItem memory item) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
bytes memory result = new bytes(item.len);
if (result.length == 0) return result;
uint ptr;
assembly {
ptr := add(0x20, result)
copy(item.memPtr, ptr, item.len);
return result;
// any non-zero byte except "0x80" is considered true
function toBoolean(RLPItem memory item) internal pure returns (bool) {
require(item.len == 1);
uint result;
uint memPtr = item.memPtr;
assembly {
result := byte(0, mload(memPtr))
// SEE Github Issue #5.
// Summary: Most commonly used RLP libraries (i.e Geth) will encode
// "0" as "0x80" instead of as "0". We handle this edge case explicitly
// here.
if (result == 0 || result == STRING_SHORT_START) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
function toAddress(RLPItem memory item) internal pure returns (address) {
// 1 byte for the length prefix
require(item.len == 21);
return address(toUint(item));
function toUint(RLPItem memory item) internal pure returns (uint) {
require(item.len > 0 && item.len <= 33);
(uint memPtr, uint len) = payloadLocation(item);
uint result;
assembly {
result := mload(memPtr)
// shfit to the correct location if neccesary
if lt(len, 32) {
result := div(result, exp(256, sub(32, len)))
return result;
// enforces 32 byte length
function toUintStrict(RLPItem memory item) internal pure returns (uint) {
// one byte prefix
require(item.len == 33);
uint result;
uint memPtr = item.memPtr + 1;
assembly {
result := mload(memPtr)
return result;
function toBytes(RLPItem memory item) internal pure returns (bytes memory) {
require(item.len > 0);
(uint memPtr, uint len) = payloadLocation(item);
bytes memory result = new bytes(len);
uint destPtr;
assembly {
destPtr := add(0x20, result)
copy(memPtr, destPtr, len);
return result;
* Private Helpers
// @return number of payload items inside an encoded list.
function numItems(RLPItem memory item) private pure returns (uint) {
if (item.len == 0) return 0;
uint count = 0;
uint currPtr = item.memPtr + _payloadOffset(item.memPtr);
uint endPtr = item.memPtr + item.len;
while (currPtr < endPtr) {
currPtr = currPtr + _itemLength(currPtr); // skip over an item
return count;
// @return entire rlp item byte length
function _itemLength(uint memPtr) private pure returns (uint) {
uint itemLen;
uint byte0;
assembly {
byte0 := byte(0, mload(memPtr))
itemLen = 1;
else if (byte0 < STRING_LONG_START)
itemLen = byte0 - STRING_SHORT_START + 1;
else if (byte0 < LIST_SHORT_START) {
assembly {
let byteLen := sub(byte0, 0xb7) // # of bytes the actual length is
memPtr := add(memPtr, 1) // skip over the first byte
/* 32 byte word size */
let dataLen := div(mload(memPtr), exp(256, sub(32, byteLen))) // right shifting to get the len
itemLen := add(dataLen, add(byteLen, 1))
else if (byte0 < LIST_LONG_START) {
itemLen = byte0 - LIST_SHORT_START + 1;
else {
assembly {
let byteLen := sub(byte0, 0xf7)
memPtr := add(memPtr, 1)
let dataLen := div(mload(memPtr), exp(256, sub(32, byteLen))) // right shifting to the correct length
itemLen := add(dataLen, add(byteLen, 1))
return itemLen;
// @return number of bytes until the data
function _payloadOffset(uint memPtr) private pure returns (uint) {
uint byte0;
assembly {
byte0 := byte(0, mload(memPtr))
return 0;
else if (byte0 < STRING_LONG_START || (byte0 >= LIST_SHORT_START && byte0 < LIST_LONG_START))
return 1;
else if (byte0 < LIST_SHORT_START) // being explicit
return byte0 - (STRING_LONG_START - 1) + 1;
return byte0 - (LIST_LONG_START - 1) + 1;
* @param src Pointer to source
* @param dest Pointer to destination
* @param len Amount of memory to copy from the source
function copy(uint src, uint dest, uint len) private pure {
if (len == 0) return;
// copy as many word sizes as possible
for (; len >= WORD_SIZE; len -= WORD_SIZE) {
assembly {
mstore(dest, mload(src))
src += WORD_SIZE;
dest += WORD_SIZE;
// left over bytes. Mask is used to remove unwanted bytes from the word
uint mask = 256 ** (WORD_SIZE - len) - 1;
assembly {
let srcpart := and(mload(src), not(mask)) // zero out src
let destpart := and(mload(dest), mask) // retrieve the bytes
mstore(dest, or(destpart, srcpart))
// File: contracts/root/withdrawManager/IWithdrawManager.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
contract IWithdrawManager {
function createExitQueue(address token) external;
function verifyInclusion(
bytes calldata data,
uint8 offset,
bool verifyTxInclusion
) external view returns (uint256 age);
function addExitToQueue(
address exitor,
address childToken,
address rootToken,
uint256 exitAmountOrTokenId,
bytes32 txHash,
bool isRegularExit,
uint256 priority
) external;
function addInput(
uint256 exitId,
uint256 age,
address utxoOwner,
address token
) external;
function challengeExit(
uint256 exitId,
uint256 inputId,
bytes calldata challengeData,
address adjudicatorPredicate
) external;
// File: contracts/root/depositManager/IDepositManager.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
interface IDepositManager {
function depositEther() external payable;
function transferAssets(
address _token,
address _user,
uint256 _amountOrNFTId
) external;
function depositERC20(address _token, uint256 _amount) external;
function depositERC721(address _token, uint256 _tokenId) external;
// File: openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
* @title Ownable
* @dev The Ownable contract has an owner address, and provides basic authorization control
* functions, this simplifies the implementation of "user permissions".
contract Ownable {
address private _owner;
event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);
* @dev The Ownable constructor sets the original `owner` of the contract to the sender
* account.
constructor () internal {
_owner = msg.sender;
emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), _owner);
* @return the address of the owner.
function owner() public view returns (address) {
return _owner;
* @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner.
modifier onlyOwner() {
* @return true if `msg.sender` is the owner of the contract.
function isOwner() public view returns (bool) {
return msg.sender == _owner;
* @dev Allows the current owner to relinquish control of the contract.
* It will not be possible to call the functions with the `onlyOwner`
* modifier anymore.
* @notice Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner,
* thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner.
function renounceOwnership() public onlyOwner {
emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, address(0));
_owner = address(0);
* @dev Allows the current owner to transfer control of the contract to a newOwner.
* @param newOwner The address to transfer ownership to.
function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public onlyOwner {
* @dev Transfers control of the contract to a newOwner.
* @param newOwner The address to transfer ownership to.
function _transferOwnership(address newOwner) internal {
require(newOwner != address(0));
emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner);
_owner = newOwner;
// File: contracts/common/misc/ProxyStorage.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
contract ProxyStorage is Ownable {
address internal proxyTo;
// File: contracts/common/governance/IGovernance.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
interface IGovernance {
function update(address target, bytes calldata data) external;
// File: contracts/common/governance/Governable.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
contract Governable {
IGovernance public governance;
constructor(address _governance) public {
governance = IGovernance(_governance);
modifier onlyGovernance() {
function _assertGovernance() private view {
msg.sender == address(governance),
"Only governance contract is authorized"
// File: contracts/common/Registry.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
contract Registry is Governable {
// @todo hardcode constants
bytes32 private constant WETH_TOKEN = keccak256("wethToken");
bytes32 private constant DEPOSIT_MANAGER = keccak256("depositManager");
bytes32 private constant STAKE_MANAGER = keccak256("stakeManager");
bytes32 private constant VALIDATOR_SHARE = keccak256("validatorShare");
bytes32 private constant WITHDRAW_MANAGER = keccak256("withdrawManager");
bytes32 private constant CHILD_CHAIN = keccak256("childChain");
bytes32 private constant STATE_SENDER = keccak256("stateSender");
bytes32 private constant SLASHING_MANAGER = keccak256("slashingManager");
address public erc20Predicate;
address public erc721Predicate;
mapping(bytes32 => address) public contractMap;
mapping(address => address) public rootToChildToken;
mapping(address => address) public childToRootToken;
mapping(address => bool) public proofValidatorContracts;
mapping(address => bool) public isERC721;
enum Type {Invalid, ERC20, ERC721, Custom}
struct Predicate {
Type _type;
mapping(address => Predicate) public predicates;
event TokenMapped(address indexed rootToken, address indexed childToken);
event ProofValidatorAdded(address indexed validator, address indexed from);
event ProofValidatorRemoved(address indexed validator, address indexed from);
event PredicateAdded(address indexed predicate, address indexed from);
event PredicateRemoved(address indexed predicate, address indexed from);
event ContractMapUpdated(bytes32 indexed key, address indexed previousContract, address indexed newContract);
constructor(address _governance) public Governable(_governance) {}
function updateContractMap(bytes32 _key, address _address) external onlyGovernance {
emit ContractMapUpdated(_key, contractMap[_key], _address);
contractMap[_key] = _address;
* @dev Map root token to child token
* @param _rootToken Token address on the root chain
* @param _childToken Token address on the child chain
* @param _isERC721 Is the token being mapped ERC721
function mapToken(
address _rootToken,
address _childToken,
bool _isERC721
) external onlyGovernance {
require(_rootToken != address(0x0) && _childToken != address(0x0), "INVALID_TOKEN_ADDRESS");
rootToChildToken[_rootToken] = _childToken;
childToRootToken[_childToken] = _rootToken;
isERC721[_rootToken] = _isERC721;
emit TokenMapped(_rootToken, _childToken);
function addErc20Predicate(address predicate) public onlyGovernance {
require(predicate != address(0x0), "Can not add null address as predicate");
erc20Predicate = predicate;
addPredicate(predicate, Type.ERC20);
function addErc721Predicate(address predicate) public onlyGovernance {
erc721Predicate = predicate;
addPredicate(predicate, Type.ERC721);
function addPredicate(address predicate, Type _type) public onlyGovernance {
require(predicates[predicate]._type == Type.Invalid, "Predicate already added");
predicates[predicate]._type = _type;
emit PredicateAdded(predicate, msg.sender);
function removePredicate(address predicate) public onlyGovernance {
require(predicates[predicate]._type != Type.Invalid, "Predicate does not exist");
delete predicates[predicate];
emit PredicateRemoved(predicate, msg.sender);
function getValidatorShareAddress() public view returns (address) {
return contractMap[VALIDATOR_SHARE];
function getWethTokenAddress() public view returns (address) {
return contractMap[WETH_TOKEN];
function getDepositManagerAddress() public view returns (address) {
return contractMap[DEPOSIT_MANAGER];
function getStakeManagerAddress() public view returns (address) {
return contractMap[STAKE_MANAGER];
function getSlashingManagerAddress() public view returns (address) {
return contractMap[SLASHING_MANAGER];
function getWithdrawManagerAddress() public view returns (address) {
return contractMap[WITHDRAW_MANAGER];
function getChildChainAndStateSender() public view returns (address, address) {
return (contractMap[CHILD_CHAIN], contractMap[STATE_SENDER]);
function isTokenMapped(address _token) public view returns (bool) {
return rootToChildToken[_token] != address(0x0);
function isTokenMappedAndIsErc721(address _token) public view returns (bool) {
require(isTokenMapped(_token), "TOKEN_NOT_MAPPED");
return isERC721[_token];
function isTokenMappedAndGetPredicate(address _token) public view returns (address) {
if (isTokenMappedAndIsErc721(_token)) {
return erc721Predicate;
return erc20Predicate;
function isChildTokenErc721(address childToken) public view returns (bool) {
address rootToken = childToRootToken[childToken];
require(rootToken != address(0x0), "Child token is not mapped");
return isERC721[rootToken];
// File: contracts/common/mixin/ChainIdMixin.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
contract ChainIdMixin {
bytes constant public networkId = hex"89";
uint256 constant public CHAINID = 137;
// File: contracts/root/RootChainStorage.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
contract RootChainHeader {
event NewHeaderBlock(
address indexed proposer,
uint256 indexed headerBlockId,
uint256 indexed reward,
uint256 start,
uint256 end,
bytes32 root
// housekeeping event
event ResetHeaderBlock(address indexed proposer, uint256 indexed headerBlockId);
struct HeaderBlock {
bytes32 root;
uint256 start;
uint256 end;
uint256 createdAt;
address proposer;
contract RootChainStorage is ProxyStorage, RootChainHeader, ChainIdMixin {
bytes32 public heimdallId;
uint8 public constant VOTE_TYPE = 2;
uint16 internal constant MAX_DEPOSITS = 10000;
uint256 public _nextHeaderBlock = MAX_DEPOSITS;
uint256 internal _blockDepositId = 1;
mapping(uint256 => HeaderBlock) public headerBlocks;
Registry internal registry;
// File: contracts/staking/stakeManager/IStakeManager.sol
pragma solidity 0.5.17;
contract IStakeManager {
// validator replacement
function startAuction(
uint256 validatorId,
uint256 amount,
bool acceptDelegation,
bytes calldata signerPubkey
) external;
function confirmAuctionBid(uint256 validatorId, uint256 heimdallFee) external;
function transferFunds(
uint256 validatorId,
uint256 amount,
address delegator
) external returns (bool);
function delegationDeposit(
uint256 validatorId,
uint256 amount,
address delegator
) external returns (bool);
function unstake(uint256 validatorId) external;
function totalStakedFor(address addr) external view returns (uint256);
function stakeFor(
address user,
uint256 amount,
uint256 heimdallFee,
bool acceptDelegation,
bytes memory signerPubkey
) public;
function checkSignatures(
uint256 blockInterval,
bytes32 voteHash,
bytes32 stateRoot,
address proposer,
uint[3][] calldata sigs
) external returns (uint256);
function updateValidatorState(uint256 validatorId, int256 amount) public;
function ownerOf(uint256 tokenId) public view returns (address);
function slash(bytes calldata slashingInfoList) external returns (uint256);
function validatorStake(uint256 validatorId) public view returns (uint256);
function epoch() public view returns (uint256);
function getRegistry() public view returns (address);
function withdrawalDelay() public view returns (uint256);
function delegatedAmount(uint256 validatorId) public view returns(uint256);
function decreaseValidatorDelegatedAmount(uint256 validatorId, uint256 amount) public;
function withdrawDelegatorsReward(uint256 validatorId) public returns(uint256);
function delegatorsReward(uint256 validatorId) public view returns(uint256);
function dethroneAndStake(
address auctionUser,
uint256 heimdallFee,
uint256 validatorId,
uint256 auctionAmount,
bool acceptDelegation,
bytes calldata signerPubkey
) external;
// File: contracts/root/IRootChain.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
interface IRootChain {
function slash() external;
function submitHeaderBlock(bytes calldata data, bytes calldata sigs)
function submitCheckpoint(bytes calldata data, uint[3][] calldata sigs)
function getLastChildBlock() external view returns (uint256);
function currentHeaderBlock() external view returns (uint256);
// File: contracts/root/RootChain.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
contract RootChain is RootChainStorage, IRootChain {
using SafeMath for uint256;
using RLPReader for bytes;
using RLPReader for RLPReader.RLPItem;
modifier onlyDepositManager() {
require(msg.sender == registry.getDepositManagerAddress(), "UNAUTHORIZED_DEPOSIT_MANAGER_ONLY");
function submitHeaderBlock(bytes calldata data, bytes calldata sigs) external {
function submitCheckpoint(bytes calldata data, uint[3][] calldata sigs) external {
(address proposer, uint256 start, uint256 end, bytes32 rootHash, bytes32 accountHash, uint256 _borChainID) = abi
.decode(data, (address, uint256, uint256, bytes32, bytes32, uint256));
require(CHAINID == _borChainID, "Invalid bor chain id");
require(_buildHeaderBlock(proposer, start, end, rootHash), "INCORRECT_HEADER_DATA");
// check if it is better to keep it in local storage instead
IStakeManager stakeManager = IStakeManager(registry.getStakeManagerAddress());
uint256 _reward = stakeManager.checkSignatures(
prefix 01 to data
01 represents positive vote on data and 00 is negative vote
malicious validator can try to send 2/3 on negative vote so 01 is appended
keccak256(abi.encodePacked(bytes(hex"01"), data)),
require(_reward != 0, "Invalid checkpoint");
emit NewHeaderBlock(proposer, _nextHeaderBlock, _reward, start, end, rootHash);
_nextHeaderBlock = _nextHeaderBlock.add(MAX_DEPOSITS);
_blockDepositId = 1;
function updateDepositId(uint256 numDeposits) external onlyDepositManager returns (uint256 depositId) {
depositId = currentHeaderBlock().add(_blockDepositId);
// deposit ids will be (_blockDepositId, _blockDepositId + 1, .... _blockDepositId + numDeposits - 1)
_blockDepositId = _blockDepositId.add(numDeposits);
// Since _blockDepositId is initialized to 1; only (MAX_DEPOSITS - 1) deposits per header block are allowed
_blockDepositId <= MAX_DEPOSITS,
function getLastChildBlock() external view returns (uint256) {
return headerBlocks[currentHeaderBlock()].end;
function slash() external {
//TODO: future implementation
function currentHeaderBlock() public view returns (uint256) {
return _nextHeaderBlock.sub(MAX_DEPOSITS);
function _buildHeaderBlock(
address proposer,
uint256 start,
uint256 end,
bytes32 rootHash
) private returns (bool) {
uint256 nextChildBlock;
The ID of the 1st header block is MAX_DEPOSITS.
if _nextHeaderBlock == MAX_DEPOSITS, then the first header block is yet to be submitted, hence nextChildBlock = 0
if (_nextHeaderBlock > MAX_DEPOSITS) {
nextChildBlock = headerBlocks[currentHeaderBlock()].end + 1;
if (nextChildBlock != start) {
return false;
HeaderBlock memory headerBlock = HeaderBlock({
root: rootHash,
start: nextChildBlock,
end: end,
createdAt: now,
proposer: proposer
headerBlocks[_nextHeaderBlock] = headerBlock;
return true;
// Housekeeping function. @todo remove later
function setNextHeaderBlock(uint256 _value) public onlyOwner {
require(_value % MAX_DEPOSITS == 0, "Invalid value");
for (uint256 i = _value; i < _nextHeaderBlock; i += MAX_DEPOSITS) {
delete headerBlocks[i];
_nextHeaderBlock = _value;
_blockDepositId = 1;
emit ResetHeaderBlock(msg.sender, _nextHeaderBlock);
// Housekeeping function. @todo remove later
function setHeimdallId(string memory _heimdallId) public onlyOwner {
heimdallId = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_heimdallId));
// File: openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/introspection/IERC165.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
* @title IERC165
* @dev
interface IERC165 {
* @notice Query if a contract implements an interface
* @param interfaceId The interface identifier, as specified in ERC-165
* @dev Interface identification is specified in ERC-165. This function
* uses less than 30,000 gas.
function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool);
// File: openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
* @title ERC721 Non-Fungible Token Standard basic interface
* @dev see
contract IERC721 is IERC165 {
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId);
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed approved, uint256 indexed tokenId);
event ApprovalForAll(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, bool approved);
function balanceOf(address owner) public view returns (uint256 balance);
function ownerOf(uint256 tokenId) public view returns (address owner);
function approve(address to, uint256 tokenId) public;
function getApproved(uint256 tokenId) public view returns (address operator);
function setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool _approved) public;
function isApprovedForAll(address owner, address operator) public view returns (bool);
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) public;
function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) public;
function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId, bytes memory data) public;
// File: openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721Receiver.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
* @title ERC721 token receiver interface
* @dev Interface for any contract that wants to support safeTransfers
* from ERC721 asset contracts.
contract IERC721Receiver {
* @notice Handle the receipt of an NFT
* @dev The ERC721 smart contract calls this function on the recipient
* after a `safeTransfer`. This function MUST return the function selector,
* otherwise the caller will revert the transaction. The selector to be
* returned can be obtained as `this.onERC721Received.selector`. This
* function MAY throw to revert and reject the transfer.
* Note: the ERC721 contract address is always the message sender.
* @param operator The address which called `safeTransferFrom` function
* @param from The address which previously owned the token
* @param tokenId The NFT identifier which is being transferred
* @param data Additional data with no specified format
* @return bytes4 `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)"))`
function onERC721Received(address operator, address from, uint256 tokenId, bytes memory data)
public returns (bytes4);
// File: openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/utils/Address.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
* Utility library of inline functions on addresses
library Address {
* Returns whether the target address is a contract
* @dev This function will return false if invoked during the constructor of a contract,
* as the code is not actually created until after the constructor finishes.
* @param account address of the account to check
* @return whether the target address is a contract
function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) {
uint256 size;
// XXX Currently there is no better way to check if there is a contract in an address
// than to check the size of the code at that address.
// See
// for more details about how this works.
// TODO Check this again before the Serenity release, because all addresses will be
// contracts then.
// solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
assembly { size := extcodesize(account) }
return size > 0;
// File: openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/drafts/Counters.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
* @title Counters
* @author Matt Condon (@shrugs)
* @dev Provides counters that can only be incremented or decremented by one. This can be used e.g. to track the number
* of elements in a mapping, issuing ERC721 ids, or counting request ids
* Include with `using Counters for Counters.Counter;`
* Since it is not possible to overflow a 256 bit integer with increments of one, `increment` can skip the SafeMath
* overflow check, thereby saving gas. This does assume however correct usage, in that the underlying `_value` is never
* directly accessed.
library Counters {
using SafeMath for uint256;
struct Counter {
// This variable should never be directly accessed by users of the library: interactions must be restricted to
// the library's function. As of Solidity v0.5.2, this cannot be enforced, though there is a proposal to add
// this feature: see
uint256 _value; // default: 0
function current(Counter storage counter) internal view returns (uint256) {
return counter._value;
function increment(Counter storage counter) internal {
counter._value += 1;
function decrement(Counter storage counter) internal {
counter._value = counter._value.sub(1);
// File: openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/introspection/ERC165.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
* @title ERC165
* @author Matt Condon (@shrugs)
* @dev Implements ERC165 using a lookup table.
contract ERC165 is IERC165 {
bytes4 private constant _INTERFACE_ID_ERC165 = 0x01ffc9a7;
* 0x01ffc9a7 ===
* bytes4(keccak256('supportsInterface(bytes4)'))
* @dev a mapping of interface id to whether or not it's supported
mapping(bytes4 => bool) private _supportedInterfaces;
* @dev A contract implementing SupportsInterfaceWithLookup
* implement ERC165 itself
constructor () internal {
* @dev implement supportsInterface(bytes4) using a lookup table
function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool) {
return _supportedInterfaces[interfaceId];
* @dev internal method for registering an interface
function _registerInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) internal {
require(interfaceId != 0xffffffff);
_supportedInterfaces[interfaceId] = true;
// File: openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
* @title ERC721 Non-Fungible Token Standard basic implementation
* @dev see
contract ERC721 is ERC165, IERC721 {
using SafeMath for uint256;
using Address for address;
using Counters for Counters.Counter;
// Equals to `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)"))`
// which can be also obtained as `IERC721Receiver(0).onERC721Received.selector`
bytes4 private constant _ERC721_RECEIVED = 0x150b7a02;
// Mapping from token ID to owner
mapping (uint256 => address) private _tokenOwner;
// Mapping from token ID to approved address
mapping (uint256 => address) private _tokenApprovals;
// Mapping from owner to number of owned token
mapping (address => Counters.Counter) private _ownedTokensCount;
// Mapping from owner to operator approvals
mapping (address => mapping (address => bool)) private _operatorApprovals;
bytes4 private constant _INTERFACE_ID_ERC721 = 0x80ac58cd;
* 0x80ac58cd ===
* bytes4(keccak256('balanceOf(address)')) ^
* bytes4(keccak256('ownerOf(uint256)')) ^
* bytes4(keccak256('approve(address,uint256)')) ^
* bytes4(keccak256('getApproved(uint256)')) ^
* bytes4(keccak256('setApprovalForAll(address,bool)')) ^
* bytes4(keccak256('isApprovedForAll(address,address)')) ^
* bytes4(keccak256('transferFrom(address,address,uint256)')) ^
* bytes4(keccak256('safeTransferFrom(address,address,uint256)')) ^
* bytes4(keccak256('safeTransferFrom(address,address,uint256,bytes)'))
constructor () public {
// register the supported interfaces to conform to ERC721 via ERC165
* @dev Gets the balance of the specified address
* @param owner address to query the balance of
* @return uint256 representing the amount owned by the passed address
function balanceOf(address owner) public view returns (uint256) {
require(owner != address(0));
return _ownedTokensCount[owner].current();
* @dev Gets the owner of the specified token ID
* @param tokenId uint256 ID of the token to query the owner of
* @return address currently marked as the owner of the given token ID
function ownerOf(uint256 tokenId) public view returns (address) {
address owner = _tokenOwner[tokenId];
require(owner != address(0));
return owner;
* @dev Approves another address to transfer the given token ID
* The zero address indicates there is no approved address.
* There can only be one approved address per token at a given time.
* Can only be called by the token owner or an approved operator.
* @param to address to be approved for the given token ID
* @param tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be approved
function approve(address to, uint256 tokenId) public {
address owner = ownerOf(tokenId);
require(to != owner);
require(msg.sender == owner || isApprovedForAll(owner, msg.sender));
_tokenApprovals[tokenId] = to;
emit Approval(owner, to, tokenId);
* @dev Gets the approved address for a token ID, or zero if no address set
* Reverts if the token ID does not exist.
* @param tokenId uint256 ID of the token to query the approval of
* @return address currently approved for the given token ID
function getApproved(uint256 tokenId) public view returns (address) {
return _tokenApprovals[tokenId];
* @dev Sets or unsets the approval of a given operator
* An operator is allowed to transfer all tokens of the sender on their behalf
* @param to operator address to set the approval
* @param approved representing the status of the approval to be set
function setApprovalForAll(address to, bool approved) public {
require(to != msg.sender);
_operatorApprovals[msg.sender][to] = approved;
emit ApprovalForAll(msg.sender, to, approved);
* @dev Tells whether an operator is approved by a given owner
* @param owner owner address which you want to query the approval of
* @param operator operator address which you want to query the approval of
* @return bool whether the given operator is approved by the given owner
function isApprovedForAll(address owner, address operator) public view returns (bool) {
return _operatorApprovals[owner][operator];
* @dev Transfers the ownership of a given token ID to another address
* Usage of this method is discouraged, use `safeTransferFrom` whenever possible
* Requires the msg.sender to be the owner, approved, or operator
* @param from current owner of the token
* @param to address to receive the ownership of the given token ID
* @param tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be transferred
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) public {
require(_isApprovedOrOwner(msg.sender, tokenId));
_transferFrom(from, to, tokenId);
* @dev Safely transfers the ownership of a given token ID to another address
* If the target address is a contract, it must implement `onERC721Received`,
* which is called upon a safe transfer, and return the magic value
* `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)"))`; otherwise,
* the transfer is reverted.
* Requires the msg.sender to be the owner, approved, or operator
* @param from current owner of the token
* @param to address to receive the ownership of the given token ID
* @param tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be transferred
function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) public {
safeTransferFrom(from, to, tokenId, "");
* @dev Safely transfers the ownership of a given token ID to another address
* If the target address is a contract, it must implement `onERC721Received`,
* which is called upon a safe transfer, and return the magic value
* `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)"))`; otherwise,
* the transfer is reverted.
* Requires the msg.sender to be the owner, approved, or operator
* @param from current owner of the token
* @param to address to receive the ownership of the given token ID
* @param tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be transferred
* @param _data bytes data to send along with a safe transfer check
function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId, bytes memory _data) public {
transferFrom(from, to, tokenId);
require(_checkOnERC721Received(from, to, tokenId, _data));
* @dev Returns whether the specified token exists
* @param tokenId uint256 ID of the token to query the existence of
* @return bool whether the token exists
function _exists(uint256 tokenId) internal view returns (bool) {
address owner = _tokenOwner[tokenId];
return owner != address(0);
* @dev Returns whether the given spender can transfer a given token ID
* @param spender address of the spender to query
* @param tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be transferred
* @return bool whether the msg.sender is approved for the given token ID,
* is an operator of the owner, or is the owner of the token
function _isApprovedOrOwner(address spender, uint256 tokenId) internal view returns (bool) {
address owner = ownerOf(tokenId);
return (spender == owner || getApproved(tokenId) == spender || isApprovedForAll(owner, spender));
* @dev Internal function to mint a new token
* Reverts if the given token ID already exists
* @param to The address that will own the minted token
* @param tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be minted
function _mint(address to, uint256 tokenId) internal {
require(to != address(0));
_tokenOwner[tokenId] = to;
emit Transfer(address(0), to, tokenId);
* @dev Internal function to burn a specific token
* Reverts if the token does not exist
* Deprecated, use _burn(uint256) instead.
* @param owner owner of the token to burn
* @param tokenId uint256 ID of the token being burned
function _burn(address owner, uint256 tokenId) internal {
require(ownerOf(tokenId) == owner);
_tokenOwner[tokenId] = address(0);
emit Transfer(owner, address(0), tokenId);
* @dev Internal function to burn a specific token
* Reverts if the token does not exist
* @param tokenId uint256 ID of the token being burned
function _burn(uint256 tokenId) internal {
_burn(ownerOf(tokenId), tokenId);
* @dev Internal function to transfer ownership of a given token ID to another address.
* As opposed to transferFrom, this imposes no restrictions on msg.sender.
* @param from current owner of the token
* @param to address to receive the ownership of the given token ID
* @param tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be transferred
function _transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) internal {
require(ownerOf(tokenId) == from);
require(to != address(0));
_tokenOwner[tokenId] = to;
emit Transfer(from, to, tokenId);
* @dev Internal function to invoke `onERC721Received` on a target address
* The call is not executed if the target address is not a contract
* @param from address representing the previous owner of the given token ID
* @param to target address that will receive the tokens
* @param tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be transferred
* @param _data bytes optional data to send along with the call
* @return bool whether the call correctly returned the expected magic value
function _checkOnERC721Received(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId, bytes memory _data)
internal returns (bool)
if (!to.isContract()) {
return true;
bytes4 retval = IERC721Receiver(to).onERC721Received(msg.sender, from, tokenId, _data);
return (retval == _ERC721_RECEIVED);
* @dev Private function to clear current approval of a given token ID
* @param tokenId uint256 ID of the token to be transferred
function _clearApproval(uint256 tokenId) private {
if (_tokenApprovals[tokenId] != address(0)) {
_tokenApprovals[tokenId] = address(0);
// File: contracts/root/withdrawManager/ExitNFT.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
contract ExitNFT is ERC721 {
Registry internal registry;
modifier onlyWithdrawManager() {
msg.sender == registry.getWithdrawManagerAddress(),
constructor(address _registry) public {
registry = Registry(_registry);
function mint(address _owner, uint256 _tokenId)
_mint(_owner, _tokenId);
function burn(uint256 _tokenId) external onlyWithdrawManager {
function exists(uint256 tokenId) public view returns (bool) {
return _exists(tokenId);
// File: contracts/root/withdrawManager/WithdrawManagerStorage.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
contract ExitsDataStructure {
struct Input {
address utxoOwner;
address predicate;
address token;
struct PlasmaExit {
uint256 receiptAmountOrNFTId;
bytes32 txHash;
address owner;
address token;
bool isRegularExit;
address predicate;
// Mapping from age of input to Input
mapping(uint256 => Input) inputs;
contract WithdrawManagerHeader is ExitsDataStructure {
event Withdraw(uint256 indexed exitId, address indexed user, address indexed token, uint256 amount);
event ExitStarted(
address indexed exitor,
uint256 indexed exitId,
address indexed token,
uint256 amount,
bool isRegularExit
event ExitUpdated(uint256 indexed exitId, uint256 indexed age, address signer);
event ExitPeriodUpdate(uint256 indexed oldExitPeriod, uint256 indexed newExitPeriod);
event ExitCancelled(uint256 indexed exitId);
contract WithdrawManagerStorage is ProxyStorage, WithdrawManagerHeader {
// 0.5 week = 7 * 86400 / 2 = 302400
uint256 public HALF_EXIT_PERIOD = 302400;
// Bonded exits collaterized at 0.1 ETH
uint256 internal constant BOND_AMOUNT = 10**17;
Registry internal registry;
RootChain internal rootChain;
mapping(uint128 => bool) isKnownExit;
mapping(uint256 => PlasmaExit) public exits;
// mapping with token => (owner => exitId) keccak(token+owner) keccak(token+owner+tokenId)
mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public ownerExits;
mapping(address => address) public exitsQueues;
ExitNFT public exitNft;
// ERC721, ERC20 and Weth transfers require 155000, 100000, 52000 gas respectively
// Processing each exit in a while loop iteration requires ~52000 gas (@todo check if this changed)
// uint32 constant internal ITERATION_GAS = 52000;
// So putting an upper limit of 155000 + 52000 + leeway
uint32 public ON_FINALIZE_GAS_LIMIT = 300000;
uint256 public exitWindow;
// File: contracts/root/predicates/IPredicate.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
} from "../withdrawManager/WithdrawManagerStorage.sol";
interface IPredicate {
* @notice Verify the deprecation of a state update
* @param exit ABI encoded PlasmaExit data
* @param inputUtxo ABI encoded Input UTXO data
* @param challengeData RLP encoded data of the challenge reference tx that encodes the following fields
* headerNumber Header block number of which the reference tx was a part of
* blockProof Proof that the block header (in the child chain) is a leaf in the submitted merkle root
* blockNumber Block number of which the reference tx is a part of
* blockTime Reference tx block time
* blocktxRoot Transactions root of block
* blockReceiptsRoot Receipts root of block
* receipt Receipt of the reference transaction
* receiptProof Merkle proof of the reference receipt
* branchMask Merkle proof branchMask for the receipt
* logIndex Log Index to read from the receipt
* tx Challenge transaction
* txProof Merkle proof of the challenge tx
* @return Whether or not the state is deprecated
function verifyDeprecation(
bytes calldata exit,
bytes calldata inputUtxo,
bytes calldata challengeData
) external returns (bool);
function interpretStateUpdate(bytes calldata state)
returns (bytes memory);
function onFinalizeExit(bytes calldata data) external;
contract PredicateUtils is ExitsDataStructure, ChainIdMixin {
using RLPReader for RLPReader.RLPItem;
// Bonded exits collaterized at 0.1 ETH
uint256 private constant BOND_AMOUNT = 10**17;
IWithdrawManager internal withdrawManager;
IDepositManager internal depositManager;
modifier onlyWithdrawManager() {
msg.sender == address(withdrawManager),
modifier isBondProvided() {
require(msg.value == BOND_AMOUNT, "Invalid Bond amount");
function onFinalizeExit(bytes calldata data) external onlyWithdrawManager {
(, address token, address exitor, uint256 tokenId) = decodeExitForProcessExit(
depositManager.transferAssets(token, exitor, tokenId);
function sendBond() internal {
function getAddressFromTx(RLPReader.RLPItem[] memory txList)
returns (address signer, bytes32 txHash)
bytes[] memory rawTx = new bytes[](9);
for (uint8 i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
rawTx[i] = txList[i].toBytes();
rawTx[6] = networkId;
rawTx[7] = hex""; // [7] and [8] have something to do with v, r, s values
rawTx[8] = hex"";
txHash = keccak256(RLPEncode.encodeList(rawTx));
signer = ecrecover(
Common.getV(txList[6].toBytes(), Common.toUint16(networkId)),
function decodeExit(bytes memory data)
returns (PlasmaExit memory)
(address owner, address token, uint256 amountOrTokenId, bytes32 txHash, bool isRegularExit) = abi
.decode(data, (address, address, uint256, bytes32, bool));
address(0) /* predicate value is not required */
function decodeExitForProcessExit(bytes memory data)
returns (uint256 exitId, address token, address exitor, uint256 tokenId)
(exitId, token, exitor, tokenId) = abi.decode(
(uint256, address, address, uint256)
function decodeInputUtxo(bytes memory data)
returns (uint256 age, address signer, address predicate, address token)
(age, signer, predicate, token) = abi.decode(
(uint256, address, address, address)
contract IErcPredicate is IPredicate, PredicateUtils {
enum ExitType {Invalid, OutgoingTransfer, IncomingTransfer, Burnt}
struct ExitTxData {
uint256 amountOrToken;
bytes32 txHash;
address childToken;
address signer;
ExitType exitType;
struct ReferenceTxData {
uint256 closingBalance;
uint256 age;
address childToken;
address rootToken;
uint256 internal constant MAX_LOGS = 10;
constructor(address _withdrawManager, address _depositManager) public {
withdrawManager = IWithdrawManager(_withdrawManager);
depositManager = IDepositManager(_depositManager);
// File: contracts/root/predicates/ERC20Predicate.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
} from "../withdrawManager/WithdrawManagerStorage.sol";
contract ERC20Predicate is IErcPredicate {
using RLPReader for bytes;
using RLPReader for RLPReader.RLPItem;
using SafeMath for uint256;
// keccak256('Deposit(address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256)')
bytes32 constant DEPOSIT_EVENT_SIG = 0x4e2ca0515ed1aef1395f66b5303bb5d6f1bf9d61a353fa53f73f8ac9973fa9f6;
// keccak256('Withdraw(address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256)')
bytes32 constant WITHDRAW_EVENT_SIG = 0xebff2602b3f468259e1e99f613fed6691f3a6526effe6ef3e768ba7ae7a36c4f;
// keccak256('LogTransfer(address,address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)')
bytes32 constant LOG_TRANSFER_EVENT_SIG = 0xe6497e3ee548a3372136af2fcb0696db31fc6cf20260707645068bd3fe97f3c4;
// keccak256('LogFeeTransfer(address,address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)')
bytes32 constant LOG_FEE_TRANSFER_EVENT_SIG = 0x4dfe1bbbcf077ddc3e01291eea2d5c70c2b422b415d95645b9adcfd678cb1d63;
// keccak256('withdraw(uint256)').slice(0, 4)
bytes4 constant WITHDRAW_FUNC_SIG = 0x2e1a7d4d;
// keccak256('transfer(address,uint256)').slice(0, 4)
bytes4 constant TRANSFER_FUNC_SIG = 0xa9059cbb;
Registry registry;
address _withdrawManager,
address _depositManager,
address _registry
) public IErcPredicate(_withdrawManager, _depositManager) {
registry = Registry(_registry);
function startExitWithBurntTokens(bytes calldata data) external {
RLPReader.RLPItem[] memory referenceTxData = data.toRlpItem().toList();
bytes memory receipt = referenceTxData[6].toBytes();
RLPReader.RLPItem[] memory inputItems = receipt.toRlpItem().toList();
uint256 logIndex = referenceTxData[9].toUint();
require(logIndex < MAX_LOGS, "Supporting a max of 10 logs");
uint256 age = withdrawManager.verifyInclusion(
0, /* offset */
false /* verifyTxInclusion */
inputItems = inputItems[3].toList()[logIndex].toList(); // select log based on given logIndex
// "address" (contract address that emitted the log) field in the receipt
address childToken = RLPReader.toAddress(inputItems[0]);
bytes memory logData = inputItems[2].toBytes();
inputItems = inputItems[1].toList(); // topics
// now, inputItems[i] refers to i-th (0-based) topic in the topics array
// event Withdraw(address indexed token, address indexed from, uint256 amountOrTokenId, uint256 input1, uint256 output1)
bytes32(inputItems[0].toUint()) == WITHDRAW_EVENT_SIG,
"Not a withdraw event signature"
address rootToken = address(RLPReader.toUint(inputItems[1]));
msg.sender == address(inputItems[2].toUint()), // from
"Withdrawer and burn exit tx do not match"
uint256 exitAmount = BytesLib.toUint(logData, 0); // amountOrTokenId
true, /* isRegularExit */
age << 1
* @notice Start an exit by referencing the preceding (reference) transaction
* @param data RLP encoded data of the reference tx (proof-of-funds of exitor) that encodes the following fields
* headerNumber Header block number of which the reference tx was a part of
* blockProof Proof that the block header (in the child chain) is a leaf in the submitted merkle root
* blockNumber Block number of which the reference tx is a part of
* blockTime Reference tx block time
* blocktxRoot Transactions root of block
* blockReceiptsRoot Receipts root of block
* receipt Receipt of the reference transaction
* receiptProof Merkle proof of the reference receipt
* branchMask Merkle proof branchMask for the receipt
* logIndex Log Index to read from the receipt
* @param exitTx Signed exit transaction (outgoing transfer or burn)
* @return address rootToken that the exit corresponds to
* @return uint256 exitAmount
function startExitForOutgoingErc20Transfer(
bytes calldata data,
bytes calldata exitTx
returns (
address, /* rootToken */
uint256 /* exitAmount */
// referenceTx is a proof-of-funds of the party who signed the exit tx
// If the exitor is exiting with outgoing transfer, it will refer to their own preceding tx
// If the exitor is exiting with incoming transfer, it will refer to the counterparty's preceding tx
RLPReader.RLPItem[] memory referenceTx = data.toRlpItem().toList();
// Validate the exitTx - This may be an in-flight tx, so inclusion will not be checked
ExitTxData memory exitTxData = processExitTx(exitTx);
exitTxData.signer == msg.sender,
"Should be an outgoing transfer"
// Process the receipt of the referenced tx
ReferenceTxData memory referenceTxData = processReferenceTx(
referenceTx[6].toBytes(), // receipt
referenceTx[9].toUint(), // logIndex
msg.sender, // participant whose proof-of-funds are to be checked in the reference tx
false /* isChallenge */
exitTxData.childToken == referenceTxData.childToken,
"Reference and exit tx do not correspond to the same child token"
// exitTxData.amountOrToken represents the total exit amount based on the in-flight exit type
// re-using the variable here to avoid stack overflow
exitTxData.amountOrToken = validateSequential(
// Checking the inclusion of the receipt of the preceding tx is enough
// It is inconclusive to check the inclusion of the signed tx, hence verifyTxInclusion = false
// age is a measure of the position of the tx in the side chain
referenceTxData.age = withdrawManager
0, /* offset */
false /* verifyTxInclusion */
.add(referenceTxData.age); // Add the logIndex and oIndex from the receipt
sendBond(); // send BOND_AMOUNT to withdrawManager
// last bit is to differentiate whether the sender or receiver of the in-flight tx is starting an exit
uint256 exitId = referenceTxData.age << 1;
exitId |= 1; // since msg.sender == exitTxData.signer
false, /* isRegularExit */
return (referenceTxData.rootToken, exitTxData.amountOrToken);
* @notice Start an exit by referencing the preceding (reference) transaction
* @param data RLP encoded data of the reference tx(s) that encodes the following fields for each tx
* headerNumber Header block number of which the reference tx was a part of
* blockProof Proof that the block header (in the child chain) is a leaf in the submitted merkle root
* blockNumber Block number of which the reference tx is a part of
* blockTime Reference tx block time
* blocktxRoot Transactions root of block
* blockReceiptsRoot Receipts root of block
* receipt Receipt of the reference transaction
* receiptProof Merkle proof of the reference receipt
* branchMask Merkle proof branchMask for the receipt
* logIndex Log Index to read from the receipt
* @param exitTx Signed exit transaction (incoming transfer)
* @return address rootToken that the exit corresponds to
* @return uint256 exitAmount
function startExitForIncomingErc20Transfer(
bytes calldata data,
bytes calldata exitTx
returns (
address, /* rootToken */
uint256 /* exitAmount */
// referenceTx is a proof-of-funds of the party who signed the exit tx
// If the exitor is exiting with outgoing transfer, it will refer to their own preceding tx
// If the exitor is exiting with incoming transfer, it will refer to the counterparty's preceding tx
RLPReader.RLPItem[] memory referenceTx = data.toRlpItem().toList();
// Validate the exitTx - This may be an in-flight tx, so inclusion will not be checked
ExitTxData memory exitTxData = processExitTx(exitTx);
exitTxData.signer != msg.sender,
"Should be an incoming transfer"
// Process the receipt (i.e. proof-of-funds of the counterparty) of the referenced tx
ReferenceTxData memory referenceTxData = processReferenceTx(
referenceTx[6].toBytes(), // receipt
referenceTx[9].toUint(), // logIndex
false /* isChallenge */
exitTxData.childToken == referenceTxData.childToken,
"Reference and exit tx do not correspond to the same child token"
exitTxData.amountOrToken = validateSequential(
// Checking the inclusion of the receipt of the preceding tx is enough
// It is inconclusive to check the inclusion of the signed tx, hence verifyTxInclusion = false
// age is a measure of the position of the tx in the side chain
referenceTxData.age = withdrawManager
0, /* offset */
false /* verifyTxInclusion */
.add(referenceTxData.age); // Add the logIndex and oIndex from the receipt
ReferenceTxData memory _referenceTxData;
// referenceTx.length > 10 means the exitor sent along another input UTXO to the exit tx
// This will be used to exit with the pre-existing balance on the chain along with the couterparty signed exit tx
if (referenceTx.length > 10) {
_referenceTxData = processReferenceTx(
referenceTx[16].toBytes(), // receipt
referenceTx[19].toUint(), // logIndex
msg.sender, // participant
false /* isChallenge */
_referenceTxData.childToken == referenceTxData.childToken,
"child tokens in the referenced txs do not match"
_referenceTxData.rootToken == referenceTxData.rootToken,
"root tokens in the referenced txs do not match"
_referenceTxData.age = withdrawManager
10, /* offset */
false /* verifyTxInclusion */
sendBond(); // send BOND_AMOUNT to withdrawManager
// last bit is to differentiate whether the sender or receiver of the in-flight tx is starting an exit
uint256 exitId = Math.max(referenceTxData.age, _referenceTxData.age) <<
false, /* isRegularExit */
// If exitor did not have pre-exiting balance on the chain => _referenceTxData has default values;
// In that case, the following input acts as a "dummy" input UTXO to challenge token spends by the exitor
return (
* @notice Verify the deprecation of a state update
* @param exit ABI encoded PlasmaExit data
* @param inputUtxo ABI encoded Input UTXO data
* @param challengeData RLP encoded data of the challenge reference tx that encodes the following fields
* headerNumber Header block number of which the reference tx was a part of
* blockProof Proof that the block header (in the child chain) is a leaf in the submitted merkle root
* blockNumber Block number of which the reference tx is a part of
* blockTime Reference tx block time
* blocktxRoot Transactions root of block
* blockReceiptsRoot Receipts root of block
* receipt Receipt of the reference transaction
* receiptProof Merkle proof of the reference receipt
* branchMask Merkle proof branchMask for the receipt
* logIndex Log Index to read from the receipt
* tx Challenge transaction
* txProof Merkle proof of the challenge tx
* @return Whether or not the state is deprecated
function verifyDeprecation(
bytes calldata exit,
bytes calldata inputUtxo,
bytes calldata challengeData
) external returns (bool) {
PlasmaExit memory _exit = decodeExit(exit);
(uint256 age, address signer, , address childToken) = decodeInputUtxo(
RLPReader.RLPItem[] memory _challengeData = challengeData
ExitTxData memory challengeTxData = processChallengeTx(
challengeTxData.signer == signer,
"Challenge tx not signed by the party who signed the input UTXO to the exit"
// receipt alone is not enough for a challenge. It is required to check that the challenge tx was included as well
ReferenceTxData memory referenceTxData = processReferenceTx(
_challengeData[6].toBytes(), // receipt
_challengeData[9].toUint(), // logIndex
true /* isChallenge */
referenceTxData.age = withdrawManager
true /* verifyTxInclusion */
referenceTxData.childToken == childToken &&
challengeTxData.childToken == childToken,
"LogTransferReceipt, challengeTx token and challenged utxo token do not match"
if (referenceTxData.age < age) {
// this block shows that the exitor used an older, already checkpointed tx as in-flight to start an exit;
// only in that case, we can allow the challenge age to be < exit age
_exit.txHash == challengeTxData.txHash,
"Cannot challenge with the exit tx"
} else {
_exit.txHash != challengeTxData.txHash,
"Cannot challenge with the exit tx"
return true;
* @notice Parse a ERC20 LogTransfer event in the receipt
* @param state abi encoded (data, participant, verifyInclusion)
* data is RLP encoded reference tx receipt that encodes the following fields
* headerNumber Header block number of which the reference tx was a part of
* blockProof Proof that the block header (in the child chain) is a leaf in the submitted merkle root
* blockNumber Block number of which the reference tx is a part of
* blockTime Reference tx block time
* blocktxRoot Transactions root of block
* blockReceiptsRoot Receipts root of block
* receipt Receipt of the reference transaction
* receiptProof Merkle proof of the reference receipt
* branchMask Merkle proof branchMask for the receipt
* logIndex Log Index to read from the receipt
* tx Challenge transaction
* txProof Merkle proof of the challenge tx
* @return abi encoded (closingBalance, ageOfUtxo, childToken, rootToken)
function interpretStateUpdate(bytes calldata state)
returns (bytes memory)
// isChallenge - Is the state being parsed for a challenge
(bytes memory _data, address participant, bool verifyInclusion, bool isChallenge) = abi
.decode(state, (bytes, address, bool, bool));
RLPReader.RLPItem[] memory referenceTx = _data.toRlpItem().toList();
bytes memory receipt = referenceTx[6].toBytes();
uint256 logIndex = referenceTx[9].toUint();
require(logIndex < MAX_LOGS, "Supporting a max of 10 logs");
RLPReader.RLPItem[] memory inputItems = receipt.toRlpItem().toList();
inputItems = inputItems[3].toList()[logIndex].toList(); // select log based on given logIndex
ReferenceTxData memory data;
data.childToken = RLPReader.toAddress(inputItems[0]); // "address" (contract address that emitted the log) field in the receipt
bytes memory logData = inputItems[2].toBytes();
inputItems = inputItems[1].toList(); // topics
data.rootToken = address(RLPReader.toUint(inputItems[1]));
if (isChallenge) {
processChallenge(inputItems, participant);
} else {
(data.closingBalance, data.age) = processStateUpdate(
data.age = data.age.add(logIndex.mul(MAX_LOGS));
if (verifyInclusion) {
data.age = data.age.add(
false /* verifyTxInclusion */
* @dev Process the reference tx to start a MoreVP style exit
* @param receipt Receipt of the reference transaction
* @param logIndex Log Index to read from the receipt
* @param participant Either of exitor or a counterparty depending on the type of exit
* @param isChallenge Whether it is a challenge or start exit operation
* @return ReferenceTxData Parsed reference tx data
function processReferenceTx(
bytes memory receipt,
uint256 logIndex,
address participant,
bool isChallenge
) internal view returns (ReferenceTxData memory data) {
require(logIndex < MAX_LOGS, "Supporting a max of 10 logs");
RLPReader.RLPItem[] memory inputItems = receipt.toRlpItem().toList();
inputItems = inputItems[3].toList()[logIndex].toList(); // select log based on given logIndex
data.childToken = RLPReader.toAddress(inputItems[0]); // "address" (contract address that emitted the log) field in the receipt
bytes memory logData = inputItems[2].toBytes();
inputItems = inputItems[1].toList(); // topics
// now, inputItems[i] refers to i-th (0-based) topic in the topics array
bytes32 eventSignature = bytes32(inputItems[0].toUint()); // inputItems[0] is the event signature
data.rootToken = address(RLPReader.toUint(inputItems[1]));
// When child chain is started, since child matic is a genenis contract at 0x1010,
// the root token corresponding to matic is not known, hence child token address is emitted in LogFeeTransfer events.
// Fix that anomaly here
if (eventSignature == LOG_FEE_TRANSFER_EVENT_SIG) {
data.rootToken = registry.childToRootToken(data.rootToken);
if (isChallenge) {
processChallenge(inputItems, participant);
} else {
(data.closingBalance, data.age) = processStateUpdate(
// In our construction, we give an incrementing age to every log in a receipt
data.age = data.age.add(logIndex.mul(MAX_LOGS));
function validateSequential(
ExitTxData memory exitTxData,
ReferenceTxData memory referenceTxData
) internal pure returns (uint256 exitAmount) {
// The closing balance of the referenced tx should be >= exit amount in exitTx
referenceTxData.closingBalance >= exitTxData.amountOrToken,
"Exiting with more tokens than referenced"
// If exit tx has is an outgoing transfer from exitor's perspective, exit with closingBalance minus sent amount
if (exitTxData.exitType == ExitType.OutgoingTransfer) {
return referenceTxData.closingBalance.sub(exitTxData.amountOrToken);
// If exit tx was burnt tx, exit with the entire referenced balance not just that was burnt, since user only gets one chance to exit MoreVP style
if (exitTxData.exitType == ExitType.Burnt) {
return referenceTxData.closingBalance;
// If exit tx has is an incoming transfer from exitor's perspective, exit with exitAmount
return exitTxData.amountOrToken;
function processChallenge(
RLPReader.RLPItem[] memory inputItems,
address participant
) internal pure {
bytes32 eventSignature = bytes32(inputItems[0].toUint());
// event Withdraw(address indexed token, address indexed from, uint256 amountOrTokenId, uint256 input1, uint256 output1)
// event Log(Fee)Transfer(
// address indexed token, address indexed from, address indexed to,
// uint256 amountOrTokenId, uint256 input1, uint256 input2, uint256 output1, uint256 output2)
eventSignature == WITHDRAW_EVENT_SIG ||
eventSignature == LOG_TRANSFER_EVENT_SIG ||
"Log signature doesnt qualify as a valid spend"
participant == address(inputItems[2].toUint()), // from
"participant and referenced tx do not match"
// oIndex is always 0 for the 2 scenarios above, hence not returning it
* @notice Parse the state update and check if this predicate recognizes it
* @param inputItems inputItems[i] refers to i-th (0-based) topic in the topics array in the log
* @param logData Data field (unindexed params) in the log
function processStateUpdate(
RLPReader.RLPItem[] memory inputItems,
bytes memory logData,
address participant
) internal pure returns (uint256 closingBalance, uint256 oIndex) {
bytes32 eventSignature = bytes32(inputItems[0].toUint());
if (
eventSignature == DEPOSIT_EVENT_SIG ||
eventSignature == WITHDRAW_EVENT_SIG
) {
// event Deposit(address indexed token, address indexed from, uint256 amountOrTokenId, uint256 input1, uint256 output1)
// event Withdraw(address indexed token, address indexed from, uint256 amountOrTokenId, uint256 input1, uint256 output1)
participant == address(inputItems[2].toUint()), // from
"Withdrawer and referenced tx do not match"
closingBalance = BytesLib.toUint(logData, 64); // output1
} else if (
eventSignature == LOG_TRANSFER_EVENT_SIG ||
) {
// event Log(Fee)Transfer(
// address indexed token, address indexed from, address indexed to,
// uint256 amountOrTokenId, uint256 input1, uint256 input2, uint256 output1, uint256 output2)
if (participant == address(inputItems[2].toUint())) {
// A. Participant transferred tokens
closingBalance = BytesLib.toUint(logData, 96); // output1
} else if (participant == address(inputItems[3].toUint())) {
// B. Participant received tokens
closingBalance = BytesLib.toUint(logData, 128); // output2
oIndex = 1;
} else {
revert("tx / log doesnt concern the participant");
} else {
revert("Exit type not supported");
* @notice Process the transaction to start a MoreVP style exit from
* @param exitTx Signed exit transaction
function processExitTx(bytes memory exitTx)
returns (ExitTxData memory txData)
RLPReader.RLPItem[] memory txList = exitTx.toRlpItem().toList();
require(txList.length == 9, "MALFORMED_WITHDRAW_TX");
txData.childToken = RLPReader.toAddress(txList[3]); // corresponds to "to" field in tx
(txData.signer, txData.txHash) = getAddressFromTx(txList);
if (txData.signer == msg.sender) {
// exit tx is signed by exitor
(txData.amountOrToken, txData.exitType) = processExitTxSender(
} else {
// exitor is a counterparty in the provided tx
txData.amountOrToken = processExitTxCounterparty(
txData.exitType = ExitType.IncomingTransfer;
* @notice Process the challenge transaction
* @param exitTx Challenge transaction
* @return ExitTxData Parsed challenge transaction data
function processChallengeTx(bytes memory exitTx)
returns (ExitTxData memory txData)
RLPReader.RLPItem[] memory txList = exitTx.toRlpItem().toList();
require(txList.length == 9, "MALFORMED_WITHDRAW_TX");
txData.childToken = RLPReader.toAddress(txList[3]); // corresponds to "to" field in tx
(txData.signer, txData.txHash) = getAddressFromTx(txList);
// during a challenge, the tx signer must be the first party
(txData.amountOrToken, ) = processExitTxSender(
* @dev Processes transaction from the "signer / sender" perspective
* @param txData Transaction input data
* @return exitAmount Number of tokens burnt or sent
* @return burnt Whether the tokens were burnt
function processExitTxSender(bytes memory txData)
returns (uint256 amount, ExitType exitType)
bytes4 funcSig = BytesLib.toBytes4(BytesLib.slice(txData, 0, 4));
if (funcSig == WITHDRAW_FUNC_SIG) {
amount = BytesLib.toUint(txData, 4);
exitType = ExitType.Burnt;
} else if (funcSig == TRANSFER_FUNC_SIG) {
amount = BytesLib.toUint(txData, 36);
exitType = ExitType.OutgoingTransfer;
} else {
revert("Exit tx type not supported");
* @dev Processes transaction from the "receiver" perspective
* @param txData Transaction input data
* @return exitAmount Number of tokens received
function processExitTxCounterparty(bytes memory txData)
returns (uint256 exitAmount)
bytes4 funcSig = BytesLib.toBytes4(BytesLib.slice(txData, 0, 4));
"Only supports exiting from transfer txs"
msg.sender == address(BytesLib.toUint(txData, 4)), // to
"Exitor should be the receiver in the exit tx"
exitAmount = BytesLib.toUint(txData, 36); // value
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