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Last active November 28, 2019 02:49
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  • Save imzhi/7424018 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save imzhi/7424018 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sublime Text 3 配置(19-11-28更新)
"keys": ["ctrl+alt+shift+a"],
"command": "alignment"
{ "keys": ["alt+/"], "command": "auto_complete" },
{ "keys": ["alt+/"], "command": "replace_completion_with_auto_complete", "context":
{ "key": "last_command", "operator": "equal", "operand": "insert_best_completion" },
{ "key": "auto_complete_visible", "operator": "equal", "operand": false },
{ "key": "setting.tab_completion", "operator": "equal", "operand": true }
"jsdocs_decorate": false
"bootstrapped": true,
"http_proxy": "",
"https_proxy": "",
"Bootstrap 4 Autocomplete",
"Case Conversion",
"Dockerfile Syntax Highlighting",
"EJS 2",
"Laravel Blade Highlighter",
"Package Control",
"Solarized Color Scheme",
"Sublime wxapp",
"Vue Syntax Highlight",
"Xdebug Client"
"proxy_password": "xxx",
"proxy_username": "xxx"
"show_debug": false,
"phpcs_php_prefix_path": "D:\\Program Files (x86)\\php-7.0.23\\php.exe",
"phpcs_executable_path": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Roaming\\Composer\\vendor\\bin\\phpcs.bat",
"phpcs_additional_args": {
"--standard": "PSR2",
"-n": ""
"phpcbf_on_save": false,
"phpcbf_show_quick_panel": true,
"phpcbf_executable_path": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Roaming\\Composer\\vendor\\bin\\phpcbf.bat",
"phpcbf_additional_args": {
"--standard": "PSR2",
"-w": "",
"characters": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz< :.",
"selector": "text.wxml"
"bold_folder_labels": true,
"color_scheme": "Packages/Color Scheme - Default/Monokai.sublime-color-scheme",
"default_line_ending": "unix",
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"sublime_merge_path": "D:\\Program Files (x86)\\sublime_merge\\sublime_merge.exe",
"theme": "Default.sublime-theme",
"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
"trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true
"path_mapping": {
"/mnt/host-downloads/www/doit" : "D:/my_projects/www/doit",
"url": "",
"port": 9005,
"super_globals": false,
"close_on_stop": true,

安装 Package Control

View > Show Console or ctrl+` open the Sublime Text console.

import urllib.request,os,hashlib; h = '2915d1851351e5ee549c20394736b442' + '8bc59f460fa1548d1514676163dafc88'; pf = 'Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp = sublime.installed_packages_path(); urllib.request.install_opener( urllib.request.build_opener( urllib.request.ProxyHandler()) ); by = urllib.request.urlopen( '' + pf.replace(' ', '%20')).read(); dh = hashlib.sha256(by).hexdigest(); print('Error validating download (got %s instead of %s), please try manual install' % (dh, h)) if dh != h else open(os.path.join( ipp, pf), 'wb' ).write(by)

Build System


    "path": "E:\\Program Files\\iojs",
    "cmd": ["iojs", "$file"],
    "file_regex": "^[ ]*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
    "selector": "source.js"


    "terminal": "cmd",


	"env": {
		"GOROOT": "E:\\Program Files\\go",
		"GOPATH": "E:\\pproject\\go\\study"
Copy link

imzhi commented Apr 14, 2016

"Better CoffeeScript",
"CoffeeComplete Plus (Autocompletion)",
"JavaScript Completions",
"Keymap Redefiner",
"Package Control",
"React ES6 Snippets",
"React Templates",
"Session Manager",
"Yii2 Snippets"

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