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Created October 13, 2017 07:28
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace PrimeFactorisatorInator {
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
while (true) {
App ();
static void App () {
Console.Write ("Indtast et heltal mellem 2 og {0} der skal deles op i primtal: ", ulong.MaxValue);
string userInput = Console.ReadLine ();
Console.WriteLine ("Udregner heltal, vent venligst");
Console.WriteLine ();
ulong userNumber = Convert.ToUInt64 (userInput);
// TODO: Check for numbers less than 2
// The list containing the prime numbers
var primes = new List<ulong> ();
// Run the factorizer program
PrimeFactorizer (userNumber, ref primes);
if (primes.Count == 1) { // If the number is a prime number, the function with return a list of length 1
Console.WriteLine ("Tallet {0} er et primtal!", userNumber);
} else {
Console.WriteLine ("Primtalsfaktorene er: ");
foreach (int p in primes)
Console.Write (p + " ");
Console.WriteLine ("\n----------------------------\n");
/// <summary>
/// Will return a list of all the prime numbers that the number "n" can be divided with
/// </summary>
/// <param name="n"></param>
/// <returns>List of primes that when multiplied will </returns>
static void PrimeFactorizer (ulong n, ref List<ulong> primes) {
// Go through all the even divisors (which will always be 2)
CheckFactors (ref n, 2, ref primes);
// Go through all the odd divisors
for (ulong i = 3; i <= n; i += 2)
CheckFactors (ref n, i, ref primes);
// If the above checks fails, it means the number is a prime number
if (n > 2)
primes.Add (n);
/// <summary>
/// This function will check for divisors on a number and add it to a list of primes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="currentNumber">Number to check divisors on</param>
/// <param name="divisor">The divisor to check with</param>
/// <param name="primes">The list to add the prime numbers to</param>
static void CheckFactors (ref ulong currentNumber, ulong divisor, ref List<ulong> primes) {
while (currentNumber % divisor == 0) { // Go through all divisions with the divisor
primes.Add (divisor); // Add the divisor to the list of primes
currentNumber /= divisor; // Divide with the current prime number
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