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Last active May 10, 2023 10:56
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Django async receiver decorator using Celery
from django.dispatch.dispatcher import Signal
from celery import shared_task
# Warning. Monkey patch.
# in the kwargs signal recievers are passed an instance of django.display.dispatcher.Signal and
# this contains an instance of threading.Lock - an object that can't be pickled.
# This leads me to the monkey patch that was shown at the start of this article which
# simply adds a __reduce__ method to the Signal class that alters the pickle behaviour and only
# pickles the provided_args property of the Signal instance.
# Ref:
def reducer(self):
return (Signal, (self.providing_args,))
Signal.__reduce__ = reducer
def async_receiver(signal, **kwargs):
Decorator to perform django signal asynchronously using Celery. The function decorated with
this should be recognized by celery. django signal mechanism should be working normally and
no additional changes are required while using in-built signals or custom signals.
def _decorator(func):
# Convert normal function to celery task
func_celery = shared_task(func)
# Connect to a signal
if isinstance(signal, (list, tuple)):
for s in signal:
# Weak is false as proxyfunc doesn't exists outside the closure scope. So cannot
# be referenced weakly and will be erased by garbage collector
s.connect(func_celery.delay, **kwargs)
signal.connect(func_celery.delay, **kwargs)
# To let celery recognize normal function as celery task
return func_celery
return _decorator
# Example
from async_receiver import async_receiver as receiver
@receiver(post_save, sender=MyModel)
def do_something(sender, **kwargs)
print "I'll be executed by celery"
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