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Created November 28, 2021 18:19
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# RetroArch - A frontend for libretro.
# Copyright (C) 2021 - The RetroArch team
# RetroArch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
# of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
# ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# RetroArch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
# without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RetroArch.
# If not, see <>.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import (
import sys
import os
import enum
import socket
import asyncio
import configparser
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
class Error(Exception):
class LogLevel(enum.IntEnum):
NONE = 0
WARN = 2
INFO = 3
class Logger:
__slots__ = ("__path", "__level", "__lock")
__path: Path
__level: LogLevel
__lock: asyncio.Lock
def __init__(self, path: Path, level: LogLevel = LogLevel.NONE):
self.__path = path
self.__level = level
self.__lock = asyncio.Lock()
async def __call__(self, level: LogLevel, message: str) -> None:
if level is LogLevel.NONE or not message:
return # Should this be silent?
if self.__level >= level:
now: datetime =
async with self.__lock:
with"a", encoding = "UTF-8") as log:
log.write(f"({now:%d}/{now:%m}/{now:%Y} {now:%H}:{now:%M}:{now:%S}) [{}] {message}\n")
except OSError:
pass # Should this be silent?
class ConfigError(Error):
class Config:
__slots__ = (
__server_port: int
__server_timeout: float
__session_max: int
__session_clients: int
__log_path: Path
__log_level: LogLevel
def __init__(self, path: Optional[Path] = None):
ini: configparser.ConfigParser = configparser.ConfigParser(
delimiters = '=',
comment_prefixes = ';',
interpolation = None
if not if path is not None else Path(sys.argv[0]).with_suffix(".ini")):
raise ConfigError("Configuration not found.")
server: configparser.SectionProxy = ini["Server"]
except KeyError:
raise ConfigError("Server section not found.")
self.__server_port = int(server["Port"])
if self.__server_port not in range(1, 65536):
raise ValueError
except KeyError:
raise ConfigError("Server port not found.")
except ValueError:
raise ConfigError("Invalid server port.")
self.__server_timeout = float(server["Timeout"])
if self.__server_timeout <= 0:
raise ValueError
except KeyError:
raise ConfigError("Server timeout not found.")
except ValueError:
raise ConfigError("Invalid server timeout.")
session: configparser.SectionProxy = ini["Session"]
except KeyError:
raise ConfigError("Session section not found.")
self.__session_max = int(session["Max"])
if self.__session_max < 0:
raise ValueError
except KeyError:
raise ConfigError("Session max not found.")
except ValueError:
raise ConfigError("Invalid session max.")
self.__session_clients = int(session["Clients"])
if self.__session_clients < 0:
raise ValueError
except KeyError:
raise ConfigError("Session clients not found.")
except ValueError:
raise ConfigError("Invalid session clients.")
log: configparser.SectionProxy = ini["Log"]
except KeyError:
raise ConfigError("Log section not found.")
self.__log_path: Path = Path(log["Path"])
except KeyError:
raise ConfigError("Log path not found.")
level_name: str = log["Level"].upper()
except KeyError:
raise ConfigError("Log level not found.")
self.__log_level = LogLevel[level_name]
except KeyError:
raise ConfigError("Invalid log level.")
except configparser.Error:
raise ConfigError("Invalid configuration.")
def port(self) -> int: return self.__server_port
def timeout(self) -> float: return self.__server_timeout
def max_sessions(self) -> int: return self.__session_max
def max_clients_per_session(self) -> int: return self.__session_clients
def log_path(self) -> Path: return self.__log_path
def log_level(self) -> LogLevel: return self.__log_level
class TunnelError(Error):
class TunnelMagic:
SESSION: ClassVar[bytes] = b'RATS'
LINK: ClassVar[bytes] = b'RATL'
PING: ClassVar[bytes] = b'RATP'
def size() -> int: return 4
def unique_size() -> int: return 12
class Tunnel(ABC):
__slots__ = ("_config", "_logger", "_lock")
_config: Config
_logger: Logger
_lock: asyncio.Lock
def __init__(self, config: Config, logger: Logger):
self._config = config
self._logger = logger
self._lock = asyncio.Lock()
async def log_info(self, message: str) -> None:
await self._logger(LogLevel.INFO, message)
async def log_warn(self, message: str) -> None:
await self._logger(LogLevel.WARN, message)
async def log_error(self, message: str) -> None:
await self._logger(LogLevel.ERROR, message)
async def __call__(self) -> None:
class TunnelClient(Tunnel):
__slots__ = (
_reader: asyncio.StreamReader
_writer: asyncio.StreamWriter
_unique: bytes
def __init__(self, config: Config, logger: Logger, reader: asyncio.StreamReader, writer: asyncio.StreamWriter):
super().__init__(config, logger)
self._reader = reader
self._writer = writer
self._unique = b""
def __del__(self) -> None:
except Exception:
def session_owner(self) -> bool:
def address(self) -> str:
return cast(str, self._writer.get_extra_info("peername")[0])
def port(self) -> int:
return cast(int, self._writer.get_extra_info("peername")[1])
async def unique(self) -> bytes:
async with self._lock:
return self._unique
async def set_unique(self, unique: bytes) -> None:
async with self._lock:
self._unique = unique
class SessionOwner(TunnelClient):
__slots__ = ("__connected", "__ready")
__connected: int
__ready: bool
def __init__(self, config: Config, logger: Logger, reader: asyncio.StreamReader, writer: asyncio.StreamWriter):
super().__init__(config, logger, reader, writer)
self.__connected = 1 # Host counts as one.
self.__ready = False
def __bool__(self) -> bool:
return self.__ready
def session_owner(self) -> bool:
return True
async def request_link(self, user: SessionUser) -> bool:
async with self._lock:
if not self.__ready:
return False
if self._reader.at_eof():
return False
if self._writer.is_closing():
return False
if self._config.max_clients_per_session and self.__connected >= self._config.max_clients_per_session:
return False
# Tell the host to establish a new link connection.
self._writer.write(TunnelMagic.LINK + await user.unique())
await self._writer.drain()
except Exception:
return False
self.__connected += 1
return True
async def request_unlink(self) -> bool:
async with self._lock:
if not self.__ready:
return False
self.__connected -= 1
return True
async def __call__(self) -> None:
# The first thing is sending the host his session id.
async with self._lock:
self._writer.write(TunnelMagic.SESSION + self._unique)
await self._writer.drain()
# We are ready to receive connection requests.
self.__ready = True
ping_magic: bytes
ping_requests: int = 0
while not self._reader.at_eof():
# We want to request a ping every minute.
ping_magic = await asyncio.wait_for(self._reader.readexactly(len(TunnelMagic.PING)), 60)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
# Attempt to ping the host a total of 3 times before timeouting.
if ping_requests < 3:
async with self._lock:
await self._writer.drain()
ping_requests += 1
await self.log_error(f"Tunnel session timeout for: {self.address}|{self.port}")
# We received something, but we are only allowing for ping responses.
if ping_magic == TunnelMagic.PING:
ping_requests = 0
await self.log_error(f"Tunnel session received non-ping data for: {self.address}|{self.port}")
except Exception:
async with self._lock:
self.__ready = False
await self.log_info(f"Tunnel session closed for: {self.address}|{self.port}")
class SessionUser(TunnelClient):
__slots__ = ("__host", "__owner", "__link", "__linked")
__host: bool
__owner: Optional[SessionOwner]
__link: Optional[SessionUser]
__linked: asyncio.Event
def __init__(self, config: Config, logger: Logger, reader: asyncio.StreamReader, writer: asyncio.StreamWriter, host: bool = False):
super().__init__(config, logger, reader, writer)
self.__host = host
self.__owner = None
self.__link = None
self.__linked = asyncio.Event()
def __bool__(self) -> bool:
return self.__linked.is_set()
async def __forward(self, data: bytes) -> bool:
# Forward data from one peer to another through our tunnel.
async with self._lock:
await self._writer.drain()
except Exception:
return False
return True
def session_owner(self) -> bool:
return False
def is_host(self) -> bool:
return self.__host
async def owner(self) -> Optional[SessionOwner]:
async with self._lock:
return self.__owner
async def set_owner(self, owner: Optional[SessionOwner]) -> None:
async with self._lock:
self.__owner = owner
async def try_link(self, link: SessionUser) -> bool:
owner: Optional[SessionOwner] = await self.owner()
if owner is None:
return False
async with owner._lock:
async with self._lock:
async with link._lock:
if self.__link is not None or link.__link is not None:
return False
if self.__linked.is_set() or link.__linked.is_set():
return False
if self._reader.at_eof() or link._reader.at_eof():
return False
if self._writer.is_closing() or link._writer.is_closing():
return False
self.__link = link
link.__link = self
return True
async def try_unlink(self) -> bool:
owner: Optional[SessionOwner] = await self.owner()
if owner is None:
return False
async with owner._lock:
async with self._lock:
link: Optional[SessionUser] = self.__link
if link is None:
return False
async with link._lock:
self.__link = None
link.__link = None
return True
async def __call__(self) -> None:
timeout: float = self._config.timeout
# Wait until we are linked to a connection or a timeout occurs.
await asyncio.wait_for(self.__linked.wait(), timeout)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await self.log_error(f"Timeout while awaiting link for: {self.address}|{self.port}")
# The tunnel is ready.
data: bytes
link: Optional[SessionUser]
# Forward data until the connection is closed or until a timeout occurs.
while not self._reader.at_eof():
data = await asyncio.wait_for(, timeout)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await self.log_error(f"Tunnel link timeout for: {self.address}|{self.port}")
if not data:
async with self._lock:
# Check if our link is still around.
link = self.__link
if link is None:
if not await link.__forward(data):
await self.log_error(f"Failed to forward data from: {self.address}|{self.port}")
except Exception:
await self.log_info(f"Tunnel closed for: {self.address}|{self.port}")
class TunnelServer(Tunnel):
__slots__ = ("__clients", "__sessions")
__clients: Dict[bytes, TunnelClient]
__sessions: int
def __init__(self, config: Config, logger: Logger):
super().__init__(config, logger)
self.__clients = {}
self.__sessions = 0
async def __request_session(self) -> bool:
if self._config.max_sessions:
async with self._lock:
if self.__sessions >= self._config.max_sessions:
return False
self.__sessions += 1
return True
async def __free_session(self) -> None:
if self.__sessions > 0:
async with self._lock:
self.__sessions -= 1
async def __add_client(self, client: TunnelClient) -> None:
unique: bytes
invalid_unique: bytes = bytes(bytearray(TunnelMagic.unique_size()))
# Generate a new unique id for this client.
async with self._lock:
while True:
unique = os.urandom(TunnelMagic.unique_size())
if unique == invalid_unique:
if unique not in self.__clients:
await client.set_unique(unique)
self.__clients[unique] = client
async def __remove_client(self, client: TunnelClient) -> None:
unique: bytes = await client.unique()
async with self._lock:
del self.__clients[unique]
except KeyError:
await self.log_warn(f"Failed to remove client: {client.address}|{client.port}")
async def __session_link_request(self, user: SessionUser, session_id: bytes) -> Optional[SessionOwner]:
unique: bytes = await user.unique()
if session_id == unique:
return await self.log_error(f"Invalid session link request from: {user.address}|{user.port}")
owner: TunnelClient = self.__clients[session_id]
except KeyError:
return await self.log_error(f"Failed to find session for: {user.address}|{user.port}")
if not owner.session_owner:
return await self.log_error(f"Invalid session id from: {user.address}|{user.port}")
await user.set_owner(cast(SessionOwner, owner))
if not await cast(SessionOwner, owner).request_link(user):
return await self.log_error(f"Failed to establish tunnel link for: {user.address}|{user.port}")
return cast(SessionOwner, owner)
async def __session_link(self, user: SessionUser, peer_id: bytes) -> Optional[SessionUser]:
unique: bytes = await user.unique()
if peer_id == unique:
return await self.log_error(f"Invalid peer link request from: {user.address}|{user.port}")
peer: TunnelClient = self.__clients[peer_id]
except KeyError:
return await self.log_error(f"Failed to find peer for: {user.address}|{user.port}")
if peer.session_owner or cast(SessionUser, peer).is_host:
return await self.log_error(f"Invalid peer id from: {user.address}|{user.port}")
owner: Optional[SessionOwner] = await cast(SessionUser, peer).owner()
if owner is None:
return await self.log_error(f"Invalid peer session owner for: {user.address}|{user.port}")
await user.set_owner(owner)
if not await cast(SessionUser, peer).try_link(user):
return await self.log_error(f"Failed to establish tunnel link for: {user.address}|{user.port}")
return cast(SessionUser, peer)
async def __handle_client(self, reader: asyncio.StreamReader, writer: asyncio.StreamWriter) -> None:
sock_info: Tuple[Union[str, int], ...] = writer.get_extra_info("peername")
addr: str = cast(str, sock_info[0])
port: int = cast(int, sock_info[1])
await self.log_info(f"Received connection from: {addr}|{port}")
writer.get_extra_info("socket").setsockopt(socket.SOL_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, True)
except Exception:
await self.log_warn(f"Failed to set TCP_NODELAY for: {addr}|{port}")
# Do not wait for more than 30 seconds for the magic.
magic: bytes = await asyncio.wait_for(reader.readexactly(TunnelMagic.size()), 30)
except Exception:
return await self.log_error(f"Failed to receive tunnel magic from: {addr}|{port}")
if magic == b'RANP':
# Client does not support tunnels.
# Send a fake header to let it know it's outdated.
writer.write(b'RANP' + bytearray(20))
await writer.drain()
return await self.log_error(f"Unsupported client from: {addr}|{port}")
elif magic in (TunnelMagic.SESSION, TunnelMagic.LINK):
# Do not wait for more than 30 seconds for the unique id.
unique: bytes = await asyncio.wait_for(reader.readexactly(TunnelMagic.unique_size()), 30)
except Exception:
return await self.log_error(f"Failed to receive tunnel unique id from: {addr}|{port}")
client: TunnelClient
owner: Optional[SessionOwner]
peer: Optional[SessionUser]
if magic == TunnelMagic.SESSION:
if unique == bytearray(TunnelMagic.unique_size()):
# All zeros.
# Client requested a new session.
if await self.__request_session():
client = SessionOwner(self._config, self._logger, reader, writer)
await self.__add_client(client)
await self.log_info(f"Tunnel session created for: {addr}|{port}")
return await self.log_error(f"Refused to create tunnel session for: {addr}|{port}")
# Client trying to link to an existing session.
client = SessionUser(self._config, self._logger, reader, writer, host = False)
await self.__add_client(client)
owner = await self.__session_link_request(client, unique)
if owner is not None:
await self.log_info(f"Pending tunnel linking for: {addr}|{port}")
await self.__remove_client(client)
return await self.log_error(f"Tunnel linking failed for: {addr}|{port}")
# Session host client trying to link to an user client.
client = SessionUser(self._config, self._logger, reader, writer, host = True)
await self.__add_client(client)
peer = await self.__session_link(client, unique)
if peer is not None:
await self.log_info(
f"Tunnel linking completed for: {peer.address}|{peer.port} <-> {addr}|{port}"
await self.__remove_client(client)
return await self.log_error(f"Tunnel linking failed for: {addr}|{port}")
await client()
await self.__remove_client(client)
if client.session_owner:
await self.__free_session()
# Make sure to tell our link we are done for.
await cast(SessionUser, client).try_unlink()
if not cast(SessionUser, client).is_host:
await cast(SessionOwner, owner).request_unlink()
return await self.log_error(f"Unknown tunnel magic from: {addr}|{port}")
# Close the connection once we are done.
except Exception:
await writer.wait_closed()
await self.log_info(f"Connection closed for: {addr}|{port}")
async def __call__(self) -> None:
server: asyncio.AbstractServer
if sys.platform == "win32":
server = await asyncio.start_server(self.__handle_client, port = self._config.port)
server = await asyncio.start_server(self.__handle_client, port = self._config.port, reuse_port = True)
except Exception:
raise TunnelError("Failed to create tunnel server.")
async with server:
sock_info: Tuple[Union[str, int], ...]
address: str
for sock in cast(List[socket.socket], server.sockets):
sock_info = sock.getsockname()
address = f"{sock_info[0]}|{sock_info[1]}"
print(f"[*] Tunnel server listening on: {address}")
await self.log_info(f"Tunnel server listening on: {address}")
await server.serve_forever()
async def main() -> None:
config: Config = Config(Path(sys.argv[1].strip()) if len(sys.argv) > 1 else None)
logger: Logger = Logger(config.log_path, config.log_level)
server: TunnelServer = TunnelServer(config, logger)
await server()
if __name__ == "__main__":
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