$ git clone git@github.com:toastdb/qmk_firmware.git -b womier_k66 --recurse-submodules -j8
byte firstTouches[10]; | |
bool state[20]; | |
uint32_t countOn[20]; | |
uint32_t countOff[20]; | |
void setup(void) { | |
Serial.begin(115200); | |
firstTouches[0] = touchRead(T0); | |
firstTouches[1] = touchRead(T2); | |
firstTouches[2] = touchRead(T3); |
/* | |
* 2023-12-28 inajob | |
* Copyright (c) 2023 inajob | |
This software is released under the MIT License. | |
http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php | |
This is based on https://github.com/cnlohr/ch32v003fun/tree/master/examples/i2c_oled | |
*/ | |
// what type of OLED - uncomment just one |
# https://github.com/takker99/scrapbox-backups の /villagepump で実行する前提です | |
import json | |
import sys | |
import os | |
import re | |
iconPattern = r"\[[^\[\]]*\.icon\]" | |
if len(sys.argv) != 2: | |
print("usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " userid") | |
sys.exit() |
javascript:(Array.prototype.slice.bind(document.getElementsByClassName("chord"))().forEach((e)=>{let%20raw=""+e.firstChild.nodeValue;let%20m=raw.match(/^([A-G]m{0,1})([^/]*)/);let%20s="-";if(m){let%20base=m[1];let%20q=m[2];let%20swapped=false;let%20noMap={"C":1,"D":2,"E":3,"F":4,"G":5,"A":6,"B":7};let%20no=noMap[base[0]];let%20isQAvailable=false;if("C,Dm,Em,F,G,Am,Bm".split(",").includes(base)){};if("Cm,D,E,Fm,Gm,A,B".split(",").includes(base)){swapped=true;};if("dim,7,9,M7,sus4,aug".split(",").includes(q)){isQAvailable=true;};s=no+(swapped?"~":"")+(isQAvailable?("["+q+"]"):"");};e.firstChild.nodeValue=s;})); |
レビューは下記ブログに掲載予定です。 https://inajob.github.io/iroiro-review/
調べてみるとMUSTOOLの画面付き顕微鏡には様々な種類がありました。 型番もたくさんあるのですが、同じ型番でも微妙に仕様が違うものなどもあり、一応自分なりにまとめてみました。
function cls() | |
color(0,0,0) | |
fillrect(0,0,128,128) | |
end | |
function setup() | |
cls() | |
end | |
digit = { | |
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, |