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Created February 1, 2017 09:52
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Typescript 5 min intro
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# TypeScript in 5 mins
> A type system on top of JS
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# Why?
I want to know what methods accept and return
Safe refactoring / compiler checks
Safe null handling
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# Modern type system
# Type inference
const a = "123";
// Same as
const a: string = 123;
// more complex
const b = [1,2,3].reduce((acc,n) => acc + n); // b: number
const c = "string".split("").reduce((acc, n) => acc + n); // c: string
# Substructural typing (duck typing)
function doSomethingWithUser(user: { id: number }) { /* does something */}
class User {
constructor(readonly id: number, readonly name: string) {}
doSomethingWithUser(new User(1, "John")) // OK
doSomethingWithUser({ id: 123 }) // OK
# Null safety
No more runtime null exceptions! (TypeScript 2.0+)
// tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
* strictNullChecks: true // `null` & `undefined` types are explicit
we turn manual checks
function outputLength(a : string) {
if(a != null) {
into compiler checks
function outputLength(a: string | null | undefined) {
console.log(a.length) // compiler error, `a` might be `null` or `undefined`
# Easy to build nested types
interface ISomeDataStructure {
a : {
b: {
c: string,
d: number,
e: number,
f?: number,
anotherObj?: {
g: Promise<String>
interface IAnotherDataStructure extends ISomeDataStructure {
b: "foo" | "bar";
function extractSum(p: IAnotherDataStructure) {
return p.a.b.c + p.a.b.d + (p.a.b.f != null ? p.a.b.f : 0);
# You get what you give
Compiler, get out of my way!:
let a: any = {}; // I'm naughty and will mutate this later on... = a.anotherProperty; // OK
Compiler, please help me!:
const a = {
anotherProperty: 123,
}; = a.anotherProperty; // NOT OK (`some` is not defined)
# More
- generics
- union types
- class inheritance / private, protected, readonly modifiers
### Most ES6/ES7 features
- Object spread
- Async/Await
- ES6 Promises
- Can target ES6 (for concatenation w/ Babel for example) or ES5 directly
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# How?
# Low entry barrier
Easily convert existing codebase to Typescript
1. Update your build system:
# webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
module: {
loaders: [
// All files with a '.ts' or '.tsx' extension will be handled by 'awesome-typescript-loader'.
* { test: /\.tsx?$/, loader: "awesome-typescript-loader" }
2. Rename extensions: `.js -> .ts` (`.jsx` -> `.tsx`)
3. few more things
- add type definitions for libraries (if not packaged)
- tsconfig.json
- Use imports instead of requires
class: center, middle
# Try it yourself!
[Typescript Playground](
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