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Created May 15, 2021 12:52
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Flattened to Tree structure
-- こういうフラットな配列から木構造を作るのってどうやったらいいんだろう?
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, UndecidableInstances, LambdaCase #-}
module Main where
import Data.Functor.Classes
import Data.List
-- Q. How to change flattened structure into Tree structure?
inputNodes :: [NodeF a]
inputNodes = [
NodeF [1] "title 1" [],
NodeF [1, 1] "title 1-1" [],
NodeF [1, 1, 1] "title 1-1-1" [],
NodeF [1, 1, 2] "title 1-1-2" [],
NodeF [1, 2] "title 1-2" [],
NodeF [2] "title 2" []
outputNodes :: [Node]
outputNodes = [
mkNode [1] "title 1" [
mkNode [1] "title 1-1" [
mkNode [1] "title 1-1-1" [],
mkNode [2] "title 1-1-2" []
mkNode [2] "title 1-2" []
mkNode [2] "title 2" []
newtype Fix f = In { out :: f (Fix f) }
instance Show (f (Fix f)) => Show (Fix f) where
showsPrec p (In f) = showsPrec p f
instance Eq1 f => Eq (Fix f) where
In a == In b = eq1 a b
cata :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Fix f -> a
cata g = g . fmap (cata g) . out
ana :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> a -> Fix f
ana g = In . fmap (ana g) . g
data NodeF a = NodeF [Int] String [a] deriving (Functor, Show, Eq)
instance Eq1 NodeF where
liftEq _ (NodeF _ _ []) (NodeF _ _ []) = True
liftEq _ (NodeF _ _ []) (NodeF _ _ (_:_)) = False
liftEq _ (NodeF _ _ (_:_)) (NodeF _ _ []) = False
liftEq eq (NodeF _ _ (x:xs)) (NodeF _ _ (y:ys)) = eq x y && liftEq eq xs ys
type Node = Fix NodeF
mkNode :: [Int] -> String -> [Node] -> Node
mkNode keys title children = In (NodeF keys title children)
getKeys :: Node -> [Int]
getKeys (In (NodeF ks _ _)) = ks
-- Step 1: Make a nested Tree structure using Anamorphism.
-- Example:
-- coalg (NodeF [1,2,3] "title 1-2-3" [])
-- = NodeF [1] "" [ NodeF [2, 3] "title 1-2-3" [] ]
coalg :: NodeF a -> NodeF (NodeF a)
coalg (NodeF (k : []) title _) = NodeF [k] title []
coalg (NodeF (k : ks) title _) = NodeF [k] "" [(NodeF ks title [])]
-- nestedInputNode :: Node
-- nestedInputNode = ana coalg $ NodeF [1, 1, 2] "title 1-1-2" []
-- -- == NodeF [1] "" [ NodeF [1] "" [ NodeF [2] "title 1-1-2" [] ] ]
nestedInputNodes :: [Node]
nestedInputNodes = fmap (ana coalg) inputNodes
-- Step 2: Fold `nestedInputNodes` using Catamorphism.
data ListF a b = Nil | Cons a b deriving (Functor, Show, Eq)
type NodeList = Fix (ListF Node)
toList' :: [a] -> Fix (ListF a)
toList' [] = In Nil
toList' (a : as) = In (Cons a (toList' as))
fromList' :: Fix (ListF a) -> [a]
fromList' (In Nil) = []
fromList' (In (Cons a list)) = a : (fromList' list)
reducer :: Node -> [Node] -> [Node]
reducer n@(In (NodeF ks title children)) ns =
case elemIndex ks (fmap getKeys ns) of
Just i -> fmap (f i) $ zip [0..] ns
f i (j, n@(In (NodeF ks2 title2 children2))) =
if i == j
then In (NodeF ks (title ++ title2) (maybe children2 (\x -> reducer x children2) (safeHead children)))
else n
safeHead [] = Nothing
safeHead (x:xs) = Just x
Nothing -> [n] ++ ns
alg :: ListF Node NodeList -> NodeList
alg = \case
Nil -> In Nil
Cons n list -> toList' $ reducer n (fromList' list)
answer :: [Node]
answer = fromList' (cata alg (toList' nestedInputNodes))
-- Step 2b: Fold `inputNodes` using Catamorphism with running Anamorphism at the same time.
alg' :: ListF (NodeF a) NodeList -> NodeList
alg' = \case
Nil -> In Nil
Cons n list -> toList' $ reducer (ana coalg n) (fromList' list)
answer' :: [Node]
answer' = fromList' (cata alg' (toList' inputNodes))
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ foldr reducer [] nestedInputNodes -- using foldr
print $ answer -- using catamorphism
print $ answer' -- using catamorphism
print $ answer == outputNodes -- True
print $ answer' == outputNodes -- True
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