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Last active May 31, 2020 22:53
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Utility PoSH function that allows you to format a property of any object
Utility function that allows you to format a property of any object
Invokes a script block against any number of object properties to manipulate the data
PS C:\> Format-PropertyData -data ([PSCustomObject]@{FirstName = 'Evan'; Price = 100.0001}) -ColumnFormat @{'Price' = {[MATH]::Round($_)}}
Applies the math rounding function to all data in the 'Price' column
function Format-PropertyData
param (
# The object you wish to manipulate
# Hash table with the name of the property you wish to change and a script block to invoke against that data
foreach ($format in $ColumnFormat.GetEnumerator())
foreach ($row in $data)
$row.($format.Key) = $row.($format.Key) | ForEach-Object { ($format.Value).invoke($_) }
return $data
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