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Last active August 29, 2018 21:45
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Copies from one Octopus Deploy project variables to another
Function Copy-OctopusVariableSet
Copies from one Octopus Deploy project variables to another
Uses the Octopus rest api to get all variables from one project to replace all variables in another.
Super handy if you need to get a new project going with almost identical variables that don't yet exist in a project template or library set
PS C:\> Copy-OctopusVariableSet `
-OctopusUrl '' `
-CopyFromId 'variableset-Projects-01' `
-CopyToId 'variableset-Projects-02'
Copies all variables from variableset-Projects-01 and replaces those in variableset-Projects-02
PS C:\> @('variableset-Projects-02', 'variableset-Projects-03', 'variableset-Projects-04') | Copy-OctopusVariableSet `
-OctopusUrl '' `
-CopyFromId 'variableset-Projects-01' `
Copies all variables from variableset-Projects-01 and replaces those in 'variableset-Projects-02', 'variableset-Projects-03', 'variableset-Projects-04'
[cmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
# your Octopus URL e.g.
# your personal or service account API key e.g. API-N6DHEJYITJWTCAHOAZ2KSUJE
# variable set ID to copy from e.g. variableset-Projects-01
# variable set ID to copy to e.g. variableset-Projects-02
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
# maximum depth in the returned variableset object to convert to JSON
$Depth = 99
$reqHeaders = @{ "X-Octopus-ApiKey" = $OctopusAPIKey }
# Get the CopyFrom project variable set object
$CopyFromProjectVarSet = Invoke-RestMethod "$OctopusURL/api/variables/$CopyFromId" -Headers $reqHeaders -Method GET
if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($CopyToId, "Copies all project variables from '$OctopusURL/api/variables/$CopyFromId' to replace all variables in"))
foreach ($id in $CopyToId) {
# Get the CopyTo project variable set object
$CopyToProjectVarSet = Invoke-RestMethod "$OctopusURL/api/variables/$id" -Headers $reqHeaders -Method GET
# Copy the variables from the CopyFrom project variable set object
$CopyToProjectVarSet.Variables = $CopyFromProjectVarSet.Variables
# Update the resource with the new variables
Invoke-RestMethod "$OctopusURL/api/variables/$id" -Headers $reqHeaders -Method PUT -Body ($CopyToProjectVarSet | ConvertTo-JSON -Depth $Depth) -ContentType "application/json"
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