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Last active January 26, 2022 15:01
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using System;
public class CffOperator
private CffTable _table;
public CffOperator(CFFTable table)
_table = table;
public byte[] CreateSubset(HashSet<int> cids)
var stream = new MemoryStream();
var writer = new FontBinaryWriter(stream);
// Copy the range of Header and Name INDEX
var firstBytes = new byte[_table.TopDICTIndexOffset];
Buffer.BlockCopy(_table.Bytes, 0, firstBytes, 0, _table.TopDICTIndexOffset);
// Copy the range from String INDEX to Encodings
int secondLength = _table.CharsetsOffset - _table.StringIndexOffset;
var secondBytes = new byte[secondLength];
Buffer.BlockCopy(_table.Bytes, _table.StringIndexOffset, secondBytes, 0, secondLength);
// Convert old GIDs to new CIDs
var oldGidToCid = new SortedDictionary<int, int>();
for (int gid = 0; gid < _table.Charsets.Glyph.Count; gid++)
int cid = _table.Charsets.Glyph[gid];
if (cids.Contains(cid))
oldGidToCid.Add(gid + 1, cid);
// Convert old GIDs to new GIDs
var newGidToOldGid = new SortedDictionary<int, int>() { { 0, 0 } };
int index = 1;
foreach (var item in oldGidToCid)
newGidToOldGid.Add(index, item.Key);
// Create new Charsets, CharStrings, and FDSelect
var charsets = new Charsets();
var charstrings = new IndexData(_table.CharStrings.Offsize);
var fdSelect = new FDSelect();
foreach ((int newGid, int oldGid) in newGidToOldGid)
if (oldGid > 0)
byte[] charsetsBytes = charsets.ToArray();
byte[] charstringsBytes = charstrings.ToArray();
byte[] fdSelectBytes = fdSelect.ToArray();
// Copy the range from Font DICT INDEX to end.
int lastLength = _table.Bytes.Length - _table.LocalSubrIndexOffset;
var lastBytes = new byte[lastLength];
Buffer.BlockCopy(_table.Bytes, _table.LocalSubrIndexOffset, lastBytes, 0, lastLength);
// Calculate the offsets.
int topDictIndexLength = _table.TopDictIndex.ToArray().Length;
int charsetOffset = firstBytes.Length + topDictIndexLength + secondBytes.Length;
int fdSelectOffset = charsetOffset + charsetsBytes.Length;
int charStringsOffset = fdSelectOffset + fdSelectBytes.Length;
int fdArrayOffset = charStringsOffset + charstringsBytes.Length;
int deltaTopDictLength =
DictData.GetDeltaIntegerLength((int)_table.TopDict["15"][0]!, charsetOffset) +
DictData.GetDeltaIntegerLength((int)_table.TopDict["17"][0]!, charStringsOffset) +
DictData.GetDeltaIntegerLength((int)_table.TopDict["12 36"][0]!, fdArrayOffset) +
DictData.GetDeltaIntegerLength((int)_table.TopDict["12 37"][0]!, fdSelectOffset);
// Create new Top DICT INDEX.
var topDictIndex = new IndexData(_table.TopDictIndex.Offsize);
var topDict = new DictData(_table.TopDict);
topDict["15"] = new() { charsetOffset + deltaTopDictLength };
topDict["17"] = new() { charStringsOffset + deltaTopDictLength };
topDict["12 36"] = new() { fdArrayOffset + deltaTopDictLength };
topDict["12 37"] = new() { fdSelectOffset + deltaTopDictLength };
var topDictBytes = topDict.ToArray();
// Font DICT Index
fdArrayOffset = (int)stream.Position;
var fdArray = new IndexData(_table.FdArray.Offsize);
foreach (DictData dict in _table.FdArrayDict)
var fdArrayDict = new DictData(dict);
fdArrayDict["18"] = new()
(int)(dict["18"][1])! + (fdArrayOffset - _table.FdArrayOffset)
return stream.ToArray();
using System;
using System.Text;
public class CffTable : Table
internal int TopDICTIndexOffset { get; }
internal int StringIndexOffset { get; }
internal int CharsetsOffset { get; }
internal int FdSelectOffset { get; }
internal int CharStringsOffset { get; }
internal int FdArrayOffset { get; }
internal int LocalSubrIndexOffset { get; }
internal byte[] Bytes { get; }
internal string[] NameIndex { get; }
internal DictData TopDict { get; } = null!;
internal IndexData TopDictIndex { get; } = null!;
internal IndexData CharStrings { get; }
internal IndexData FdArray { get; }
internal Charsets Charsets { get; }
internal FDSelect FdSelect { get; }
internal List<DictData> FdArrayDict { get; } = new();
internal CFFTable(FontBinaryReader reader, uint offset, uint length) : base(reader, offset, length)
this.Bytes = _reader.AllBytes;
// Header
_reader.ReadUInt8(); // major
_reader.ReadUInt8(); // minor
_reader.ReadUInt8(); // hdrSize
_reader.ReadUInt8(); // offSize
// Name INDEX
var nameIndexData = IndexData.Parse(_reader);
NameIndex = new string[nameIndexData.Data.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < nameIndexData.Data.Count; i++)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (byte item in nameIndexData.Data[i])
NameIndex[i] = sb.ToString();
// Top DICT index
TopDICTIndexOffset = _reader.Position;
TopDictIndex = IndexData.Parse(_reader);
foreach (Byte[] bytes in TopDictIndex.Data)
TopDict = new DictData();
FdArrayOffset = (int)TopDict["12 36"][0]!;
FdSelectOffset = (int)TopDict["12 37"][0]!;
CharsetsOffset = (int)TopDict["15"][0]!;
CharStringsOffset = (int)TopDict["17"][0]!;
StringIndexOffset = _reader.Position;
// CharStrings: GID to CharString
_reader.Position = CharStringsOffset;
CharStrings = IndexData.Parse(_reader);
int nGlyphs = CharStrings.Data.Count;
// Charsets: GID to SID/CID
_reader.Position = CharsetsOffset;
Charsets = new();
Charsets.Parse(_reader, nGlyphs, FdSelectOffset);
// FDSelect: GID to FDIndex
_reader.Position = FdSelectOffset;
FdSelect = new();
FdSelect.Parse(_reader, nGlyphs);
// Font DICT Index
_reader.Position = FdArrayOffset;
FdArray = IndexData.Parse(_reader);
for (int i = 0; i < FdArray.Data.Count; i++)
FdArrayDict.Add(new DictData());
LocalSubrIndexOffset = _reader.Position;
public class DictData : Dictionary<string, List<object?>>
internal DictData() { }
internal DictData(DictData dict) : base(dict) { }
internal void Parse(byte[] bytes)
var stream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
using var reader = new FontBinaryReader(stream);
var values = new List<object?>();
int pos = reader.Position;
while (reader.Position < pos + bytes.Length)
byte b0 = reader.ReadByte();
// Key
if (b0 is 12)
byte b1 = reader.ReadByte();
Add(b0 + " " + b1, values);
values = new();
else if (b0 is >= 0 and <= 21)
Add(b0.ToString(), values);
values = new();
// Integer
if (b0 is 28 or 29 or (>= 32 and <= 254))
values.Add(ParseInteger(reader, b0));
// Real number
if (b0 is 30)
var value = new List<byte>() { b0 };
while ((b0 & 0x0f) is not 15 || (b0 >> 4 & 0x0f) is 15)
b0 = reader.ReadByte();
// value += b0 is >= 0 and <= 9 ? b0.ToString()
// : b0 is 10 ? "." : "";
// if (b0 is 14)
// {
// value = "-" + value;
// }
// value += b0;
internal byte[] ToArray()
var stream = new MemoryStream();
using var writer = new FontBinaryWriter(stream);
foreach ((string key, List<object?> valueList) in this)
foreach (object? value in valueList)
if (value is int intNo)
WriteInteger(writer, intNo);
else if (value is List<byte> byteList)
foreach (byte item in byteList)
// TODO:
throw new NotImplementedException();
string[] keys = key.Split(" ");
if (keys.Length > 1)
return stream.ToArray();
private int ParseInteger(FontBinaryReader reader, int b0)
if (b0 is >= 32 and <= 246)
return b0 - 139;
byte b1 = reader.ReadByte();
if (b0 is >= 247 and <= 250)
return (b0 - 247) * 256 + b1 + 108;
if (b0 is >= 251 and <= 254)
return -(b0 - 251) * 256 - b1 - 108;
byte b2 = reader.ReadByte();
if (b0 is 28)
return b1 << 8 | b2;
byte b3 = reader.ReadByte();
byte b4 = reader.ReadByte();
// b0 is 29
return b1 << 24 | b2 << 16 | b3 << 8 | b4;
private void WriteInteger(FontBinaryWriter writer, int no)
if (no is >= -107 and <= 107)
writer.WriteUInt8((byte)(no + 139));
else if (no is >= 108 and <= 1131)
writer.WriteUInt8((byte)(((int)(no - 108) / 256) + 247));
writer.WriteUInt8((byte)((no - 108) % 256));
else if (no is >= -1131 and <= -108)
writer.WriteUInt8((byte)(((int)(no + 108) / -256) + 251));
writer.WriteUInt8((byte)((-no - 108) % -256));
else if (no is >= -32768 and <= 32767)
writer.WriteUInt8((byte)(no >> 8));
writer.WriteUInt8((byte)(no & 0x00ff));
writer.WriteUInt8((byte)(no >> 24));
writer.WriteUInt8((byte)((no >> 16) & 0x000000ff));
writer.WriteUInt8((byte)((no >> 8) & 0x000000ff));
writer.WriteUInt8((byte)(no & 0x000000ff));
internal static int GetDeltaIntegerLength(int before, int after)
var getLength = (int no) =>
no is >= -107 and <= 107 ? 1
: no is (>= 108 and <= 1131) or (-1131 and <= -108) ? 2
: no is >= -32768 and <= 32767 ? 3 : 5;
return getLength(after) - getLength(before);
public class IndexData
internal byte Offsize;
internal List<byte[]> Data { get; set; } = new();
internal IndexData(byte offsize)
Offsize = offsize;
internal static IndexData Parse(FontBinaryReader reader)
ushort count = reader.ReadUInt16();
byte offsize = reader.ReadUInt8();
var offset = new uint[count + 1];
var indexData = new IndexData(offsize);
for (int i = 0; i < count + 1; i++)
offset[i] =
offsize == 1 ? (uint)reader.ReadUInt8() :
offsize == 2 ? reader.ReadUInt16() :
offsize == 3 ? reader.ReadUInt24() : reader.ReadUInt32();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
indexData.Data.Add(reader.ReadBytes((int)(offset[i + 1] - offset[i])));
return indexData;
internal byte[] ToArray()
var stream = new MemoryStream();
using var writer = new FontBinaryWriter(stream);
int dataSize = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < Data.Count + 1; i++)
if (Offsize == 1)
if (Offsize == 2)
if (Offsize == 3)
if (Offsize == 4)
if (i < Data.Count)
dataSize += Data[i].Length;
foreach (Byte[] bytes in Data)
return stream.ToArray();
public class Charsets
internal List<ushort> Glyph { get; } = new();
internal void Parse(FontBinaryReader reader, int nGlyphs, int fdSelectOffset)
byte format = reader.ReadUInt8();
// Format 0
if (format is 0)
for (int i = 0; i < nGlyphs - 1; i++)
Glyph[i] = reader.ReadUInt16();
// Format 1, 2
if (format is 1 or 2)
while (reader.Position < fdSelectOffset)
ushort first = reader.ReadUInt16();
ushort nLeft = format == 1 ? (ushort)reader.ReadUInt8() : reader.ReadUInt16();
for (int i = 0; i <= nLeft; i++)
Glyph.Add((ushort)(first + i));
internal byte[] ToArray()
var stream = new MemoryStream();
using var writer = new FontBinaryWriter(stream);
// Format 0 only
foreach (ushort cid in Glyph)
return stream.ToArray();
public class FDSelect
internal List<byte> Fds { get; } = new();
internal void Parse(FontBinaryReader reader, int nGlyphs)
byte format = reader.ReadUInt8();
// Format 0
if (format == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < nGlyphs; i++)
// Format 3
if (format == 3)
ushort nRanges = reader.ReadUInt16();
ushort first = reader.ReadUInt16();
for (int i = 0; i < nRanges; i++)
byte fd = reader.ReadUInt8();
ushort firstOrSentinel = reader.ReadUInt16();
for (int gid = first; gid < firstOrSentinel; gid++)
first = firstOrSentinel;
internal byte[] ToArray()
var stream = new MemoryStream();
using var writer = new FontBinaryWriter(stream);
// Format 0 only
foreach (byte fd in Fds)
return stream.ToArray();
using System;
public class FontBinaryReader : BinaryReader
public FontBinaryReader(Stream stream)
_stream = stream;
public int Length
get { return (int)_stream.Length; }
public int Position
get { return (int)_stream.Position; }
set { _stream.Position = value; }
public byte[] AllBytes
var pos = Position;
Position = 0;
byte[] bytes = ReadBytes((int)_stream.Length);
Position = pos;
return bytes;
public static FontBinaryReader FromReader(FontBinaryReader reader, int offset, int length)
var slicedBytes = new Byte[length];
int position = reader.Position;
Buffer.BlockCopy(reader.AllBytes, offset, slicedBytes, 0, length);
reader.Position = position;
var stream = new MemoryStream(slicedBytes);
return new FontBinaryReader(stream);
public byte ReadUInt8()
return ReadByte();
public override ushort ReadUInt16()
var bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(base.ReadUInt16());
return BitConverter.ToUInt16(SwapBytes(bytes));
public uint ReadUInt24()
uint no = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
no = (no << 8) + (uint)(ReadByte() & 0xff);
return no;
public override uint ReadUInt32()
var bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(base.ReadUInt32());
return BitConverter.ToUInt32(SwapBytes(bytes));
public new string ReadChars(int length)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
return sb.ToString();
public void Skip(int length)
Position += length;
internal static byte[] SwapBytes(byte[] bytes)
return bytes;
using System;
public class FontBinaryWriter : BinaryWriter
public FontBinaryWriter(Stream stream) : base(stream) { }
public void WriteUInt8(byte value)
public void WriteUInt16(ushort value)
Write((byte)(value >> 8 & 0xff));
Write((byte)(value & 0xff));
public void WriteUInt24(uint value)
Write((byte)(value >> 16 & 0xff));
Write((byte)(value >> 8 & 0xff));
Write((byte)(value & 0xff));
public void WriteUInt32(uint value)
Write((byte)(value >> 24 & 0xff));
Write((byte)(value >> 16 & 0xff));
Write((byte)(value >> 8 & 0xff));
Write((byte)(value & 0xff));
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