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Created January 27, 2022 23:55
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Lists in the PGF API
abstract Conjunctions = {
S ; NP ; AP ; Conj ;
[NP]{2} ;
[AP]{2} ;
Pred : NP -> AP -> S ; -- the pizza is Italian
ConjNP : Conj -> [NP] -> NP ; -- pizza, beer and sandwich
ConjAP : Conj -> [AP] -> AP ; -- Italian, cold and crispy
pizza_NP, beer_NP, sandwich_NP : NP ;
Italian_AP, cold_AP, crispy_AP : AP ;
and_Conj : Conj ;
module Conjunctions where
import PGF hiding (Tree)
-- automatic translation from GF to Haskell
class Gf a where
gf :: a -> Expr
fg :: Expr -> a
newtype GString = GString String deriving Show
instance Gf GString where
gf (GString x) = mkStr x
fg t =
case unStr t of
Just x -> GString x
Nothing -> error ("no GString " ++ show t)
newtype GInt = GInt Int deriving Show
instance Gf GInt where
gf (GInt x) = mkInt x
fg t =
case unInt t of
Just x -> GInt x
Nothing -> error ("no GInt " ++ show t)
newtype GFloat = GFloat Double deriving Show
instance Gf GFloat where
gf (GFloat x) = mkFloat x
fg t =
case unFloat t of
Just x -> GFloat x
Nothing -> error ("no GFloat " ++ show t)
-- below this line machine-generated
data GAP =
GConjAP GConj GListAP
| GItalian_AP
| Gcold_AP
| Gcrispy_AP
deriving Show
data GConj = Gand_Conj
deriving Show
-- The list categories are represented as real Haskell lists
newtype GListAP = GListAP [GAP] deriving Show
newtype GListNP = GListNP [GNP] deriving Show
data GNP =
GConjNP GConj GListNP
| Gbeer_NP
| Gpizza_NP
| Gsandwich_NP
deriving Show
data GS = GPred GNP GAP
deriving Show
instance Gf GAP where
gf (GConjAP x1 x2) = mkApp (mkCId "ConjAP") [gf x1, gf x2]
gf GItalian_AP = mkApp (mkCId "Italian_AP") []
gf Gcold_AP = mkApp (mkCId "cold_AP") []
gf Gcrispy_AP = mkApp (mkCId "crispy_AP") []
fg t =
case unApp t of
Just (i,[x1,x2]) | i == mkCId "ConjAP" -> GConjAP (fg x1) (fg x2)
Just (i,[]) | i == mkCId "Italian_AP" -> GItalian_AP
Just (i,[]) | i == mkCId "cold_AP" -> Gcold_AP
Just (i,[]) | i == mkCId "crispy_AP" -> Gcrispy_AP
_ -> error ("no AP " ++ show t)
instance Gf GConj where
gf Gand_Conj = mkApp (mkCId "and_Conj") []
fg t =
case unApp t of
Just (i,[]) | i == mkCId "and_Conj" -> Gand_Conj
_ -> error ("no Conj " ++ show t)
instance Gf GListAP where
gf (GListAP [x1,x2]) = mkApp (mkCId "BaseAP") [gf x1, gf x2]
gf (GListAP (x:xs)) = mkApp (mkCId "ConsAP") [gf x, gf (GListAP xs)]
fg t =
GListAP (fgs t) where
fgs t = case unApp t of
Just (i,[x1,x2]) | i == mkCId "BaseAP" -> [fg x1, fg x2]
Just (i,[x1,x2]) | i == mkCId "ConsAP" -> fg x1 : fgs x2
_ -> error ("no ListAP " ++ show t)
instance Gf GListNP where
gf (GListNP [x1,x2]) = mkApp (mkCId "BaseNP") [gf x1, gf x2]
gf (GListNP (x:xs)) = mkApp (mkCId "ConsNP") [gf x, gf (GListNP xs)]
fg t =
GListNP (fgs t) where
fgs t = case unApp t of
Just (i,[x1,x2]) | i == mkCId "BaseNP" -> [fg x1, fg x2]
Just (i,[x1,x2]) | i == mkCId "ConsNP" -> fg x1 : fgs x2
_ -> error ("no ListNP " ++ show t)
instance Gf GNP where
gf (GConjNP x1 x2) = mkApp (mkCId "ConjNP") [gf x1, gf x2]
gf Gbeer_NP = mkApp (mkCId "beer_NP") []
gf Gpizza_NP = mkApp (mkCId "pizza_NP") []
gf Gsandwich_NP = mkApp (mkCId "sandwich_NP") []
fg t =
case unApp t of
Just (i,[x1,x2]) | i == mkCId "ConjNP" -> GConjNP (fg x1) (fg x2)
Just (i,[]) | i == mkCId "beer_NP" -> Gbeer_NP
Just (i,[]) | i == mkCId "pizza_NP" -> Gpizza_NP
Just (i,[]) | i == mkCId "sandwich_NP" -> Gsandwich_NP
_ -> error ("no NP " ++ show t)
instance Gf GS where
gf (GPred x1 x2) = mkApp (mkCId "Pred") [gf x1, gf x2]
fg t =
case unApp t of
Just (i,[x1,x2]) | i == mkCId "Pred" -> GPred (fg x1) (fg x2)
_ -> error ("no S " ++ show t)
concrete ConjunctionsEng of Conjunctions = open SyntaxEng, ParadigmsEng in {
S = SyntaxEng.S ;
NP = SyntaxEng.NP ;
AP = SyntaxEng.AP ;
Conj = SyntaxEng.Conj ;
[NP] = SyntaxEng.ListNP ;
[AP] = SyntaxEng.ListAP ;
-- NP -> AP -> S ; -- the pizza is Italian
Pred np ap = mkS (mkCl np ap) ;
-- : Conj -> [NP] -> NP ; -- pizza, beer and sandwich
ConjNP and nps = mkNP and nps ;
-- : Conj -> [AP] -> AP ; -- Italian, cold and crispy
ConjAP and aps = mkAP and aps ;
pizza_NP = mkNP (mkN "pizza") ;
beer_NP = mkNP (mkN "beer") ;
sandwich_NP = mkNP (mkN "sandwich") ;
Italian_AP = mkAP (mkA "Italian") ;
cold_AP = mkAP (mkA "cold") ;
crispy_AP = mkAP (mkA "crispy") ;
and_Conj = SyntaxEng.and_Conj;
BaseAP = SyntaxEng.mkListAP ;
ConsAP = SyntaxEng.mkListAP ;
BaseNP = SyntaxEng.mkListNP ;
ConsNP = SyntaxEng.mkListNP ;
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