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Created March 24, 2023 14:13
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How to use GF lists in Foods grammar
abstract FoodsList = {
flags coding = utf8 ;
flags startcat = Comment ;
Comment ; Item ; Kind ; Quality ;
[Comment]{2} ; -- List of Comments
-- BaseComment and ConsComment are added automatically
-- We only have to define a function from list to a single comment
Repeat : [Comment] -> Comment ;
Pred : Item -> Quality -> Comment ;
This, That : Kind -> Item ;
Mod : Quality -> Kind -> Kind ;
Wine, Cheese, Fish : Kind ;
Very : Quality -> Quality ;
Fresh, Warm, Italian,Expensive, Delicious, Boring : Quality ;
concrete FoodsListEng of FoodsList = open Prelude, Coordination in {
Comment, Item, Kind, Quality = SS ; -- from Prelude
[Comment] = Coordination.ListX ; -- from Coordination
-- We still have to define linearisations for the list funs
BaseComment = Coordination.twoSS ;
ConsComment = Coordination.consrSS "," ;
Repeat = Coordination.conjunctSS (ss "and") ;
Pred i q = cc3 i (ss "is") q ;
This = cc2 (ss "this") ;
That = cc2 (ss "that") ;
Mod = cc2 ;
Wine = ss "wine" ;
Cheese = ss "cheese" ;
Fish = ss "fish" ;
Fresh = ss "fresh" ;
Warm = ss "warm" ;
Italian = ss "Italian" ;
FoodsList> gr Repeat ? | l -treebank
FoodsList: Repeat (ConsComment (Pred (This Wine) Fresh) (BaseComment (Pred (This Wine) Warm) (Pred (That Wine) Warm)))
FoodsListEng: this wine is fresh , this wine is warm and that wine is warm
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