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Forked from gabrielmancini/gist:bbb0d8402007d73e84ee
Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Save inator/aa1ab6ab2029f21c5f2f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Hoodie plugin template
* An example plugin worker, this is where you put your backend code (if any)
var OAuth = require('oauthio'),
session = require('express-session'),
async = require('async'),
_ = require('lodash'),
debug = require('debug'),
log = debug('app:log'),
error = debug('app:error');
OauthIo = require('./lib/oauthio');
error.log = console.error.bind(console);
exports.dbname = 'plugins/hoodie-plugin-oauthio';
module.exports = function (hoodie, callback) {
var taskUpdates = new Array();
var oauth_cofig = hoodie.config.get('oauthio_config'),
pluginDb = hoodie.database(exports.dbname),
oauthio = new OauthIo(hoodie, pluginDb);
if (!oauth_cofig) {
var session_object = session({secret: 'keyboard cat'});
var default_oauthio_config = {
'enabled': false,
'settings': {
'url': '',
'publicKey': '',
'secretKey': ''
hoodie.config.set('oauthio_config', default_oauthio_config);
oauth_cofig = hoodie.config.get('oauthio_config');
//OAuth.setOAuthdURL(oauth_cofig.settings.url, '/');
OAuth.setOAuthdUrl(oauth_cofig.settings.url, '/');
OAuth.initialize(oauth_cofig.settings.publicKey, oauth_cofig.settings.secretKey);
hoodie.task.on('add', function (db, doc) {
doProcess(db, doc);
// if (tasks[] !== undefined) {
// return false;
// } else {
// tasks[] = true;
// }
// if (doc.type === '$getoauthconfig') oauthio.getOauthConfig(db, doc);
// if (doc.type === '$verifyuser') oauthio.verifyUser(db, doc);
// if (doc.type === '$signupwith') oauthio.signUpWith(db, doc);
// if (doc.type === '$updatesignupwith') oauthio.updateSignUpWith(db, doc);
// return false;
function doProcess(db, doc) {
if (taskUpdates.indexOf( > -1) {
doProcess(db, doc);
} else {
* taskUpdates.splice(taskUpdates.indexOf(, 1);
//for testing
setTimeout(function() {
taskUpdates.splice(taskUpdates.indexOf(, 1);
if (doc.type === '$getoauthconfig') oauthio.getOauthConfig(db, doc);
if (doc.type === '$verifyuser') oauthio.verifyUser(db, doc);
if (doc.type === '$signupwith') oauthio.signUpWith(db, doc);
if (doc.type === '$updatesignupwith') oauthio.updateSignUpWith(db, doc);
// initialize the plugin
async.apply(extendDb, hoodie, pluginDb),
async.apply(exports.dbAdd, hoodie),
async.apply(exports.dbIndex, hoodie, pluginDb)
exports.dbAdd = function (hoodie, callback) {
hoodie.database.add(exports.dbname, function (err) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
return callback();
exports.dbIndex = function (hoodie, pluginDb, callback) {
var index = {
map: function (doc) {
if( {
emit(, doc._id);
pluginDb.addIndex('by_email', index, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
return callback();
function extendDb(hoodie, pluginDb, cb) {
var db = pluginDb;
* CouchDB views created using `db.addIndex()` are all stored in the same
* design document: `_design/views`.
* See
var views_ddoc_id = '_design/views';
var views_ddoc_url = db._resolve(views_ddoc_id);
* Creates new design doc with CouchDB view on db
db.addIndex = function (name, mapReduce, callback) {
if (!mapReduce || !_.isFunction( {
return callback(new Error('db.addIndex() expects mapReduce ' +
'object to contain a map function.'));
hoodie.request('GET', views_ddoc_url, {}, function (err, ddoc, res) {
if (res.statusCode === 404) {
// not found, so we use new object.
ddoc = {
language: 'javascript',
views: {}
} else if (err) {
return callback(err);
// View functions need to be serialised/stringified.
var serialised = _.reduce(mapReduce, function (memo, v, k) {
memo[k] = _.isFunction(v) ? v.toString() : v;
return memo;
}, {});
// If view code has not changed we don't need to do anything else.
// NOTE: Not sure if this is the best way to deal with this. This
// saves work and avoids unnecessarily overwriting the
// `_design/views` document when no actual changes have been made to
// the view code (map/reduce).
if (_.isEqual(serialised, ddoc.views[name])) {
return callback(null, {
ok: true,
id: ddoc._id,
rev: ddoc._rev
ddoc.views[name] = serialised;
hoodie.request('PUT', views_ddoc_url, {data: ddoc}, callback);
* Removes couchdb view from db
db.removeIndex = function (name, callback) {
hoodie.request('GET', views_ddoc_url, {}, function (err, ddoc) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
if (ddoc.views && ddoc.views[name]) {
delete ddoc.views[name];
hoodie.request('PUT', views_ddoc_url, {data: ddoc}, callback);
* Query a couchdb view on db
* Arguments:
* * `index` is the name of the view we want to query.
* * `params` is an object with view query parameters to be passed on when
* sending request to CouchDB. There is a special `params.parse` property
* that is not passed to CouchDB but used to know whether we should parse
* the values in the results as proper documents (translating couchdb's
* `_id` to hoodie's `id` and so on). If your view's map function emits
* whole documents as values you will probably want to use `params.parse` so
* that you get a nice array of docs as you would with `db.findAll()`.
db.query = function (index, params, callback) {
// `params` is optional, when only two args passed second is callback.
if (arguments.length === 2) {
callback = params;
params = null;
var view_url = db._resolve('_design/views/_view/' + index);
// If params have been passed we build the query string.
if (params) {
var qs = _.reduce(params, function (memo, v, k) {
if (k === 'parse') { return memo; }
if (memo) { memo += '&'; }
return memo + k + '=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(v));
}, '');
if (qs) {
view_url += '?' + qs;
hoodie.request('GET', view_url, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
var results = data.rows;
// If `params.parse` was set we need to parse the value in each row
// as a proper document.
if (params && params.parse) {
results = (r) {
return options.parse(r.value);
callback(null, results, _.omit(data, [ 'rows' ]));
return cb();
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